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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


good credit (by proxy)
i just lost like 7 in a row after winning 3 finals in a row earlier today. god, i think the late crowd are just monsters.

My blood is filled with the true spirit of Believe. These colors don't run.


Archie said:
Guile is a pretty bad matchup for Honda...or I suck against Guile.
He's pretty devastating. The Sonic Booms come out so quickly and have insane recovery, so it's very difficult to advance on him. Any kind of jump-in is met with an uppercut or an air throw. Throw in a good cross-up and those fast little jabs and he's a nightmare.
myDingling said:
And GG MicVlad. It's true what they say about your Dhalsim @_@ You play him much differently than anyone Ive ever seen. Any pointers for me you might have?
Not really, no. Only thing that comes to mind is that I thought you could've attacked a bit more Cammy has great speed.

Threi said:
*edit* don't worry MicVlad i have made it my life mission to be able to kick your sim's ass one day :D

And why did threi get banned? DID HE DROP THE NAGGER BOMB AGAIN!?

jdub03 said:
I havent read it all but he has pictures of how to hold the joystick. Might help.

Sweet, the YouTube video where he shows how he does quarter-circle motions doesn't work anymore.

qcf x2 said:
The only thing annoying me now...well, besides my stick sometimes not wanting me to block when I'm plainly holding the correct direction....is how garbage Sakura and Dan are. Dan is a joke character so I get it, and I use him for those purposes but I'd rather if his slot was taken by one of the characters that actually won the Capcom popularity poll. And Sakura, well, the girl has no range, a SRK that doesn't anti-air, has horrible problems closing distance and has no reliable cross up. She's good when people whiff big moves. And that's it. They seriously need to give her the King of Fighters dash in the next iteration. At least that way she can have something.
Eh, I don't think Dan's that bad in this game, despite his joke character status. The only lackluster move he has (in my humble opinion) is his fireball obviously, and the majority of his other moves seem decent to good. Even his Ultra is acceptable (moreso compared to certain other characters), unless you're really transparent when you're going to use it since your foe can Focus Attack it.

Relix said:
Just double perfected a Zangief in a final. Felt so GOOD. :lol
Oh, that reminds me... Wanna know what's even more hilarious? Dizzying Zangief. Twice. As Dhalsim.

I swear that guy hardly blocked at all and thought he could easily win with a counter-pick since I carry a Dhalsim title (AND A FLOWER POWER ICON).


Whine Whine FADC Troll
gutter_trash said:
I agree.
It makes me want to stop playing SF4 altogether (seriously no joke)

Problem is HDR Honda made me feel scrubby when I won with him. SF4 Honda is a lot more fun. The problem with him is that he dies hard to Ken, Guile, Boxer, and has real issues with the shotoscrub wonder twins (Sagat/Ryu). Let's put it this way, the first group is all 3-7, and I view the other two as 3.5-6.5

Capcom has never figured out how to make Ryu interesting outside of ST.


MicVlaD said:
Eh, I don't think Dan's that bad in this game, despite his joke character status. The only lackluster move he has (in my humble opinion) is his fireball obviously, and the majority of his other moves seem decent to good. Even his Ultra is acceptable (moreso compared to certain other characters), unless you're really transparent when you're going to use it since your foe can Focus Attack it.

I won a round against a Sagat with Dan's air taunt yesterday. Best damn move in the game! (well not really; still funny move)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Won said:
I won a round against a Sagat with Dan's air taunt yesterday. Best damn move in the game! (well not really; still funny move)

he has an air taunt?

I love his super taunt it's awesome.


FindMyFarms said:
So apparently I'm not good at this game. After playing my tourney match on my friend's ps3, I went on to try championship mode and went around 0-9.

Props to you guys winning a lot of online games/tournaments.

Were you ever good?

TimeKillr said:
Were you ever good?


Well, I used to be able to beat Kens online when the game came out :lol But now they're beyond me T_T

I guess the answer you're looking for is no

EraldoCoil said:
eh, it's just an off day, everyone has an off day. you beast with your rog

That's only because Rog has teh jabz


pee power ftw


How the hell am I supposed to beat turtles? I keep coming up against these Ken and Sagat guys who just crouch the entire fight with random streams of fireballs and dragon punches mingled in. They're so boring, but I can't beat them!! Fei Long has no shitty fireballs!
karasu said:
How the hell am I supposed to beat turtles? I keep coming up against these Ken and Sagat guys who just crouch the entire fight with random streams of fireballs and dragon punches mingled in. They're so boring, but I can't beat them!! Fei Long has no shitty fireballs!
how do you use chicken wing?

qcf x2

Eh, I don't think Dan's that bad in this game, despite his joke character status. The only lackluster move he has (in my humble opinion) is his fireball obviously, and the majority of his other moves seem decent to good. Even his Ultra is acceptable (moreso compared to certain other characters), unless you're really transparent when you're going to use it since your foe can Focus Attack it.

His normals do minimal damage, he has generally shitty combos and his pokes are slow. I've taken time to learn how to use him so trust me I'm not just basing this off of one or two matches. The damage is verifiable in Training Mode. Not that you'll ever use a normal with him besides cr.LK, cr.FP or cr.MK anyways, since the rest are entirely useless. His dragon punch is a dragon punch so that's useful enough and his light Dan kick is useful up close, but that's about it unless someone does a focus attack close to you and you use the EX dan kick which does pitiful damage. If you do land a combo it's likely a two or three hitter that does throw damage. You can't really rush down with him and you can't play too defensively either (the normals). He was better in SFA in my opinion. Give him an overhead and he'd be usable in serious matches. I kinda wish Capcom woulda considered that (and the run for Sakura).

Edit: Chicken Wing is Fei Long's qcf, uf +kick move.
karasu said:
How the hell am I supposed to beat turtles? I keep coming up against these Ken and Sagat guys who just crouch the entire fight with random streams of fireballs and dragon punches mingled in. They're so boring, but I can't beat them!! Fei Long has no shitty fireballs!

Use Fei's focus attack, one of the best in the game.


Did my first 5 games in G1. Still not much going on. Lost 3, won 2. First win was against number 3 on the leaderboard. (so you don't lose that many points I guess if you suck^^) Win number 2 against a Blanka, who probably is G3 material......

At least the Blarog player owned me. But nothing new here. *jabjabjab*
GAF - Need your opinion

Got a new camera like I mentioned..
Just need to see what you guys think of the quality.. this is with AV-In so this is the quality if I force myself to play on composite then I can use the AV-In and it will look like this..

Tell me how you think it sounds and looks

Make sure to view in HQ (High Quality)

2 with sound

No sound because I screwed up :X

Excuse my crap play.. Just plugged in a normal 360 controller to test agst people in random player matches.

So what do you guys think? Suitable enough? I don't have the off screen shot with just a camera on a tripod .. I would have to do that if I take this to a place and we played on a HDTV though.. it has some focus issues and some scan lines that are visible but it also looks okay.. and can play in 720p (or somewhere near that quality) according to the camera.


Also I played with the TE stick for about 2 hours straight last night in training and in player matches. I did suprisingly okay though I flail alot with the stick. Either way.. I'm gonna keep working on it. I get QCF motions down pretty well.. I can't link them into any normal move though (ie: Ryu cr. MK -> Tatsu).. I'm not sure why.. its just so hard. I can do the fireball just fine..

Also having issues with the dragon punch movements a bit. I did pull off a few FADC Ryu Ultra combos in training yesterday on the stick amazingly but it was pure luck. I did go back to the pad to play one guy who kept spamming shoryuken's (low punch) and I couldn't get in correctly so I schooled him about 10 times on a pad then logged out for the night. Gotta get use to the stick! I'm determined!
good Fuerte TS!!

I know Elf doesn't have a lot to work with...but fuck man, the moment that guy knocks me down it becomes strictly a guessing game on my end...gets me everytime.

What's ur equipment TS?
arstal said:
Problem is HDR Honda made me feel scrubby when I won with him. SF4 Honda is a lot more fun. The problem with him is that he dies hard to Ken, Guile, Boxer, and has real issues with the shotoscrub wonder twins (Sagat/Ryu). Let's put it this way, the first group is all 3-7, and I view the other two as 3.5-6.5

Capcom has never figured out how to make Ryu interesting outside of ST.

I preffer the LP Headbutt from ST with the colision hitting opponents even from the back of his neck...

SF4 = cross me up, I m goign to eat it!


TurtleSnatcher said:
Not enough tostada presses!
but seriously the quality is pretty good. Man, i dont know if I can make myself play over composite though :lol

Haven't seen your fuerte in a while. It's looking pretty good though.
Started playing again and I find that i'm not scared of any ELFs since I know yours is probably better than most of the ones imma face.

Still tough getting used to the stick. Might hop back to my pad to try and catch up to people :(
Man why you all commenting on my play :p

I was on a 360 pad just testing the camera not even actually trying and sitting on the ground like 3 inches from the screen :lol


you know you can ride the bottom of the gate for dragon punch moves? it makes it very easy to link moves into DP... 323 punch/kick or 121 punch/kick. and if you're in a back/crouch position it basically becomes a charge movement without the charge.
karasu said:
How the hell am I supposed to beat turtles? I keep coming up against these Ken and Sagat guys who just crouch the entire fight with random streams of fireballs and dragon punches mingled in. They're so boring, but I can't beat them!! Fei Long has no shitty fireballs!

Turtle back. FADC fireballs and jump them. Piss them off.

Which reminds me yesterday I played a Ken who immediately started jumping back into crouch position. At first I start moving towards him and then I said fucking it. I did the same thing and we dicked around for 30sec. I started taunting and he would mimic me. I'd throw out a random and he'd do the same. As he was taunting though, I quickly went in for a full screen Hooligan and chipped just a sliver of health. At which he musta gotten pissed and finally started coming at me.

Anyway, the best part of the match was at the very end. Only a few seconds left and I whiff my ultra trying to chip him down. He stands at the otherwise of the screen and starts taunting. With 1 second left I Spiral Arrow full screen to clip him just enough to take him down, 1 sec left on the timer. He musta been pissed, haha.

Beat him handily next round.
dralla said:
you know you can ride the bottom of the gate for dragon punch moves? it makes it very easy to link moves into DP... 323 punch/kick or 121 punch/kick. and if you're in a back/crouch position it basically becomes a charge movement without the charge.
BotoxAgent said:
good Fuerte TS!!

I know Elf doesn't have a lot to work with...but fuck man, the moment that guy knocks me down it becomes strictly a guessing game on my end...gets me everytime.

What's ur equipment TS?

This is some Aiptek HD Camcorder

This one specifically


But its only AV in not Component in can't take anything higher then composite.. And it takes whatever is playing on the TV so I have to play composite to get it. If I try playing HD XB360 and plugging it into AV, it just doesnt read the TV and finds no inputs are hooked in.


Oh well.

EDIT: FRICK! DOUBLE POST! Argh!! I always hit reply.. so I can cut it out after I'm done typing to edit in my last post then I forget.. :lol

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Timedog said:
any good xbox 360 arcade sticks that are comparable to the madcatz TE?

get the SE version and mod it with sanwa parts (easy)

I just posted pics of mine ~2 pages back.

THEY ARE AWESOME (and come in at a cheaper price) the bits that matter (buttons and sticks) are the same as the TE sticks after you mod it. Mine came in about 40 euros cheaper each including the mod than a TE stick.


both of mine crapped out 1 button each within a day of each other, less than 6 weeks after use.


Ken is giving me the "eyes"......



I know you guys are out there! Come out and fight!

Whining aside, no Ryus or Sagats or Zangiefs so far!

Now back to player matches.
Timedog said:
HRAP? there's like 29 different HRAP's. Are those the best ones? isn't there like a HRAP2 and HRAP3?
HRAP and HRAP2 are for PS2. HRAP3 is for PS3.

You are looking for an Xbox 360 stick. HRAP EX is for 360.
FindMyFarms said:
I thought the feed was really good man, great quality. Also, nice Fuerte, even when not trying, you pwnt the shit outta those dudes and didn't drop a single round.

Okay good we have an option for times we are at the House of Goons (I've only been there) so I know they have SDTV's and we been playing in standard def I believe..

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
god DAMNIT beat an 11000 chun followed by a 9000 sagat.

Then a 4000 balrog shows up and JUST beats me first round (i'm blanka, so it's hard) second round he is almost dead, way to close to me so I can get him with chip damage off my ultra. I coward crouch instead and eat super for the loss.

fuuuuuc that would have been my shot at a replay upload if I made it to the final :(
Won said:
Ken is giving me the "eyes"......

*IMG snipped out*


I know you guys are out there! Come out and fight!

Whining aside, no Ryus or Sagats or Zangiefs so far!

Now back to player matches.

You on PS3? There's no one to play against in CE... 360 is way better, though, for finding opponents. Or maybe it's because I'm still G3 on PS3 but G2 on 360.
catfish said:
god DAMNIT beat an 11000 chun followed by a 9000 sagat.

Then a 4000 balrog shows up and JUST beats me first round (i'm blanka, so it's hard) second round he is almost dead, way to close to me so I can get him with chip damage off my ultra. I coward crouch instead and eat super for the loss.

fuuuuuc that would have been my shot at a replay upload if I made it to the final :(

Seriously. I was playing as Abel and I had almost the same thing happen this past Sunday... I think I was at around 35,000CP when I reached the final and almost had it, would have been at around 60,000 if I had won. Lost to a Bison when he had a sliver of life left. I yelled "FUUUUUCK!!!!!"


thirtytwoutside said:
You on PS3? There's no one to play against in CE... 360 is way better, though, for finding opponents. Or maybe it's because I'm still G3 on PS3 but G2 on 360.

That screen was semi-final G1 on X360. But I see that all the time in the first round too at the moment.
At least the competition seems a bit better, if someone shows up. Lost 3 or 4 games in a row earlier. :lol

But yeah. Ps3 is supposed to be even worse.
I think Threi was banned because of his avatar? I dunno .. he was also posting in that console defining this generation thread which just screams for console war talk.. :lol


Second-rate Anihawk
TurtleSnatcher said:
I think Threi was banned because of his avatar? I dunno .. he was also posting in that console defining this generation thread which just screams for console war talk.. :lol
He should know better. That thread was a honeypot. :|
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