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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Nose Master

qcf x2 said:
His normals do minimal damage, he has generally shitty combos and his pokes are slow. I've taken time to learn how to use him so trust me I'm not just basing this off of one or two matches. The damage is verifiable in Training Mode. Not that you'll ever use a normal with him besides cr.LK, cr.FP or cr.MK anyways, since the rest are entirely useless. His dragon punch is a dragon punch so that's useful enough and his light Dan kick is useful up close, but that's about it unless someone does a focus attack close to you and you use the EX dan kick which does pitiful damage. If you do land a combo it's likely a two or three hitter that does throw damage. You can't really rush down with him and you can't play too defensively either (the normals). He was better in SFA in my opinion. Give him an overhead and he'd be usable in serious matches. I kinda wish Capcom woulda considered that (and the run for Sakura).

Edit: Chicken Wing is Fei Long's qcf, uf +kick move.

I have about 4000CP exclusively using dan :X. Everything you said is right, he's just so god damn fun. I just fucking hate Zangiefs and Sagats. You can be completely running the show and die in two combos.

Also: Jump in light danykuku(whateverthefuckshittyhurricanekicksarecalled) beat just about everything. Cept shoryukens. Including lariats <3

Edit: His ultra is really easy to connect, also. Any fireball, jump in, etc, and it's pretty much going to connect.
toneroni said:
also stay far far away from OT lol

bake em away..toys.. :lol

i actually like the OT but I stay away from asking pictures of past girlfriends lol

anyone playing this week-end? If I dont get my copy of Bionic Commando, I will be on sat/sun

I want to try out new characters with GafChatters

Zabka said:
Here's a good example of Guile completely controlling two rounds of a fight against Honda:


Guiles like this drive me insane.
Guile is such a horrible match-up for Honda, another reason why I want to main other characters
Nose Master said:
I have about 4000CP exclusively using dan :X. Everything you said is right, he's just so god damn fun. I just fucking hate Zangiefs and Sagats. You can be completely running the show and die in two combos.

Also: Jump in light danykuku(whateverthefuckshittyhurricanekicksarecalled) beat just about everything. Cept shoryukens. Including lariats <3

Edit: His ultra is really easy to connect, also. Any fireball, jump in, etc, and it's pretty much going to connect.

try j.FP, FP into koryuken vs careless lariant spamming. some zangief ate shit that way today =)

about bannages: another one banned? yay! few more and the SF thread will be empty.


Zabka said:
Here's a good example of Guile completely controlling two rounds of a fight against Honda:


Guiles like this drive me insane.

I've really been studying this guy's Guile. Because of him, I've been doing the "MP > Flash Kick" and the standing fierce kick more often. He's REALLY friggin good.

And yeah....wow at the somewhat racist commentary :lol

ETA: LOVED the taunt :lol


Newbie here, just got the game and i went 1-2 in fights against people. How in the world do you pull off Ken's Ultra? It shows two fire ball like motions and three punch buttons and it doesn't work.


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
DCX said:
Newbie here, just got the game and i went 1-2 in fights against people. How in the world do you pull off Ken's Ultra? It shows two fire ball like motions and three punch buttons and it doesn't work.


1. don't use ken
2. that's the move just practice. Go into training mode and practice with command inputs on and it can show you what you are really doing.

How the hell do I escape Zangiefs SPD? Just got to a final, was doing well against him and then green hand to immediate spd.

about 3 times.

is there an escape for that piece of shit?


back up constantly, throw fireballs or use pokes. fighting geifs are boring. are the green hand armor breaking? can you focus attack through them?


catfish said:
1. don't use ken
2. that's the move just practice. Go into training mode and practice with command inputs on and it can show you what you are really doing.

How the hell do I escape Zangiefs SPD? Just got to a final, was doing well against him and then green hand to immediate spd.

about 3 times.

is there an escape for that piece of shit?

DCX said:
Newbie here, just got the game and i went 1-2 in fights against people. How in the world do you pull off Ken's Ultra? It shows two fire ball like motions and three punch buttons and it doesn't work.


Down, Down Forward, Forward, Down, Down Forward, Forward + 3 Punches at the same time or if you have a button mapped with all 3 punch buttons then just that..

Make sure to hit the 3 punches the same time you hit the last forward.

Its actually just takes some time.. and build in some speed and you will be okay. I like to move back to Neutral after the first fireball motion then back to down.
catfish said:
How the hell do I escape Zangiefs SPD? Just got to a final, was doing well against him and then green hand to immediate spd.

about 3 times.

is there an escape for that piece of shit?

you can punish green hand on block. he wont have time to do his SPD if you punish him.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
now that I think of it I don't know escapes for the following

1. zangiefs special throws (ultras escapable?)
2. Seth Super/Ultra
catfish said:
now that I think of it I don't know escapes for the following

1. zangiefs special throws (ultras escapable?)
2. Seth Super/Ultra

If Zangief's next to you and you're not holding up (and standing) when he does his ultra you can't escape it.

Seth's ultra isn't a grab, just don't get hit lol.
catfish said:
now that I think of it I don't know escapes for the following

1. zangiefs special throws (ultras escapable?)
2. Seth Super/Ultra

For Seth, as long as you block your safe I thought. His ultra is more for punishing on wake-up and as AA. No idea about Zangief though.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
FindMyFarms said:
If Zangief's next to you and you're not holding up (and standing) when he does his ultra you can't escape it.

Seth's ultra isn't a grab, just don't get hit lol.


the about of times I've seen blankas stupid head hit that f$#% screen......

seth is weird, it takes about 5 hits to kill him, 3 for a stun.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Down, Down Forward, Forward, Down, Down Forward, Forward + 3 Punches at the same time or if you have a button mapped with all 3 punch buttons then just that..

Make sure to hit the 3 punches the same time you hit the last forward.

Its actually just takes some time.. and build in some speed and you will be okay. I like to move back to Neutral after the first fireball motion then back to down.
Thanks man, i'll have to look into mapping the buttons.

DCX said:
Thanks man, i'll have to look into mapping the buttons.

You will get the hang of it easily. I guess doing fireballs is built into my blood since I was a kid so I have no issue.. though when I got this game Ive never really done double motions so it took me a few days but now I can do it without hesitating.


FindMyFarms said:
In all honesty Ross played reaaalllly bad those rounds. He usually plays a lot more patiently.
Patiently for what? Once Guile gets the tiny life lead the Sonic Booms will never stop.
like this? you will pretty much never encounter guiles like him, he is almost flawless. most people wont go anywhere near that level =)
I run into Guiles like that (but not as good, of course) fairly often. It doesn't take a lot of skill to throw non-stop Sonic Booms and uppercut or air throw jump-ins.

There really isn't much E. Honda can do. Even his straight jump, direction controlled HP is pretty useless outside of max range (same with Chun-Li). Guile recovers so fast that he can walk forward and sweep you before you hit the ground, since it doesn't hit low anymore. Even if you start the jump in before the Sonic Boom comes out you can hit with the HK while your fat ass hitbox gets hit and knocks you back out.

The one move that should help Honda advance is messed up too. The hitbox on his standing HK doesn't cover his foot, often causing it to clip through an opponent PS1 style. It doesn't have near the range advantage it looks like it does. Although, if you do two of them really fast it can hit. No idea why, it doesn't look like he moves forward at all.


G1 report part 472:

Got my first hate mail....at least I think I got one. Not exactly sure what he wanted to say. He was of course Zangief player. They really don't like losing...or putting effort into the game....

Also I have the feeling all finale games will be against Sagats. -.-

i don't know if any of you are toy/figure nerds like me, but that is fucking awesome


he's Virgin Tight™
catfish said:

the about of times I've seen blankas stupid head hit that f$#% screen......

seth is weird, it takes about 5 hits to kill him, 3 for a stun.

False. At least with Chun I just dash away.


I actually won a G2 tournament!
Granted, none of the people I beat were particularly decent (only one good Abel), but a win is a win! :)



Mrs. Harvey
Phatsaqs. Is that you on the leaderboards with that awesome Rose? That whupping on Sagat is epic.

Also, I finally got another replay uploaded. Beat someone with GP three times as much as I. :D And I noticed my DC went back to 0% after being at 1% yesterday.
"I played a Zangief yesterday that did the "glowing hand > SPD" to me 3 times in a row, and I thought back to GAF: "Hold UP, dummy!"

A blocked banishing flat is a free throw or combo for you. Don't skimp out on free damage.


good credit (by proxy)
eva01 said:
gamestop online has TE sticks in stock again for 360 and ps3

Jesus fucking christ. I check this morning around 9am pst and the website no longer even had a fucking page for the TE stick any more. I was searching for it on the site for 15 minutes so that even if it was sold out, I could check for local store availability. Then I do some stuff and take a nap and 9 hours later not only do they have a page for the item, not only was it back in stock, but it sold out in the same time period.


and now that I'm back on that piece of fucking shit site again, I notice there's no page for the SE stick either.

piece of shit. piece of fucking chili garbage urine soaked shit festering and boiling in a large cauldron for months, being distilled down to it's very shitty essence. Piece of shitfuck garbage-ass rotting hamburger meat shit.
Teknopathetic said:
"I played a Zangief yesterday that did the "glowing hand > SPD" to me 3 times in a row, and I thought back to GAF: "Hold UP, dummy!"

A blocked banishing flat is a free throw or combo for you. Don't skimp out on free damage.
Yup. The only problem is a whiffed jab banishing flat. If you don't see that coming and he's in throw range, ggpo.
TurtleSnatcher said:
I think Threi was banned because of his avatar? I dunno .. he was also posting in that console defining this generation thread which just screams for console war talk.. :lol
I thought he had the cartoon duck as his avatar?

FindMyFarms said:
they should port sf4 to the jaguar 64
Pfft, why bother? It'll never surpass this classic!

Kadey said:
Phatsaqs. Is that you on the leaderboards with that awesome Rose? That whupping on Sagat is epic.
Yup, that's him.

Teknopathetic said:
"I played a Zangief yesterday that did the "glowing hand > SPD" to me 3 times in a row, and I thought back to GAF: "Hold UP, dummy!"

A blocked banishing flat is a free throw or combo for you. Don't skimp out on free damage.
What about Zangief's Ultra? I also remember people saying "Constantly tap up!" as a means to escape from it, but I get grabbed by it anyways. Backdashing also doesn't work, unless my timing with that is off. Could it be a Dhalsim-only thing since his jump is rather slow?

Maybe I can teleport out of it and I know Yoga Tower will make it whif, but I often realise it too late whenever some bad Zangief prays a jump-in Ultra will net him the match.
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