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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Timedog said:
wasn't me, i don't even play Blanka!

Like someone from GAF would get positive rep from me. You guys can all burn in hell!

Also finally found someone, who easily destroyed me. He had no problem doing that hadouken>FADC>kick>light tatsu>kick>ex tatsu> well here he screwed up once and antoher time he added ultra, which of course does negative damage at this point probably, with Sakura. Looked nasty.

Even won a match, with Gen of all characters. Fingered his Rufus to death.
Zabka said:
There isn't much you can do besides rush in and hope Guile makes mistakes.

Neutral jump, neutral jump fp, FA's, butt stomp baits, just blocking, etc.

Like I said, he wasn't playing patient, he just jumped head on each time. If you watch other Mike Ross vids he plays with way more patience. Guile's sonic boom isn't some all encompassing force that makes you jump forward every time lol. Honda can still make his offense vs. Guile, you make it sound like a lost cause before the round starts. Last I checked, the match was 6-4 honda. Ross just wasn't into the match, you could tell.


FindMyFarms said:
Neutral jump, neutral jump fp, FA's, butt stomp baits, just blocking, etc.

Like I said, he wasn't playing patient, he just jumped head on each time. If you watch other Mike Ross vids he plays with way more patience. Guile's sonic boom isn't some all encompassing force that makes you jump forward every time lol. Honda can still make his offense vs. Guile, you make it sound like a lost cause before the round starts. Last I checked, the match was 6-4 honda.
You skipped the entire second half of my post. Guile can easily counter Honda's stuff on reaction. Hanging back and neutral jumping everything just lets Guile build meter. Trying to FA then dash in will get you an advancing kick or knee/tick throw. Butt stomp baiting doesn't work on smart Guiles. The horrible recovery time and tiny hitbox of the falling portion leads to lots of LP-LP-Flash Kicks or throws, if you don't get uppercutted out of it already.

I'm not saying that's how every match will go, but Honda's game is reliant entirely on Guile making a lot of mistakes or Guile being overly aggressive.
Zabka said:
You skipped the entire second half of my post. Guile can easily counter Honda's stuff on reaction. Hanging back and neutral jumping everything just lets Guile build meter. Trying to FA then dash in will get you an advancing kick or knee/tick throw. Butt stomp baiting doesn't work on smart Guiles. The horrible recovery time and tiny hitbox of the falling portion leads to lots of LP-LP-Flash Kicks or throws, if you don't get uppercutted out of it already.

I'm not saying that's how every match will go, but Honda's game is reliant entirely on Guile making a lot of mistakes or Guile being overly aggressive.

Nothing was skipped. You can neutral jump at any place in the screen actually, not just full screen. You also don't have to FA then dash in either. Butt stomping is risky though.

Letting guile build bar isn't a problem. You still have to wait and figure out a gameplan before just rushing in and jumping -> getting uppercutted. Mike ross' impatience lost the fight, and nothing else really. If you watch a top Honda player and a top Guile player, the match does not look like that.
I'm gonna have to side with patience on this one. I can imagine E. Honda would need to be extremely patient to discover (or help setup) mistakes Guile makes instead of running into non-mistakes.

Then again I suck at SF4 so what do I know?


FindMyFarms said:
Nothing was skipped. You can neutral jump at any place in the screen actually, not just full screen. You also don't have to FA then dash in either. Butt stomping is risky though.

Letting guile build bar isn't a problem. You still have to wait and figure out a gameplan before just rushing in and jumping -> getting uppercutted. Mike ross' impatience lost the fight, and nothing else really. If you watch a top Honda player and a top Guile player, the match does not look like that.
Neutral jumping and FA does nothing for Honda though. Standing back and dodging/absorbing Sonic Booms does zero to change the match. Honda has to move in, so there is no point in waiting. It's not like Guile is gonna stop throwing SBs if he goes entirely defensive. Again I ask, patience for what?
Zabka said:
Neutral jumping and FA does nothing for Honda though. Standing back and dodging/absorbing Sonic Booms does zero to change the match. Honda has to move in, so there is no point in waiting. It's not like Guile is gonna stop throwing SBs if he goes entirely defensive. Again I ask, patience for what?

Err, neutral jump fp inches honda forward, and has really high priority on anti air normals. That's usually how Ross would move forward against fireball spammers. Standing back and absorbing booms prevents Honda from eating chip, plus FA absorb ->backdash->forward dash resets spacing before Guile builds another charge. Combining the two let's honda inch in closely on his terms.

The idea is to wait it out until you find an opening. SB =/= some impenetrable force. Openings come in the form of guile losing his forward charge, getting rythmic with his SB's setting up a jump in, not throwing a SB, getting the spacing you want via FA/blocking to set up pressure footsies. The list goes on. I'll tell you what doesn't win the match, jumping into uppercuts all day. If your mentality is I have to move in anyways so I'll just jump, no way you're going to win. Patience baby. And yeah, again, Mike Ross didn't show it.
Wow wonder what Threi said in this thread :lol

Anyways - Didn't get a chance to play last night so tonight I'm gonna practice on the stick some more. Gotta get better! I wonder if any games going on in Dallas on Friday.. though I probably will skip until I can improve my stick play. I gotta force myself not to use a pad even if its only for a few hrs.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Wow wonder what Threi said in this thread :lol

Anyways - Didn't get a chance to play last night so tonight I'm gonna practice on the stick some more. Gotta get better! I wonder if any games going on in Dallas on Friday.. though I probably will skip until I can improve my stick play. I gotta force myself not to use a pad even if its only for a few hrs.

Yeah, I think Jon might be havin games Friday(don't quote me on that), but for the most part not really since Buk's gonna be in Cali.

I'm gonna be missing the first bi-weekly tourney next week too :(


FindMyFarms said:
MadCatz tournament edition fight stick. Both 360 and ps3 versions are compatible w/ pc

Still the best, I see. Ok, thanks then!

I'll lok for it right now. Has anyone here tried them on a pc?
honda is mad fun. been playing him the last few days and it seems most people dont know how to fight him. love that mad damage!

oh and now im utterly convinced turtle ryu number xxxx is the biggest filth in the entire community. they get slapped around 99% of all fights, but if they manage to win once, immediately bail out and never come back again :lol capcom has to get a grip and introduce some kind of guard break to force them to actually learn the game.
CaVaYeRo said:
Still the best, I see. Ok, thanks then!

I'll lok for it right now. Has anyone here tried them on a pc?
They work. I have the 360 version so I had to download a driver. PS3 version is a regular HID device so it should plug and play.


_dementia said:
They work. I have the 360 version so I had to download a driver. PS3 version is a regular HID device so it should plug and play.

Great. I'll wait for PC impressions with and without it, though :D


Anybody got any tips for surviving against Dhalsim? I'll fight a good Dhalsim player and just get wrecked by his mix ups. I'm mostly having trouble with my moves getting stuffed from all the way across screen, and his yoga teleports. My Ryu is having the hardest time.

My initial strategy was to completely rush him down and stay aggressive, but he would jam my advances with his normals.

So when that didn't work, I decided I'd try the turtle approach, and instead of jamming me. he would just teleport and have his way with me...:( Poor Ryu.


Need some help from anyone who knows a thing or two about modding. I'm currently running an SE stick... which is OK... but I find a lot of my inputs from the button side are coming in earlier than I anticipate due to overly sensitive buttons. ...plus... I wouldn't mind an 8-gate either.

Is modding an SE a safe way to give me something truly quality? Or... am I better off just waiting for a TE stick and buckling down with the SE until that day comes? I'd love to talk to someone that currently uses a modded SE.
hobart said:
Need some help from anyone who knows a thing or two about modding. I'm currently running an SE stick... which is OK... but I find a lot of my inputs from the button side are coming in earlier than I anticipate due to overly sensitive buttons. ...plus... I wouldn't mind an 8-gate either.

Is modding an SE a safe way to give me something truly quality? Or... am I better off just waiting for a TE stick and buckling down with the SE until that day comes? I'd love to talk to someone that currently uses a modded SE.

This is the thread you want.

But if you want a short answer, modding the SE stick is VERY EASY and all you need is a screwdriver. Get yourself a Sanwa Stick and some Sanwa buttons, and you have the exact same thing as the TE stick but in a different case. So yes, save yourself some money and mod your SE instead of buying a TE.

>>This here is a walk through on modding the SE stick<<


SoulFist said:
Anybody got any tips for surviving against Dhalsim? I'll fight a good Dhalsim player and just get wrecked by his mix ups. I'm mostly having trouble with my moves getting stuffed from all the way across screen, and his yoga teleports. My Ryu is having the hardest time.

My initial strategy was to completely rush him down and stay aggressive, but he would jam my advances with his normals.

So when that didn't work, I decided I'd try the turtle approach, and instead of jamming me. he would just teleport and have his way with me...:( Poor Ryu.
Learn to punch the second you see the teleport, free hit + mixup. If they slide, a throw is 99% coming, so tech it to be safe or SRK if you're sure a throw is coming. Get the knockdown and keep the pressure on.


hobart said:
Need some help from anyone who knows a thing or two about modding. I'm currently running an SE stick... which is OK... but I find a lot of my inputs from the button side are coming in earlier than I anticipate due to overly sensitive buttons. ...plus... I wouldn't mind an 8-gate either.

Is modding an SE a safe way to give me something truly quality? Or... am I better off just waiting for a TE stick and buckling down with the SE until that day comes? I'd love to talk to someone that currently uses a modded SE.
If you think those are overly sensitive then the TE might not be the best choice. Sanwa buttons are as sensitive as they get, requiring only a slight grazing to activate. I modded an SE with a Sanwa stick and Seimitsu buttons, and I like it a lot more than my TE.


Zabka said:
If you think those are overly sensitive then the TE might not be the best choice. Sanwa buttons are as sensitive as they get, requiring only a slight grazing to activate. I modded an SE with a Sanwa stick and Seimitsu buttons, and I like it a lot more than my TE.
can't u just mod a TE with seimitsus as well? Or is there some other reason you like it better?

LakeEarth said:
Learn to punch the second you see the teleport, free hit + mixup. If they slide, a throw is 99% coming, so tech it to be safe or SRK if you're sure a throw is coming. Get the knockdown and keep the pressure on.
Thanks... Hmm...Would it work on MicVlad? :D


toneroni said:
Thanks... Hmm...Would it work on MicVlad? :D
A bit unfair of a comment. I was playing Abel who has an unthrowable throw, and that's a huge disadvantage to Dhalsim's throw game (which is pretty much half of his upclose game). It will help though, shutting down a Dhalsim's offensive teleport and throwing usually only leaves them with distance normals and super/ultra setups.


LakeEarth said:
A bit unfair of a comment. I was playing Abel who has an unthrowable throw, and that's a huge disadvantage to Dhalsim's throw game (which is pretty much half of his upclose game). It will help though, shutting down a Dhalsim's offensive teleport and throwing usually only leaves them with distance normals and super/ultra setups.
Didn't mean it in a bad way! any tips on fighting tough matchups are appreciated :D
lol i just remember that time I played him, it was teleport/throw city.
Those matches helped my teching game a lot :lol


I start to feel bad for the number 1 guy on the live leaderboard. No one wants to play him and his Sagat. :lol

I'm also not joining....stupid Sagat!


I am Korean.
SoulFist said:
Anybody got any tips for surviving against Dhalsim? I'll fight a good Dhalsim player and just get wrecked by his mix ups. I'm mostly having trouble with my moves getting stuffed from all the way across screen, and his yoga teleports. My Ryu is having the hardest time.

My initial strategy was to completely rush him down and stay aggressive, but he would jam my advances with his normals.

So when that didn't work, I decided I'd try the turtle approach, and instead of jamming me. he would just teleport and have his way with me...:( Poor Ryu.
The most dominating Ryu's I've played with Dhalsim do tend to rush. Lots of FADC etc.
Best example that comes to mind:


Though whether or not it's the best strategy or it's just a strategy I have no clue how to stop is open to question.

On the other side, I also hate having to play dedicated turtle Ryus. Really hard to close vs a careful Ryu. He catches a limb one time etc, and the out comes the Ultra. Dhalsim's fireball production can't hold a candle to Ryu's so it's either edge close enough to stuff the FB's before they come out with Sim's normals, teleport and hope the Ryu's not waiting with a DP/Jab/walk backward/jump up etc or try to bait them in by maintaining a stalemate.
arstal said:
Why do people hate on Wong so much? Met him in person, played him a couple of times, by FGC standards he seems like a pretty cool dude.
Judging from the responses to his showboating in the gamestop tourney, many people don't like his attitude


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Crossposted from the arcade stick thread :)

So, today my art and plexiglass cover arrived... one hour later and... here are the results;





_dementia said:
Judging from the responses to his showboating in the gamestop tourney, many people don't like his attitude

I didn't like how he was practically yelling in Mike Ross' ear and getting in his face while his Ultra animation was still going on.
Won said:
I start to feel bad for the number 1 guy on the live leaderboard. No one wants to play him and his Sagat. :lol

I'm also not joining....stupid Sagat!
Is it that Allisoune guy?

He isn't even that good.. :X

Eternal GameGod is worse.. How the heck did that guy get so high.. He must just play endlessly.


I am Korean.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Eternal GameGod is worse.. How the heck did that guy get so high.. He must just play endlessly.
He's kinda mesmerizing. Half the top ranked video uploads I saw featured him losing.
arstal said:
Why do people hate on Wong so much? Met him in person, played him a couple of times, by FGC standards he seems like a pretty cool dude.

Most people that are into fighting games aren't into sports, so seeing a loud/showboating competitor isn't something most are accustomed to.

Usually the more competitive something is, the less exposure these people get due to it not being much of a novelty anymore. Most sports have a lot of these guys at the top level, but since fighting games really aren't that competitive, you get one loudmouth (combined with the audience I just described) and people start talking/hating.


Erm, God I feel like such a noob watching that Balrog technique video, I had no idea there was more to do in Balrog's Ultra besides hitting all 3 punches! I guess this is why I only ever get one hit off it when I combo from a headbutt. I thought I was just getting the timing wrong!

SMH at myself! :lol


TurtleSnatcher said:
Is it that Allisoune guy?

He isn't even that good.. :X

Eternal GameGod is worse.. How the heck did that guy get so high.. He must just play endlessly.

He is the only Sagat I played that doesn't just faceroll over the controller/stick. That alone makes him already the best Sagat online!
<+justinw> i bet wc wont even bet on valle against me at evo thats how much faith wc got
<+CaliWork> lol i can see it now... wong plays sagat...raped...picks...abel...raped...picks rufus...too late
<+justinw> so wiz, howmuch you putting on your champ
<+justinw> cause you might as well send it to me on paypal now
<+justinw> u better be better than poonkyo then cause i shut him out hard...
McBradders said:
Crossposted from the arcade stick thread :)

So, today my art and plexiglass cover arrived... one hour later and... here are the results;


sorry for the noob post, but where did you get your art done/printed? what kind of paper?


GalacticAE said:
<+justinw> i bet wc wont even bet on valle against me at evo thats how much faith wc got
<+CaliWork> lol i can see it now... wong plays sagat...raped...picks...abel...raped...picks rufus...too late
<+justinw> so wiz, howmuch you putting on your champ
<+justinw> cause you might as well send it to me on paypal now
<+justinw> u better be better than poonkyo then cause i shut him out hard...
MAD BEEF SON!!1!1 :lol
GalacticAE said:
<+justinw> i bet wc wont even bet on valle against me at evo thats how much faith wc got
<+CaliWork> lol i can see it now... wong plays sagat...raped...picks...abel...raped...picks rufus...too late
<+justinw> so wiz, howmuch you putting on your champ
<+justinw> cause you might as well send it to me on paypal now
<+justinw> u better be better than poonkyo then cause i shut him out hard...

Is there any 2k9 footage of Valle on sf4? How has he fared against other top socal players? I remember you lost to his Ken, is he going to use him for Evo or is he still using dictator (or at least that's who I saw him use in some of his 2k8 footage)
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