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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Good zangiefs definitely do not use green hand to move around the stage, except maybe to close space after an SPD or if they can throw it out on reaction to a fireball.. Green Hand is a free combo/throw on block, furthermore I have *shit* reflexes and I can punish a whiffed green hand on reaction.


dfyb said:
G3/G2 are pointless and should have been merged. i'm sick of the grindfest -- i want to get to the bracket with penalties so that GP actually means something.

But such a bracket doesn't exist. GP will never mean anything. :/


Is there an easy/safe way to connect Gief's Ultra? I've been getting to G3 finals by using gief and spamming lariat and then switching to my main Sagat once I get to finals :lol

My gief is usually fully charged with an ultra, I can activate it (super easy with a TE stick) but it never connects.. then again I have no clue how to play zangief :p I tried doing it on wakeup, or by jumping in and buffering it while jumping.. just wondering if theres a better method? :D


After so much time with SFIV, going back to games like Alpha 2 or CvsS2, it's such a very strange transition of gameplay. Although with my custom with CvsS2, I can play Bison pretty much the same with pressure combos.


shooting blanks
Damn I hadnt played this in like 2 months and I got my ass handed to me yesterday. Guess people finally figured out how to own a shoto blanka


ultim8p00 said:
So I just decided to mess with Zangief a bit, just to see how hard he is to master...and...omg. Lariat is ONE BUTTON PRESS? Seriously? Wow.
Yep mapped 3xP or K.

Just lost with Sim to a Zangief in ranked who had it set to one round, both down to a sliver. Had I seen it was only one round, I would've quit in the lobby, I hate 1 round pussies.

I'm kinda itching for something new to play actually. Championship is a chore because of all the tick throw nonesense. Seems I spend most of the round countering tick throw attempts. Obviously it works, they win often, but I don't play that way myself, so find it kind of boring having to counter so many times per round, it seems to be the big strategy of the moment.
FindMyFarms said:
Why can't you play in the ones you host?
Because Im not going to host another one since so many people gave me shit for trying to do a favor.. Not gonna deal with that crap again. I was blamed for people not participating which baffles me.

I gave up my slot in the tournament to keep it even and to allow someone else to participate last time.
dfyb said:
i'm not a fan of tekken :p

That's just the name of the event, there's going to be various game, including SF4 of course. Turtle and I are both hittin it up(playin in sf4 tourney), u should go, it'll be fun


I'd like to reach G1, but holy crap at the grinding. I'm at almost 5000 GP now, so I basically need to win another what, 100 CP tournaments (at 109 GP or so apiece) to get there??
MoxManiac said:
I'd like to reach G1, but holy crap at the grinding. I'm at almost 5000 GP now, so I basically need to win another what, 100 CP tournaments (at 109 GP or so apiece) to get there??
Ive won like 40 and gotten like 35 second places and I'm only at like 9100 lol :lol
UC1 said:
when the matchmaking forum is back I'll totally doooo iiiiiiit.

In all honesty though, you should do the brunt(but no all) of the communication in this thread (if it's not against the rules or anything), everyone always forgets about the online matchup forum


he's Virgin Tight™
Can I organize the SF4 tournament? I have a format, the one I used for the Brawl tourneys, so I wanna use it for a SF4 tourney :D
Relix said:
Can I organize the SF4 tournament? I have a format, the one I used for the Brawl tourneys, so I wanna use it for a SF4 tourney :D
Sounds cool. Decide with UC1 :)

I'm totally up for it! Think if that new 360 control was for SF.. I'd tostada press my floor and kill myself =[


he's Virgin Tight™
UC1 said:
Yeah go for it man.

Aah thanks a bunch. I will do it the weekend after E3 is done, I don't think the online forum is working. Besides, the attention is totally away from this :lol


Played with some Gaffers tonight - one person using Ryu and Abel/Gief, the other using Ryu throughout.

If you guys post here, solid matches, guys! I'm the Fuerte player with the gt mailarde.
So I didnt play much last week.

Played some tonight.

I did 12 matches in championship mode and won every single won of them and got 3 straight championships.. I'm now 43 champ wins.. 32 champ 2nd places. I have really turned that stat around. I use to be like 5 wins 11 second places.

Anyways.. Either G2 has finally balanced out or something. I pulled some really tight matches in too. I thought I was surely screwed on a few but actually managed to come back. Ive learned that I cant really do the cross up fierce off a tostada press really well but I can do it off any throw really well. (Fuerte that is)

Also I decided to play a "Ranked" match.. I chose "More Skilled" and got a Ken player. I perfected him the first round.. sent him into Stun etc.

Second round he kind of trapped me and got me with dang lp shoryukens. Third Round.. He was clearly owning me... I was pretty much screwed.. I had to catch up by 3/4's of a life bar and I had a sliver left.

He then goes to the other side of the screen and taunts. I tostada press off the wall and get a few more mix ups on him.. He then goes to the other side of the screen and does it again and I rinse and repeat.

Finally we both have equal life and I kill him. What an IDIOT. I messaged him afterwards saying "Thanks for being stupid and taunting and losing the match for me" He replied with "LOL I can beat you any day of the week"

EDIT: Rummy - I passed you in GP?!?! Where have you been!?


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
How many points is it for G2? I started playing the 360 version today and G3 is abysmal. I'm hoping G2 is as good as it is on the PS3.


good credit (by proxy)
Geezer said:
How many points is it for G2? I started playing the 360 version today and G3 is abysmal. I'm hoping G2 is as good as it is on the PS3.



Broken water pistol loaded with piss
Timedog said:
Obviously, wtf is with the caps.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
lolz I put my name down for that capcom 'greatest in europe' thing a while back

and got this from ze germans

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Du bist einer der Auserwählten, die es ins deutsche Finale der Street Fighter IV-Europameisterschaft geschafft haben. Wir freuen uns, dich zur deutschen Endrunde in Hamburg begrüßen zu dürfen.
Das deutsche Finale findet statt im Crowne Plaza Hotel Hamburg.
Wann: Samstag 13. / Sonntag 14. Juni 2009.
Wo: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Graumannsweg 10, 22087 Hamburg
Beginn: Samstag, 13. Juni um 14 Uhr

Für Snacks und Getränke ist gesorgt.
Ende: Samstag, 13. Juni etwa 19 Uhr, danach gibt es ein gemeinsames Abendessen zum Abschluss. Nach dem Abendessen müssen wir uns leider von den Teilnehmern verabschieden, die es nicht unter die ersten acht geschafft haben.

Die besten 8 Kämpfer bleiben bis zur finalen Entscheidungsphase am Sonntag. Aus ihnen wird schließlich der deutsche Street Fighter IV-Meister ermittelt.

Für die besten 8 Kämpfer sind bereits Hotelzimmer auf Kosten von Capcom reserviert.

Fahrtkosten werden nur gegen Vorlage einer Quittung für die besten 3 Spieler von Capcom übernommen!

!!Wichtig!!: Bitte bringe einen gültigen Personalausweis mit. Wer diesen am Turniertag nicht vorweisen kann, wird von der Teilnahme ausgeschlossen!

Denn solltest Du als deutscher Meister aus diesem Turnier hevorgehen, benötigen wir Deine Daten um für Dich das Flugticket und das Hotel für die Europameisterschaft vom 27.06. - 28.06.2009 in London zu buchen! Falls Du an diesem Event nicht teilnehmen kannst, wird der Platz an den Zweitplatzierten vergeben usw.

Bitte bestätige uns schriftlich Deine Teilnahme bis spätestens Freitag den 5.06.2009 um 15.00 Uhr. Mit Deiner verbindlichen Zusage, erlaubst Du Capcom Deinen Namen und Dein Foto für werbliche Zwecke rund um das Thema Street Fighter IV zu nutzen.
Wir sehen uns in Hamburg! HADOUKEN ;-)!

Can't read much german, but for top 8 costs are paid? Shame I live in holland and registered out of spite cause there's no dutch one. Also, I'll be on vacation so I can't go. Would've been funny to try and fake my way through being german though.


catfish said:
lolz I put my name down for that capcom 'greatest in europe' thing a while back

and got this from ze germans

Can't read much german, but for top 8 costs are paid? Shame I live in holland and registered out of spite cause there's no dutch one. Also, I'll be on vacation so I can't go. Would've been funny to try and fake my way through being german though.

They added other countries later on and I'm pretty sure Holland was included. Also not nice to sign up for it and not participate. You have to go now! :p

That said, I'm glad that I didn't sign up. Capcom only pays the travel cost for the top 3 and only the top 8 are getting rooms. Everyone else gets to travel back home on the very same day. Sure Capcom, I don't know what to do with my money and time anyways. :lol

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Won said:
They added other countries later on and I'm pretty sure Holland was included. Also not nice to sign up for it and not participate. You have to go now! :p

That said, I'm glad that I didn't sign up. Capcom only pays the travel cost for the top 3 and only the top 8 are getting rooms. Everyone else gets to travel back home on the very same day. Sure Capcom, I don't know what to do with my money and time anyways. :lol


I could go to the dutch one if it wasn't in my vacation time since holland is the size of my elbow. :( :(

anyone remember what this thing was called? If I could find more info maybe I could switch.\



Qualification is based on your GP ranking and only the top 30 competitors from each of the 5 listed territories (or those eligible to compete in a particular territory) will receive invitations to the live final stage.

turns out I'm fucking hardcore and can't go :(
EDIT2: oh wait, turns out I'm not hardcore, top 8 from each go to the finals.
I'm beginning a new quest today, one that I hope will still be going on by tomorrow. I'm going to force myself to try and learn how to play on a stick. I bought a Hori FS3 a month ago but after the frustrating experience of trying it out for the first time it's been regulated t that thing sitting in the corner of the room that I mess around with once in a while.

Today I plug the thing in to practice combo's and I noticed it was much easier for me to pull low to medium attacks then on a controller. This kind of open my eyes a bit because no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get the timing down when using a DS3.

My biggest problem right now and has always been(when I use to play at the arcades) is doing special moves. I still struggle doing simple motions like like Ryu's FB. When the DP motion is a even bigger pain in the ass. My biggest fear is that maybe even after a month I still won't "get it". But for now I'm going to commit towards actually learning to play on this thing and besides, my thumb will never recover if I don't because I'm not going to stop playing SF4 anytime soon.

I'm going to stay in the training room and fight the CPU instead though until I feel that I'm ready(if that ever happens). I already tried playing with the FS3 online when I first got it and got my ass handed to me by a Ryu with only a few hundred points in a ranked match.


Rice-Eater said:
I'm beginning a new quest today, one that I hope will still be going on by tomorrow. I'm going to force myself to try and learn how to play on a stick. I bought a Hori FS3 a month ago but after the frustrating experience of trying it out for the first time it's been regulated t that thing sitting in the corner of the room that I mess around with once in a while.

Today I plug the thing in to practice combo's and I noticed it was much easier for me to pull low to medium attacks then on a controller. This kind of open my eyes a bit because no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get the timing down when using a DS3.

My biggest problem right now and has always been(when I use to play at the arcades) is doing special moves. I still struggle doing simple motions like like Ryu's FB. When the DP motion is a even bigger pain in the ass. My biggest fear is that maybe even after a month I still won't "get it". But for now I'm going to commit towards actually learning to play on this thing.

Sounds like anyone's beginner story. We all go through it. Just have to put time into it and keep playing. Hell. Go back to older games and try it out. You'll be shocked of how better those games play with a stick vs a pad. True story.

Word of warning: You won't learn everything over night. It takes years. I've been using an arcade stick for nearly two years now and I still have lots to learn in terms of muscle memory twitches and what not. That's how it is with most games I play. Although Tekken I've almost got down entirely. SFIV I'm still getting the hang of. I've gone from shoto scrub to charge character awesome (Boxer/Dictator ftw!). Once you go stick, you'll never go back. :D

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Rice-Eater said:
My biggest fear is that maybe even after a month I still won't "get it".

training mode.

100 fireballs left
100 fireballs right
100 dp left


although you can use the shortcut for DP motion as well which is VERY easy.

I need to do a similar thing with regards with learning another character.... I'm decent with blanka now but would love to have another go to guy when I get bored of blanka. I like mucking with dictator but feel like I get stuck in db with him too much and his combos are HARD.

I like ELF but he's too crap for me to persevere with. I'm thinking of just becomming another wanker with sagat, but I would feel dirty :(
I recently found an old PS2 memory card with 3rd strike replays against friends from our pad days, and I had to lol. Pads are so counter-intuitive for SF (especially those with only 4 face buttons) and it showed. We were also much worse at the game back then, but whatever.

Speaking of counter-intuitive I would suggest not using the DP shortcut.


_dementia said:
I recently found an old PS2 memory card with 3rd strike replays against friends from our pad days, and I had to lol. Pads are so counter-intuitive for SF (especially those with only 4 face buttons) and it showed. We were also much worse at the game back then, but whatever.

Speaking of counter-intuitive I would suggest not using the DP shortcut.

That move/option needs to die and go to hell.
CcrooK said:
Sounds like anyone's beginner story. We all go through it. Just have to put time into it and keep playing. Hell. Go back to older games and try it out. You'll be shocked of how better those games play with a stick vs a pad. True story.

Word of warning: You won't learn everything over night. It takes years. I've been using an arcade stick for nearly two years now and I still have lots to learn in terms of muscle memory twitches and what not. That's how it is with most games I play. Although Tekken I've almost got down entirely. SFIV I'm still getting the hang of. I've gone from shoto scrub to charge character awesome (Boxer/Dictator ftw!). Once you go stick, you'll never go back. :D

Thanks for the feedback, my first goal is to get the to point where I don't feel like a fish out of water when playing with a stick. It still feels like a foreign object to me. I can't even block correctly half the time. So hopefully I get there sometime this summer. And I must admit, it sounds more enticing to play a charge character on a arcade stick compared to a pad. I'll give that a shot to, but my loyalties will always remain when my boy Ryu.
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