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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Props to Justin for winning and Choi for his big SF4 tourney debut finishing in 2nd. I have to give Choi some extra props for forcing Justin to counter pick against Choi's Ryu as he stated he would if he had to. Again Justin is the best America has to offer, can't wait for to see how he does against the Japanese on a larger scale.
What's the Abel v. Ryu matchup? Can't be worse than Ruf v. Ryu which is like a 6-4 , 7-3 depending on who you ask.

Wong should have started baiting those DP's in that last match, that's why he lost. He had the right idea vs. Ed Ma cause he would divekick, lk then nothing waiting for that DP. Didn't do that so much vs. Choi.

Great matches.
Nah. Wong was smart. Choi wasn't ready for his Abel. That's the beautiful thing about Wong is that he can come at you with Boxer, Abel or Rufus (and Chun if he needs to). He would've lost if he kept playing with Rufus. His only advantage were the ultra shenanigans and dive kicks. But Choi's ground game was superior.


good credit (by proxy)
i personally think abel isn't that great a match up for ryu. Wong possibly is better at the game than I am though.


Dark Stalkers said:
The guys on SRK are saying Abel vs. Ryu is even.

I'm reading that that the switch to Able was unfair. People shitting their pants over it. It was a good move on JWong. It wasn't a switch to counter a character. It was a switch to counter the player. I don't think Choi knows how to play up against an Abel.


good credit (by proxy)
CcrooK said:
I'm reading that that the switch to Able was unfair. People shitting their pants over it. It was a good move on JWong. It wasn't a switch to counter a character. It was a switch to counter the player. I don't think Choi knows how to play up against an Abel.

Choi didn't know how to play against Rufus til match 3. He hasn't played the game much so probably has to feel out the matches before really getting competitive, at least a little more than other pros. Wong took advantage of this and threw a wrench in the gears. Not unfair though. Wong looks like he could be pretty good at this game.

err, what i posted earlier is ambiguous. I meant to say that I think ryu has a slight advantage over abel, if you can manage not get hit by his ultra when trying to fireball.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Choi has played the game for less than a month, according to him. He said that much on IRC a few days back. :X So yeah it was basically to take advantage of Choi's lack of knowledge on the matchup.
Wong looks like he could be pretty good at this game

Devastation. The U.S. Championships. The Long Island Battle. Winning the spot in SBO in Europe (of all places). Peacing out Poongko and Iyo. 300 wins at E3. He's the best player in the U.S.

I think there's a little divide between him and the rest of the country. The guy is proficient with four characters (and before the console release managed to get a 20 win streak with Sakura).

Choi played a great game for someone who just picked the game up (when I say picked up, I mean really devoting time into it).

I haven't seen any video of Bustabust, so I can't say if his Able is better than Wong's. But I've seen Wong win tourneys with Abel.

As much as people hate on him, the dude is probably the best video game player in the country. I don't follow Fatality (or whatever his name is), but Wong is dominant across several different games including TS, HD Remix, ST, MVC2, TVC, SFIV, etc. I even heard he was mulling playing Guitar Hero.

I'm not nut hugging, just showing respect, no homo. I can't believe he took home more than $6,000 for winning a weekend tournament.

At Evo, I'd like to see Combofiend, Choi, Buck and FlashMetroid make a good run of it. Mike Ross needs to switch to another character. He and Gootecks and a few others are limited to one character (which Marn and Wong show, you should be versatile in several).

That was a great stream. I actually wish they hadn't had KOF XII (because of the level of competition). And the announcers ugh. They should make sure they grab a player form each game to provide commentary. The DOA guy said Akuma does little damage and questioned how come Ed Ma wasn't using the ultra ???
Spiderjericho said:

At Evo, I'd like to see Combofiend, Choi, Buck and FlashMetroid make a good run of it. Mike Ross needs to switch to another character. He and Gootecks and a few others are limited to one character (which Marn and Wong show, you should be versatile in several).

Exactly. You are playing for money, you are playing to win.

That said, if you care at all about the international scene, you will learn the intricacies of bad matchups with your character of choice, because in Japan you cannot switch characters.
Man.. Ive been doing so many local tournaments lately that its really making online horribly shitty.

Online I can feel every bit of delay/lag now. Even full green bars I can feel the slightest delay. I'm miss timing lots of things.

Oh well.. Ill get the hang of both soon or later.
Arpharmd B said:
Exactly. You are playing for money, you are playing to win.

That said, if you care at all about the international scene, you will learn the intricacies of bad matchups with your character of choice, because in Japan you cannot switch characters.

I'd agree. That's my biggest problem with the game is that due to the limited amount of time I spend with the game, I don't really have a solid foothold on matchups. Find would have to give me character analysis when we did the Gafchat tournament cuz I was clueless.

But Japan is so night and day to the U.S. With the exception of Mike Ross, who chooses Honda, and the Fuerte players, everyone else picks high tier characters here (except for Sagat). In Japan, they're picking Honda (Akimo>Ross), Sagat (as terrible as that is), Dhalsim, Akuma, Chunners, Fuerte, Ryu, etc. Iyo was able to win a tournament with Dhalsim. I don't see anyone here doing the same.
Man.. Ive been doing so many local tournaments lately that its really making online horribly shitty.

Online I can feel every bit of delay/lag now. Even full green bars I can feel the slightest delay. I'm miss timing lots of things.

Oh well.. Ill get the hang of both sooner or later.


aka acr0nym
Oichi said:
Choi has played the game for less than a month, according to him. He said that much on IRC a few days back. :X So yeah it was basically to take advantage of Choi's lack of knowledge on the matchup.

lies, he's been playing more than a month. but this his first big tourny. He took KsIII's first ranbat.
n3ss said:
lies, he's been playing more than a month. but this his first big tourny. He took KsIII's first ranbat.

N3ss would know. He has to have played the game before. But it doesn't sound like he was devoting the hours peeps like Gootecks, Combofiend, Ed Ma, Wong or whoever were, which made his display of skill all the more impressive.

Hey, N3ss are you good at Tekken? I want to say I heard the stream announcers say someone with a similar name was a beast.

I'm surprised Haunts wasn't at the event with Magus.

I'm about to hop on the internetz for a half hour session.
Spiderjericho said:
I'd agree. That's my biggest problem with the game is that due to the limited amount of time I spend with the game, I don't really have a solid foothold on matchups. Find would have to give me character analysis when we did the Gafchat tournament cuz I was clueless.

But Japan is so night and day to the U.S. With the exception of Mike Ross, who chooses Honda, and the Fuerte players, everyone else picks high tier characters here (except for Sagat). In Japan, they're picking Honda (Akimo>Ross), Sagat (as terrible as that is), Dhalsim, Akuma, Chunners, Fuerte, Ryu, etc. Iyo was able to win a tournament with Dhalsim. I don't see anyone here doing the same.

Well you can't hate on the American scene though. Let's face it, this is a big country. Let's also face it, arcades here have been dead a long, long time. Japan is so much smaller, tighter , and has amazing arcades. I mean imagine if East and West coasts were sandwiched together, and all the best comp was all concentrated in one area. Imagine how much better we'd be. Hell even Wong was talking about seeing studying the West coast comp today.

I think if we had a similar melting pot here you'd see much more character usage as people would actually be able to get better. As it stands, you have a handful of guys who are good enough to be able to make money and travel, and even they are barred from each other most of the year.

That's why everyone talks about online gaming and making it better as the next step in the evolution of the Western scene. Unfortunately, it's still laggy as shit, but I feel we are inching closer to that. Hell, even Choi was talking about playing online to get a feel for the game. That's encouraging.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Man.. Ive been doing so many local tournaments lately that its really making online horribly shitty.

Online I can feel every bit of delay/lag now. Even full green bars I can feel the slightest delay. I'm miss timing lots of things.

Oh well.. Ill get the hang of both soon or later.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Man.. Ive been doing so many local tournaments lately that its really making online horribly shitty.

Online I can feel every bit of delay/lag now. Even full green bars I can feel the slightest delay. I'm miss timing lots of things.

Oh well.. Ill get the hang of both sooner or later.
Don't look now, but it seems like online lag is causing you to double post too.


GGs Threi (is he banned?) nice chun..
Pretty fun as we were using a buncha characters.

Been putting a bit more time into SF lately since my GF has been studying for her series 7 and its been raining like hell in NYC >=]

Winning some championships and on the slow rise up...
Only 325 hours behind you now turtle!! watch out im catching up!! :D
actually..now you found some nice local games :(
Been trying to get my friends up for locals but they keep switching to the flavor of the month games...

_dementia said:
Don't look now, but it seems like online lag is causing you to double post too.
:lol can't escape it eh


aka acr0nym
Spiderjericho said:
N3ss would know. He has to have played the game before. But it doesn't sound like he was devoting the hours peeps like Gootecks, Combofiend, Ed Ma, Wong or whoever were, which made his display of skill all the more impressive.

Hey, N3ss are you good at Tekken? I want to say I heard the stream announcers say someone with a similar name was a beast.

I'm surprised Haunts wasn't at the event with Magus.

I'm about to hop on the internetz for a half hour session.

As far as I know choi has not even put close to amount of time people like ed ma or gootecks have, but the guy has practiced and has been attending keystone. Like ed ma said during his interview choi has played a good akuma, shin (sp?), had a chance to play him and he was beast, i think he's better than ed ma personally.

nope i do not play tekken 6, only a couple guys from keystone do; naps, ricky and bronson (not sure if he plays 6).

I'm not sure why Haunts nor magnus went, or a_rival... i spent all day friday getting beat by haunts though :(


Good games with LyteEdge, good Chun and Cammy. I also must thank him for warming me up for my tourney match against TaKers who has a pretty good Balrog.
Made it to G1-E finally. Took forever. I feel like I was playing the fighting game WoW.

In a final round in a tournament...it's taking forever (10-20-30 minutes) to find an opponent o_o

I've been getting my ass KICKED in.
Naps was the guy who beat Maddogjin in Tekken 6. And it's too bad the Keystone stream died. It was pretty cool.

I decided to play on Live, since it was taking forever to find matches on PSN. I forgot that I was in G3, so I had to grind back to G2.

My biggest gripe with lag, is it makes your characters feel like a tank. My game is pretty bad right now. I fall for retarded things. I also need to get the execution of double lp to srk.

Griff, I think I got a friend request from you. I finally added you (sorry for the delay). You just need to get the basics down with 2in1. Then practice the links. Mimic was able to complete them all by just grinding it out (wish I were to do the same since I only have two left).

Arph, you're right about the scene here. I don't think anything is going to change unless we get an overhaul in infrastructure or superior ultra net code.
"Arph, you're right about the scene here. I don't think anything is going to change unless we get an overhaul in infrastructure or superior ultra net code."

The infrastructure bit is impossible. The US is just too large in size and distance is ultimately the limiting factor when it comes to online play.


My title clearly says "Take it Easy on Me". No one seems to pay attention. Also, when do skill levels change? I have my criteria has "same skill" then I get people that have like 2,000 BP's (I have yet to earn one).

I'll give it some more time. I'm really getting the same feeling when I bought Virtua Fighter 4 way back in the day. The feeling of "wow, I'll never get the hang of this". This isn't a bash against the game at. all.

I just got too caught up in the GOTY discussion and the Devastation tournament. Fun stuff.
Teknopathetic said:
"Arph, you're right about the scene here. I don't think anything is going to change unless we get an overhaul in infrastructure or superior ultra net code."

The infrastructure bit is impossible. The US is just too large in size and distance is ultimately the limiting factor when it comes to online play.

Hmm...I don't know. What about all that FIOS fiberoptic network hubub. Also, I can't remember but aren't Comcast and Cablevision going to offer 100mb service in the not too far future?

And if that's not the solution, than it has to be the netcode. Or are we just SOL?

Guess that's where Japan and U.S. do differ. Maybe because of the size of the country (island), it's not difficult to implement initiatives (ipv6) or upgrade the communication infrastructure. I remember when I was there in 2006, a friend had a sick internet service. They basically ran fiber to his home. The DSL (off base) was pretty great too.

And the arcades, with the exception of the horrible smoke, were pretty tight and had a decent scene.


Felium Defensor
GriffD17 said:
My title clearly says "Take it Easy on Me". No one seems to pay attention. Also, when do skill levels change? I have my criteria has "same skill" then I get people that have like 2,000 BP's (I have yet to earn one).

I'll give it some more time. I'm really getting the same feeling when I bought Virtua Fighter 4 way back in the day. The feeling of "wow, I'll never get the hang of this". This isn't a bash against the game at. all.

I just got too caught up in the GOTY discussion and the Devastation tournament. Fun stuff.
Don't host Ranked matches...try to join in Ranked Lobby. When you host, usually the BP sharks will attack. ;P
But there is also a trade-off, you'll get better and learn from your mistakes when you play really good people. You'll learn to have patience (tons of it) and etc...

All that being said, I'm still a scrub. :/
Also, I think I busted my 360 d-pad cause now it takes even longer to register most moves and sometimes I can't even block. I think an arcade stick is well overdue for me.


Ok wtf does Rufus have some type of semi-invincibility during his stun animation or something? I swear that he went into a stun and I did a light focus attack and it went straight through him. Happened twice.
"Hmm...I don't know. What about all that FIOS fiberoptic network hubub. Also, I can't remember but aren't Comcast and Cablevision going to offer 100mb service in the not too far future?

And if that's not the solution, than it has to be the netcode. Or are we just SOL?"

FIOS/Fiber is still limited by distance. Nothing is faster than the speed of light, etc. It's not about bandwidth. How much data we can transfer at once isn't the issue as online gaming uses very small amounts of bandwidth. There's just nothing we can do (yet? Short of some massive physics breakthrough) to overcome the hurdle of distance between a lot of players.

There's some netcode tricks like the rollback stuff HDR/GGPO uses which is pretty decent, but it's still not without its flaws.


ultim8p00 said:
Ok wtf does Rufus have some type of semi-invincibility during his stun animation or something? I swear that he went into a stun and I did a light focus attack and it went straight through him. Happened twice.
When I play with Abel I get plenty of moves that just go right through characters. It's like his hand goes behind them or something, and I get screwed.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
ultim8p00 said:
Ok wtf does Rufus have some type of semi-invincibility during his stun animation or something? I swear that he went into a stun and I did a light focus attack and it went straight through him. Happened twice.

Yes, during the first part of his dizzy animation he can't be hit. I forget the exact frames for it but it may be something like 4 or 10 frames or something like that.


My button mashing brother who kinda, sorta knows what he's doing keeps almost beating me (and actually did with Cammy :lol)

Teknopathetic said:
FIOS/Fiber is still limited by distance. Nothing is faster than the speed of light, etc. It's not about bandwidth. How much data we can transfer at once isn't the issue as online gaming uses very small amounts of bandwidth. There's just nothing we can do (yet? Short of some massive physics breakthrough) to overcome the hurdle of distance between a lot of players.

There's some netcode tricks like the rollback stuff HDR/GGPO uses which is pretty decent, but it's still not without its flaws.

I see what you're saying. I'm not sure a completely fiber optic network wouldn't mitigate (at least regionally or in a metropolitan area) some of it, as fiber runs can be quite long (hence the whole ocean floor thing). But with the patchwork internet across the globe, the distance and service will be a limiting factor.

I thought the netcode was pretty decent in HD Remix (except for the disconnects and occasional roll back).

In fact, I miss the online modes in HD Remix. Championship and Rank seem like grind fests. I think points should be associated, but it feels like WoW versus SF. HD Remix ranked was okay, as it was merely wins. I also liked the lobby and tournament modes.

Nose Master

Open challenge to everyone: I main Dan, and am kinda bored with G2. I'm not saying I'm amazing at all, but some practice playing tourney grade folk would be awesome. Licorice King on XBL, message me if you accept :mad:.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Nose Master said:
Open challenge to everyone: I main Dan, and am kinda bored with G2. I'm not saying I'm amazing at all, but some practice playing tourney grade folk would be awesome. Licorice King on XBL, message me if you accept :mad:.

There are plenty of tourney grade people in G2. G1 just means you played more really.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
LakeEarth said:
Good games with LyteEdge, good Chun and Cammy. I also must thank him for warming me up for my tourney match against TaKers who has a pretty good Balrog.

Yeah, fun matches! We haven't played each other since 3rd Strike on the OG XBox, so it's been a while. Wasn't quite my best night, but I enjoyed it; probably should have stuck more to Cammy and Chun and less with Sakura and Dan though. :lol


Caj814 said:

. . .

. . .

That is all.

It's quite hilarious. When I block (when I win), he gets pissed. "That's all you do is block! Yeah, you better block. You must be scared!"

He NEVER (and I mean NEVER) blocks :lol But I can't block TOO often. He knows how to throw =p
MIMIC said:
It's quite hilarious. When I block (when I win), he gets pissed. "That's all you do is block! Yeah, you better block. You must be scared!"

He NEVER (and I mean NEVER) blocks :lol But I can't block TOO often. He knows how to throw =p

Take Ken. Shoryuken the living daylights outta him and use spinning kick to move around the stage.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
GriffD17 said:
My title clearly says "Take it Easy on Me". No one seems to pay attention. Also, when do skill levels change? I have my criteria has "same skill" then I get people that have like 2,000 BP's (I have yet to earn one).

I'll give it some more time. I'm really getting the same feeling when I bought Virtua Fighter 4 way back in the day. The feeling of "wow, I'll never get the hang of this". This isn't a bash against the game at. all.

I just got too caught up in the GOTY discussion and the Devastation tournament. Fun stuff.

don't worry.

I had not played a fighting game since soul calibur on dream cast and never really played sf at all and I bought SFIV.

I was sux like you claim to be, now I have 2 SE sticks that I custom modded myself with sanwa bits and 200 hours logged in SFIV.

I still feel like a noob most of the time and only have one decent character (blanka) but my god is it fun. It's my most played game probably ever.

Start reading SRK forums about the character you like, use the practice mode to get 1 good combo (or 2) learned and start trying to put those into online matches. once you can pull of 1 combo consistantly you'll feel like a pro (but you won't be) and the game just starts opening up.

SFIV is so awesome. I was hyped for KOFXII but watching that stream, I dunno, I just wanted to see more SFIV.
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