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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Unregistered007 said:
hey, can someone here write an idiots guide to SFIV, mainly for people like me who know the basic moves only from Street Fighter IV....

-Learn Special moves

-Find your characters "bread n Butter" combo, its usually a 2 - 3 hit combo, easy to pull off, you'll use it when ever the other guy fucks up, and when you catch someone in a Focus attack.

-Find out what move your character has that Breaks armor(goes through EX attacks and Focus Attacks)

-Find your character's poking attacks, usually the move that comes out the fastest, and it interrupts offensive aggression....sometimes.

-Learn to use your character's Ultra or Super as both counter punishement and in a Combo. example i know Abel's Ultra goes through all Projectiles so i punish, and i can use it in a combo.



he's Virgin Tight™
DryEyeRelief said:

I know what I said...... But I have a valid excuse... I only use charge characters and my QFC char is Rose who is bottom-tier =P. On the other hand... I also need to practice my QFC movements in preparation for Blazblue since I absolutely suck with them. Really, the reason I don't use any character non-charge is because I just don't have the ability to quickly execute QFC attacks :lol

Don't worry, Akuma will be just for friendly matches, the same way I use Rose, Vega and Boxer against friends. Online I stick with Chun and Honda =P


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Relix said:
Honda is awesomely fun... except against Sagat :lol Any tips on how to hit a zoning Sagat?

What I try to do, stay massively patient. Early jump RH can beat Sagat stand RH.
Jump jab works if you're over him. Otherwise concentrate on trying to get him to go backwards. If he gets in the corner, he'll think you'll tick throw and start getting jumpy, try to land EX Buttdrops then, or save for Super. If you somehow get a super, Sagat will stop throwing projectiles, or he'll eat a super.

Ultra has some use in the matchup too.

I really don't think Sagat is Honda's worst matchup, I think it's 4-6, maybe 3.5-6.5.
Damn, Choi has become a beast with Ryu in such a short time. There is hope for American Ryu players after all....and then he switches to Saga :(


Rice-Eater said:
Damn, Choi has become a beast with Ryu in such a short time. There is hope for American Ryu players after all....and then he switches to Saga :(

He switched because the potential teammate had to face each one with their two different characters.
Ricky's Chun fucked up so many times during his match with the Bison player. Looked like he wasn't having a good day at all, really. He couldn't even get ex legs to come out consistently.


aka acr0nym
Rice-Eater said:
Damn, Choi has become a beast with Ryu in such a short time. There is hope for American Ryu players after all....and then he switches to Saga :(

Short time? The guy is a champ, he can win off fundamentals alone, not to mention he's got great reaction and execution... Oh, and he's consistent, such a beast.
n3ss said:
Short time? The guy is a champ, he can win off fundamentals alone, not to mention he's got great reaction and execution... Oh, and he's consistent, such a beast.

I know Choi's history, he's a legend in the community. SF4 and Ryu should be a very familiar to him, but it still takes some time to adjust to a new game especially if the feel of the game is much different from the previous iterations. But it looks like he's done that already. I'd say he's arguably top 5 in the US despite just 2 months or so of serious commitment to the game.

If you've seen the video of him playing SF4 at Stunfest(Euro SBO qualifer), then maybe you might see where I'm coming from. He got beat by a Honda(who was also beasting though) player and didn't look good in the loss. His spacing and execution was off. Then a month later he finishes 2nd at Devastation and made Wong switch character to win in the finals.

His strong fundamentals carried him this far. Now that his focus is on this game, I think he will be one of the top contenders to win Evo.


loves Arcade Sticks
I haven't posted in here in awhile... but I love my Street Fighter...

Finally got to mod/customize one of my own TE sticks....

Special thanks to arthong for the hookup...






NeoGAF: my new HOME
MarkMan said:
I haven't posted in here in awhile... but I love my Street Fighter...

Finally got to mod/customize one of my own TE sticks....

Special thanks to arthong for the hookup...


Arthong is the man and you are a dirty old bastard :lol

Beautiful stick, dude, seriously. Although I am having a slight issue with my plexiglass cover, it's rising up a little, is there any way to fix it without gluing the art to the glass and then the whole thing down?

Also my PS3 SE stick just arrived! Can't wait to try it out at lunchtime :)


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Teknopathetic said:
"EX Soul Spiral does have startup invincibility, and is safer then a wakeup DP

EX Soul throw also has startup invincibility. Rose is in bad shape if she doesn't have EX, kinda similar to Honda in that regard.

Unsure if EX Soul reflect has any, but I doubt it- I never use that anyways. Sq"

EX Soul Spiral has massive startup and the invincibility frames don't cover all of it. People can jab you out of it.

Yeah, wake up Soul Spiral is a terrble idea unless you're about to get crossed up, but usually I ex soul throw away if I know I'll be safe on landing.


Okay gaffers! I recorded 3 videos of my horrible Ryu playing in G2 last night... the videos will speak for themselves :lol I'm the Ryu that starts on the right hand side.


1) I know I gotta work on my "fundamentals", any one in particular that needs more attention than others?

2) Does it sound like I'm mashing my TE stick too hard? I never realized how loud it was until I watched these recordings, I hope I don't break it!

3) Any other advice would be great, I'm gonna record as often as I can when I play at nights now. The only problem is the videos are like 250mb each, takes forever to get them on youtube. I had to leave them overnight to upload :(

The videos:




edit: Advice I've been given by GalacticAE last night:

Don't fish for j.mp so often, random wakeup-SRKs, mix up blockstrings... :D
jlai said:
Am I the only one that enjoys using the precision of the keyboard?

PS. TurtleSnatcher Your Fuerte is something!
Hey thanks!

I'm guessing you are the boxer I ran into yesterday on SF4 PC that messaged me? :p

Small world!

You can rest easy that I played another Champ that night with a higher point total so the replay is gone ;)

BTW Great boxer if you are playing on a keyboard.. I can't even fathom playing on a keyboard with Fuerte.
YakiSOBA said:
Okay gaffers! I recorded 3 videos of my horrible Ryu playing in G2 last night... the videos will speak for themselves :lol I'm the Ryu that starts on the right hand side.


1) I know I gotta work on my "fundamentals", any one in particular that needs more attention than others?

2) Does it sound like I'm mashing my TE stick too hard? I never realized how loud it was until I watched these recordings, I hope I don't break it!

3) Any other advice would be great, I'm gonna record as often as I can when I play at nights now. The only problem is the videos are like 250mb each, takes forever to get them on youtube. I had to leave them overnight to upload :(

The videos:




edit: Advice I've been given by GalacticAE last night:

Don't fish for j.mp so often, random wakeup-SRKs, mix up blockstrings... :D

I only watched your first video.

Stop doing full screen hurricane kicks! It accomplishes nothing, and you're lucky your opponent was really bad. Doing that against a competent Sagat player will literally lose you the match (since you can eat anywhere from 50%-75% life.)

Don't use ex fireballs full screen either. Use ex fireballs right outside of sweep range to catch them either walking forward, or to keep them honest if they're trying to focus bait. A full screen ex fb serves no purpose, since you can do the same thing w/ a normal fireball. Dont' was that bar baby.

I can tell you're not comfortable being near an opponent since you jump back a lot. To alleviate this, make sure you get an understanding of your pokes and their range. Ryu's best one is cr. mk, but his cr. mp is also good for stuffing scissor kicks. Also you need to use fireballs way more often. Know that when you're outside poke range, you can blast em w/ fb's to get them to do something. Since you're playing online, most people are really jumpy, so you can typically just throw one fireballs, and 9/10 times they'll jump after it, which is where you SRK em.


YakiSOBA said:

I'm only 10 seconds in and I can't help but notice:

1. Stop smashing like crazy! Learn to time your attacks and properly execute moves, and be nice to your poor stick.

2. Stop jumping backwards all the time. Mix it up with some offense.
YakiSOBA said:
Okay gaffers! I recorded 3 videos of my horrible Ryu playing in G2 last night... the videos will speak for themselves :lol I'm the Ryu that starts on the right hand side.


1) I know I gotta work on my "fundamentals", any one in particular that needs more attention than others?

2) Does it sound like I'm mashing my TE stick too hard? I never realized how loud it was until I watched these recordings, I hope I don't break it!

3) Any other advice would be great, I'm gonna record as often as I can when I play at nights now. The only problem is the videos are like 250mb each, takes forever to get them on youtube. I had to leave them overnight to upload :(

The videos:




edit: Advice I've been given by GalacticAE last night:

Don't fish for j.mp so often, random wakeup-SRKs, mix up blockstrings... :D

Oy.. You kinda play like me when I don't use El Fuerte since El Fuerte barely has any links to rely on with combos minus RSF.

Work on basic stuff.. Like Cr. MK to Fireball or Cr. MK to Tatsu.. or Cr. FP to Fireball or Tatsu etc.

You seem to be just randomly mashing cr. LK which yea.. is a combo but doesnt do much and if you time it wrong can be interrupted by a SRK or something.

Don't take this the wrong way but you remind me of those really 'Ugh' Ryu players. Jump Back constantly.. then you are fireballing full screen nonstop with some of them missing (Yes I see those random standing fierce punches).

You also seem to do tatsu from a full screen which you shouldn't. Its unsafe and gets you no where. Alot of chars can crouch FP that and its just free dmg.

My two biggest tips.

Work on your bread and butter combos Cr. MK to whatever is BnB for Ryu.

And then work on staying agressive and learn how to cross up. Ryu jumping MK Cross Up is 2nd easiest in the game after Gen pretty much.


good credit (by proxy)
YakiSOBA said:
Okay gaffers! I recorded 3 videos of my horrible Ryu playing in G2 last night... the videos will speak for themselves :lol I'm the Ryu that starts on the right hand side.


1) I know I gotta work on my "fundamentals", any one in particular that needs more attention than others?

2) Does it sound like I'm mashing my TE stick too hard? I never realized how loud it was until I watched these recordings, I hope I don't break it!

3) Any other advice would be great, I'm gonna record as often as I can when I play at nights now. The only problem is the videos are like 250mb each, takes forever to get them on youtube. I had to leave them overnight to upload :(

The videos:




edit: Advice I've been given by GalacticAE last night:

Don't fish for j.mp so often, random wakeup-SRKs, mix up blockstrings... :D

Save your EX for cr. mk into EX tatsu. This is like, ryu's ultimate easy combo game changer. Any time you can freely punish, like when Bison tries to headstomp but lands right next to you, do that shit.

Do EX fireballs when you're closer and learn ex fireball fadc ultra......If you know you can get someone with a surprise EX fireball from around sweep range than fadc into ultra and it'll blow their mind out the back of their heads. I would say try saving your EX meter mostly for cr. mk to EX tatsu punish, and ex fireball fadc into ultra.

EX SRK sucks a big cock and is only useful in a couple places, like knocking blanka out of his ultra, getting away from zangief when he tries cross up into lariat, and getting away from el fuerte when you're waking up and he's trying all that crazy shit.

note: i suck at saving me ex for actual good stuff.

Ryu vs. Bison: I noticed a few times when he'd do a headstomp that you'd anticipate, so you'd jump back. Just walk back or backdash and he'll land right next to you and you can punish (CR. MK INTO EX TATSU!!!!!). Cross up that turd Bison, he ain't gonna do shit about it. You could try crossing him up and then tick throwing a few times to get him used to canceling the throw, then the next time SRK his ass when he tries to tech the throw. Ryu's sweep fucking sucks. Never use that. Do cr. mk into fireball instead. The only time to use sweep is when you have a limited window of time in which to punish someones mistake and the opponent is far enough away that hitting them with a sweep is your only option. You can punish Bison's headstomp by just jumping straight up, and hitting fierce punch. When they're in the corner what catches a people offgaurd sometimes is when you fireball and they block it and then you immediately EX fireball. You have to be closer than half screen on this, but a lot of times they'll try to jump or do some move and get hit with the 2nd ex fireball and then you can ultra them.

Ryu vs. Ryu: If they're going to get into a full screen fireball war, just absorb some of their fireballs. Go back and forth absorbing one, jumping one, absorbing one, jumping one etc til they come after you or you get level 1 ultra. At that point just use run away tactics to avoid damage for a few seconds til you get back up to full life. If he tatsu's over your head punish with cr. mp. Ech, that sweep, don't do that.

Ryu vs. Rose: when jumping over a fireball, jump straight up. practice it. Don't ultra cause you think they'll do a move instead of blocking or jumping, ultra because you KNOW the ultra will hit. Quit sweeping. You used EX fireball from full screen at the end, that wasn't so bad because she only had a tiny amount of life left and you whittled it down to where a jab would kill her. When I have someone down that low, a lot of times I really will just do a ton of jabs when they get close. jab cancels or trades with lots of moves, so even if it trades, you still win. I've won so many matches with anti-air standing jabs.


YakiSOBA said:
3) Any other advice would be great, I'm gonna record as often as I can when I play at nights now. The only problem is the videos are like 250mb each, takes forever to get them on youtube. I had to leave them overnight to upload :(
I'll give you my advice, not Ryu specifically, but in general and can be applied to several fighting games.

One thing I usually do is fight the CPU in the hardest difficulty (or whichever gives you challenge) and I set 1 star to my character handicap. Fighting the CPU is not very good advice (creates bad habits), but you can lern a few things either way. Doing this you'll lern how to block more (4 hits and you're dead), remove your jumpy bad habit since the CPU will anti-air you most of the time and you'll discover how to counter poke some moves to avoid chip damage.

I main Chun and I realized I needed to practice my block since she has very low defense. I lost 40 times against the CPU before starting winning some matches and it made a big difference afterwards when playing online and with friends.

It's also pretty good for playing under pressure because you have 1/4 of health all the time. Of course, the pressure is not the same as if you're playing against a person, but it helps anyway.

That method worked for me. It doesn't replace a human opponent, but you can improve in some basic fundamentals with it.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I'm always puzzled by people who mod their stick art with anime porn, but it seems like I'm in the minority by thinking I'd be embarassed to carry something like that in public.


he's Virgin Tight™
One question...

Is the Street Fighter IV Fightstick worth it? Is it good? Just before I place my order with Amazon =)

(posted this also in the BB thread so I get answers from both sides!! I guess the stick would do well with MVC2 and Tekken right?)


Relix said:
One question...

Is the Street Fighter IV Fightstick worth it? Is it good? Just before I place my order with Amazon =)

(posted this also in the BB thread so I get answers from both sides!! I guess the stick would do well with MVC2 and Tekken right?)
TE or regular? If you get the regular one, be sure to get the sanwa button parts at the very least since the buttons they have on the regular one suck balls.

TE version is really good.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Relix said:
One question...

Is the Street Fighter IV Fightstick worth it? Is it good? Just before I place my order with Amazon =)

(posted this also in the BB thread so I get answers from both sides!! I guess the stick would do well with MVC2 and Tekken right?)

I have the SE stick with stock parts. I'll probably replace the buttons and stuff once my warranty is up just to see what all the hubub is about, but the stock equipment is good enough for me atm since this is the first stick i've played on since the heyday of arcades and I don't really have anything to compare it to.


Lost Fragment said:
I'm always puzzled by people who mod their stick art with anime porn, but it seems like I'm in the minority by thinking I'd be embarassed to carry something like that in public.
You're not the only one who wonders why people do this. I'd be EXTREMELY embarrassed if anyone I know saw me with it.

Does anyone want to get some games going on PSN later? Cammy player here, haven't played in about a month so I'm a bit rusty.

PSN: Realaride
Lost Fragment said:
I'm always puzzled by people who mod their stick art with anime porn, but it seems like I'm in the minority by thinking I'd be embarassed to carry something like that in public.

i dont think he will be playing that stick outside of his home, but who knows....

but its the same with some avatars on boards like this. you can clearly see some people like to take artwork from manga and anime porn. i dont really mind though. what i really dont like is when people start to force some ugly blood & gore horror artwork on you. i've seen enough shit here i just dont like see.

with that in mind, i dont see a reason to complain about cute art.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Spy said:
You're not the only one who wonders why people do this. I'd be EXTREMELY embarrassed if anyone I know saw me with it.

Does anyone want to get some games going on PSN later? Cammy player here, haven't played in about a month so I'm a bit rusty.

PSN: Realaride

It could be worse. One dude locally made his gf go out in a fetish outfit for at least 1 tourney.

Of course ,that dude was primarily a GG player.
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