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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


profit said:
Any know a nice thing to do while playing SF4 to relax?
I dont mind losing and learning, but to keep losing cause I keep making stupid mistakes or that for some reasons I cant even punish a whiffed sweep is really starting to piss me off....
I usually listen to a crapload of gaming podcasts while playing(or learning I guess) SF4.

An update on my slow progress. As I reach my 200th online battle, I've only won 20 so far. But progress is progress I guess.
So some Norcal (haunts, magus, etc.) guys are up in Japan right now. According to Oichi, haunts and magus got fucked up in a bar and someone ended up throwing in haunts into a garage door! :lol


sonicspear64 said:
So some Norcal (haunts, magus, etc.) guys are up in Japan right now. According to Oichi, haunts and magus got fucked up in a bar and someone ended up throwing in haunts into a garage door! :lol

wtf :lol


sonicspear64 said:
So some Norcal (haunts, magus, etc.) guys are up in Japan right now. According to Oichi, haunts and magus got fucked up in a bar and someone ended up throwing in haunts into a garage door! :lol

did he fadc out of it?


sonicspear64 said:
So some Norcal (haunts, magus, etc.) guys are up in Japan right now. According to Oichi, haunts and magus got fucked up in a bar and someone ended up throwing in haunts into a garage door! :lol
WTF? :lol :lol

This has got to be a joke, right?
_dementia said:

i just saw this and thought i'd share!
but don't light your hands on fire kids

The face and muscles are off, but awesome flick. I don't have a tv right now (I'm upgrading to a Pioneer and sold my Panasonic today). I ordered the PC version to keep me occupied in the meantime.

And good job Kadey, you could do that on a stick.

I won't lie I tried using my SE with KOF98UM and I was pulling my hair out, as my hand isn't adjusted to executing complicated motions.
Balrog has some of the best normals in the game, you shouldn't be getting out poked. It sounds like Footsies should be the first thing for you to work on.


sonicspear64 said:
So some Norcal (haunts, magus, etc.) guys are up in Japan right now. According to Oichi, haunts and magus got fucked up in a bar and someone ended up throwing in haunts into a garage door! :lol
The guy who threw him into the garage door obviously doesn't know about Japan and honor. He brings shame to his family.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wait, Haunts got beaten up? Let's show those bastards :mad: Let's all raid that damn bar!


FindMyFarms said:
Balrog has some of the best normals in the game, you shouldn't be getting out poked. It sounds like Footsies should be the first thing for you to work on.
Here's the funny thing, I constantly get poked out of my stuff when I play on my regular tv. But when I play on my pc monitor, which is to be honest way better, I dont have any problems whatsoever, except for my own stupid mistakes.


Alright, I just got perfected by an El Fuerte first round, and then I just gave up second round as I was getting beaten down severely (didn't disconnect of course).

Any tips for Guile vs. El Fuerte? It feels like a hopelessly imbalanced matchup.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
negitoro7 said:
Any tips for Guile vs. El Fuerte? It feels like a hopelessly imbalanced matchup.
Depends on how aggresive the Fuerte is, I dominate Fuertes with my Guile. Keep the space between him and you, always have fk ready and use FA against his cross up move.
I went through all the characters again yesterday looking for an alt or new main. I was pretty sure I was going to use M.Bison...but fucking E.Honda captured me into his magical web of love. I've been reading about him and people don't have the best opinions, especially after EVO. But, he is just so much fun. He is so strong, and can take such a beating. I was just a lot better using him then anyone else (Cept Dhalsim).

I'm going to work on Honda and Bison now. Any Honda tips?

Love this Honda video-


good credit (by proxy)
whoa whoa whoa whoa wait, what is that thing where dan taunts like 8 times in a row? how do you do that? I think Dan might be my new secondary.

farnham said:
i dont get all the

dan is only for mocking concept

i thought dan is a pretty good fighter overall.. he has a very fast light dragon punch and even if you can ignore his fireball his hurricane kick equivalent in air is quite effective.. plus his ultra as mentioned is really great..

first sentence: check
second sentence: check
third sentence: ultimo dragon check



good credit (by proxy)
Can you hit Dan out of it, or is he invincible? Also does it do any damage or is it just a waste of ex meter?


Timedog said:
Can you hit Dan out of it, or is he invincible? Also does it do any damage or is it just a waste of ex meter?
You can hit Dan out of it. It does no damage and I wouldn't really call it a waste of meter because to me it's totally worth it.... Yes it's a waste of meter.


Some Blanka tried to chip death me with his Ultra after he scored a knockdown and had me cornered.

What do I do? Well, I'm just trying to EX Guac my way out of there but instead, it CATCHES him while his Ultra is in the air and kills him :lol I knew Fuerte could throw Blanka out of his Ultra but I definitely didn't mean to. :D

Then he sends me some hate mail in Spanish.

ETA: :lol @ the Dan video. "They will lose karma"


MIMIC said:
Some Blanka tried to chip death me with his Ultra after he scored a knockdown and had me cornered.

What do I do? Well, I'm just trying to EX Guac my way out of there but instead, it CATCHES him while his Ultra is in the air and kills him :lol I knew Fuerte could throw Blanka out of his Ultra but I definitely didn't mean to. :D

Then he sends me some hate mail in Spanish.

On that note, I see a lot of hispanic players fluctuate to playing Blanka as their main. I've discussed this with my friends and we all tend to notice this.
K.Sabot said:
On that note, I see a lot of hispanic players fluctuate to playing Blanka as their main. I've discussed this with my friends and we all tend to notice this.

I have a different point of view, most of the Hispanic people I see pick a shoto...never fails.


So ive decided to drop Sagat for a little while and pick up Rufus. Any basic tips for a new Rufus player? I was playing through arcade mode a bit to get comfortable with him but I think its gonna take a while.


I got a message from someone that El Fuerte and Dan are the two worst characters in the game.

What exactly makes Dan so bad?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
MIMIC said:
What exactly makes Dan so bad?
One of the most casual answer here is that he doesn't have any good ultra set up (you COULD bait fireballs though).

Oh, and his super does nothing at all.

His Tatsu is pointless, unless you EX it.

Hadooken is absolutely ridiculous.

He's Dan.


Felium Defensor
Dan is the fucking man. Haters piss off.
His run animation is amazing. His taunts are godlike. His(Japanese) voice is heaven sent. His touch is delicate like a flower. Still not convinced? Oyajjjiiiiiiii!


Is there another character other than blanka that has a wake up attack that hits directly above (lk up ball) that doesn't require meter?

That's the move that I use to beat any cross up(on wake up) attempts. Is there another character that has a similar move?


Seiken said:
One of the most casual answer here is that he doesn't have any good ultra set up (you COULD bait fireballs though).

Hadooken is absolutely ridiculous.

Dan's ultra doesn't really need setup, it has priority over all physical attacks and fireballs, it can go right through Ryu's ultra. As long as someone attacks you can can pretty much hit him with the ultra.

Seiken said:
His Tatsu is pointless, unless you EX it.

His tatsu is actually really useful.

Seiken said:
Oh, and his super does nothing at all.

True, but that means you can just blow all the meter on EX-ing all your moves.

Seiken said:
He's Dan.

He's the man. *tear*


Little is the new Big
Kaako said:
Dan is the fucking man. Haters piss off.
His run animation is amazing. His taunts are godlike. His(Japanese) voice is heaven sent. His touch is delicate like a flower. Still not convinced? Oyajjjiiiiiiii!

Yes! :lol


Ravager61 said:
So ive decided to drop Sagat for a little while and pick up Rufus. Any basic tips for a new Rufus player? I was playing through arcade mode a bit to get comfortable with him but I think its gonna take a while.

A few basic things off the top of my head.

- It's a VERY different game from Sagat. With sagat, zoning is key, with Rufus, you gotta get in early and often

- He lacks an anti-air special, but c. mp works very well

- EX messiah kick is great, especially vs. people with projectiles. Don't forget to mix up the last hit

- Jumping HK is good to catch people early as they jump at you. Juggle with EX Snake Strike after it for massive damage, or juggle them with an ultra

- Dive kick is great, you have a few mix-up options after
a) do a bunch of c. lp or c. lk
b) combo a c. lp into a lp galactic tornado (you can do it with other hits too, but this is an easy one to start with)
c) s. lk -> s. hk (which you can then combo into an ultra
d) go into another jumping dive kick (sometimes it will cross up)
e) throw or tick-throw
f) after any of the above, keep the pressure on...go with another quick dive kick (i.e. hit df mk right after you jump). Do not abuse this though, people catch on

- Cr. hp from afar catches people off guard more often than you think

Hope this helps
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