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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Kadey said:
Who is despize on here?
I am. Hi!
abombb said:
I find it hard to stay on one character to learn. I just spent the last couple hundred matches playing nothing but random, because I just stick to one character I find myself getting bored. I may not win as much, but I have more fun.
I do the same thing. I start learning a character and then pick someone else. I'm half decent with a few of them though. In a Rufus phase right now.
I own SF4 on the PS3 and yesterday I went over to my cousins place and we played SF4 on his 360 for like 6 hours. We did take breaks, but man we just kept going and going. Anyways, this is my impressions of the online portion of the PS3 and 360 version.

First there is definitely more players on the 360, I wish the PS3 version was this well populated, too bad it's not. But IMO, the quality of players is lower then the 360 version. But I blame this on the controller rather then the players. I myself could not do the same things I found to be so easy on the Dual Shock 3. I just played a basic Ryu and was mowing down guys in the 1500-2500 BP range on Xbox Live.

I noticed just about everybody was more basic. Guile's, Blanka's, Balrog's and others in the 1500+ BP range give me trouble on PS3, but on Xbox Live it seemed more common to see stuff like jump kick sweep or jump kick into special move. All I did was the simple combos like crouching MK into hado or crouching HP into EX Tatsu. I didn't try FADC at all since the controller was totally alien to me.

I lost a good number of fights because I didn't do what I wanted to do because of the controller. For example, I was facing this Boxer and was about to chip him to death with a EX SRK, but I instead did a EX Hado and he did wake up Ultra on me and I died.

I really wished I could have plugged in a DS3 and rape most people I come across until I reach the point where there are people better then me. But anyways, I don't mean to sound like I'm dissing the 360 crowd. I just think the 360 players at around the BP range I talked about would be much better if MS had a more fighting friendly pad.


Mrs. Harvey
Sorry guy. I played like 50 matches before finding out who you are. My hands hurt. Now I'm going to take some vitamin C and calcium.


Mrs. Harvey
GriffD17 said:
Is this the trick? And I just now found out about it? Thanks a lot guys. I could've used this information sooner.

Well, calcium makes your bones stronger. And if your bones are stronger, your fingers are stronger thus you can play better. As for vitamin C, it helps you concentrate.


CartridgeBlower said:
I barely see any Sagats anymore. It is ALL Ryus now. Literally it must be over 80%.

And yet most of them simply suck.

Ryu is an excellent character and he's very fun to play imo thanks to the various mix-up or the vast possibilities in which he can land his ultra.He's still a technical character and he must work for his damage,so this is why most people stink up the joint despite the shoryu into FADC into ultra setup.I see these vids online of awful Ryu's which just make me go T_T If you don't have the skills,don't even bother with using him.

I'm sure a lot of these Ryu players use him because this is also who Daigo use. :lol

I still find it strange that Sagat isn't used more when he's clearly the only god tier character in the game(albeit a weak god tier).

Don't worry folks,Ken will surely be improved in SF IV dash and you will be screaming for the Ryu fest of vanilla IV. :lol


I've been running into some really impressive Ken's lately. Still see the Ryu army marching along as usual but some of the Ken players really really had me impressed.
Jenga said:
right so,

is there any sure-fire way to fight off crossups?

I fought a gen, fei-long, and ryu where all they did throughout the match was either crossup or tick throw. Tick throw isn't hard to deal with, but holy fuck some people play characters like crossup is the only thing they can do.

again, I'd always punish them when they fuck up, but is there any way to deal with this crossup spam shit to send the message that's not going to work?

Your best bet is recognizing the distances at which crossups are possible. But to answer your question, no, their isn't. The best way is making proper reads on your opponent and not allowing yourself to be put in a situation where you can be ambiguously crossed. Also, sometimes it's better to just be crossed if there's a big difference in damage output. EX - If ryu does his forward throw on you, he has a ridiculously ambiguous setup with a hurricane kick. If you don't block the crossup, you'll eat 180 damage and get knocked down, where as if you do and he decides to do a jumpin combo, you can lose upwards of 65% of your life. In a game altering scenario, i typically just let the crossup hit me regardless knowing that if I block wrong and eat up the jumpin combo instead, it would hurt wayyy more.
I hope they do improve Ken. Not TS or A2 (with evil super or evil CC/AC) but Hyper or Second Impact Ken (options and berserker rage). I still haven't installed the game on my PC yet.

I'll probably do it tomorrow and get back on the horse. I haven't played in quite awhile.


Spiderjericho said:
I hope they do improve Ken. Not TS or A2 (with evil super or evil CC/AC) but Hyper or Second Impact Ken (options and berserker rage). I still haven't installed the game on my PC yet.

I'll probably do it tomorrow and get back on the horse. I haven't played in quite awhile.

I must admit that I have been a Ken user in most of the SF games since alpha. :lol

Not a fan of ken in SF IV however,so I don't use him much.

I think he need a couple of fix to be pretty much perfect within SF IV system:

- faster walking speed(need more mobility in order to make up for the lack of damage compared to Ryu)
- juggling the ultra should hit for full damage(obviously the FADC into ultra wasn't originally intended since some ultra whiffs because of hitboxes or bad programming)
- his fireball shouldn't be weak


Lost Fragment said:
I fought fucking FOURTEEN Ryus in a row in championship mode tonight.

Yeah, it's ridiculous. I'm so used to fighting him, that all my other match ups are fucked up. I hope the next revision fixes him up a bit. He was pretty fun in 3S.


DR2K said:
Yeah, it's ridiculous. I'm so used to fighting him, that all my other match ups are fucked up. I hope the next revision fixes him up a bit. He was pretty fun in 3S.

Ryu is perfectly fine as is. :D Even if they nerf him,he will still be very popular.Ryu and Akuma aren't broken by any stretch of the imagination.

It's mostly the lower tiers characters that need to be brought up to B or C tier.The game could be perfectly playable if everyone could be set between A and C tiers.

Coming back to Ken,here's what would make him just about perfect for IV:

faster walking speed than Ryu(Ryu and Ken were distinctive by the fact that Ken is quicker and deal less damage than Ryu)
stronger and faster shoryuken than Ryu(it's his trademark and a good compromise for having a mediocre hadoken)
His ex tatsu should be faster(slight damage increase)
quicker recovery on the hadoken
faster forward dash and fix that mediocre step kick
juggling into the ultra for the full animation+damage
focus attack itself should be improved(so slow)
returns of the awesome kicking please :D

The biggest problem of SF IV Ken is that he lost his speed and awesome combo crazy and rushdown trademarks.


It's gotten to the point where I roll my eyes when Ken is picked. I don't find anything wrong with someone maining Ryu or Ken, but its annoying during player matches where the opponent dances around the character select screen for like 30 seconds than just picks Ryu or Ken every time.
kitzkozan said:
The biggest problem of SF IV Ken is that he lost his speed and awesome combo crazy and rushdown trademarks.

Ken can do some really simple and very high damaging combos. A simple HK->HK Tatsu or HK->EX SRK will net you 35% damage, more then anything Ryu and Akuma can do without adding a jump-in, Super, or added hits via FADC. Basically you do not want to do flowchart stuff against a Ken who knows what he's doing since he can really hurt you a lot even without meter.

The only thing he needs in a update is to be able to get the full animation and damage from Ultra after a SRK->FADC like Ryu and Sagat. That alone would make him B tier IMO.

As for the Ryu's, don't blame me. I've been a Ryu lifer since 1992. Good or not he's always been my guy whether he's high tier or not. If 3rd Strike came out on Xbox Live and PSN, I'll be riding that Ryu wagon from start to finish. But yes I do think a lot of guys have jumped to Ryu, some due to Evo but the shift started before that. I think a lot of it has to do with Ken players who see some of the benefits of playing ryu like how easy it is the land Ultra. Who knows but I myself am not too thrilled seeing this happen. I preferred Ken being the most popular, but now Ryu is the new hotness and I hate mirror matches.
Yeah, it's lame that to combo into Ken's full ultra it has to start from a counter srk. Hopefully they fix that. Still though, he will never be close to Ryu in terms of tier. I can think of like 5 ways that ryu can easily combo into super/ultra or even super into ultra off the top of my head.


Rice-Eater said:
Ken can do some really simple and very high damaging combos. A simple HK->HK Tatsu or HK->EX SRK will net you 35% damage, more then anything Ryu and Akuma can do without adding a jump-in, Super, or added hits via FADC. Basically you do not want to do flowchart stuff against a Ken who knows what he's doing since he can really hurt you a lot even without meter.

The only thing he needs in a update is to be able to get the full animation and damage from Ultra after a SRK->FADC like Ryu and Sagat. That alone would make him B tier IMO.

As for the Ryu's, don't blame me. I've been a Ryu lifer since 1992. Good or not he's always been my guy whether he's high tier or not. If 3rd Strike came out on Xbox Live and PSN, I'll be riding that Ryu wagon from start to finish. But yes I do think a lot of guys have jumped to Ryu, some due to Evo but the shift started before that. I think a lot of it has to do with Ken players who see some of the benefits of playing ryu like how easy it is the land Ultra. Who knows but I myself am not too thrilled seeing this happen. I preferred Ken being the most popular, but now Ryu is the new hotness and I hate mirror matches.

I disagree slightly with you there. :p

Having FADC into full ultra won't completely fix Ken.

Ken is lacking his identity,which is a rushdown character with strong combo potential.

He's got trouble getting in close in IV and he doesn't have his roll,so he's stuck with interesting tools and a lack of focus.He end up being a jack of all trade,master of none, thus a low mid tier character.He's nowhere near as fun to play with as in alpha,SF III or CvS and at first I was wondering what was wrong with him.

He should move as fast as Akuma.

His dash should have the speed of Abel

His shoryu should be the strongest among the shotos

A couple of fix here and there and he will be on par with Ryu and Akuma. :D A slow Ken is one hell of a mediocre shoto T_T
kitzkozan said:
I disagree slightly with you there. :p

Having FADC into full ultra won't completely fix Ken.

Ken is lacking his identity,which is a rushdown character with strong combo potential.

He's got trouble getting in close in IV and he doesn't have his roll,so he's stuck with interesting tools and a lack of focus.He end up being a jack of all trade,master of none, thus a low mid tier character.He's nowhere near as fun to play with as in alpha,SF III or CvS and at first I was wondering what was wrong with him.

He should move as fast as Akuma.

His dash should have the speed of Abel

His shoryu should be the strongest among the shotos

A couple of fix here and there and he will be on par with Ryu and Akuma. :D A slow Ken is one hell of a mediocre shoto T_T

Ken has great tools for closing the distance w/ f+mk, plus his multitude of kara's (srk, FA, hadoken, throw.) He has decent mixups, I think his biggest weakness is not having a big damage hit confirmable combo. Giving his ultra it's cutscene off juggles would fix that IMO.


abombb said:
It's gotten to the point where I roll my eyes when Ken is picked. I don't find anything wrong with someone maining Ryu or Ken, but its annoying during player matches where the opponent dances around the character select screen for like 30 seconds than just picks Ryu or Ken every time.
The only people who do that are crap Ryu/Ken/Akuma players, it's like a signal that it's going to be an easy win. :D

... followed by an even easier win when they pick Zangief next match thinking they can get a win with lariat spam. :D

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
kitzkozan said:
He's still a technical character and he must work for his damage,so this is why most people stink up the joint despite the shoryu into FADC into ultra setup.I see these vids online of awful Ryu's which just make me go T_T If you don't have the skills,don't even bother with using him.

how would you suggest gaining said skills then? Be born with them?


LTTP, but what a party! I've been off fighters for years, the last one I played with any type of determination was Soul Calibre II. SF IV has reignited a lost love. The last SF I played was II on the Amiga so I'm a little out of my dept but things are coming back and I'm slowly finding my way. Certain characters are starting to feel comfortable, Sakura and Fei Long in particular.

Feels good. So good! I really have no idea why I skipped over this on release.


FindMyFarms said:
Ken has great tools for closing the distance w/ f+mk, plus his multitude of kara's (srk, FA, hadoken, throw.) He has decent mixups, I think his biggest weakness is not having a big damage hit confirmable combo. Giving his ultra it's cutscene off juggles would fix that IMO.

What sort of use do you have for kara hadoken? I mean I can understand kara throw and srk/FA sort of but kara hadoken?

In any case, you can't base a character off karas, which most of the population can't do. I certainly don't expect anyone to be able to kara on a pad...

But I think that the buffs kitzkozan wants done to Ken are a bit much :)

Rushdown / strong combo potential are nice for shotos. I think Akuma can play 2 roles now, either rushdown or zoning, with low life to compensate.

If you want Ken to be a rushdown character with lots of combos, you have to give him low damage AND reduce damage scaling. Combo-heavy characters require low damage so that it offsets their easier combos. (See Sakura, which is a good example plagued by bad mechanics ie horrible damage scaling. She's a combo monster, but due to scaling her combos do so little damage she's not worth playing outside of resets, which any good player can avoid). Damage scaling is one of the biggest problems SF4 has - Capcom just decided to remove infinites by doing massive scaling. It hurts a LOT of characters.

You can't give him everything like the strongest srk, super fast speed, Abel dash speed + full ultra all the time.

He needs a rework if his concept is a rushdown character though.

Good rushdown characters are Rufus and Viper - those 2 are BUILT for rushdown. Rufus controls space a bit better than Viper but Viper has INSANE stun capabilities (much more than anyone in the cast, with her 200 stun FPs and TKs).

I think SF4 Dash needs to do a few things -

- Reduce damage scaling
- Refocus a few characters
- I personally would like air FAs (I loved 3s, lol) but I doubt that would happen
- Add new characters
- Fix the console characters
- Make FAs' hitboxes/speed universal (they are all the same speed and have the exact same hitbox)
- Fix the MANY, MANY hitbox problems/inconsistencies (for example, Cammy can't consistently do a FP after a FA crumple on Dhalsim, Abel's 2nd c.fp hit doesn't always hit point blank, etc).
- Change throws so you can't throw someone while they are in an attack animation (this will greatly remove the effectiveness of tick throws, which are one of the banes of SF4). This includes command throws, except EX ones that are hit invulnerable. This makes Gief and Abel's normal command throws a bit less useful but doing EX would still grab through hits.
- Air throws shouldn't beat everything (the god damn things beat SRKs on the way up!)

I feel the game is too defensive right now. Turtling is a very effective tactic, and as I've said multiple times, I think Capcom made that decision so that scrubs would play the game more. 3s is anti-turtle because there are MANY, MANY offensive options, whereas SF4 has a lot less. The top tier are mostly defensive characters (Sagat is a pure zoning character with super high damage, wtf. Ryu is a defensive monster - he can win almost every fight if he forces the fight to get to him, etc).

There are MANY, MANY fixes that single characters need also, but I won't list all of them. :)


Ken wouldn't be over the top with the mentioned changes. :lol

The thing is that his damage is lower than Ryu,except for the shoryuken.He's never been a high damage/stun crazy character either.These changes would probably make Ken A tier,but Ryu and Akuma will probably maintain their status in new version so the shotos will be on equal ground.

Super fast speed isn't required,but he need to be one step faster than Ryu.If say Ryu walking speed in SF IV is at 5/10,Ken should be at 6/10.You only need a couple of subtle changes here and there to make Ken work as the line between mediocre and high tier is very very small.

I agree about lessening the damage scaling,as players are discouraged from attempting massive combos thus limiting the creativity.


TimeKillr said:
What sort of use do you have for kara hadoken? I mean I can understand kara throw and srk/FA sort of but kara hadoken?

In any case, you can't base a character off karas, which most of the population can't do. I certainly don't expect anyone to be able to kara on a pad...

But I think that the buffs kitzkozan wants done to Ken are a bit much :)

Rushdown / strong combo potential are nice for shotos. I think Akuma can play 2 roles now, either rushdown or zoning, with low life to compensate.

If you want Ken to be a rushdown character with lots of combos, you have to give him low damage AND reduce damage scaling. Combo-heavy characters require low damage so that it offsets their easier combos. (See Sakura, which is a good example plagued by bad mechanics ie horrible damage scaling. She's a combo monster, but due to scaling her combos do so little damage she's not worth playing outside of resets, which any good player can avoid). Damage scaling is one of the biggest problems SF4 has - Capcom just decided to remove infinites by doing massive scaling. It hurts a LOT of characters.

You can't give him everything like the strongest srk, super fast speed, Abel dash speed + full ultra all the time.

He needs a rework if his concept is a rushdown character though.

Good rushdown characters are Rufus and Viper - those 2 are BUILT for rushdown. Rufus controls space a bit better than Viper but Viper has INSANE stun capabilities (much more than anyone in the cast, with her 200 stun FPs and TKs).

I think SF4 Dash needs to do a few things -

- Reduce damage scaling
- Refocus a few characters
- I personally would like air FAs (I loved 3s, lol) but I doubt that would happen
- Add new characters
- Fix the console characters
- Make FAs' hitboxes/speed universal (they are all the same speed and have the exact same hitbox)
- Fix the MANY, MANY hitbox problems/inconsistencies (for example, Cammy can't consistently do a FP after a FA crumple on Dhalsim, Abel's 2nd c.fp hit doesn't always hit point blank, etc).
- Change throws so you can't throw someone while they are in an attack animation (this will greatly remove the effectiveness of tick throws, which are one of the banes of SF4). This includes command throws, except EX ones that are hit invulnerable. This makes Gief and Abel's normal command throws a bit less useful but doing EX would still grab through hits.
- Air throws shouldn't beat everything (the god damn things beat SRKs on the way up!)

I feel the game is too defensive right now. Turtling is a very effective tactic, and as I've said multiple times, I think Capcom made that decision so that scrubs would play the game more. 3s is anti-turtle because there are MANY, MANY offensive options, whereas SF4 has a lot less. The top tier are mostly defensive characters (Sagat is a pure zoning character with super high damage, wtf. Ryu is a defensive monster - he can win almost every fight if he forces the fight to get to him, etc).

There are MANY, MANY fixes that single characters need also, but I won't list all of them. :)

IMO most of those changes would only make the game more unbalanced. For example the FAs are different per character for a reason.

Also, I don't think SF4 is really all that defensive.


ArjanN said:
IMO most of those changes would only make the game more unbalanced. For example the FAs are different per character for a reason.

Also, I don't think SF4 is really all that defensive.

Aside from different FAs, what else would you think makes it unbalanced? I don't see how this would make the game more unbalanced - right now the only characters that have bad FAs are lower tier characters and Balrog. :) Akuma's FA is godly, Sagat's is very good (it has a huge hitbox), etc. It would only serve to balance the whole thing. Viper's FA, for example, is absolutely HORRIBLE (it only hits high!)

And yeah, SF4 is very defensive. Ryu can turtle your ass all day and win like it's nobody's business. In fact, his game play revolves around just poking 24/7 until you try to get in.

Most of the stuff I listed are inconsistencies in the game engine, btw. Different FAs are a design decision, but the rest are hardly design decisions, and it's easy to see why - Abel's c.fp, for example, won't do 2 hits on crouching Ryu and Sagat. Nobody sat down and said "Okay, so Ryu and Sagat, 2 of the most powerful characters in the game, are gonna be immune to this stuff, because clearly Abel would be overpowered with it".

And you honestly can't tell me you believe throws are fine how they are. Seriously.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
TimeKillr said:
I think SF4 Dash needs to do a few things -

- Reduce damage scaling
- Refocus a few characters
- I personally would like air FAs (I loved 3s, lol) but I doubt that would happen
- Add new characters
- Fix the console characters
- Make FAs' hitboxes/speed universal (they are all the same speed and have the exact same hitbox)
- Fix the MANY, MANY hitbox problems/inconsistencies (for example, Cammy can't consistently do a FP after a FA crumple on Dhalsim, Abel's 2nd c.fp hit doesn't always hit point blank, etc).
- Change throws so you can't throw someone while they are in an attack animation (this will greatly remove the effectiveness of tick throws, which are one of the banes of SF4). This includes command throws, except EX ones that are hit invulnerable. This makes Gief and Abel's normal command throws a bit less useful but doing EX would still grab through hits.
- Air throws shouldn't beat everything (the god damn things beat SRKs on the way up!)

I feel the game is too defensive right now. Turtling is a very effective tactic, and as I've said multiple times, I think Capcom made that decision so that scrubs would play the game more. 3s is anti-turtle because there are MANY, MANY offensive options, whereas SF4 has a lot less. The top tier are mostly defensive characters (Sagat is a pure zoning character with super high damage, wtf. Ryu is a defensive monster - he can win almost every fight if he forces the fight to get to him, etc).

There are MANY, MANY fixes that single characters need also, but I won't list all of them. :)

- I dont really understand this(Bold), if your move is active after a million frames, and my TT/SPD comes out at 999,999 frames, i SHOULD grab you whether you start animation or not. Its still very dangerous to command throw spam(at least with Abel) cuz alot of moves in the game beats it. I would agree with this for Normal throws, but command throw should have SOME useful priority outside of EX.

other stuff:

- Yes i agree with some hit detection fixes.( and crap like Abel's Falling Sky and El Fuerte's GUAC should NOT "trade" with hits. Either i get hit or I grab.)
- Nerf Sagat(but dont make em useless)
- better alternate costumes for some characters
"And you honestly can't tell me you believe throws are fine how they are. Seriously."

It's nothing new to Street Fighter. It's simply a matter of the throw coming out before the attack's active frames. Why would you want to remove tick throws? Not allowing you to throw someone while they're in an attack animation would essentially make throws useless. Thumbs down.

Also, why remove defensive play style characters? Or rather, why make the game "anti-defensive"?
TimeKillr said:
What sort of use do you have for kara hadoken? I mean I can understand kara throw and srk/FA sort of but kara hadoken?

It's mainly for situational footsies and gaining ground in a fireball battle. Being in a fireball war at 4/5's stage distance, one kara Hadoken can put you into range for his f + mk.

Also, nothing wrong with a character being based around a moveset with strict execution requirements. i.e. viper, akuma, abel, gief, etc. , 3s yun,urien, etc. etc. Capcom doesn't really care if you can't do stuff on pad :lol


how do i do a kara tigershot? and.... do i use sagat's f+hk to punish jumpins when they are jumping in at a large distance or when they are jumping in close to me? :D
"how do i do a kara tigershot? and.... do i use sagat's f+hk to punish jumpins when they are jumping in at a large distance or when they are jumping in close to me?"

f.lk, then the tiger shot motion. You have to let go of forward as fast as possible and you have to wait a bit and then do the tiger shot motion as fast as possible, otherwise you'll get tiger knee/uppercut. Unless there's a simpler way I don't know of.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
- I dont really understand this(Bold), if your move is active after a million frames, and my TT/SPD comes out at 999,999 frames, i SHOULD grab you whether you start animation or not. Its still very dangerous to command throw spam(at least with Abel) cuz alot of moves in the game beats it. I would agree with this for Normal throws, but command throw should have SOME useful priority outside of EX.

other stuff:

- Yes i agree with some hit detection fixes.( and crap like Abel's Falling Sky and El Fuerte's GUAC should NOT "trade" with hits. Either i get hit or I grab.)
- Nerf Sagat(but dont make em useless)
- better alternate costumes for some characters

I think the thing with attack animations and throws is that I feel normals should beat throws. The game, as it is right now, is a freaking throw fest. It turns out the best option (not punish) 99% of the time against someone who doesn't have a SRK is throwing. Play anyone - anytime both players land, if someone doesn't have a SRK, you MUST throw because it's clearly the best option. It'll beat most quick normals, which is just ridiculous.

And Abel's command throws are VERY useful outside of EX - they beat throws, they have longer range than standard throws, do more damage and have a bit more priority. Same with Gief. They kind of have a larger risk associated to them because of you whiff them you are stuck in the whiff animation for longer, but overall they are much more powerful than normal throws.

I know you main Abel (so do I, and I've seen you on threads on SRK as well!) and you know as well as I do that we do some crazy BS with TTs. On any sort of jump-in, we can mash TT. If the other person doesn't have perfect links, they get TTed. Every. Single. Time. It's the same with Gief. You can't make any mistakes against Gief because he WILL SPD you every time.

And yes Tekno, tick throws should be part of the game, but it shouldn't be the ONLY game. As it stands right now some tick throw setups are just ridiculous. If one of your jabs takes 3 (or god forbid 4 like Abel) frames to come out, a lot of setups give you a VERY long time for throwing. And since you can throw people out of their hit animations, often times it just gets ridiculous how long you can actually safely tick throw.

With Abel for example, I can jump in -> c.jab -> TT and there's barely any sort of escape possible.

And I'm not saying they should remove the defensive characters, I'm just saying I feel it's necessary to have options for most of the cast to be even able to get in. 3s had this right with air parries - you still had options for rushdown because you could get in. Then again 3s isn't all about zoning, which is what SF4 is about. Most of the top tier is all about zoning (Sagat/Ryu/Akuma) whereas more offensive characters which have low zoning capabilities are very low on the tier list.
"And I'm not saying they should remove the defensive characters, I'm just saying I feel it's necessary to have options for most of the cast to be even able to get in"

With focus attacks, everyone in the cast does have options to get in. It takes some patience and out thinking of your opponent, but if you could easily bypass zoning then it wouldn't be very worthwhile.


Teknopathetic said:
"how do i do a kara tigershot? and.... do i use sagat's f+hk to punish jumpins when they are jumping in at a large distance or when they are jumping in close to me?"

f.lk, then the tiger shot motion. You have to let go of forward as fast as possible and you have to wait a bit and then do the tiger shot motion as fast as possible, otherwise you'll get tiger knee/uppercut. Unless there's a simpler way I don't know of.

nice it works, thanks!! :)


TimeKillr said:
I think the thing with attack animations and throws is that I feel normals should beat throws. The game, as it is right now, is a freaking throw fest. It turns out the best option (not punish) 99% of the time against someone who doesn't have a SRK is throwing. Play anyone - anytime both players land, if someone doesn't have a SRK, you MUST throw because it's clearly the best option. It'll beat most quick normals, which is just ridiculous.

And Abel's command throws are VERY useful outside of EX - they beat throws, they have longer range than standard throws, do more damage and have a bit more priority. Same with Gief. They kind of have a larger risk associated to them because of you whiff them you are stuck in the whiff animation for longer, but overall they are much more powerful than normal throws.

I know you main Abel (so do I, and I've seen you on threads on SRK as well!) and you know as well as I do that we do some crazy BS with TTs. On any sort of jump-in, we can mash TT. If the other person doesn't have perfect links, they get TTed. Every. Single. Time. It's the same with Gief. You can't make any mistakes against Gief because he WILL SPD you every time.

And yes Tekno, tick throws should be part of the game, but it shouldn't be the ONLY game. As it stands right now some tick throw setups are just ridiculous. If one of your jabs takes 3 (or god forbid 4 like Abel) frames to come out, a lot of setups give you a VERY long time for throwing. And since you can throw people out of their hit animations, often times it just gets ridiculous how long you can actually safely tick throw.

With Abel for example, I can jump in -> c.jab -> TT and there's barely any sort of escape possible.

And I'm not saying they should remove the defensive characters, I'm just saying I feel it's necessary to have options for most of the cast to be even able to get in. 3s had this right with air parries - you still had options for rushdown because you could get in. Then again 3s isn't all about zoning, which is what SF4 is about. Most of the top tier is all about zoning (Sagat/Ryu/Akuma) whereas more offensive characters which have low zoning capabilities are very low on the tier list.

You are setting yourself up for disappointment when you say: I feel it's necessary to...

SF IV will never be III,so the playstyle won't be similar and why should it be? Capcom aim with IV was to make the serie commercial again and that's exactly what they did.They will build upon the foundation of vanilla IV and refine the overall experience while keeping the ultras and slower pace/strong defensive aspect.I can't really blame them either,since casuals and scrubs can live longer since turtling is viable at a low level of play and ultra is a nice and easy flashy attack that you obtain by getting your ass kicked in there. :lol

SF will probably never be the same again,since Capcom doesn't want to make another 3rd strike which is a timeless classic aimed at hardcore FG fans while barely making a profit.They are now willing to dumb down and aim the casual crowd and it's showing in most of their games.I am ok with that,since they have been mostly hardcore oriented for 30 years and it's time for them to cash-in.I want them to stay independant and strong,not going down the crapper in another fusion like some companies already did. :lol

They will refine some aspect of the game,like the overall flow of the game and hitbox detection which is often weird depending on the size of a character(Chun's ultra doing like 50% of it's damage on some characters).The tiers will be better balanced for sure,so it should easily be the most balanced SF game.


good credit (by proxy)
I think they should mostly mess around with character health and with how much damage certain attacks do rather than do too much actual hitbox/animation changes. It would suck to have to relearn a bunch of stuff. One thing in that vein that I think SHOULD change is to give sagat slightly longer recovery on a few of his moves, mostly tiger shot and tiger knee. Tiger knee safe on single hit is a complete wtf.


TimeKillr said:
Most of the stuff I listed are inconsistencies in the game engine, btw. Different FAs are a design decision, but the rest are hardly design decisions, and it's easy to see why - Abel's c.fp, for example, won't do 2 hits on crouching Ryu and Sagat. Nobody sat down and said "Okay, so Ryu and Sagat, 2 of the most powerful characters in the game, are gonna be immune to this stuff, because clearly Abel would be overpowered with it".
Also, Abel's c.fp almost NEVER works against Fuerte. Even when he's standing, when you do his FADC combo, after a cross up, it always hits once. The only time it hits both times is when Fuerte is crumpling, and even that doesn't work every time.

I don't believe the arcade characters should be balanced in a patch, don't want to alienate the arcade crowd. However, buffing up the console characters sounds perfectly reasonable.

I know you main Abel (so do I, and I've seen you on threads on SRK as well!) and you know as well as I do that we do some crazy BS with TTs. On any sort of jump-in, we can mash TT. If the other person doesn't have perfect links, they get TTed. Every. Single. Time. It's the same with Gief. You can't make any mistakes against Gief because he WILL SPD you every time.
Anytime I run into an Abel or Zangief that does that, I always bait them by starting the blockstring and then jumping, coming down for great damage when their throw whiffs. Same with SRK characters but instead of jumping you block.
I just want them to buff Vega w/ some common sense stuff. f + mk should be overhead, more priority to flip kick, let him reach the wall every time on wall dive (ESPECIALLY if it's ex lol.)

Do that capcom and I'm maining him :)
If we're talking stuff characters need: Rose's c.fp should launch and combo into soul throw. EX soul spiral should either have faster startup or more invincibility frames. Slide should go under fireballs easier. Her crouching jab should give more hit stun so it's not a total pita to combo into soul spiral. LK spiral should be safe on block. Soul reflect should start up faster and have shorter recovery so she can actually keep up with fireballs. Oh, and give soul throw more invincibility frames.

The most important one?

Replace aura soul spark with Soul illusion :-D~~~~~~~~

Game-wide changes, they should increase block stun all around and ditch the whole "need to link to cancel into a special" thing.


FindMyFarms said:
I just want them to buff Vega w/ some common sense stuff. f + mk should be overhead, more priority to flip kick, let him reach the wall every time on wall dive (ESPECIALLY if it's ex lol.)

Do that capcom and I'm maining him :)

NO!!! Claw is by far my worst match-up regardless of who I'm playing as, the mindgames people play with him beat me every time.
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