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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Sakura should have official shoto jr gear by now as a 2p costume.

And her S. Otoshi should have a different variations to make it less predictable if that's even possible. And a little boost in strength wouldn't hurt.

I've been reading up on the SF story and a little more on the main story, through a movie clip, would be nice.


I can't believe the suggestion to further nerf throws. Throws are already annoyingly nerfed to hell in SF4 as it is. They have mad startup time, a whiff animation, require two buttons etc...


aka acr0nym
I must say I love reading this thread sometimes. The hilarity from some people on how to rebalance SF4.

Anyways, I do agree the game is way to defense and slow paced. You really dont get many options. The first thing that needs to be thrown out the window is easy inputs, but that's not gonna happen.

Throws are messed up in the game. Like many have stated, throws go through almost anything, and to make matters worse you can not see it coming. Teching is very weird in the game at times. I'd prefer it more similar to 3rd strike (great throw system).

Finally, major gripe, and why I find it weird going back to SF games right after playing SF4, lockdowns... These tick strings of jab, jab, are the most annoying thing about this game. I'll just play SF4, go play 3rd strike and get murdered cause you can't do BS like that. I don't know, I will say I never cared for SF4. Hope if there is a rebalance it gets me back into the game. Has potential it's just needs fixing.

Rant end.


kitzkozan said:
You are setting yourself up for disappointment when you say: I feel it's necessary to...

SF IV will never be III,so the playstyle won't be similar and why should it be? Capcom aim with IV was to make the serie commercial again and that's exactly what they did.They will build upon the foundation of vanilla IV and refine the overall experience while keeping the ultras and slower pace/strong defensive aspect.I can't really blame them either,since casuals and scrubs can live longer since turtling is viable at a low level of play and ultra is a nice and easy flashy attack that you obtain by getting your ass kicked in there. :lol

SF will probably never be the same again,since Capcom doesn't want to make another 3rd strike which is a timeless classic aimed at hardcore FG fans while barely making a profit.They are now willing to dumb down and aim the casual crowd and it's showing in most of their games.I am ok with that,since they have been mostly hardcore oriented for 30 years and it's time for them to cash-in.I want them to stay independant and strong,not going down the crapper in another fusion like some companies already did. :lol

They will refine some aspect of the game,like the overall flow of the game and hitbox detection which is often weird depending on the size of a character(Chun's ultra doing like 50% of it's damage on some characters).The tiers will be better balanced for sure,so it should easily be the most balanced SF game.

Oh I know. I'm well aware of all that. :)

I know it was built from the ground up to be more appealing to casuals. Shortcuts are a prime example of that (even through it screws with execution of some other moves).

It's just a wishlist. I'm not even thinking that one of these will actually be implemented, but I feel they would do wonders for balance at higher levels. The problem would be that good players would start to decimate lesser players and those players would just quit.

Capcom is in absolutely NO financial trouble, though, so I wouldn't worry too much if a game doesn't make a ton of money :)
_dementia said:
I'll be attending a ranking battle this saturday, but I'll surely check it out after the recorded version is up. Good luck!

GL to you too man.

MoxManiac said:
I can't believe the suggestion to further nerf throws. Throws are already annoyingly nerfed to hell in SF4 as it is. They have mad startup time, a whiff animation, require two buttons etc...

None of that is new to SF4.


aka acr0nym
MoxManiac said:
I can't believe the suggestion to further nerf throws. Throws are already annoyingly nerfed to hell in SF4 as it is. They have mad startup time, a whiff animation, require two buttons etc...
Mad start up time? Are we playing the sane game?

I was pretty hardcore 3rd strike player and In that game at least you can see throws coming. SF4 it's based on guess work. Not to mention the tech timing is awkward.

Whiffs are fine, makes throwing more risky. And being a 3s player I don't mind the two button press.


Gotta let go of 3rd Strike. I still make mistakes in SFIV because they work better in 3rd Strike. I really miss being able to parry, I realize this fucks up a lot of classic SF strategies, but it made dealing with predictable players so much easier.


LakeEarth said:
Also, Abel's c.fp almost NEVER works against Fuerte. Even when he's standing, when you do his FADC combo, after a cross up, it always hits once. The only time it hits both times is when Fuerte is crumpling, and even that doesn't work every time.

I don't believe the arcade characters should be balanced in a patch, don't want to alienate the arcade crowd. However, buffing up the console characters sounds perfectly reasonable.

Anytime I run into an Abel or Zangief that does that, I always bait them by starting the blockstring and then jumping, coming down for great damage when their throw whiffs. Same with SRK characters but instead of jumping you block.

That depends... since they aren't available in the arcades, they haven't been played to their full potential yet. No one will know how good they really are until then, so they should be buffed with caution.


aka acr0nym
LakeEarth said:
Gotta let go of 3rd Strike. I still make mistakes in SFIV because they work better in 3rd Strike. I really miss being able to parry, I realize this fucks up a lot of classic SF strategies, but it made dealing with predictable players so much easier.
I'm mostly comparing in terms of game mechanics. Certian aspects seem like a step backwards and I know why things turned out the way they did.

Throwing no matter how you look at it needs to be tweaked.

Lockdown with normals, wish it would change but doubt it.

MORE options, very defense game. I swear watching an old interview and Ono saying the reason for focus cancel was to make it a more offensive game.. It's not.

Option to turn off east inputs. So frustrating.

Damaging scaling should not affect block damage as well. Actually the just need to redo it, since they did it the lazy way first time around.



Setec Astronomer
MoxManiac said:
I can't believe the suggestion to further nerf throws. Throws are already annoyingly nerfed to hell in SF4 as it is. They have mad startup time, a whiff animation, require two buttons etc...
F+HP isn't two buttons?

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Ledsen said:
That depends... since they aren't available in the arcades, they haven't been played to their full potential yet. No one will know how good they really are until then, so they should be buffed with caution.

The game's been out on consoles 6 months. More than enough time to get a fairly accurate read on strengths/weaknesses. Most of the console characters definitely need to be buffed.


aka acr0nym
LakeEarth said:
Gotta let go of 3rd Strike. I still make mistakes in SFIV because they work better in 3rd Strike. I really miss being able to parry, I realize this fucks up a lot of classic SF strategies, but it made dealing with predictable players so much easier.
I'm mostly comparing them in terms of game mechanics. Certian aspects seem like a step backwards and I know why things turned out the way they did.

Throwing no matter how you look at it needs to be tweaked.

Lockdown with normals, wish it would change but doubt it.

MORE options, very defense game. I swear watching an old interview and Ono saying the reason for focus cancel was to make it a more offensive game.. It's not.

Option to turn off east inputs. So frustrating.

Damaging scaling should not affect block damage as well. Actually they just need to redo it, since they did it the lazy way first time around.


I'm very curious about what will be changed cause certian things will greatly affect the balance. However, the core gripes I have with the game will most likely remain. At least there's other fighting games to play (even though I still play SF4 once in awhile)


MoxManiac said:
I can't believe the suggestion to further nerf throws. Throws are already annoyingly nerfed to hell in SF4 as it is. They have mad startup time, a whiff animation, require two buttons etc...
You actually want to get rid of that stuff to make throwing easier? Shieeet, if anything, they should make the tech window slightly longer.

Here's an idea. How about not allow to be thrown while in jab/short start up frames. Or any two buttons can tech, not just LP+LK.


MoxManiac said:
I can't believe the suggestion to further nerf throws. Throws are already annoyingly nerfed to hell in SF4 as it is. They have mad startup time, a whiff animation, require two buttons etc...

You're kidding, right? :)

How are throws nerfed in SF3 and SF4?

Two-button throws are great.

Two-button throws that grab through anything are not.


Right now, in SF4, you're always better off doing option select and mashing throws while blocking, because by god people WILL tick throw you like there's no tomorrow and since it's much easier to do it WILL happen more often than not.

Not everyone has a get out of jail for free card (AKA EX Messiah) at their disposal man :)


I'm having a lot of trouble with Viper's EX Seismo > SJC > Burning Kick.

In 25 tries I'm lucky if I have 1 succesful combo, most of the times I just SJ>HK after the EX Seismo, is there something I'm missing here, or is it just poor execution ?
Taking away damage scaling would break Seth.

Cosmetically SF4 dash needs new characters, old characters (SF3 row please!), individual stages w/ individual music.

Online needs lobbies and improved netcode.

The top tier needs a little nerf and the bottom could use a little buff. That is all. I'm talking downgrade the top 3, buff the bottom 3. I'm talking ever so slight tweaks (Sagat takes more, gives less damage. Ryu and Akuma also. Throw Guile and Vega a bone.)


Gone back to Ranked the past couple of days and found the competition, well, none at all really! I've just been doing quick matches, I guess I should custom search for more BP, but it's been fun using the flowcharters as combo practice :lol

My biggest gripe at the moment are Ryu players who jump (and lets say we blocked or didn't have a wake-up option, whatever), and tick, tick, tick c.LP, then various things like tick throw attempts, or c.MK, fireball, then jump over again (cross-up - blocked) and repeat the process. It seems once you're in this "loop" I find it difficult to do anything - any attack is eaten/traded by the c.LP spamming.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Nyx said:
I'm having a lot of trouble with Viper's EX Seismo > SJC > Burning Kick.

In 25 tries I'm lucky if I have 1 succesful combo, most of the times I just SJ>HK after the EX Seismo, is there something I'm missing here, or is it just poor execution ?

Poor execution.

Are you doing 29 214 + k or 2149 + k? The former is easier and recommended, since you can't mid-screen ultra with the latter.

Most of the time when I get a hk instead of a burning kick it's because I stopped on 1 and didn't hit 4. 2 months after getting a stick, I still have troubule with those quarter circle movements from time to time :(


Nyx said:
I'm having a lot of trouble with Viper's EX Seismo > SJC > Burning Kick.

In 25 tries I'm lucky if I have 1 succesful combo, most of the times I just SJ>HK after the EX Seismo, is there something I'm missing here, or is it just poor execution ?

As soon as you launch from the SJC you do the BK. I used the Hard BK if it makes any difference.


good credit (by proxy)
n3ss said:
I must say I love reading this thread sometimes. The hilarity from some people on how to rebalance SF4.

Anyways, I do agree the game is way to defense and slow paced. You really dont get many options. The first thing that needs to be thrown out the window is easy inputs, but that's not gonna happen.

Throws are messed up in the game. Like many have stated, throws go through almost anything, and to make matters worse you can not see it coming. Teching is very weird in the game at times. I'd prefer it more similar to 3rd strike (great throw system).

Finally, major gripe, and why I find it weird going back to SF games right after playing SF4, lockdowns... These tick strings of jab, jab, are the most annoying thing about this game. I'll just play SF4, go play 3rd strike and get murdered cause you can't do BS like that. I don't know, I will say I never cared for SF4. Hope if there is a rebalance it gets me back into the game. Has potential it's just needs fixing.

Rant end.

LOL, all you did was tick throw me when we played in that GAF HDR tournament.
I want a cute SF4 avatar. The first Japanese update to SF2 was called SF Dash (Champion Edition). Capcom's update to SF Zero 2 was SF Zero 2 Dash (SFA2 Gold in U.S.).

So the "rumor" is SFIV's first update will be called SFIV Dash.

I just want it be the same jump from Alpha to Alpha 2, where they added new backgrounds, characters, endings, etc.
Kaako said:
I feel like the world's biggest scrub after playing Farms and some of you guys. :lol :lol

Unless something's changed, Find is a hobo who plays SFIV all day. He'll probably end up morphing into a 350 pound asian (no offense to any stereotypes).

And he's pretty good. Probably the best player in this thread besides Saq, Yeb, Fubar, Haunts, Q (most of them are tournament players).


Spiderjericho said:
I want a cute SF4 avatar. The first Japanese update to SF2 was called SF Dash (Champion Edition). Capcom's update to SF Zero 2 was SF Zero 2 Dash (SFA2 Gold in U.S.).

So the "rumor" is SFIV's first update will be called SFIV Dash.

I just want it be the same jump from Alpha to Alpha 2, where they added new backgrounds, characters, endings, etc.

It's obvious that SF IV dash will have new characters,stages,music and a much needed revision of the console characters.

Beyond that,it's going to be interesting to see how the core gameplay does change.I think it won't change all that much,but I expect a faster pace.FADC will be changed in one way or another because of how most characters are at a disadvantage.

That's pretty much everything we need to know. :D
I'm going to make a wild prediction.

I'd expect an arcade revision that adds console characters before we see an SF4Turbo, period.

I keep thinking this, but it's now been 6 months since the console release and still nothing :/

Anyways, I'd give it a good year and a half before we see a new game, and that's just on the arcade side. Console side could be a year and a half to two years. So just enjoy what we got.

If you really look at the game for what it is, it's arguably the most balanced Street Fighter game we've probably ever gotten. Definitely a huge improvement balance-wise over the last game, 3rd Strike.
kitzkozan said:
It's obvious that SF IV dash will have new characters,stages,music and a much needed revision of the console characters.

Beyond that,it's going to be interesting to see how the core gameplay does change.I think it won't change all that much,but I expect a faster pace.FADC will be changed in one way or another because of how most characters are at a disadvantage.

That's pretty much everything we need to know. :D

Who is to say when it comes to Capcom. And I hated the rebalancing in Alpha 3. I think the only games I liked the effort to rebalance the game was Alpha 2, ST and Hyper. Alpha 2's system was borked though. TS, as much love as it gets, is evil. The Yun, Chun, Ken trinity is ridiculous.

And new backgrounds...eh...from SF2 to Hyper, they used the same backgrounds. Super to ST had the same backgrounds.

Please remix the music. It's terrible. And speed up the play a little bit. Limit the ultras per round. Rebalance or change some ultras. And tweak some moves (Tiger Knee).
Arpharmd B said:
I'm going to make a wild prediction.

I'd expect an arcade revision that adds console characters before we see an SF4Turbo, period.

I keep thinking this, but it's now been 6 months since the console release and still nothing :/

Anyways, I'd give it a good year and a half before we see a new game, and that's just on the arcade side. Console side could be a year and a half to two years. So just enjoy what we got.

If you really look at the game for what it is, it's arguably the most balanced Street Fighter game we've probably ever gotten. Definitely a huge improvement balance-wise over the last game, 3rd Strike.

TGS and the fall arcade show are coming up in another month, so there's the possibility of a new title. Home sales have slowed down. And a new update usually comes about every year (SF2, Alpha except 3, III series except TS).

And agreed this game was a great effort out of the gate when compared to III, SF2, Alpha.


aka acr0nym
Timedog said:
LOL, all you did was tick throw me when we played in that GAF HDR tournament.
I did and forget who you used... Was it ken? Most high level people I play against I can't use "only" tick throw to win. Henc, when people complained I'd tell them to get better.

My biggest problem is the awkward timing of the tech. Seems inconsistent to me.

I just hope they change the game enough to where I give a damn about getting better.

Also I'd like to see this game be less match up specific.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Biff Hardbody said:
Akimo VS Mago matchup from Gods garden. Mago takes it of course, but Akimos play in the first round was brilliant.


I've been trying to work on other guys aside from Honda, but he is just too good.

Thanks for this - couldn't watch the stream properly, and this is an improvement...

I'm taking mental notes from this for when I get back home for my own Honda - loved that first round...

But holy shit at the damage that Sagat gave to HONDA of all characters with that traded Tiger Uppercut + the F. HK - insane.

Gonna continue watching this later...


aka acr0nym
Spiderjericho said:
TGS and the fall arcade show are coming up in another month, so there's the possibility of a new title. Home sales have slowed down. And a new update usually comes about every year (SF2, Alpha except 3, III series except TS).

And agreed this game was a great effort out of the gate when compared to III, SF2, Alpha.
I also agree, great first effort. Looking forward to the future! :D
YakiSOBA said:
when a new update comes out, is it usually an entire new game (ie: gotta pay full retail price again?)

That's how they did it in the past, but I can't see them doing that again in this day and age. It just wouldn't be acceptable and it would hurt Capcom's relationship with the fans IMO. Rebalancing the game with a few new added characters and maybe a few new online modes shouldn't cost $60. Selling it for $20 or giving us another free update with some of the content costing money like the alternate costumes would be a much better idea.

And no, don't bring up sports titles as a comparison.


Rokitty, Armed Catfish: very good games. You both owned me hard. That is what I get for working all day, and not focusing on training on evenings, instead I am farming heroic instances in WOW.....

That game destroys me again. But SFIV is still stronger :)

And throws "are fine, l2p"... you do not really see that many "ill throw you out of your attack" moves, unless they are really slow. Timing is really, hella stick. I dare to say it can even be considered luck in some worse online games.


Rice-Eater said:
That's how they did it in the past, but I can't see them doing that again in this day and age. It just wouldn't be acceptable and it would hurt Capcom's relationship with the fans IMO. Rebalancing the game with a few new added characters and maybe a few new online modes shouldn't cost $60. Selling it for $20 or giving us another free update with some of the content costing money like the alternate costumes would be a much better idea.

And no, don't bring up sports titles as a comparison.

I think that for me at least, Street Fighter IV gave tremendous value. Hitting 500 hours played soon, I can say a lot of things, but one: that it did not worth the money. 60 bucks for 500 hours? Rebalance a bit (just a bit more needed, realizing what moves are missing from weaker character's repertoir, and working on unifying some of the focus attack and ultra link possibilities), make 4-5 new stages, and modify some, add at least 4 more characters, and here we go, I would gladly pay the price again.

Oh, and 4-player online lobbies. Ragequitter-penalyzer system. Yeah. And Indestructible Two or Remix please.


aka acr0nym
Rice-Eater said:
That's how they did it in the past, but I can't see them doing that again in this day and age. It just wouldn't be acceptable and it would hurt Capcom's relationship with the fans IMO. Rebalancing the game with a few new added characters and maybe a few new online modes shouldn't cost $60. Selling it for $20 or giving us another free update with some of the content costing money like the alternate costumes would be a much better idea.

And no, don't bring up sports titles as a comparison.
I have a feeling your not going to be happy :lol
I imagine the revision will be the greatest hits version, ala Lost Planet. It depends on how significant the changes are, really.

I just hope they add Deejay.
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