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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

This game needs to have the options that were available in 3S. I had a huge wtf look on my face when I went to the menu for sf4 and didnt see a damn thing, where as 3S had like 4 pages of game mechanic options. I hate when games go backwards like that.
abstract alien said:
This game needs to have the options that were available in 3S. I had a huge wtf look on my face when I went to the menu for sf4 and didnt see a damn thing, where as 3S had like 4 pages of game mechanic options. I hate when games go backwards like that.
not to mention the lack of local replay saves, when all 3 home ports of 3S let you


I'd love to be able to save my some replays, a team battle mode, a good mix of 3rd strike and alpha characters, lobbies for online, better online tracking, improved netcode, more balance changes, etc...


ShinAmano said:
Ok Someone get me caught up on what all the hub bub is in here please!

There are some sorta, kinda rumors about SF4 Dash which are probably false and everyone posts their SF4 wishlists as a result.

Augemitbutter said:
i forgot to mention the most important wish: throw Seth out, or let him mutate into a completely different character. he is very boring in his current form.


Augemitbutter said:
no Adon hatred over here. he is one of my favorite designs.

I always thought his hair looked really stupid, even by japanese character design standards.
_dementia said:
not to mention the lack of local replay saves, when all 3 home ports of 3S let you
Jesus, yes. The few times I have had shining moments, I was unable to record them :lol .

As they say, pics/video or it didnt happen :^(


ShinAmano said:
Ok Someone get me caught up on what all the hub bub is in here please!

It seem the rumors about SF IV dash will come to an end at TGS.

It could be officially be announced at the show and there's a rumors of 10 more characters added to the roster. :D

To me,it's been obvious since SF IV was released since you always need a revision to polish a competitive game.Even Starcraft which is the most balanced rts needed brood wars,so I never believed Ono and all that talk of funding or that Capcom was severely against SF IV dash. :p

By the way,I was rooting for Adon to make the cut.I think his character design is great and he's also one of the more annoying character because of his screams and voice. :lol I would be disappointed if Karin and Birdie didn't make the cut however. :( Birdie was the T.Hawk of alpha(gutter trash grab character),but he deserve another chance in the spotlight just as much as the bland Hawk.At least Birdie got the crazy haircut going for him. :D


Awesome...if true lets hope that:
All characters get at least one new outfit.
There are at least 10 mew stages.
New moves/supers?
Bonus stages?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
http://streetfighterblog.blogspot.com said:
Apparently there were some rumors that taunts make the CPU level go up. This is not the case.

That would be cool and gives taunts a real purpose. Does any other fighter do this?


It would be sick as shit if Gouken's daughter threw curved fireballs.

thrown high but curved low ...or thrown low and curved up high.

good mix ups for the win! :D


~Devil Trigger~ said:
- on Gief i agree with Lariets, but He SHOULD have the most health in the game....he's ZANGIEF. He's Huge, little mobility, an easy target, so he should be able to take more damage than anybody in the game. I dont want him to be completely worthless...

- on #10 agree a bit but. Not All Ultras, in fact some Ultras ShOULD NOT do full hits: like Sagat's magic black hole pulling you from the air to the ground. Bison is guilty of this too but not nearly as bad as Sagat's. Fei Long's Ultra, my god should be like Makoto's SA1 or Abel's.

but yea hitbox insanities and the shortcuts are annoying

Well Gief's current life just exacerbates the problem - with some characters it's such an idiotic uphill battle (Viper, for one, needs to work probably 5x as Gief for the same damage) and due to his current mechanics and priorities his life is a huge problem. If they tone him down and the rest of his stuff gets changed, then sure, keeping his current life will make sense (if Viper has to do 5 hits for one of Gief's hits, then Gief must work 5x as hard to actually HIT Viper). That sort of stuff, really.

The thing with Ultras doing full hits is that I think they should either always have all hits guaranteed or everybody's ultra does not have all hits guaranteed. My point was more about making sure that Ultras that have 2 "phases" - initial hits then a camera change, the 2nd phase always happens.

If you juggle with Cammy's ultra, she won't do her final camera change hits after the cannon spike. Same with Fei Long, etc. I know WHY they don't do it, but I doubt it's unfixable.
DaCocoBrova said:
That would be cool and gives taunts a real purpose. Does any other fighter do this?
I second this. Not sure if any other one outside of SF3 does it. You can juggle people with a few of the taunts in tekken, but its just for show really.

...and where is this talk of Gouken having a daughter coming from? Is it mentioned in the game?


i need a pci express x16 (not 2.0) card because im sick of looking at no background and pale characters. im thinking of getting a geforce 7900 GS. suggestions?


TimeKillr said:
Well Gief's current life just exacerbates the problem - with some characters it's such an idiotic uphill battle (Viper, for one, needs to work probably 5x as Gief for the same damage) and due to his current mechanics and priorities his life is a huge problem. If they tone him down and the rest of his stuff gets changed, then sure, keeping his current life will make sense (if Viper has to do 5 hits for one of Gief's hits, then Gief must work 5x as hard to actually HIT Viper). That sort of stuff, really.

The thing with Ultras doing full hits is that I think they should either always have all hits guaranteed or everybody's ultra does not have all hits guaranteed. My point was more about making sure that Ultras that have 2 "phases" - initial hits then a camera change, the 2nd phase always happens.

If you juggle with Cammy's ultra, she won't do her final camera change hits after the cannon spike. Same with Fei Long, etc. I know WHY they don't do it, but I doubt it's unfixable.

The arguement I've read at SRK is that Zangief does not need to be toned down since he rarely, if ever wins or even becomes a dominant force in tournaments. Personally, I find his lariat makes him stupid and boring since there's very little decision making up close; lariat is pretty much always the best answer in close range situations.
Anyone not excited about 10 new characters? This shit's going to turn into Tekken 6, goddamn. I mean, all things considered Capcom has kept SF4 incredibly well balanced but bringing so many more people into the mix seems kind of risky. I think they can change up the gameplay without having to add so many new faces...


facing a bright new dawn
ntropy said:
i need a pci express x16 (not 2.0) card because im sick of looking at no background and pale characters. im thinking of getting a geforce 7900 GS. suggestions?
Not to be a douche, but isnt that kinda old? Seems like an 8800 would be a wiser and more current card, if you're looking for one on the cheap.

Killa Sasa said:
New official blog post basically says "you know how we told you we would tell you what's up? We'll tell you what's up at TGS".
Isn't that what the rumor was? That they'd reveal what was up at TGS?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
myDingling said:
Anyone not excited about 10 new characters? This shit's going to turn into Tekken 6, goddamn. I mean, all things considered Capcom has kept SF4 incredibly well balanced but bringing so many more people into the mix seems kind of risky. I think they can change up the gameplay without having to add so many new faces...

i'd be fine with 5, as long as Makoto is one of them.
ntropy said:
i need a pci express x16 (not 2.0) card because im sick of looking at no background and pale characters. im thinking of getting a geforce 7900 GS. suggestions?

That's old as hell and even if you play the game with good character models and nice looking backgrounds, it'll probably be at 30 frames per second. Get something like a 9800GT. It's relatively cheap($110 at Newegg) and should allow you to run decently high settings. Or do some research and get something even better I think that's a good suggestion.

MoxManiac said:
The arguement I've read at SRK is that Zangief does not need to be toned down since he rarely, if ever wins or even becomes a dominant force in tournaments. Personally, I find his lariat makes him stupid and boring since there's very little decision making up close; lariat is pretty much always the best answer in close range situations.

This is the exact reason why I run from every good Zangief I face. No matter the situation, mashing lariat seems to be the answer for everything. I can live with the command throws but I can't poke Zangief at all without the lariat coming out and wacking me into the air.
myDingling said:
Anyone not excited about 10 new characters? This shit's going to turn into Tekken 6, goddamn. I mean, all things considered Capcom has kept SF4 incredibly well balanced but bringing so many more people into the mix seems kind of risky. I think they can change up the gameplay without having to add so many new faces...
Terrible comparison. Tekken 6 is balanced. Despite 40+ characters there's no C tier or lower and no S tier.

qcf x2

I can't wait
to have jab battles with Dudley vs Balrog for title of most annoying character.
/bitterness off, optimism on...I actually like Dudley, can't say the same for the two jab ultra trap-star though.

Here's hoping they balance things out and actually change the gameplay a bit, instead of just adding characters and a few more stages.
TimeKillr said:
This is my wishlist - it'll never happen, but hey.

1- Make it so we can disable shortcuts. I understand why they are there (damn you 360 controller) but they should be removable if we want to. (Doing EX Falling Sky with Abel instead of Ultra pisses me off).

Sure. Some of them are annoying. I'd like to be able to walk forward and throw a fireball without it giving me a SRK.

2- Fix hitbox inconsistencies, character-specific combos and all that BS. Seriously. Off the top of my head I can list a LOT of stuff that makes absolutely no sense (Ryu/Ken/Akuma, when they crouch, have a very low hitbox, lower than most of the cast, for example).

Sure. I would be okay with some minor changes here. They can add a hit box to Boxer's jumping fierce so he can't land on top of projectiles anymore without getting hit. Overall I don't really have huge issues in this area and would rather see them focus on other areas.

3- Please fix Sagat. While this might seem self-explanatory, his multitude of karas/BS links into Ultra, high damage, high life, high stun are pretty ridiculous.

Sagat is good. Really good. I don't think he is broken though. Sagat players aren't exactly dominating tournaments worldwide. Only change I would make is not allowing f.rh to combo into f.rh. f.rh, f.rh, ultra is a bit ridiculous. I would also look at the Tiger Uppercut and the amount it trades. I wouldn't make it never trade, but currently it trades in too many situations.

His karas tu/ts/tk are just fine how they are. And BS links into ultra? I think characters like Ryu are more broken in this sense. Ryu has a billion ways to combo into super or ultra. It's kind of sickening actually. Going to disagree with you here, but it might help if I knew why I was disagreeing with you. Why are they BS combos?

4- Gief too, while you're at it. Lariats should whiff on crouching opponents (both of them). Also either give him less life OR less stun defense. It's ridiculous - I don't think I've ever seen someone dizzy Gief.

His life and stun are fine how they are. I'm not sure how I would tweak the lariat though. Maybe just a slightly longer recovering on it to discourage people from spamming it. I actually think Gief is pretty fine how he is. I feel bad for Sim and Abel players, but Zangief has equally bad matchups also.

5- Throws should NOT interrupt hit animations UNLESS the throw is hit invulnerable. This applies to all normal throws as well as all command throws, but leaves EX command throws (Abel and Gief's) to be able to grab through attacks as they have a special property


5a- Normalize crouching jab speed. Rog has a 2-frame jab, Abel has a 5-frame jab. Hell, Abel's crouching jab is slower than his standing fierce (that says something!). If everyone has a 2-frame jab or a 3-frame jab, you could at least interrupt normal throws with jabs. I would highly prefer option 5 since 5a would make Jab Fighter 4 even worse, but hey.

If it was my choice throws would be instant like in ST.

6- No "Must link to cancel to specials" rule. Thanks.

Going to disagree with this also. Especially since you haven't explained yourself at all.

7- Make the reversal window shorter. It's WAY too easy to do reversals now.

I'll agree with this.

8- As someone else said, blockstun should be longer (I wouldn't say as long as hitstun, but at least a bit longer). With Abel (he's my main, so he's the one I have the most experience with), a jumping MK, if blocked high, is reversable every time. It's ridiculous.

I'll agree blockstun needs to be looked at on some moves. Not going to agree there needs to be a sweeping change on how they're doing things though. You wouldn't want to make block strings even more powerful would you? It would break the game.

9- Trading AA should cancel a juggle state, if any. This means that trading SRKs and ground AAs (like Abel's 2nd hit off a c.fp) that go into juggle state would no longer be put into juggle state. This negates a lot of stuff like Sagat trading a Tiger Uppercut into f.RH -> r.RH -> Ultra.

Going to disagree. I already covered this up above where you talk about Sagat. I think the frequency that these moves trade needs to be looked at, but I'm not for removing trades/juggles completely. Don't see why they'd need to water the game down so much when a simple tweak is all that is required.

10- All Ultras should do their full hits. Self-explanatory :)

I agree. All characters should also be able to combo into ultra.

Now, I have one crazy wish I know will probably never happen:

Air FAs. Not a lot of people want those, but I love the mind games it offers.

Going to disagree with this. It works in a lot of games, but not SF! I don't like giving players a get out of jail free card when they put themselves in a bad situation. It would hurt the ground meta game, and new players don't need any more incentive to jump. First rule of Street Fighter should be to not jump and put yourself in bad situations. Only jump when it benefits yourself. If people could figure this out they might not complain about Sagat so much ;)


_dementia said:
Terrible comparison. Tekken 6 is balanced. Despite 40+ characters there's no C tier or lower and no S tier.
Meanwhile my Blazblue has 12 characters and can't even get that right :(

This is my first time hearing about the megaton rumor, but if that list is accurate, those are some good choices. My man Dudley.
_dementia said:
Terrible comparison. Tekken 6 is balanced. Despite 40+ characters there's no C tier or lower and no S tier.

Not saying Tekken isn't balanced, I wouldn't know.

I just don't like the idea of adding so many characters. We don't need 2 boxers, 3 or four grapplers, or anymore goddamn shotos. What's the point in having so many characters when they all fall into certain categories and nothing changes much except for the animations + frame data.

I guess there's still so much left to discover in SF4 right now, it seems counterintuitive to infuse with more characters. Maybe in two years, but not right now.

All I want from Dash would be an SF4 refresh. Same characters with more stages, better online, and character tweaks. Maybe character customization ala VF5 would be nice. Selectable super/ultra is cool but not necessary. Do that all for $30 and make a new arcade version and they've got me sold.
Degen said:
Meanwhile my Blazblue has 12 characters and can't even get that right :(

This is my first time hearing about the megaton rumor, but if that list is accurate, those are some good choices. My man Dudley.

BB is also the first iteration of the series. And even at that there are really only two characters I think really need some minor changes. Nu and Arakune.


Setec Astronomer
myDingling said:
Not saying Tekken isn't balanced, I wouldn't know.

I just don't like the idea of adding so many characters. We don't need 2 boxers, 3 or four grapplers, or anymore goddamn shotos. What's the point in having so many characters when they all fall into certain categories and nothing changes much except for the animations + frame data.
Uh, have you played SF3? Ibuki, Makoto, and even Dudley have no counterparts in sf4.
ShinAmano said:
Only odd choice is no Alex...
especially since he's the protag of III

though canonically, he isn't supposed to meet Ryu until III, so I guess there's that

just give his friend Tom (*Jean Reno*) his move set and add him
Pctx said:

This standalone SF4 or DLC? (Xbox/PSN/PC?)

Sounds interesting and awesome all at the same time.

Most likely it will be standalone. That is my guess as to why they are putting so much work into adding that many characters. If they just added a few characters, and sold it as a new disc, people would bitch like crazy.


SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Most likely it will be standalone. That is my guess as to why they are putting so much work into adding that many characters. If they just added a few characters, and sold it as a new disc, people would bitch like crazy.

I guess that's weird though for them to segment their own market like that. Then again... I have to remember... this is Capcom we're talking about. Paving their own way isn't always the best.....


facing a bright new dawn
SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Most likely it will be standalone. That is my guess as to why they are putting so much work into adding that many characters. If they just added a few characters, and sold it as a new disc, people would bitch like crazy.
Couldn't be full price, though, could it? I can't imagine many people who passed on vanilla sf4 would pick it up now, and I can't imagine many people who bought original sf4 would re-buy it. I really wanna see how they handle this, as I've been skeptical on what they would do ever since Capcom said 'no DLC characters', way back when.
Pctx said:
I guess that's weird though for them to segment their own market like that. Then again... I have to remember... this is Capcom we're talking about. Paving their own way isn't always the best.....
But a DLC update would also be segmenting the market.
I mean, they could only sell to existing SFIV players instead of courting new ones.


SSF2 only had 4 new characters + a few changes and when it first came home it was sold as a new $70+ SNES/Genesis cart...hmm perhaps that contributed to the downfall of SF's mainstream appeal...


_dementia said:
But a DLC update would also be segmenting the market.
I mean, they could only sell to existing SFIV players instead of courting new ones.

I think what they should do is simply make this a free add-on for Street Fighter 4 and NOT segment the market.

I think having a major game release---- and giving it more options or modes increases the value of the game without punishing the gamer for it. I look at the outfits that they sold for $2.99 a pack--- I admit, I bought some of them--- but really, what was the point? It did enhance the game (argument is that the PC version has limitless possibilities with their alt costumes which is true...) and breathed new life into it. Now with all the 3 major versions out, I think Capcom has a chance to continue to capture the market they had when the game first released + bring in new people w/o having to charge for it.


facing a bright new dawn
I dunno about segmentation...aren't the people that are still playing sf4 the market for this? You've gotta figure a good chunk of them would drop the dollars...I just wonder how big that market actually is.


myDingling said:
Maybe character customization ala VF5 would be nice.
Keep this shit out of my SF! ^^
I can't stand this stupid character customization thing, creating so many ugly characters you don't even know who is playing who anymore. Urg.
Gimme more alternate outfits, but none of this carnival uglyness! >__<

But really, first of all, we need more awesome stages a la Overpass.
Pctx said:
I think what they should do is simply make this a free add-on for Street Fighter 4 and NOT segment the market.

I think having a major game release---- and giving it more options or modes increases the value of the game without punishing the gamer for it. I look at the outfits that they sold for $2.99 a pack--- I admit, I bought some of them--- but really, what was the point? It did enhance the game (argument is that the PC version has limitless possibilities with their alt costumes which is true...) and breathed new life into it. Now with all the 3 major versions out, I think Capcom has a chance to continue to capture the market they had when the game first released + bring in new people w/o having to charge for it.

Never going to happen. You know, the goal is to make money and stay in business. We're lucky we got the championship mode patch and that probably took a single programer, a ui artist, and a little qa time. No way they are going to use up their designer, 3d artist, animator, texture artist, sound, ui artist, and qa man hours on new characters and then give it away for free just so they don't segment their player base.

Shito said:
Keep this shit out of my SF! ^^
I can't stand this stupid character customization thing, creating so many ugly characters you don't even know who is playing who anymore. Urg.
Gimme more alternate outfits, but none of this carnival uglyness! >__<

But really, first of all, we need more awesome stages a la Overpass.

I agree. I've seen how hideous my friend's VF5 characters end up. I don't play VF5, so I don't know the movsets... I always had to ask who the hell their ugly ass character really was.

Bring on my alt costumes and stages though. I prefer stages from previous SFs. SFIV stages are so generic and boring =/
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