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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
DIRTY-D said:
It's from this post.....http://streetfighterblog.blogspot.com/2009/06/new-shizowa-san-questions-and-answers.html

I'm just dreaming of curved fireballs with her! :lol

She gonna be just another Shoto design....
but charge :O

Shito said:
Keep this shit out of my SF! ^^
I can't stand this stupid character customization thing, creating so many ugly characters you don't even know who is playing who anymore. Urg.
Gimme more alternate outfits, but none of this carnival uglyness! >__<

But really, first of all, we need more awesome stages a la Overpass.



Pctx said:
I think what they should do is simply make this a free add-on for Street Fighter 4 and NOT segment the market.

I think having a major game release---- and giving it more options or modes increases the value of the game without punishing the gamer for it. I look at the outfits that they sold for $2.99 a pack--- I admit, I bought some of them--- but really, what was the point? It did enhance the game (argument is that the PC version has limitless possibilities with their alt costumes which is true...) and breathed new life into it. Now with all the 3 major versions out, I think Capcom has a chance to continue to capture the market they had when the game first released + bring in new people w/o having to charge for it.
joo crazy meng...


MoxManiac said:
The arguement I've read at SRK is that Zangief does not need to be toned down since he rarely, if ever wins or even becomes a dominant force in tournaments. Personally, I find his lariat makes him stupid and boring since there's very little decision making up close; lariat is pretty much always the best answer in close range situations.

Well yeah, the biggest problem is the lariat.

The only reason Gief isn't a dominant force in tourneys is all of his bad matchups are against the rest of the top (Sagat/Ryu).


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Pctx said:
I think what they should do is simply make this a free add-on for Street Fighter 4 and NOT segment the market.

I think having a major game release---- and giving it more options or modes increases the value of the game without punishing the gamer for it. I look at the outfits that they sold for $2.99 a pack--- I admit, I bought some of them--- but really, what was the point? It did enhance the game (argument is that the PC version has limitless possibilities with their alt costumes which is true...) and breathed new life into it. Now with all the 3 major versions out, I think Capcom has a chance to continue to capture the market they had when the game first released + bring in new people w/o having to charge for it.


Pctx said:
I think what they should do is simply make this a free add-on for Street Fighter 4 and NOT segment the market.

I think having a major game release---- and giving it more options or modes increases the value of the game without punishing the gamer for it. I look at the outfits that they sold for $2.99 a pack--- I admit, I bought some of them--- but really, what was the point? It did enhance the game (argument is that the PC version has limitless possibilities with their alt costumes which is true...) and breathed new life into it. Now with all the 3 major versions out, I think Capcom has a chance to continue to capture the market they had when the game first released + bring in new people w/o having to charge for it.

I would love to throw in Valve and Team Fortress 2 here to support that point, but sadly Left 4 Dead 2 happened. Money is just too awesome to ignore. :(
~Devil Trigger~ said:
She gonna be just another Shoto design....
but charge :O

You know, I like that idea...it would be the only way I would want another shoto to come in, unless it was Shawn with his off brand shoto style. I liked him a lot.


_dementia said:
But a DLC update would also be segmenting the market.
I mean, they could only sell to existing SFIV players instead of courting new ones.

Unless there is an online update. It makes the characters visible for users who do not own the dlc when fighting versus. Also have a 20 dollar update in store so that they can those characters at home... Anyway that's just an idea...

But if its a whole new game that'll be cool as well


Everything is moe to me
i need help. >_>

i just got myself a fightstick [yayz], its the basic ps3 model. atm, im trying to get it to work on my pc [amd/ati chipset, windows vista 64 bit]. Windows will recognize the controller as 'pc usb wired stick 8818' but no lights come on and i cant calibrate it.

is there a driver/on button/magic touch im missing? this is horribly similiar to how my sixaxis doesnt work on vista, please tell me im wrong. >_>


SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Sure. Some of them are annoying. I'd like to be able to walk forward and throw a fireball without it giving me a SRK.

This is not what shortcuts are - walking forward fireball doing an SRK has always been present in pretty much every iteration. Shortcuts are DF, DF+Punch doing an SRK, for example. They screw up a LOT of stuff for some characters, some much, MUCH more than others (Bison).

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Sure. I would be okay with some minor changes here. They can add a hit box to Boxer's jumping fierce so he can't land on top of projectiles anymore without getting hit. Overall I don't really have huge issues in this area and would rather see them focus on other areas.

Who do you play with? There are a LOT of hitbox problems. Abel's c.fp not doing 2 hits on a lot of the cast, Cammy's s.FP completely whiffing against Sim on a crumple, etc.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Sagat is good. Really good. I don't think he is broken though. Sagat players aren't exactly dominating tournaments worldwide. Only change I would make is not allowing f.rh to combo into f.rh. f.rh, f.rh, ultra is a bit ridiculous. I would also look at the Tiger Uppercut and the amount it trades. I wouldn't make it never trade, but currently it trades in too many situations.

His karas tu/ts/tk are just fine how they are. And BS links into ultra? I think characters like Ryu are more broken in this sense. Ryu has a billion ways to combo into super or ultra. It's kind of sickening actually. Going to disagree with you here, but it might help if I knew why I was disagreeing with you. Why are they BS combos?

Sagat isn't dominating tourneys? The world's best player (arguably) is a Sagat player and lots of players are getting very far with Sagat. He has incredibly huge damage potential, high life and high stun.

His karas are fine, but it's an example of why he's broken: he has a TON of options that other characters just don't have.

BS links into ultra? You haven't seen most of them. There's more than trade TU - there's a lot of weird corner stuff with EX TS, ultra after EX TU, f.RH links, etc.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
His life and stun are fine how they are. I'm not sure how I would tweak the lariat though. Maybe just a slightly longer recovering on it to discourage people from spamming it. I actually think Gief is pretty fine how he is. I feel bad for Sim and Abel players, but Zangief has equally bad matchups also.

Gief excels against all of the characters under him in the tier list. Lariats need to be toned down - as it is right now it's Gief's best answer to pretty much everything (it's an SRK that's one button that is hard to punish on block for most of the cast).

Sure, he has bad matchups, everybody does, but he has no 7-3s (afaik).

I have no problem with his life staying the same if some of his VERY good stuff (Lariat, s.mp) are toned down as he will have more difficulty dealing damage. I've seen WAY too many fights where the other player dominates the gief player only to have gief land a lucky Ultra and win the fight instantly.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
If it was my choice throws would be instant like in ST.

Why? No startup at all? What would that accomplish?

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Going to disagree with this also. Especially since you haven't explained yourself at all.

I didn't think I needed to explain why I'd like specials to cancel off chains, but okay. :)

All it accomplishes is making weak strings harder to combo into. And it's really, REALLY not necessary.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
I'll agree blockstun needs to be looked at on some moves. Not going to agree there needs to be a sweeping change on how they're doing things though. You wouldn't want to make block strings even more powerful would you? It would break the game.

How are block strings that powerful? Seriously? What it would do is fix the reversal SRK bullshit that happens VERY often in-game.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Going to disagree. I already covered this up above where you talk about Sagat. I think the frequency that these moves trade needs to be looked at, but I'm not for removing trades/juggles completely. Don't see why they'd need to water the game down so much when a simple tweak is all that is required.

I'm for removing juggle state off trades. I'm not against removing juggle states and removing trades, only remove juggle states that happen off trades because those make absolutely ZERO sense in terms of player reward. Okay, so I did an SRK late on a jump-in, and that actually makes linking my Ultra with Ryu or Sagat even easier? I made a MISTAKE and that mistake opens up possibilities? I don't really agree with that.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Going to disagree with this. It works in a lot of games, but not SF! I don't like giving players a get out of jail free card when they put themselves in a bad situation. It would hurt the ground meta game, and new players don't need any more incentive to jump. First rule of Street Fighter should be to not jump and put yourself in bad situations. Only jump when it benefits yourself. If people could figure this out they might not complain about Sagat so much ;)

SF3 has air parries. They work wonderfully. I don't feel like jumping should be a bad thing - it's a setup for potentially more damage but with increased risk. That risk is WAY too high right now in SF4 against certain characters, and this is just done to reduce the risk and add more mindgames into it. The SF4 ground game certainly does not need to be boosted, as SF4 is played on the ground as it is.


The best course of action would be to make SF IV dash the greatest hit version which will end up being sold in stores until V.

Those of us still playing IV will trade it in and it can also be sold for cheap to those who skipped or didn't like vanilla IV all that much(it's obvious it won't sell anywhere near 3 million copies and it's going to be much cheaper to produce as well).

It's also like making extra money off vanilla IV(should mostly be 10 characters+new music and stages) since it's going to be the same engine anyway.I doubt the game engine will be radically different and I am sure it can't be so costly to create a solid network code if Arc system can do it. :D


Setec Astronomer
TimeKillr said:
This is not what shortcuts are - walking forward fireball doing an SRK has always been present in pretty much every iteration.
Not 2. Hitting forward the second time will break the SRK input.


I think 10 characters, a system revision, balance changes and more features including maybe some better online play... even if the netcode stays the same, lobbies and sort opponent by would be nice. That would be easily worth 60 dollars.

FYI This isn't me trying to drop another rumor, that's legit what I think would be worth paying the price tag again.


Won said:
I would love to throw in Valve and Team Fortress 2 here to support that point, but sadly Left 4 Dead 2 happened. Money is just too awesome to ignore. :(

With everyone going crazy with what I said.... I think it's still a fresh product that you can continue to mold (much like TF2) and at the end of the day---- charging full price this add-on or even stand alone is going to be suicide.


Zapages said:
Unless there is an online update. It makes the characters visible for users who do not own the dlc when fighting versus. Also have a 20 dollar update in store so that they can those characters at home... Anyway that's just an idea...

But if its a whole new game that'll be cool as well

The only market I care about is my own and I will buy it if true. As for strategy I think that a low price point and cross DL and retail release (a la Warhawk, Socom or GT Prolouge) would be just the ticket. Segmenting the market from Shoto noobs is a good thing ;)
am i the only one thats bummed that this thread was hijacked into a "lets all say crazy shit we want in SF4" storm?

I wish someone woulda started a new thread for "Dash" so this one would stay focused on vanilla SF4.

Anywho, carry on.


Everything is moe to me
10 new characters would probably mean arcades get the 6 console characters and 4 new guys. >_>

just sayin'

also you guys are breaking my street fighting heart by not giving me stick help. ;_;
Full price, I just can't see that happening. At most it should be 29.99, but only if it's a major update. So that better mean loads of new characters along with some new music, outfits, stages, features, and possibly even new moves. But regardless I may buy it anyways because SF owns my soul for free.


Pandaman said:
10 new characters would probably mean arcades get the 6 console characters and 4 new guys. >_>

just sayin'

also you guys are breaking my street fighting heart by not giving me stick help. ;_;

Console only introduced 9 characters, 2 of which were already in the arcade version but not playable.


Everything is moe to me
MoxManiac said:
Console only introduced 9 characters, 2 of which were already in the arcade version but not playable.
i thought gouken, akuma and seth were all locked but in the storymode?


One option for SFIV Dash to not divide the community, but still churn a profit is to follow the LBP model...
Mandatory DLC content update for everyone online. However, only people who pay for the DLC get to play with the new characters/etc, both online and offline. People who don't buy, still get to play against others online who have DLC, but they will not be able to choose the new characters/stages/etc.
I don't see this happening though. No matter how awesome the DLC is, most people would bitch if it costs anything over the $20 mark. I fully expect Dash to be retail disc only, $40-60.


Hitokage said:
Not 2. Hitting forward the second time will break the SRK input.

I clearly remember it happening to me in 2. Is this only in arcade WW? (which would be the one I remember the least, I guess).
Christ I wish I knew people could dash out of Gen's mantis ultra; was having some pretty heated matches with a friend's Sagat earlier. Had him caught in a focus charge pulled out my ground ultra for the match, he hops back and I go straight through him but not in the good way. I proceeded to throw a lol wut? rly? fit as he laughs and finishes me off with a tiger shot.


Setec Astronomer
TimeKillr said:
I clearly remember it happening to me in 2. Is this only in arcade WW? (which would be the one I remember the least, I guess).
It can happen if you hit punch before hitting forward, but if you're sure to get the punch with the forward or after the motion you'll get a fireball.

In Super Turbo, anyway.


TimeKillr said:
Gief excels against all of the characters under him in the tier list. Lariats need to be toned down - as it is right now it's Gief's best answer to pretty much everything (it's an SRK that's one button that is hard to punish on block for most of the cast).

Sure, he has bad matchups, everybody does, but he has no 7-3s (afaik).

Seth says hi.


Everything is moe to me
ps3 win rate 23.58%
pc win rate 78.67%
something seems wrong here.
[also, holy input lag]

i still cant get the stick working, so i played my first online matches with my sixaxis. the stick might be broken though, i plugged it into the ps3 and didnt see any flashing lights or anything. -.-

i dont have a tv atm, so i dont know if there's another reason for that though. can anyone with a ps3 stick confirm that the stick will turn on/flash when plugged in if the ps3 is not hooked up to a tv?


Pandaman said:
i still cant get the stick working

I don't know if this is your issue, but the PS3 stick uses Intel's proprietary USB interface; if you don't have a mobo made either by Intel or by a maker that licenses Intel's technology (such as Via), the stick may not work properly.

Neither of the two PCs I play the game on had motherboards that support the Intel standard. The stick didn't work on either of them until I installed a USB card that did, after which it worked fine:



Pandaman said:
ps3 win rate 23.58%
pc win rate 78.67%
something seems wrong here.
[also, holy input lag]

Umm...you already played the console version. If you were to start over from zero on the console version your win percentage would also be a lot higher.

The PC version also has more people "new" to street fighter obviously.


Everything is moe to me
Rice-Eater said:
I was around 53% of PS3 and am around 73% on PC, but I am good, I really really am because that's what my PC SF4 friends say :(
im only at 14 matches so far, it seems pc will learn to fear my sakura when i get around the crippling input lag. i dont know if its the online play or playing on sixaxis through motioninjoy, but damn its bad.

Aedile said:
I don't know if this is your issue, but the PS3 stick uses Intel's proprietary USB interface; if you don't have a mobo made either by Intel or by a maker that licenses Intel's technology (such as Via), the stick may not work properly.

Neither of the two PCs I play the game on had motherboards that support the Intel standard. The stick didn't work on either of them until I installed a USB card that did, after which it worked fine:

AMD/ATI laptop here.

with an AMD cpu is there a 0% chance my usb slots are or can be UHCI compatable without replacing hardware?

also fuck madcatz for only putting a warning against nvidia cards if they have usb problems too.

p.s.: before you installed the new usb card thingy, did the lights flash when you plugged it in?

Umm...you already played the console version. If you were to start over from zero on the console version your win percentage would also be a lot higher.
i've already passed my console bp count and im not really slowing down.
Panda, aren't we on each others friends list on the PC version? Your name sounds kind of familiar, it's just that we've never played. I guess with the input lag you're not quite ready yet, but let me know when or if you are, I'd like some matches.


Everything is moe to me
Rice-Eater said:
Panda, aren't we on each others friends list on the PC version? Your name sounds kind of familiar, it's just that we've never played. I guess with the input lag you're not quite ready yet, but let me know when or if you are, I'd like some matches.
ps3 version we are.

and im good now, the best practice is through the meat grinder. :p

im pandacraft on pc/ps3.


Pandaman said:
with an AMD cpu is there a 0% chance my usb slots are or can be UHCI compatable without replacing hardware?

The only motherboard makers I know of that support UHCI are Intel and Via. Assuming this is the problem, a Via chipset PCMCIA USB card should solve it.

p.s.: before you installed the new usb card thingy, did the lights flash when you plugged it in?

Nope. (I have the TE, but there's probably no difference.)
TimeKillr said:
This is not what shortcuts are - walking forward fireball doing an SRK has always been present in pretty much every iteration. Shortcuts are DF, DF+Punch doing an SRK, for example. They screw up a LOT of stuff for some characters, some much, MUCH more than others (Bison).

Yeah, I agree with this. I was tired when I made this post.

Who do you play with? There are a LOT of hitbox problems. Abel's c.fp not doing 2 hits on a lot of the cast, Cammy's s.FP completely whiffing against Sim on a crumple, etc.

I main Sagat =) Only really weird thing with Sagat is the c.forward at max distance of where you think it would hit. Model is clearly making contact but it doesn't hit. Also If I b.rh against abel he can connect from really far away with c.forward. Really far away where it isn't close to connecting visually.

Sagat isn't dominating tourneys? The world's best player (arguably) is a Sagat player and lots of players are getting very far with Sagat. He has incredibly huge damage potential, high life and high stun.

His karas are fine, but it's an example of why he's broken: he has a TON of options that other characters just don't have.

BS links into ultra? You haven't seen most of them. There's more than trade TU - there's a lot of weird corner stuff with EX TS, ultra after EX TU, f.RH links, etc.

No, Sagat is not dominating tournaments. How many Sagats were in the top 8 at Evo? None. I think Floe was the only one at WCW. A Sagat won SBO, right? Oh yeah, not. If you go to the tournament results forum on SRK you'll see Sagat is not dominating tournaments. Sagats might do well, but not to the point that screams he is absolutely broken.

Sagat combos into ultra:
EX Tiger Uppercut
EX Tiger Shot (Corner. Ultra doesn't fully finish)
Forward Roundhouse (Opp Jumping)
Deep j.rh (Opp Standing)

Here is what I found in training mode with Ryu in under 10 minutes...

Ryu combos into super:
Standing short hurricane kick (anywhere)
Standing EX hurricane (corner)
Air hurricane/Cross-up Air Hurricane (anywhere)
Jumping medium punch (anywhere)
Jab srk (opp standing/jumping anywhere)
Fireball Focused by opponent (anywhere)
Opponent neutral jumping over a fireball

Ryu combos into ultra:
Air hurricane (corner)
Cross-up air hurricane (corner)
EX fireball (corner)
Standing EX hurricane (corner)
Jumping medium punch (anywhere)
Jab srk (opp jumping anywhere)

I wish Sagat was that ridiculous!

Gief excels against all of the characters under him in the tier list. Lariats need to be toned down - as it is right now it's Gief's best answer to pretty much everything (it's an SRK that's one button that is hard to punish on block for most of the cast).

Sure, he has bad matchups, everybody does, but he has no 7-3s (afaik).

I have no problem with his life staying the same if some of his VERY good stuff (Lariat, s.mp) are toned down as he will have more difficulty dealing damage. I've seen WAY too many fights where the other player dominates the gief player only to have gief land a lucky Ultra and win the fight instantly.

Sagat and Seth say hi. They dominate Gief. And yeah, I agree the lariat needs tweaking. I don't think he needs dramatic changes, if any, beyond that.

Why? No startup at all? What would that accomplish?

I just prefer ST's throw system.

I didn't think I needed to explain why I'd like specials to cancel off chains, but okay. :)

All it accomplishes is making weak strings harder to combo into. And it's really, REALLY not necessary.


How are block strings that powerful? Seriously? What it would do is fix the reversal SRK bullshit that happens VERY often in-game.

Tiger knee block strings are already powerful enough. And I thought you played Abel? We have, what I consider one of the best Abels in North America, locally. His rushdown blockstrings are fucking ridiculous. If the blockstun was any higher in that situation Abel would be broken. Same goes with some of the really good Bisons I've played such as Sanchez at Arcade Infinity.

I'm for removing juggle state off trades. I'm not against removing juggle states and removing trades, only remove juggle states that happen off trades because those make absolutely ZERO sense in terms of player reward. Okay, so I did an SRK late on a jump-in, and that actually makes linking my Ultra with Ryu or Sagat even easier? I made a MISTAKE and that mistake opens up possibilities? I don't really agree with that.

I just think the frequency of trades is the issue here. Not that you can juggle off of them.

SF3 has air parries. They work wonderfully. I don't feel like jumping should be a bad thing - it's a setup for potentially more damage but with increased risk. That risk is WAY too high right now in SF4 against certain characters, and this is just done to reduce the risk and add more mindgames into it. The SF4 ground game certainly does not need to be boosted, as SF4 is played on the ground as it is.

Then go play 3S?



Whereas I'm at 50% and ~1500 BP on PSN, hitting these in the PC version within a week or two is such an ego boost. Granted competition on PC isn't as hard as it is on PSN, but spending more time actually playing than in the lobby waiting, plus the ease of access being on Steam and all, makes the PC version infinitely more preferable to me.

But boy do I need to start playing someone else other than Cammy. About the same on the PS3 version :lol

Never played against any Gaf members yet, so if anyone playing the PC version wants do a few matches, throw me a message

SteamID: Traced-Velocity
Gamertag: Traced Velocity


Everything is moe to me
th secret to a challenge on the pc version is to pick random and have the pc cycle between my worst characters. namely dhalsim and c. viper.

still, i only dropped 8% -.-

also, first ragequit of the system, this was the third game i had played him in, i won the first two:
Is there a PC player named virtuoso88 on here, if yes then I just want to let you know....I hate you, and I won't rest until I eat your children, drown your wife, slit your parents throats, and beat you more then you beat me in SF4. YOU GOT THAT

Traced-Velocity, I'll play you, I'm RiceEater483 on the PC version. Just let me know when you can do it tonight. But if you beat me 3 sets to 11 like virtuoso88, then I warn you I will want to eat your children to.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I'm "Protocol Snow" on SF4 PC. Played over a dozen matches with Rice Eater tonight, fun stuff! I am a beginner Balrog so feel free to add me if you want to play.


Felium Defensor
This game is crack. I've also found a new <3 : Cammy. She so nice with it.
p.s. I'm still average at best at this game, but still having a blast. Even loosing is freaking satisfying if its a good match.
SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Here is what I found in training mode with Ryu in under 10 minutes...

Ryu combos into super:
Standing short hurricane kick (anywhere)
Standing EX hurricane (corner)
Air hurricane/Cross-up Air Hurricane (anywhere)
Jumping medium punch (anywhere)
Jab srk (opp standing/jumping anywhere)
Fireball Focused by opponent (anywhere)
Opponent neutral jumping over a fireball

Ryu combos into ultra:
Air hurricane (corner)
Cross-up air hurricane (corner)
EX fireball (corner)
Standing EX hurricane (corner)
Jumping medium punch (anywhere)
Jab srk (opp jumping anywhere)
Don't forget the Kuroda-style ultra! Launch it right when the opponent tosses a fireball for a guaranteed hit from mid screen.
SnowWolf said:
I'm "Protocol Snow" on SF4 PC. Played over a dozen matches with Rice Eater tonight, fun stuff! I am a beginner Balrog so feel free to add me if you want to play.

That was pretty interesting how the tide turned so much. I started out with 5 straight, then you want 6 out 8, then I won 3 straight but you took the last one. I have like 9 total losses to boxer on the PC, 7 of them belong to you now.

Oh and GG Traced, I don't know how many times I fell for that hooligan. You have a solid Cammy, I kept winning a lot of close games so it's not as bad as the 13-3 makes it appear to be.


Rice-Eater said:
Oh and GG Traced, I don't know how many times I fell for that hooligan. You have a solid Cammy, I kept winning a lot of close games so it's not as bad as the 13-3 makes it appear to be.
Yeah definitely. Probably would've done a bit better had my move execution not been so sloppy at times. Countless times where I'd throw out a cannon spike, rather than a spiral arrow, or do an ex rather than doing an ultra. Times like that where I'd wish I wasn't playing on a dualshock pad.


he's Virgin Tight™
I would pay $80 for "Dash". True story. :lol

I've invested over 350 hours in SF, that's more playime than any game I have on any console ever =P
I've played over 10,000 hours of SF4. I have like 4 thousand hours on PS3 and PC combined, and god knows how long I've been playing at the arcades.

Shit has a literally consumed my life. Hell, I'm about to go the arcades in about an hour. D:

Regarding SF4 Dash:

I really hope they don't change how the game plays that much. At first I the tiny reversal window pissed me the fuck off, but now it's just part of the day to day mind games for me. i always test the waters first before I get into action anyway.

Some characters really do need tweaking, though. And no, I'm not talking about nerfing Sagat.

Buff Chun li

edit: Oh yeah, I guess the reversal window must be annoying as fuck online. But whatever, game shouldn't be changed on how the game plays online anyway. I think it's fine, and I main a character that has shitty reversal options.
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