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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

BoboBrazil said:
First time I've heard of this. Is this supposed to be out soon?
Supposedly, it will be unveiled at TGS. The whole thing is strange due to the fact that it was reported from a well established person in the community, and capcom actually made them completely eradicate the posted topic on the forum. Something is up(an updated version is a shoe in, given the history of SF games) but we will know for sure this coming week if this in particular is true.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
DR2K said:
Wish they added Karin in place of Adon. I prefer Rekka type characters like Abel and Feilong.

Karin makes Fei kinda obsolete.

My hope is that they power up the low tiers, that's the typical Capcom problem- the low tiers are never strong enopugh. the only chars who need a nerf are Sagat/Ryu/Rufus ultra.
My wish was they'd add new characters instead of all of these old heads. Makoto, Guy, T.Hawk and Ibuki would've been fine for their styles. And six new characters would've been great (or just four, as the game doesn't need 10 new characters).

And Fei Long>>>Karin. ST Feilong is a beast. They made him wack in A3 and SFIV.
Oichi said:
Dude you're delusional, seriously. Stop trying to convince people that Sagat isn't dominating, because he IS dominating.

End of June till mid-August tourney results:
Sagat 173 wins
Ryu 133 wins
Boxer 105 wins
Zangief 102 wins

1 Year Period
Sagat 1358 wins
Ryu 878 wins
Boxer 833 wins
Rufus 605 wins
Zangief 598 wins


I've already argued these numbers with a friend today after he saw me post. There are all kinds of problems with the data this blog is giving. Too many variables it doesn't account for, but lets argue it anyway.

If you want to look at the July and August report... 18 Sagat first places out of 97 tournaments (give or take a few due to counting error) listed for July. 14 first places for Sagat out of 65 tournaments in August (give or take a few). So that is 32 first places out of about 162 tournaments in a two month time span. This also counts people who played multiple characters in the tournament, or were on a team, so it isn't obvious what character they excelled and won with. These numbers also don't show what skill level these Sagats are playing at, and what kind of competition they are playing. Some tournaments don't even have the player information listed, nor is this even a comprehensive list of all tournaments that have taken place I'm sure. But since we're arguing bad numbers anyway, those numbers aren't dominating in my opinion.

And I don't disagree that Sagat does well in tournaments, but he isn't dominating to the degree people want to believe. Lets look at the July and August numbers again. Over the 162 tournaments (give or take a few), in July and August, Sagat shows up 88 times. So yeah, Sagat does VERY WELL on a regular basis in tournaments. He gets top 3 a lot apparently, but he isn't dominating the #1 spot. I would also like to point out that the chart you posted is based on points given to a character for placing in the top 3. 3 points for first, 2 points for second, and 1 point for third. That is the reason those charts make Sagat look worse than he is. Because like I just said, he is getting a lot of top 3 finishes. I never remember claiming he wasn't.

Anyway, yeah Sagat is top tier. Duh. I would hope people would focus their time on voicing how their characters could be improved instead of constantly complaining about other characters. There will always be top tier, and if it isn't Sagat it will be another character. And then everyone will cry about whatever character is left with the top tier status and the same shit repeats over and over again. Not that I'm opposing some Sagat changes for the update. Stuff like f.rh, f.rh. into ultra is a bit ridiculous. I also think the amount TU's trade, and SRKs in general, needs to be looked at. But I don't think Sagat is a broken character. High tier, yes. Broken? No. But whatever, I know I'm in the minority here and it's impossible to win this arguement. So whatever dude.
Nemesis121 said:
If Oro or Urien not in dash......................................DO NOT WANT.
I would love for them to be, Urien was my second in sf3, and I fiddled with Oro. Hell, Id love for the entire cast of sf3 to return in Dash...everyone in there was awesome in my opinion, probably the best cast of fighting characters from a styles and artistic standpoint ever for me(right next to tekken) Even twelve was a nice concept...
Well, I've been on the challenge grind as of late. Finished the normals with the quickness, then came the hard trials. It's been about a month project so far. I have 3 characters left; Abel hard trial 5, El Fuerte hard trial 5, C. Viper hard trials 3, 4, 5.

Tonight I spent 6 damn hours trying to complete El Fuerte RSF loop! I could only get in 2 hits, the 3rd hit would come in to late where Dan would block it. I think I have the rhythm down, I just have to be faster.

Once I complete these hard trials, I'm going to feel some BIG self accomplishment!!

Anyone else complete the trials here?


Alligator F*ck House
black_vegeta said:
Well, I've been on the challenge grind as of late. Finished the normals with the quickness, then came the hard trials. It's been about a month project so far. I have 3 characters left; Abel hard trial 5, El Fuerte hard trial 5, C. Viper hard trials 3, 4, 5.

Tonight I spent 6 damn hours trying to complete El Fuerte RSF loop! I could only get in 2 hits, the 3rd hit would come in to late where Dan would block it. I think I have the rhythm down, I just have to be faster.

Once I complete these hard trials, I'm going to feel some BIG self accomplishment!!

Anyone else complete the trials here?

Yep...and not gonna lie. You feel great when it's over.


I've tried a couple times to do the hard combo challenges but every single time I always end up thinking "fuck this isn't worth it" and just go play online instead.
black_vegeta said:
I'm going to quote Allen Iverson, "practice man, we're talking about practice...!"
I really have been, I promise! I can now FADC Rufus's EX messiah into his super/ultra! Thats probably one of the easier ones to do, but I can do it in an actual match...Im gettin there...

Tried to do one of those multi FADC combos and failed miserably though :lol
A lot of those challenge mode combo's don't have a practical use, but it's weird...after a while, you do find yourself using some of them in matches (talking about the hard challenges specifically). I tend to have more trouble with usually like the 2nd or 3rd of everybody's challenges than the 5th one. I still take a little bit to get out Cammy's 3rd one properly, but her fourth and 5 are easy (and essential to her game at higher levels, number 5 especially. Can't pass up huge damage like that).

Max did Ken's hard 5 (or something like it) in one of those videos he postedI was all :D

BTW, both of you guys are on anudda lebol, as Marbury would say. One thing I've gotta say about this game is that it's really fun to watch at a high level, much more so than other juggle fest games. But different strokes I guess...


Ysiadmihi said:
I've tried a couple times to do the hard combo challenges but every single time I always end up thinking "fuck this isn't worth it" and just go play offline with another person.
What you should be doing. I'm just glad I live in a good area for that because I probably would not play fighting games otherwise.
I still love street fighter, and I always will, but it doesn't have the same appeal without my friends around to play it. When they're around it's like being a kid again. Same with Smash Brothers.

With my circle, me and one other friend (internet name Raziel) dominate. My bro has Cammy, and my other friend has Ken and Ryu, but me and Raz are pretty good with many characters. If I win too many rounds I usually just choose Dhalsim. He's my (I'm winning too much and I pity you) character.

It boggles my mind how awesome these games still are, how that archetype was near perfected very early on. It's like Tetris. Can't be beat for pure fun.
LeMaximilian said:
Went about 30 or so rounds with Haunts a few days ago. Here's some of the results with more to come when I get the time to edit the video :lol

Haunts(Sagat) vs Maximilian(Ken)


Man, I've never liked Ken before, but you make him look good.

And this is an argument to tone down Sagat a bit if I've ever seen it. His normals just rip out a good chunk of your life.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
SecretBonusPoint said:
I really hope "Dash" will be a big DLC update and not a full retail disc sequel. That would feel pretty off and sleazy in the age of DLC.

when we're talking about fighting games then the characters ARE the game imo, lets say that sf4 has 20 characters,then a boost of 10 characters would pretty much count as a 50% increase in gamecontent, which basically warrants a sequel. In this day and age sequels are but mere incremental upgrades than overhauls.

Look at the shooters for example, we got cod 1 through 6, halo 1 through odst, etc etc

what I'm trying to say is expecting a DLC to have 10 character for sf4 isnt feasible. ( even though I'd love to just be able to download it as a dlc instead of retail )


TurtleSnatcher said:
Welcome back!
i won't lie im still bitter about what happened (it was bullshit for more than one reason), but that is what SF is for, to express your frustration via e-beatings :lol

My bison leveled up a bit during the break, and i use honda, fuerte, chun, balrog (lol), ryu, akuma, gief, and blanka as alts now. Abel has been dropped for good (sorry _dementia!)

_dementia said:

my XBL sub expired :(
get a PS3
might double dip and get the PC version when i have cash to spare (which isn't very often)

ive been contemplating trading my 360 for a PS3
GGs Semitry. I wasn't ready for the Rufus onslaught. Haven't really played against Rufus since the last time I played Mox.

Your Honda waxed the floor with mine.

It was fun playing random, just so I could get a feel sort of for everyone.

It was a bit uncomfortable playing with my TE. I started out having it on my lap. I then put it on my coffee table. I finally settled for the floor. I prefer the size of the EX2 and SE. I'm going to have Akuma001 dual mod a SE for me.

Kinfected, sorry we couldn't play on GFW. It was weird. I've taken invites before and had no problems. My router is forwarding for online gaming. But there's a possibility I have a port blocked...
Red Blaster said:
Just got this, tiers be damned I'm using Sakura. Any pointers?

I think the key too her is the vortex (ie mixups). If you can find videos of Sabre playing at the Evo 5v5 tourney, you'll see what I mean. She has a lot of comboability. I'd recommend going through the "challenge" mode to see some of her links. Just don't throw out SRKs. She has okay pokes (jabs, shorts, standing roundhouse and low forward). Her anti air is low fierce. But for more and better hints, go to the Sakura subforum at SRK.
Red Blaster said:
Just got this, tiers be damned I'm using Sakura. Any pointers?

I'm 7-15 against Sakura, all 8 losses(only beat him twice) were from the same beastly player. You can beast with just about any character in this game. So yeah that wasn't really advice, but you can kick ass with Sak is my point.....I think.


he's Virgin Tight™
Threi said:
i won't lie im still bitter about what happened (it was bullshit for more than one reason), but that is what SF is for, to express your frustration via e-beatings :lol

My bison leveled up a bit during the break, and i use honda, fuerte, chun, balrog (lol), ryu, akuma, gief, and blanka as alts now. Abel has been dropped for good (sorry _dementia!)

might double dip and get the PC version when i have cash to spare (which isn't very often)

ive been contemplating trading my 360 for a PS3

So, let's fight again tonight. Last time your Bison made good comp to my Chun, so maybe now that I 'leveled' her up a bit (though I haven't played in a week) and you leveled up... we can have another Poke- i mean Street Fighter match.



BoboBrazil said:
What is this about leveling up? Can you level up a character to make them stronger, faster, etc in the game?
Yeah, like in Pokemon. Want to trade your Bison for my Shiny Sagat?


he's Virgin Tight™
BoboBrazil said:
What is this about leveling up? Can you level up a character to make them stronger, faster, etc in the game?

No man :lol We just say level up regarding our skills regarding a character. At least I can notice when I go over a barrier that I previously had and my execution is better. Learn to predict, FA, combos, when to use what.

"What is this about leveling up? Can you level up a character to make them stronger, faster, etc in the game?"

It's just a phrase meaning they improved their skills.
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