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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


he's Virgin Tight™
_dementia said:
I'm leveling down


=P. Nah really, if you can someday do away with $10 do it with a XBL 1 month sub at least. We are losing XBL players it seems. I might buy the PC version but I need a new GPU =P


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Relix said:

=P. Nah really, if you can someday do away with $10 do it with a XBL 1 month sub at least. We are losing XBL players it seems. I might buy the PC version but I need a new GPU =P

I think some of it is the game sorely needing new content. Fighting games tend to have an expiration date unless they're classics, which are very rare. SFIV is good, but it's not great.

Hopefully Adon can bring SFIV Dash to greatness.

BTW for those with XBL and PSN. How is the PSN experience in comparison to XBL for this? Trying to see if the $50/yr is actully worthwhile for XBL or not.


he's Virgin Tight™
arstal said:
Hopefully Makoto can bring SFIV Dash to greatness.

BTW for those with XBL and PSN. How is the PSN experience in comparison to XBL for this? Trying to see if the $50/yr is actully worthwhile for XBL or not.

Fixed that for you.

Hmm... I don't have the PSN version, but I've heard finding matches is far harder and more sporadic than on XBL. I think lag should be about the same. I play a shitload of games so the $50 are well used, but if you only play SF.... then... Nah (I would still pay it though :lol )


BoboBrazil said:
What is this about leveling up? Can you level up a character to make them stronger, faster, etc in the game?

Be glad that Backbone's SFIV pitch didn't get green lighted :lol


Red Blaster said:
Just got this, tiers be damned I'm using Sakura. Any pointers?

prepare to work hard for that W, ive gotten to g1 with her at my main, g2 definitely seems like a cakewalk compared to g1, but you can still manage wins, use your ex bars whenever you have them, cant remember the last time i filled up the meter, guess its the way she can deal some real damage


Everything is moe to me
f0nz0 said:
prepare to work hard for that W, ive gotten to g1 with her at my main, g2 definitely seems like a cakewalk compared to g1, but you can still manage wins, use your ex bars whenever you have them, cant remember the last time i filled up the meter, guess its the way she can deal some real damage
how many characters can kill a perfect health seth off of a light punch, 1.2 ex bars and a mixup? :p once she gets going she brings a world of hurt.


Target near me has this on clearance for $28; not sure if it's a local store thing, but maybe worth checking if you haven't picked this up yet.

I need to get back into this online. I miss beating up shotos with headbutts... though if these rumors about "Dash" are true I might be moving on to more "sophisticated" boxing style. :D


Out of curiosity (I'm lazy, feel free to mock me for not checking) is Dan a playable character?

But more importantly, does anyone have tips about when he blocks part of a combo? That's the reason I haven't been able to get some of the "easy " challenges done. There's one El Fuerte double combo, with like a medium low kick and a super, and Dan ALWAYS block the entire super.

Or now, when I'm trying to see if Viper would be good for me as a n00b to play, and I'm trying to do a jump heavy kick followed by a in-air burning kick. The only way the combo seems possible is with a forward jump in as opposed to a vertical jump, but Dan always blocks the flaming kick part, even if it's the EX one.

*edit* I'm an idi0rt, apparently HK in-air burning flame kick is different than LK or MK or KKK in-air burning flame kick. o_O
Blizzard said:
But more importantly, does anyone have tips about when he blocks part of a combo? That's the reason I haven't been able to get some of the "easy " challenges done. There's one El Fuerte double combo, with like a medium low kick and a super, and Dan ALWAYS block the entire super.

Use a roundhouse super.


Spirit of Jazz said:
Use a roundhouse super.
Stupid question, what is that? :lol I couldn't find it on Google or GameFAQs, and I tried doing his super with light, medium, and heavy kicks. I can chain the crouch MK into an ultra (or at least do the ultra right after), it's just the super that seems to get blocked.
Pandaman said:
how many characters can kill a perfect health seth off of a light punch, 1.2 ex bars and a mixup? :p once she gets going she brings a world of hurt.

Sakura is all shenanigans. If you don't let her start that mix-up silliness the match is going to be a lot of work to win for her.
seriously, man, i just loaded this game up for the first time in months to "let off some steam" and what the fuck happens? my save data is corrupted??? after the game downloaded osme patch??

i am so pissed off right now

i dont have the time to unlock these dumb motherfuckers again. capcom needs to release a code to unlock all the characetrs already. i'm so pissed...

apparently this save data corrupt shit is a big problem amongst many people
Barkley's Justice said:
seriously, man, i just loaded this game up for the first time in months to "let off some steam" and what the fuck happens? my save data is corrupted??? after the game downloaded osme patch??

i am so pissed off right now

i dont have the time to unlock these dumb motherfuckers again. capcom needs to release a code to unlock all the characetrs already. i'm so pissed...

apparently this save data corrupt shit is a big problem amongst many people

Try deleting the save file for championship mode. Same thing happened to me a while ago. The save file with all of the characters etc was still fine.


Everything is moe to me
SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Sakura is all shenanigans. If you don't let her start that mix-up silliness the match is going to be a lot of work to win for her.
shush, dont give people ideas. we cant let them know sakura is terrible at punishing keepaway characters unless they're jumping like morons. >_>
Just played for an hour or so on GFW. Man, it's hard to find matches in Championship, etc. I did manage to find a few player matches, but there was no leveling up. I do like the fact I can have WMP or some type of media library playing in the background.

I'd say 360 Live has the most competition. Is Gafchat still breathing?


Spiderjericho said:
Just played for an hour or so on GFW. Man, it's hard to find matches in Championship, etc. I did manage to find a few player matches, but there was no leveling up. I do like the fact I can have WMP or some type of media library playing in the background.

I'd say 360 Live has the most competition. Is Gafchat still breathing?

I don't doubt the 360 has the most players but I think something is wrong with your connection (probably port related since we couldn't connect earlier). The only time I ever have to wait more than 30 seconds to find an opponent in Championship mode is when I'm on a final.


SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Yeah, I agree with this. I was tired when I made this post.

Took me a while to answer, so hey. :)

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
I main Sagat =) Only really weird thing with Sagat is the c.forward at max distance of where you think it would hit. Model is clearly making contact but it doesn't hit. Also If I b.rh against abel he can connect from really far away with c.forward. Really far away where it isn't close to connecting visually.

Sagat's jumping mp is borderline broken, in terms of hitbox too. I don't know what the hell is up with that thing. :)

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
No, Sagat is not dominating tournaments. How many Sagats were in the top 8 at Evo? None. I think Floe was the only one at WCW. A Sagat won SBO, right? Oh yeah, not. If you go to the tournament results forum on SRK you'll see Sagat is not dominating tournaments. Sagats might do well, but not to the point that screams he is absolutely broken.

Actually Sagat does very well in tourneys. Might not always win, but there's pretty much always a Sagat in the top 3.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Sagat combos into ultra:
EX Tiger Uppercut
EX Tiger Shot (Corner. Ultra doesn't fully finish)
Forward Roundhouse (Opp Jumping)
Deep j.rh (Opp Standing)

Here is what I found in training mode with Ryu in under 10 minutes...

Ryu combos into super:
Standing short hurricane kick (anywhere)
Standing EX hurricane (corner)
Air hurricane/Cross-up Air Hurricane (anywhere)
Jumping medium punch (anywhere)
Jab srk (opp standing/jumping anywhere)
Fireball Focused by opponent (anywhere)
Opponent neutral jumping over a fireball

Ryu combos into ultra:
Air hurricane (corner)
Cross-up air hurricane (corner)
EX fireball (corner)
Standing EX hurricane (corner)
Jumping medium punch (anywhere)
Jab srk (opp jumping anywhere)

I wish Sagat was that ridiculous!

Why are you including Ryu's combos into super in this?

Air hurricane (corner)
Cross-up air hurricane (corner)

Exact same thing - if Air hurricane combos into it, Crossup will to.

So this means Ryu has one additional link to ultra. The ONLY one in there that does massive damage is the EX tatsu in the corner, where Sagat can do two freaking f.RH into ultra for very high damage, low mitigation and high stun. Yeah, thanks. :)

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Sagat and Seth say hi. They dominate Gief. And yeah, I agree the lariat needs tweaking. I don't think he needs dramatic changes, if any, beyond that.

As I said - Gief has problems with the very top (Sagat) and with Seth. Seth's his only 7-3 (and arguably 6-4, depending on who you talk to) matchup and even then if the Seth player makes a SINGLE mistake he's dead. Considering he already does very little damage, the amount of hits required from Seth to actually beat Gief is VERY high - every one of these hits is a potential mistake.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
I just prefer ST's throw system.

I'll be a bitch here and do what you did: Play ST instead? :)

In any case, I don't see how instant throws (ST's system) would do any good in SF4. It would make things MUCH worse, as far as I'm concerned.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Tiger knee block strings are already powerful enough. And I thought you played Abel? We have, what I consider one of the best Abels in North America, locally. His rushdown blockstrings are fucking ridiculous. If the blockstun was any higher in that situation Abel would be broken. Same goes with some of the really good Bisons I've played such as Sanchez at Arcade Infinity.

Tiger Knee blockstrings are powerful because Tiger Knee in itself is too powerful (being fully safe when hit only once is ridiculous).

Abel's blockstrings require near perfect execution and timing. Mashing SRK will beat anything when you do a single 1-frame mistake.

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
I just think the frequency of trades is the issue here. Not that you can juggle off of them.

So how would you address the problem then? Trades happening less often means the attacker or the defender having an advantage in that situation, which would you prefer?
Ysiadmihi said:
I don't doubt the 360 has the most players but I think something is wrong with your connection (probably port related since we couldn't connect earlier). The only time I ever have to wait more than 30 seconds to find an opponent in Championship mode is when I'm on a final.

Hmm. Well it must get hot or cold, as I played Semitry right after. He sent an invite, and it was accepted. It could of just been a hiccup. We can try again another time.

Yeah, that one fireball combo was sick by Daigo. I did see a video where he fought some guy named Yuu (Go) and got owned hard by the vortex.


Spiderjericho said:
Hmm. Well it must get hot or cold, as I played Semitry right after. He sent an invite, and it was accepted. It could of just been a hiccup. We can try again another time.

I'm not expert on the matter but the way I understand it is that not forwarding your ports will let you play with some people fine and not at all with others. It was the same for me in Company of Heroes until I forwarded my ports. Was able to play with some friends but not others :lol


good credit (by proxy)
I only ever get unable to play messages from people with fight req. enabled. I think it's maybe during the animated intro or if they have the game paused? N3\/3R get this message from people in lobby.


Blizzard said:
Stupid question, what is that? :lol I couldn't find it on Google or GameFAQs, and I tried doing his super with light, medium, and heavy kicks.
Light, Medium and Heavy are alternatively called Short, Forward and Roundhouse for the kicks or Jab, Strong and Fierce for punches.
Ysiadmihi said:
I'm not expert on the matter but the way I understand it is that not forwarding your ports will let you play with some people fine and not at all with others. It was the same for me in Company of Heroes until I forwarded my ports. Was able to play with some friends but not others :lol

Well then, what port would you advise I forward. I already have the router to allow online gaming. If there is a specific port, the router/firewall is blocking, I'd like to open it so my fight invitations can get through.
I think from recent tournaments and the hubub from U.S. Players, it seems like there isn't a best player in Japan. There are just an elite group that can trade wins and losses with one another.
TimeKillr said:
Took me a while to answer, so hey. :)

Sagat's jumping mp is borderline broken, in terms of hitbox too. I don't know what the hell is up with that thing. :)

What's up with it? It's a nice move :)

Actually Sagat does very well in tourneys. Might not always win, but there's pretty much always a Sagat in the top 3.

Not going to disagree with this.

Why are you including Ryu's combos into super in this?

Air hurricane (corner)
Cross-up air hurricane (corner)

Exact same thing - if Air hurricane combos into it, Crossup will to.

So this means Ryu has one additional link to ultra. The ONLY one in there that does massive damage is the EX tatsu in the corner, where Sagat can do two freaking f.RH into ultra for very high damage, low mitigation and high stun. Yeah, thanks. :)

I included Ryu's super because it is actually worth using unlike Sagat's. And yeah, I should have combing the Air-Hurricane and Cross-up Hurricanes as one. Didn't notice that when I made the list. And I've already said multiple times that f.rh x2 into ultra is ridiculous and should be looked at for the update.

As I said - Gief has problems with the very top (Sagat) and with Seth. Seth's his only 7-3 (and arguably 6-4, depending on who you talk to) matchup and even then if the Seth player makes a SINGLE mistake he's dead. Considering he already does very little damage, the amount of hits required from Seth to actually beat Gief is VERY high - every one of these hits is a potential mistake.

Not disagreeing with this.

I'll be a bitch here and do what you did: Play ST instead? :)

In any case, I don't see how instant throws (ST's system) would do any good in SF4. It would make things MUCH worse, as far as I'm concerned.

Difference is I'm not asking for a change here. It is how it is. I guess having a throw whiff isn't so bad. I can live with the system.

Tiger Knee blockstrings are powerful because Tiger Knee in itself is too powerful (being fully safe when hit only once is ridiculous).

Abel's blockstrings require near perfect execution and timing. Mashing SRK will beat anything when you do a single 1-frame mistake.

Btw, the Tiger Knee isn't fully safe if you block it high. Any character with a fast jab should be able to break up the string if they do that. If you block low you're stuck in blockstun longer. I have much more issues against Boxers that actually know about this, and completely run over the ones who don't.

And yeah, you can currently mash out of Abel's blockstrings with a SRK. Maybe even get a lucky throw. Problem is, if you're playing a good Abel he is going to recognize this and start throwing in random blocks between the weak links and punish your ass, or throw in early tornado throws etc.

So how would you address the problem then? Trades happening less often means the attacker or the defender having an advantage in that situation, which would you prefer?

I would rather see the ground guy win in more situations than a trade would currently occur. Would you rather take a SRK or SRK, f.rh, ultra?
I like how Maeda Taison seems to avoid combing into his Ultra in lieu of saving it as an anti-fireball for massive damage.
America should X-copy that instead of getting paid off every jab jab short headbutt.


Rufus said:
Light, Medium and Heavy are alternatively called Short, Forward and Roundhouse for the kicks or Jab, Strong and Fierce for punches.
Ooh, thanks.

Unfortunately, even with the roundhouse (heavy kick) super, the top move (crouch medium kick) stays red until right as the super hits (and is blocked) by Dan. So I'm still not sure what I'm missing...there doesn't really seem to be a way to pull it off faster.

*edit* Seems you may need to be RIGHT in his face for it to work.
Wow, I just watched all 27 videos. Yo, he's gotta be the best Ryu player in the world.

His combo game was sick. He hit a jumping opponent with a fireball into super. He hit his opponent with super fireball into ultra. He has this sick four jab into roundhouse combo. He also has all of the other amazing links (FA into jab fierce FADC death combo).

I also like how he randomly did shinku tatsus to waking up opponents.

But...he was really pushed by Kindevu and Taison. Taison in particular. His Boxer game is on point.

Also, there's a bunch of vids of Sabin in Japan. You should check it out.

And I hate Rufus' EX snake strike and ultra setups. Also, Gouki's vortex is ridiculous.

The vortex vs. the beast:

Daigo has some pretty creative combos. And he's not afraid at all of doing one frame links to deal more damage even though he could be severely punished if he missed the link. Definitely the best SF4 Ryu in the world. I always look forward to seeing more of his matches.
Just out of curiosity, this is about non Sim players strategy against Sim. Basically Sim is the most defensive minded character in the game, everybody, even the other runaway characters tries to get in on Sim. So I was wondering what your strategy is against a decent Sim, lets say one who's on your skill level or better.

I see a lot of videos with top players and even when they have a good life lead, they pretty much kill themselves trying to finish Sim. My strategy is actually quite the opposite(I main Ryu). I try to get a life lead and then out turtle Sim to try and get him to come after me. If he does then I rush him down like crazy. If he escapes and I hold a big life lead and he wants to hop around throwing those long arms hoping to catch me then I'm fine just winning by time out.

I find myself having more success with this strategy. I end up finishing a lot of the Sims that I beat. But here and there I'll face the ones who won't close the distance on me even with time running out. They'll try to chip me in the corner, but I'll just air tatsu out. My most satisfying victories are when I have Ultra and use it in the final 3-4 seconds before time ends :D

So basically, is there some honor system that I don't know about. If that skinny bastard wants to stay away from me then he can if I have a life lead. But I continually see good players lose a big life lead and eventually lose altogether because they keep trying go after Sim when he escapes.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Rice-Eater said:
Just out of curiosity, this is about non Sim players strategy against Sim. Basically Sim is the most defensive minded character in the game, everybody, even the other runaway characters tries to get in on Sim. So I was wondering what your strategy is against a decent Sim, lets say one who's on your skill level or better.

I see a lot of videos with top players and even when they have a good life lead, they pretty much kill themselves trying to finish Sim. My strategy is actually quite the opposite(I main Ryu). I try to get a life lead and then out turtle Sim to try and get him to come after me. If he does then I rush him down like crazy. If he escapes and I hold a big life lead and he wants to hop around throwing those long arms hoping to catch me then I'm fine just winning by time out. .

The first non-basic lesson I learned about fighters was the local top player telling me that the best way to deal with turtles is to turtle them harder.

Problem is that style of fighting takes a lot of discipline, and often isn't that much fun.
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