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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Lost Fragment said:
Alright, so I feel like a scrub for having to ask, but does someone want to explain to me what exactly an option select is? I have sort of an idea (like if you hold db and hit lp+lk during block stun, you'll tech if they stop in the middle of a block string and try to throw, right?), but I've seen it mentioned in several places yet haven't been able to find a clear explanation of the theory behind it.

It's when you can do something, and depending on what the opponent does, your character will do the peoper response to it, with no effort or brains required on your part.

In old-school SF, hitting back+fierce would give a throw if they're in range, or a fierce if they didn't.l

You can see why stuff like this isn't liked.


Oh shit, with all the roster rumors I just remembered how awesome Adon's song was. It was probably my favourite from Alpha 2. I hope we're getting his Alpha 2 stage too.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
OK, lemme see if I get this straight. Viper's my main, so I'll use this situation as an example:

Say I'm trying to do a jump-in hk that my opponent is in a position to backdash out of. I anticipate this, so mid-jump I can input the command for ex thunder knuckle and tag them during backdash. But if the j.hk connects, the ex thunder knuckle won't execute, and I can follow up the j.hk with a combo/block string/whatever?


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Dizzy-4U said:
Oh shit, with all the roster rumors I just remembered how awesome Adon's song was. It was probably my favourite from Alpha 2. I hope we're getting his Alpha 2 stage too.

One trend I hate in fighters is not having stages and theme music for all the chars (or teams in the case of KOF)

One chance I'll be very happy to see in SFIV is geetting rid of the generic music - only reason they had it was they didn't have themes for Honda, Blanka, Boxer, and Claw.

Adon and Gen's music were awesome, as was Charlie's. A2 really had a great soundtrack- best of any Capcom game (yeah, better then 3S, A2 music was SF). It was almost as good as Fatal Fury soundtracks.
Lost Fragment said:
OK, lemme see if I get this straight. Viper's my main, so I'll use this situation as an example:

Say I'm trying to do a jump-in hk that my opponent is in a position to backdash out of. I anticipate this, so mid-jump I can input the command for ex thunder knuckle and tag them during backdash. But if the j.hk connects, the ex thunder knuckle won't execute, and I can follow up the j.hk with a combo/block string/whatever?

yup, pretty much :)


bdizzle said:
can you give some option selects for bison? and i never really understood what kara throws or kara anything is. can anyone explain those?
bison doesnt need kara throws. he has a great dash to get in quick enough and throw anyways.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
God's Beard said:
There's still another day, right?

I believe that the final days are for the public, that is the buisness stuff is over :(

damnit...serves me right for getting hyped based on some random internetposts
i would at least like to see the arcade version get an update with the addition of the console characters, just so I can see what the Japanese players can do with Fei, Dan, and shit


Yeah, JAMMA Amusement Show was last weekend. It would've been really awkward for them to announce this at TGS after not announcing it at JAMMA, after all, so they're probably waiting for a big reveal in Arcadia magazine or similar next month before an official announcement.
arstal said:
One trend I hate in fighters is not having stages and theme music for all the chars (or teams in the case of KOF)

One chance I'll be very happy to see in SFIV is geetting rid of the generic music - only reason they had it was they didn't have themes for Honda, Blanka, Boxer, and Claw.

Adon and Gen's music were awesome, as was Charlie's. A2 really had a great soundtrack- best of any Capcom game (yeah, better then 3S, A2 music was SF). It was almost as good as Fatal Fury soundtracks.

Alpha 2 was my favorite SF from a style point of view. The stages and music were just soo damn good. 3 was a big step backwards with stagnant backgrounds. The music in 3 was cool for what it was, but it just wasn't "SF". Alpha 2 was so damn good. Oh, especially the Saturn version remixes. Forgot to mention that. They are godly.

Darkman M

bdizzle said:
can you give some option selects for bison? and i never really understood what kara throws or kara anything is. can anyone explain those?

Basically cancels a basic move into a throw, some kara's are better then others it all depends.
bdizzle said:
can you give some option selects for bison? and i never really understood what kara throws or kara anything is. can anyone explain those?

Kara is when you cancel the opening frames of one move into another, often times extending your range. The most popular kara in sf4 is Ken's Kara throw, which you can do by pressing f + MK (his step kick) then throw immidiately after (within 2 frames.) Ken's throw range is a lot bigger due to the initial step he takes from the kick. When you execute it, it's almost as if you're pressing the buttons at the same time, but you're not since you're pressing the throw a split second after the f + mk.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
FindMyFarms said:
Kara is when you cancel the opening frames of one move into another, often times extending your range. The most popular kara in sf4 is Ken's Kara throw, which you can do by pressing f + MK (his step kick) then throw immidiately after (within 2 frames.) Ken's throw range is a lot bigger due to the initial step he takes from the kick. When you execute it, it's almost as if you're pressing the buttons at the same time, but you're not since you're pressing the throw a split second after the f + mk.

to many Sagats dont kara online. And that makes him a zoning impossibility
~Devil Trigger~ said:
to many Sagats dont kara online. And that makes him a zoning impossibility

When I see a Sagat doing some Kara shit, my mega-hate relationship with the man is ignited all over again. Not only does he have some of the best specials in the games, great vitality, and awesome damage outpute, they also gave him some high level input shit to increase his killing capacity even more. What were they thinking @_@

To my knowledge, not all characters can Kara their specials to the degree/usefulness that Sagat can.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Arpharmd B said:
Alpha 2 was my favorite SF from a style point of view. The stages and music were just soo damn good. 3 was a big step backwards with stagnant backgrounds. The music in 3 was cool for what it was, but it just wasn't "SF". Alpha 2 was so damn good. Oh, especially the Saturn version remixes. Forgot to mention that. They are godly.

Really, if it wasn't for CC's mucking things up, and Chun being a bit too scrubby, A2 would have been my favorite SF.

This new SF4 will be close to the ideal cast- now that Adon and Guy in though. I can live without Sodom (though he's a good design), Rolento(gimmicky), or Birdie (would need new moves).
arstal said:
Really, if it wasn't for CC's mucking things up, and Chun being a bit too scrubby, A2 would have been my favorite SF.

This new SF4 will be close to the ideal cast- now that Adon and Guy in though. I can live without Sodom (though he's a good design), Rolento (gimmicky), or Birdie (would need new moves).

I preferred the OST over the arranged soundtrack. I wish they would've kept the live instruments like Alpha 1. Guy's theme (aka Final Fight theme) with guitar is boss.

And A2 had the best story of any SF game. It made sense, no weird Bison clones, trying to possess Ryu's body or the shenanigans in IV.

Alpha 1 and 2 really did the SF storyline right, as they built off the animated movie.

A2 was a great game but the Alpha counters and custom combos kill it. To be honest, the best pound for pound SFs were probably Hyper and ST (IV is close though...depending on your temperament). There was something broken in each Alpha. And the three series was great but had little things in (whiffed normals building supers, unbalanced supers and parry/guess work + karas).
So from a guy who only cared about SF with SF4, what's with all the love that Guy and Adon get? I sort of understand the TS characters because they all seem unique in their own right (I still can't believe someone fucking created and greenlighted Oro into a game @_@) but Guy and Adon seem so boring to me. I love me some Final Fight (Guy, Cody) but their place in SF seems kinda blah. I don't see interesting specials/fighting styles. Just gimped versions of other characters.

Make me care, SF4 GAF.
myDingling said:
So from a guy who only cared about SF with SF4, what's with all tbe love thta Guy and Adon get? I sort of understand the TS characters because they all seem unique in their own right (I still can't believe someone fucking created and greenlighted Oro into a game @_@) but Guy and Adon seem so boring to me. I love me some Final Fight (Guy, Cody) but their place in SF seems kinda blah. I don't see interesting specials/fighting styles. Just gimped versions of other characters.

Make me care, SF4 GAF.

Itsef (sp)!! Wattakayyomo (sp)

Guy was awesome in Alpha 1. He was quick, had his chain combo and was the precursor to El Fuerte. He dashed. He had a slide. He had the spinning roundhouse. And he could toss you with his qcf punch. His hurricane kick could counter low attacks and juggle. His elbow was eh.

But they nerfed him in A2 and A3, since he didn't have his dizzy combo and links and his moves were slowed down a bit.

Adon is eh. I liked him simply because he was a SF1 character. He's a bit different though. He's more of a predict your opponent's moves, chip, etc. Combos aren't his forte, he's more of a punisher. I think it would've been cooler if they brought back Joe, Geki, Mike, Lee, OG Birdie, etc.


Spiderjericho said:
Itsef (sp)!! Wattakayyomo (sp)

Guy was awesome in Alpha 1. He was quick, had his chain combo and was the precursor to El Fuerte. He dashed. He had a slide. He had the spinning roundhouse. And he could toss you with his qcf punch. His hurricane kick could counter low attacks and juggle. His elbow was eh.

But they nerfed him in A2 and A3, since he didn't have his dizzy combo and links and his moves were slowed down a bit.

Adon is eh. I liked him simply because he was a SF1 character. He's a bit different though. He's more of a predict your opponent's moves, chip, etc. Combos aren't his forte, he's more of a punisher. I think it would've been cooler if they brought back Joe, Geki, Mike, Lee, OG Birdie, etc.

Adon has a mug like fucked up Tarantino. Disgusting!

But he's pretty wack. In Alpha 1 his knees where the old tiger knee motion qcf,uf+k. Then they pussified it to dp motion. It'd be cool if he had the old motion back in SSFIV just to fuck with Sagat bewagoners. The thing I always laughed at was his useless qcb,qcb+k super. :lol

I'd like Cody to be more like from original FF. SFA3 Cody was interesting but not great in design.

Guy's a beast and that's it.
Spiderjericho said:
Itsef (sp)!! Wattakayyomo (sp)

Guy was awesome in Alpha 1. He was quick, had his chain combo and was the precursor to El Fuerte. He dashed. He had a slide. He had the spinning roundhouse. And he could toss you with his qcf punch. His hurricane kick could counter low attacks and juggle. His elbow was eh.

But they nerfed him in A2 and A3, since he didn't have his dizzy combo and links and his moves were slowed down a bit.

Adon is eh. I liked him simply because he was a SF1 character. He's a bit different though. He's more of a predict your opponent's moves, chip, etc. Combos aren't his forte, he's more of a punisher. I think it would've been cooler if they brought back Joe, Geki, Mike, Lee, OG Birdie, etc.

Hmm I'm intrigued by your description of Adon. I'm not much of a combo guy myself so it'd be nice to play someone with that kind of a style.


I don't know how anyone could think Adon is boring. He doesn't really play like any other SF character that I know of, he has very unique and varied normals and specials, and has exagerrated animation.


I was secretly hoping Karin would make it in. :-/
Makoto does make up for it though. Still praying Gen gets his chains back. Was messing with him a bit in Alpha 2 and yeah, pretty big deal.


Adon is a lot like Vega, not really a combo character (barring Vega's floor rolls), shit jab, but high priority moves, heavy throw game, sick range. I look forward to maining him in SSF4. A2 is a much better game than A3 is annoying stupid infinites slow and does not feel as balanced. A2 is a fast game, meter builds up fast but there is a penalty for fluffed CCs and AC are good for mind games. One of my favourite SFs. A2 and ST for life.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Adon ended up stinking in A2 due to customs though. You could get hit by a Jaguar Kick or Jaguar Tooth, and then get a free CC on Adon. On top of that, crouching strong from Ryu, Ken, Akuma, or Dan beat all his normals.
Caj814 said:
I just hope Cody doesn't look exactly like his A3 version and more like his Final Fight version.It would be ridiculous if after A3 he is still wearing the stripped suit + cuffs :lol

I am sure we will get both with the additional costumes, the thing is which one will we have to pay extra for.

I know i am probably in the minority here, but I liked his Streetwise attire. It kept the "generic white guy from a beat 'em up" thing going, but threw in the ex-con thing at the same time. Of course since Streetwise was never released in Japan I doubt we will get it.
FindMyFarms said:
I like Sagats a lot more when they're not uppercutting me from the other side of the stage thank you :)

I do enjoy seeing a good kara TU in a match I'm not playing.

'Oh, look, Saget used his step kick so I can come i...REALLY?!'


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Y'all need to stop hating on Adon. Sure he wasn't all that great in the Alpha games, but that wasn't his fault, it was the fucking Custom system that didn't give him any play at all. Coming into SSF4 he should be a lot better, but if Capcom screws him over like they did Vega and Guile I'm gonna be pissy.


GekigangerV said:
Of course since Streetwise was never released in Japan I doubt we will get it.

I'm more inclined to say we will never get it because the game was shit more than anything else and Capcom already knows that.:lol
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