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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Sometimes all it takes is the right guesses and it's over for you opponent. All the videos I've watched of Kokujin have me rooting for him, but I never get tired of that video.
Fersis said:
Jail break Cody or bust!

It's got to be jail break Cody, otherwise he looks totally generic. Also it helps sell why he's get a knife and throws rocks.

I hope all the Final Fight love means we'll be getting a new one...


Man, these SF4 sequel rumor details sound pretty insane, but I'm all in favor of throwing just about everything possible into this engine.


Im surprised they didnt include Gill/Urien as Capcom could have used the same model as Seth (with a few modifications), also I swear I seen Seth do some similar normals to Urien/Gill.

Didnt Ono mention before he would like Rolento and Goukens daughter to be in the game maybe he is saving for the 3rd iteration of SFIV


So I dunno if I want to get this or not. I'm a master of Soul Calibur but I know this game is quite different. I played Street Fight 2 on my SNES but was never really that great at it. I'm unsure if I should get his now and learn to get good, or wait for Tekken 6 and jump on when the game comes out.

I play Blanka.


Jazzy Network said:
God I hate playing against Blanka.

We should make a club. Although I'd rather play Blanka at this point than Ryu. Every single person tonight I played picked Ryu, and I really wish I was over exaggerating.


bistromathics said:
I think it looks extremely dated

If you are talking about the resolution of the sprites,yeah it's dated.If you are talking about the animation though you are officially insane :lol


SF3's detail in its animation is still so charming and nice to look at, especially how the clothing moves and character poses, plus the character design is just ace. SF4 too looks nice too in terms of how it implemented 3d while still maintaining the colorful SF look in high res... except for some ugly character models and face animations that just piss me off (intentional or not).


ggs sir long meat: my net blew up :/

bison mirrors lol. also i dont know what the hell was going on with my fuerte. A lot of what i did was unintentional and because of that i had to simplify my strategy, which didn't do me any good either.

Next time i gotta take a note to not play good people after ive played for hours :lol
I haven't played any GAF guys in a while, but I'm starting to play on XBL again. My friend's gonna be away from his house so I'm borrowing his TE to practice over the weekend. I should have some of you guys on my friendslist anyway. I'm also gonna be playing Blazblue.

AZ Greg

I'm probably off for the night, may get on later, but to anyone who still plays on XBL regularly, and isn't already on my list, send me a friend request and we'll get some matches in.

XBL Tag is "AZ Greg"


Jazzy Network said:
God I hate playing against Blanka.

+1 to that. They made him into an awful character in IV that forces you to play and turtle like a baby. No lie, a lot of the matches I've lost against Bankas were because I just don't have the patience for that turtle match.

This is coming from someone who mains Blanka in HDR/ST :/
Good games to HibikiSans on Games for Windows Live.

He use to be a GAF poster but got permabanned so now he lurks .. so yay to you? :p

But good games. We did first to 10.. I won 10-1 :p But he has a very nice Guile so if you guys wanna play a good guile message him on GFWL.

EDIT: Ive inspired him to start playing Elf.. Yay.


Is there some trick to teching throws? Like, should I be holding certain buttons in order to guarantee that I tech the throw after a block string? I suck very much at tech throwing...even when I see them coming. I was playing my brother and the only time I could tech throw him was when I KNEW he was going to try and throw me (like on wake-up or something). Other wise, I'd just hit LP or jump out of the way. And when I didn't hit LP or jump out of the way....I'd get thrown, even when I knew it was coming. I could swear I was throwing, too.

If I can avoid being thrown by jumping out of the way or hitting LP/LK, do I really "need" to know how to tech throw better? I was watching some matches and the way people tech throw makes me think that they are psychic.

Block string: Cross-up, LP, LP *tech throw*
Block string: Cross-up *tech throw*
Block string: Cross-up *tech throw*
Block string: LP *tech throw*

Please don't tell me they do that on reaction...cuz there is no way my reactions could ever get that good.

eggandI said:
+1 to that. They made him into an awful character in IV that forces you to play and turtle like a baby. No lie, a lot of the matches I've lost against Bankas were because I just don't have the patience for that turtle match.

Totally agree. I played some guy who beat me 20-0 (*crying face*) that turtled when I was in a WINNING position.

If I don't have the patience to turtle, then I DEFINITELY don't have the patience to deal with a turtling Blanka for God's sake :lol Maybe that's my problem. Oh well....


MIMIC said:
Is there some trick to teching throws? Like, should I be holding certain buttons in order to guarantee that I tech the throw after a block string? I suck very much at tech throwing...even when I see them coming. I was playing my brother and the only time I could tech throw him was when I KNEW he was going to try and throw me (like on wake-up or something). Other wise, I'd just hit LP or jump out of the way. And when I didn't hit LP or jump out of the way....I'd get thrown, even when I knew it was coming. I could swear I was throwing, too.

If I can avoid being thrown by jumping out of the way or hitting LP/LK, do I really "need" to know how to tech throw better? I was watching some matches and the way people tech throw makes me think that they are psychic.

Block string: Cross-up, LP, LP *tech throw*
Block string: Cross-up *tech throw*
Block string: Cross-up *tech throw*
Block string: LP *tech throw*

Please don't tell me they do that on reaction...cuz there is no way my reactions could ever get that good.

In the past couple pages Option Selecting has come up, and I'm pretty sure that's what you're seeing. I'm still a bit new to it myself, but I'm pretty sure the idea (in this case) is that while you're in a block string, holding downback, you tap lk and lp together (but one a little before the other) between hits.. the idea being that your input will choose one of three options depending on what your opponent does
1. He continues his block string, and you keep blocking
2. He tries to throw you, and you tech it
3. He does nothing, and your lk or lp (whichever you hit first) comes out

of course, this isn't foolproof, as late moves can still beat it, particularly if he waits a sec and then does a shoryu expecting your option select lk to come out.
Corky said:
oki so what was the verdict? Were the rumours proven false? :(

No. No one ever said anything would be said at TGS. Capcom just kept saying "soon" and that lead to wishful thinking. I think one of the leaked rumors said October 1st or something. And some of the text on the Capcom blog that said to check back frequently for the update was colored orange... October... Fall... Halloween... Orange. Hopefully something is said soon =/


So, I learned the hard way that on Honda mirror matches his standing far HK can punish a blocked headbutt. Any idea of what can I do against a turtle honda? I hate to turtle(and I'm bad at it) so I go for an aggresive honda(at G3-D now, yay) and that might be my downfall.


DR2K said:
You'll come to realize it's shit compared to any SRK sans Sakura's.
i havent seen it. It seems completely invincible from startup all the way to falldown recovery. HP cannon strike seems to me like EX shoryuken. Add to that the fact that its harder to punish on block (cammy bounces back right into safe territory, ready to mash out another cannon spike if you try to get in and punish) and you get an annoying anti-air.

But then again I play bison, I just hate that my entire aerial game is completely shut down by cammy. Can't take the chance to whiff any blockstrings either, because BAM cannon strike to the face.

Fucking reversal window. It screws over charge chars so much. Where is MY shoryuken that i can mash in block strings? I have to accurately guess where the other guy will screw up, or just break the string with a lk. No knockdown or anything. But with non charge chars its like "MASH GET ME FREE MOVE YAY I DID IT IM GOOD DURRR"

/charge char rant


Threi said:

Abel is a non-charge char and he doesn't have a mash gtfo move. :(

Sometimes thinking "I'm going to screw you up so bad once I catch you out of this annoying safe thing you keep doing" helps when you're on defense. No safe counter? Just be patient, sooner or later they will get tired of you blocking their moves and start trying to throw you or use other attacks.

Of course it doesn't help if you still keep losing anyway. ;/ But it sure as hell satisfying when you do beat one.

Also, SCREW bison, how can you complain about safe specials when you have that annoying as hell safe knee press.


Totakeke said:
Abel is a non-charge char and he doesn't have a mash gtfo move. :(

Sometimes thinking "I'm going to screw you up so bad once I catch you out of this annoying safe thing you keep doing" helps when you're on defense. No safe counter? Just be patient, sooner or later they will get tired of you blocking their moves and start trying to throw you or use other attacks.

Of course it doesn't help if you still keep losing anyway. ;/ But it sure as hell satisfying when you do beat one.

Also, SCREW bison, how can you complain about safe specials when you have that annoying as hell safe knee press.

Can't he EX roll?
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