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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Spiderjericho said:
Just watched the Fei Wong battles from Saturday:


I also read on SRK how people were like Justin was an average Fei Long, can't believe people were falling for his shenanigans, my Fei is >>>, yadda, yadda.

Dude won a tournament in the belly of the beast. They act like he was playing with a top-tier character. If he came out of nowhere and said, he was going to main Akuma, Sagat, Ryu, etc, it would've been a different story. He picked frickin Fei Long. It's not the character, it's the player.

I can't wait to see Bar Fights II. East vs. West. Should be a good show. Hopefully, the stream works (unlike the last time).

Just bout everybody had a HRAP or TE at the tourney in South Florida. Wonder how many Madcatz sold?

:lol what do you expect anyone can act tough on the internet. i even read a youtuber say his cousin could easily beat daigo :lol


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
When is barfights going down? and will they have a ustream? justin.tv keeps fucking me over =(

bdizzle said:
:lol what do you expect anyone can act tough on the internet. i even read a youtuber say his cousin could easily beat daigo :lol
shit, get me an audience and I'll say I can piss on daigo, ain't no thing.


Bacon of Hope
Spiderjericho said:
Nice redesign. Also, had no clue there were videos of the new Blaz Blue update. Keep up the good work. I guess you're going to be at Bar Fights II, since it's sponsored by Iplaywinner.

I actually cant make it becuase I have way too much shit to take care of up here in the Bay.....but! Some of our top Norcal talent is going down the to compete... I wont spoil the surprise... lol..
haunts said:
Yo! Whats up guys... Just finished the new http://www.iPlayWinner.com redesign and wanted to let you guys know we completely revamped the Street Fighter 4 guides. It's still a bit of a work in progress, esp with the console characters, but we added a match up chart for each character so now you can see VS videos and also have access to match up notes all in one place. We will be beefing this up even more over the next month or so, so stay tuned.

Also, keep in mind you can subscribe to each character match up via RSS. So lets say you want to be updated on any Sagat vs Ryu videos that we find, just subscribe on that blog and we will keep you updated.

any feedback is welcome of course, enjoy!


cool, like the new site, specially the matchup section. If I find a matchup, what's the best way to let you know about it?

EDIT: how do u subscribe to the rss? not seeing it on the dic vs claw page
bdizzle said:
:lol what do you expect anyone can act tough on the internet. i even read a youtuber say his cousin could easily beat daigo :lol

They just need to act humble and go to the tournaments, etc and put their money where their mouth is. Like people were salty (ha, ha) bout Jibbo's Gen, comparing it to Yeb's. I think Yeb is good, but obviously Jibbo carving out his own niche in the Gen army.

Yeah, it's human nature...

If I wouldn't have to go alone, I'd go to Bar Fights II.


Bacon of Hope
bdizzle said:
cool, like the new site, specially the matchup section. If I find a matchup, what's the best way to let you know about it?

Oh yeah, duh, I forgot to mention that! If you want to send in a video you find, just use the form on the left. Submit the youtube URL and stuff and we'll take a look at it. As long as it isnt some wack XBL crap or something we will probably post it. lol. :)

bdizzle said:
EDIT: how do u subscribe to the rss? not seeing it on the dic vs claw page

I use Firefox and its at the upper right hand side in the address bar. What browser are you using? I assume all of them had RSS subscription built right into them these days.


Spiderjericho said:
If I wouldn't have to go alone, I'd go to Bar Fights II.
I would love to go to these things as well just to see how I stack up, but hey im in Canada so what can you do.


Bacon of Hope
God's Beard said:
Very clean! I notice the tiers have moved around a bit since the game came out, shows that it's a well-balanced game :D

Thanks! I pulled the tiers out of my ass.. lol.. j/k... I wrote up the tiers, they are based on what I saw in Japan and what not. I'd say they are fairly accurate sans the console characters... :p


haunts said:
Thanks! I pulled the tiers out of my ass.. lol.. j/k... I wrote up the tiers, they are based on what I saw in Japan and what not. I'd say they are fairly accurate sans the console characters... :p
Ken is Ken tier eh?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
nice new site haunts.

On your dictator section it seems you've mixed up the vs guide for the characters.

After dictator vs zangief it has the dictator vs balrog advice, however the advice is for zangief vs balrog.


Bacon of Hope
catfish said:
nice new site haunts.

On your dictator section it seems you've mixed up the vs guide for the characters.

After dictator vs zangief it has the dictator vs balrog advice, however the advice is for zangief vs balrog.

Oh, whoops.. Good eye.. thanks for that..


Bacon of Hope
God's Beard said:
Balrog has a lot of advice because of Gootecks, doesn't he? :lol

A lot of the characters don't have any :-(
I'll have to write some for Fei Long.

Hah, actually its becuase of all the Crackfiend practice we get around here -- best boxer in the US, believe it!

and yeah, the console characters are in a sad state right now, but truthfully we dont know a lot about them, so if you have some strats send them in. :)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I really, really enjoy how you've written your character guides, Haunts - it's "dumbed down" well enough for the casual player looking to get deeper into SF4 without being overwhelming. This is where I'll send people who are looking to take that next step. Awesome job.
haunts said:
Oh yeah, duh, I forgot to mention that! If you want to send in a video you find, just use the form on the left. Submit the youtube URL and stuff and we'll take a look at it. As long as it isnt some wack XBL crap or something we will probably post it. lol. :)

I'll be sure to spam you vids of me noobin it up lol

I use Firefox and its at the upper right hand side in the address bar. What browser are you using? I assume all of them had RSS subscription built right into them these days.

gotcha, cool. thanks

Can you add some more advanced techniques like option selects, kara throws, etc. I still don't know how to dash>ultra w/ charge characters T___T


Bacon of Hope
Sunflower said:
I really, really enjoy how you've written your character guides, Haunts - it's "dumbed down" well enough for the casual player looking to get deeper into SF4 without being overwhelming. This is where I'll send people who are looking to take that next step. Awesome job.

Thanks, glad you enjoy it. Our goal is to provide facts rather than tell you how to play a character, if that makes any sense. We want to provide more match up data than anything else, but also try to give key points on each character you should know.

This really stems from me hating the fact that I have to wade through forum posts to just get a general idea what to do with a character when I just want to try them out.

With that being said, once I finish the Sagat section, it will be the best Sagat guide on the internet. :D

Also, we are planning on doing this for other guides on our site -- which game would you guys want to receive the "iPW treatment" next? I am thinking 3s or BlazBlue personally but im open to whatever..

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
haunts said:
Thanks, glad you enjoy it. Our goal is to provide facts rather than tell you how to play a character, if that makes any sense. We want to provide more match up data than anything else, but also try to give key points on each character you should know.

This really stems from me hating the fact that I have to wade through forum posts to just get a general idea what to do with a character when I just want to try them out.

With that being said, once I finish the Sagat section, it will be the best Sagat guide on the internet. :D

Also, we are planning on doing this for other guides on our site -- which game would you guys want to receive the "iPW treatment" next? I am thinking 3s or BlazBlue personally but im open to whatever..

I think that's why the guide works so well. It offers you the tools and instructions on how they work, and it's up to the reader to decide how and when to use it. That's an earmark of a good guide, if you ask me.

As far as other guides go, since BlazBlue is so insanely overwhelming to someone who doesn't play Arc games, I would say it is needed.
haunts said:
Hah, actually its becuase of all the Crackfiend practice we get around here -- best boxer in the US, believe it!

and yeah, the console characters are in a sad state right now, but truthfully we dont know a lot about them, so if you have some strats send them in. :)

I just watched the combo video you made. Why would you use up half your EX bar for shienkyaku, FADC, shienkyaku unless you're just practicing the cancels? The second one does almost no damage! Hard Punch, Shienkyaku, FADC, Rekkukyaku was pretty nice though. I'll have to see if something similar from the shienkyaku would be possible as an AA combo.

Also, jumping hard kick is one of my favorite moves because of how safe it is and you can combo it into the ultra. If it doesn't hit, forward+medium kick is a really great follow up since they expect the sweep.

Right now I need to figure out better setups for the command throw, there's a lot of combo potential there that I'm missing.


Bacon of Hope
God's Beard said:
I just watched the combo video you made. Why would you use up half your EX bar for shienkyaku, FADC, shienkyaku unless you're just practicing the cancels? The second one does almost no damage! Hard Punch, Shienkyaku, FADC, Rekkukyaku was pretty nice though. I'll have to see if something similar from the shienkyaku would be possible as an AA combo.

Sorry, I made that video like... back in January when there was 0 data on any of the console characters. lol.. I was just throwing whatever happened to connect into that video.. :p

bdizzle said:
Can you add some more advanced techniques like option selects, kara throws, etc. I still don't know how to dash>ultra w/ charge characters T___T

There are advanced tactics in -some- of the guides, but like I said before this is more or less a beta at this point. We are going to keep refining everything over the next month or so, so keep the suggestions coming.

I could probably put stuff like that in the Gameplay System section which needs to be overhauled anyway.. hmmm.. thanks for the input..
haunts said:
Sorry, I made that video like... back in January when there was 0 data on any of the console characters. lol.. I was just throwing whatever happened to connect into that video.. :p

All the fragile young minds watching that video will be going online and sapping their super meter!


Bacon of Hope
Okay well thanks for the feedback guys but I've been up almost 42 hrs trying to get this shit live so I am going to bed. Ill be back in 12 hrs. lol..


In the Gouken 1up guide, it says "always go for the back throw because backthrow -> hurricane kick does more damage", but this was before most of us knew that the backthrow has a much larger tech window.


haunts said:
Thanks, glad you enjoy it. Our goal is to provide facts rather than tell you how to play a character, if that makes any sense. We want to provide more match up data than anything else, but also try to give key points on each character you should know.

This really stems from me hating the fact that I have to wade through forum posts to just get a general idea what to do with a character when I just want to try them out.

With that being said, once I finish the Sagat section, it will be the best Sagat guide on the internet. :D

Also, we are planning on doing this for other guides on our site -- which game would you guys want to receive the "iPW treatment" next? I am thinking 3s or BlazBlue personally but im open to whatever..

I think 3s is the obvious choice. BlazBlue is getting a huge update really soon with major changes coming to every character, so why make a guide that will be useless in a year? Third strike isn't going anywhere.
LakeEarth said:
In the Gouken 1up guide, it says "always go for the back throw because backthrow -> hurricane kick does more damage", but this was before most of us knew that the backthrow has a much larger tech window.

I didn't know that.
haunts said:

Nice redesign! Few combos that could be added to the Sagat page lol

- f.short, c.jab xx fierce tu (fadc into ultra)

- j.strong or j.rh, s.forward, c.jab xx fierce tu (fadc into ultra)

- throwing random b.shorts while zoning with tiger shots. tricks people into jumping into a followup tiger shot.

haunts said:
Also, we are planning on doing this for other guides on our site -- which game would you guys want to receive the "iPW treatment" next? I am thinking 3s or BlazBlue personally but im open to whatever..

BB! Just wait for Continuum Shift to hit first.


haunts said:
Okay well thanks for the feedback guys but I've been up almost 42 hrs trying to get this shit live so I am going to bed. Ill be back in 12 hrs. lol..
Great job! Just a note: on the honda general strats says that you can combo from HK into hands. The opposite is true.


Stumbled across this ad...


Somehow, I feel misled.


haunts said:
Yo! Whats up guys... Just finished the new http://www.iPlayWinner.com redesign and wanted to let you guys know we completely revamped the Street Fighter 4 guides. It's still a bit of a work in progress, esp with the console characters, but we added a match up chart for each character so now you can see VS videos and also have access to match up notes all in one place. We will be beefing this up even more over the next month or so, so stay tuned.

Also, keep in mind you can subscribe to each character match up via RSS. So lets say you want to be updated on any Sagat vs Ryu videos that we find, just subscribe on that blog and we will keep you updated.

any feedback is welcome of course, enjoy!


Excellent work! I'm enjoying the Akuma guide
That is beautiful Haunts! Ill most definitely spread it around amongst my fighting crew.

Question. What exactly puts ryu above ken as far as tiers go? Is it because of the ability to connect ryu's super from lots of situation?
haunts said:
Thanks, glad you enjoy it. Our goal is to provide facts rather than tell you how to play a character, if that makes any sense. We want to provide more match up data than anything else, but also try to give key points on each character you should know.

This really stems from me hating the fact that I have to wade through forum posts to just get a general idea what to do with a character when I just want to try them out.

With that being said, once I finish the Sagat section, it will be the best Sagat guide on the internet. :D

Also, we are planning on doing this for other guides on our site -- which game would you guys want to receive the "iPW treatment" next? I am thinking 3s or BlazBlue personally but im open to whatever..

YO good ish Haunts!

Buk's gonna be in norcal this weekend, do me a favor and make sure his Fuerte vs Sagat matchup is tite for SB4 yah?


abstract alien said:
That is beautiful Haunts! Ill most definitely spread it around amongst my fighting crew.

Question. What exactly puts ryu above ken as far as tiers go? Is it because of the ability to connect ryu's super from lots of situation?

Check out this thread over at SRK. Its primarily a thread about what people think needs to be improved for Ken in SSF4 but a lot of comparisons seem to be with Ryu.

abstract alien said:
Cool, thanks. I wasnt even aware that ryu's shoryuken did more damage than ken's. That doesnt even make any sense :^/

There is a trade off, Ryu's regular DP's do more damage then Ken's, but Ken's EX DP does much more damage then any DP Ryu has. You do not want to whiff a fierce DP or something that will leave you wide open against Ken, he can make you hurt more then anybody else with only 1 bar or even none.
Rice-Eater said:
There is a trade off, Ryu's regular DP's do more damage then Ken's, but Ken's EX DP does much more damage then any DP Ryu has. You do not want to whiff a fierce DP or something that will leave you wide open against Ken, he can make you hurt more then anybody else with only 1 bar or even none.
Definitely noted.
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