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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Timedog said:
At one point during a round a spider or bug or something crawled on my foot and I sort of freaked out and I was thinking "cheat codes! cheat codes!" but I ended up still winning that round. .

That's Ryu's secret Ultra. But only the cool Ryu players like me and Daigo know the trick.

Oh and you kept doing the cross up throw on me. I was trying to mash DP out before you could get the throw. But after the 20th time I got thrown, I was like "fuck it, I'll just tech this shit". Anyways, I won 10-2 but like yesterday, it really wasn't as bad as it seems. I won a lot of close matches that could have gone either way. Plus, it seems DP> FADC>Ultra isn't in your stick repertiore yet. That's something I was able to use to eek out some rounds where I was behind.

Oh and I think HKhishino is Hitokage, the mod. I smell a permaban in retaliation for rage quitting


Most of the pics Ive seen from tournaments lately, the majority of people use TE sticks. Have TE sticks become the stick of choice of tournament players or are custom sticks not allowed at tournaments?


good credit (by proxy)
Those rice eater matches brought my PC win % down from 87% to 50% :eek:

Somehow half the guys in G3 on pc know what they're doing. I've been fadc'ed into ultra tons of times and I can't even do that yet.
Timedog said:
Those rice eater matches brought my PC win % down from 87% to 50% :eek:

Somehow half the guys in G3 on pc know what they're doing. I've been fadc'ed into ultra tons of times and I can't even do that yet.

I think those guys are using there alternate account. G1 is a desert on the PC version, I got there about 2 weeks ago and there is almost never anyone around to play. If you sat there for 1 hour constantly hosting or searching for matches, you might find 2 or 3 at best, and it might be the same guy depending on how you or he does in the next round.

Anyways, yeah, Daigo did bait a EX chicken wing successfully. Although he did try again and failed because Justin either didn't fall for it or just didn't do it that time. Funny thing is I've blown meters trying to bait Chun and Abel several times when they had Ultra. Bastards never took it and I had 2 less bars to work with :(

Oh and can anyone describe the Andre vs Daigo match for me? That was my most anticipated match today but I missed it because my friends wanted to go bowling. I heard Andre did very good, did his scissors rushdown put a lot of pressure on Daigo and how far did he push Daigo? For example, did it go to the final round of the final set?


Bacon of Hope
Timedog said:
whoa whoa whoa whoa, did Daigo bait out an EX chicken wing by doing fb > fadc BACKWARDS > SRK???

He tried to at one point.. Not sure if he ever did it successfully but was pretty dope idea none the less.. I usually FADC backwards out of Tiger shots against Abel to avoid ultra. :lol


Setec Astronomer
Timedog said:
Whoever HKNishino is, I didn't mean to be a dick by exiting our match after that last round, but I already planned on doing some matches with Rice, so I would have left then had I won or lost.
Nah, I was killing time waiting for somebody else myself.

GGs though.


good credit (by proxy)
haunts said:
He tried to at one point.. Not sure if he ever did it successfully but was pretty dope idea none the less.. I usually FADC backwards out of Tiger shots against Abel to avoid ultra. :lol

Never thought of that, good idea though
Zertez said:
Most of the pics Ive seen from tournaments lately, the majority of people use TE sticks. Have TE sticks become the stick of choice of tournament players or are custom sticks not allowed at tournaments?
there were a few customs, especially in the 3-on-3


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I can't fucking do it, I really can't. Hours after hours of practicing. Fuck this game to hell.

Cr.mp, cr.mp, cr.mk, ex fireball, fadc, ultra

If I get the mk to link, I can get the rest to work but it's not fucking working. ONLY MP > MK is super easy to do but adding another MP to the combo makes it impossible.

I'm taking a break.
SoulFist said:
After going back and forth between Ryu and Balrog, I think I've finally decided I want to main the boxer. I can land his LP LP LK into headbutt and can land his EX rushing upper into LP LK Headbutt. I was hoping some Balrog players could give me some good tips. Maybe Findmyfarms has some secrets for fighting with the 'Rogster.

I don't know what kind of secrets you want, but I'll try to put something useful here.

*Always do your ultras and supers with K. After the startup animation, you can use P/K depending on the situation. But executing the move with K makes it 1 frame faster and holding K for the first punch makes is another frame faster. So KKK -> K is 2 frames faster than PPP -> P.

*Landing ultras:
1. Easiest is to juggle it from a headbutt.
2. You can also juggle after EX-Rush, if you land it on a jumping opponent.
3. In the corner you can use EX-running low uppercut -> ultra.
(2. and 3. need some time to get the back charge so they have to be done at least a half screen away.)
4. From a focus attack crumble.
5. You can TAP your FA crumbled opponent and juggle with ultra. Also if your TAP hits him in the air, you can follow with an ultra (not 100% sure about this one)
6. You can link your standing LP in to an ultra. Difficult to pull of, but it is possible. s.lp -> Ultra with KKK and hold K for the first punch.

*You can do a dash ultra also. It's good against fireballs if you are little too far away from your opponent. <- -> -> <- -> KKK/PPP

*c.lp ~ c.mp is a great link, but sometimes hard to pull off. Plinking helps with this one a lot. Instead of pressinf just MP, press MP+LP so that LP comes just a little bit later. This way you will get either c.LP or c.MP out. Button presses should be something like this for a 4 hit combo: LP ~ LP ~ LP ~ MP+LP and cancel to what ever you want.

*EX-Rush is a great move. Do two of these and mix-up some overheads in there for a reset.

*Safe-jumping with HK is awesome. Doesn't work on everybody though. You will eat shoryukens if you try to do it against shotos. Works on Sagat!

*TAP baiting: Do a TAP and if blocked, follow with EX-headbutt. Risky, but works surprisingly well. Also if you get a critical hit with TAP, you can link a dash punch or even a c.lp xx headbutt.

I hope these help.


Nice games again abstract alien. Those were some tense matches. In the Rufus vs. Blanka fight, all horizontal balls aside from jab strength are punishable on block with your crouching fierce goes-across-the-entire-screen punch, so that's some free extra damage if I throw those out.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Spiderjericho said:
Cause he got that fight money. You figure they paid him to come (plus the plane ticket), paid for his food and he won two tournaments and got third in another. He has to be leaving with several Gs.
And the chicks dood. He must have tonz of chicks @__@


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Zertez said:
Most of the pics Ive seen from tournaments lately, the majority of people use TE sticks. Have TE sticks become the stick of choice of tournament players or are custom sticks not allowed at tournaments?

TE's are the stick of choice, but customs are legal.

I use a custom since I got my stick for VF5 (now it's dual modded)
Fersis said:
And the chicks dood. He must have tonz of chicks @__@

Did you accept my friend request? And Time Dog, if you want, we can play on PC or whatever: krp1976.

And Daigo is rumored to be a player/catcher for the other team.

The other rumor is he's a family man who doesn't want to go and instead is on the look out for his pal Checkpoint Charlie.

I kid.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Spiderjericho said:
Did you accept my friend request? And Time Dog, if you want, we can play on PC or whatever: krp1976.

And Daigo is rumored to be a player/catcher for the other team.

The other rumor is he's a family man who doesn't want to go and instead is on the look out for his pal Checkpoint Charlie.

I kid.
Im at work, so i cant accept the friend request. Just got into the office... gonna be a long day.
For anyone who doesn't have this or wants it, it's been on 30% clearance at Target (360) for 28 dollars for awhile now and last night at midnight it went 75% I just bought it for 10 dollars. I think you can check if its available in your area on their website.


Spirit of Jazz said:
Right, they mentioned that on commentary but to that end surely it's a matter of spacing it? Also Justin seemed to miss quite a few normal links that lead to him eating fierce shoryukens. I think it's unfair to say he got outfootsied though, a hell of a lot of Diago's damage was done through ume shryukens, jump in combos, crumples and FADCs where as the majority of Justin's damage was coming from his footsie game. I mean I don't think you can say that the reason Justin lost that match was due to him having a weaker footsie game.
The more I think about this, the more I think you're right, the footsie game wasn't what lost the war. I think it really came to the fact that Ryu can land his ultra easily and Fei Long can't.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Kadey said:
Daigo ate a lot of chicken wings. That was his weakness for a while.
Which shows if Wong was super awesome with Fei, Daigo would've been out early.

If Wong could perform the links after the CW, Daigo would've gotten dizzy every round.

its one the toughest links in the game


good credit (by proxy)
~Devil Trigger~ said:
Which shows if Wong was super awesome with Fei, Daigo would've been out early.

If Wong could perform the links after the CW, Daigo would've gotten dizzy every round.

its one the toughest links in the game

Daigo could have done it even if it was a 1ms link.


Neo Member
Timedog said:
Daigo could have done it even if it was a 1ms link.

stop riding his you know what plz. There was alot of pressure for wong in those situations so i don't blame him, plus he still was new with fei long and missing it a few times really hurt his confidence to pull it off again. Thats why he always went for a throw afterwards.


good credit (by proxy)
LakeEarth said:
And Daigo was missing the f.fp -> fp xx SRK link a lot too.

I don't know how much you guys know about the Japanese (I'm an expert). Daigo was just sandbagging. He practices on a hacked version of the game where every ryu link is 1/16.666 of a frame. That's the amount of time it takes Wong to eat an American cheeseburger.


When Justin tried an ultra setup that got blocked, Daigo EX SRKed him between the 4th-5th hit, where there's a window large enough to get a move through. I thought this meant that Daigo actually did know stuff about the console characters, but according to the announcer during the money match, in actuality he was spamming EX SRK just in case there was a hole somewhere in there. Just one example on how Daigo was learning on the fly.
Dang, Daigo dick riding hardcore for SB4. Someone post up them Cammy/Sanford vs. Daigo vids whenever they're available.

Word on the street in the socal scene is that Jwong and Marn will be moving to SoCal permanently in December. If you check Jwong's twitter, you can tell he ain't none to happy with the vibe in EC. Hopefully he'll help level up all the socal peeps (he'll be closer to Japan too...)


myDingling said:
Word on the street in the socal scene is that Jwong and Marn will be moving to SoCal permanently in December. If you check Jwong's twitter, you can tell he ain't none to happy with the vibe in EC. Hopefully he'll help level up all the socal peeps (he'll be closer to Japan too...)
Wouldnt be surprised. The amount of peeps booing him at SB4 was retarded. I even said what the fuck is wrong with you people out loud. The people complaining about his reactions post win at times should go get professional enemas.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
LakeEarth said:
When Justin tried an ultra setup that got blocked, Daigo EX SRKed him between the 4th-5th hit, where there's a window large enough to get a move through. I thought this meant that Daigo actually did know stuff about the console characters, but according to the announcer during the money match, in actuality he was spamming EX SRK just in case there was a hole somewhere in there. Just one example on how Daigo was learning on the fly.
Yeah the guy adapted fast enough to beast Wong on the second set.
Wong supportors vs. Daigo supportors.

They both played great. Daigo is the best Ryu player on the planet. Wong is like the renaissance man. He masters multiple characters, multiple games (won multiple games or top 3 at Devastation, Final Round, Evo and SB4).

It was great seeing new "stars" or names get more recognition like Dr. Chaos, Andre, Pad Viper, Eduardo, Issei, etc.

Too bad Issei doesn't go home to Japan. He could become the best SF player (even though he's technically a Japanese transplant).
PhatSaqs said:
Wouldnt be surprised. The amount of peeps booing him at SB4 was retarded. I even said what the fuck is wrong with you people out loud. The people complaining about his reactions post win at times should go get professional enemas.

That's wack. But the longer you're successful, the more people start to hate. And I think he should stay in NYC, as it's more gutter and cut throat. After they conquered Los Angeles, NYC went to SB4. After they got conquered by NYC, L.A. just decided to play against themselves.

And seriously, Wong is like the eptiome of a professional video gamer. I'm surprised there isn't more branding for him like Fatal1ty. Dude should write the next SF guide. He should approach Mad Catz bout using his likeness to promote their sticks and pads.
Spiderjericho said:
That's wack. But the longer you're successful, the more people start to hate. And I think he should stay in NYC, as it's more gutter and cut throat. After they conquered Los Angeles, NYC went to SB4. After they got conquered by NYC, L.A. just decided to play against themselves.

And seriously, Wong is like the eptiome of a professional video gamer. I'm surprised there isn't more branding for him like Fatal1ty. Dude should write the next SF guide. He should approach Mad Catz bout using his likeness to promote their sticks and pads.

it's tough playing SF with Evil Controllers.

unless you're Justin Wong of course.
Spiderjericho said:
That's wack. But the longer you're successful, the more people start to hate. And I think he should stay in NYC, as it's more gutter and cut throat. After they conquered Los Angeles, NYC went to SB4. After they got conquered by NYC, L.A. just decided to play against themselves.

And seriously, Wong is like the eptiome of a professional video gamer. I'm surprised there isn't more branding for him like Fatal1ty. Dude should write the next SF guide. He should approach Mad Catz bout using his likeness to promote their sticks and pads.

That's a bit harsh. Who's gonna wanna spend upwards of $1000 on flight+hotel+drinks+food for three days just for shits and giggles. Daigo and Justin were going to be there, so that best any player could do was hope for third. Now I'm not saying money is the only thing that matters, but it's a far different situation for a lot of the players on Westcoast with day jobs and shit. Not to mention gootecks and his organizers just spent god knows how much money flying out EC for barfights.

Also, I'm sure the move for Wong would be a business decision as well. He could do more endorsements and promotion deals in SoCal than if he were on the east.
Spiderjericho said:
Wong supportors vs. Daigo supportors.

They both played great. Daigo is the best Ryu player on the planet. Wong is like the renaissance man. He masters multiple characters, multiple games (won multiple games or top 3 at Devastation, Final Round, Evo and SB4).

It was great seeing new "stars" or names get more recognition like Dr. Chaos, Andre, Pad Viper, Eduardo, Issei, etc.

Too bad Issei doesn't go home to Japan. He could become the best SF player (even though he's technically a Japanese transplant).

This is true. Most people think Daigo was/is the best 3s player due to his evo performances. The reality is, the top 3s players in Japan were all way better than Daigo, and Issei was one of those people. He pretty much pioneered the Yun game.

If Issei continues to develop and play sf4 he will be a monster.

And funny tidbit about Marn. He's only been in the eastcoast for less than a year and everyone over there is saying he's EC when he's been in Tx for the past forever and he himself claims to be a tx player.

Marn was actually one of the big reasons why UFO won Stride's "save an arcade" contest
FindMyFarms said:
If Issei continues to develop and play sf4 he will be a monster.

I heard somewhere (the stream or here, I don't know), that Issei will move back at the end of this year.

But that might not be a good considering the whole 'SSF4 will only be for console' thing.
Finally got a PS3 and this game, been playing all weekend with Saks as my main... I kind of suck but whatever, I'm having fun :lol Anyway, I was wondering do any of you have the Madcatz SE stick? Is it worth buying? I can't really afford the TE stick right now and I need one so..... should I get the SE or just save up my money for the TE (or this one that I've been eying:
Star Power said:
Finally got a PS3 and this game, been playing all weekend with Saks as my main... I kind of suck but whatever, I'm having fun :lol Anyway, I was wondering do any of you have the Madcatz SE stick? Is it worth buying? I can't really afford the TE stick right now and I need one so..... should I get the SE or just save up my money for the TE (or this one that I've been eying:

I took the route of getting the SE stick and modding the buttons and stick later to match the quality of an TE. No regrets.
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