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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Ledsen said:
Yes he cancelled the sweep into Ultra. It's a classic Akuma trick, bait the opponent into focusing the sweep and then... BAM! DEMON!

But, hmm...

WTF? This is a focus-only thing? Or is this the only normal in the entire game that can be cancelled by an Ultra?


FindMyFarms said:
Akuma can cancel a lot of his normals into ultra/super.

Into super, yes.

Into ultra? Aside from his late cancel normal (f.mp), what else can he cancel into ultra?

I know some characters can do late cancels, like Sagat and his kara setups, Viper with Fierce, Honda with df+rh, but Akuma's sweep is very strange.
TimeKillr said:
Into super, yes.

Into ultra? Aside from his late cancel normal (f.mp), what else can he cancel into ultra?

I know some characters can do late cancels, like Sagat and his kara setups, Viper with Fierce, Honda with df+rh, but Akuma's sweep is very strange.

Dont' remember which ones off the top of my head specifically cancel into ultra but I know st. rh, cr. rh, cr. mk do. There's a few more out there.

edit - went to training mode, akuma can cancel all his close stand and crouch normals into ultra when connected on hit/block. Didn't try the far normals.

Interesting read here :


I love me some money matches :D


SnowWolf said:
I agree, his punish was worthless. You were lucky that he gave you a chance to come back.
Yeah he could've won the match right then and there. FA3 -> super probably would've taken Viper down with her crap health. But he didn't, and comebacks are a bitch :D

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Did you guys hear about the SF4 tourney on Korean TV? Koreans sure know how to treat gaming right... nice stage, big audience, serious treatment. More details on season 1 of the tourney here

I made a few gifs from episode 1 part 2 where some cosplayers illustrated what the game is like (let me know if the gif sizes are too big, I'll delete the img tags)


Man Korea needs to step its game up for real. They're so damn good at tekken and starcraft, that it's weird watching how below average they are at sf4.


facing a bright new dawn
SnowWolf said:
Did you guys hear about the SF4 tourney on Korean TV? Koreans sure know how to treat gaming right... nice stage, big audience, serious treatment. More details on season 1 of the tourney here

I made a few gifs from episode 1 part 2 where some cosplayers illustrated what the game is like (let me know if the gif sizes are too big, I'll delete the img tags)



hehe...probably just temporary, but:




Is El Fuerte the easiest player to adapt to? My button-mashing brother (who ONLY plays as Fei Long) is slowly chipping away at my Fuerte and I think that I'm running out of options.

My brother has been playing SF with me since the Genesis days, but is too lazy to learn the actual movelist and button mashes like crazy. He knows how to throw, how to FA (but not how to cancel it), and KINDA knows how to do Fei Long's rising fire kick move--I can't tell if he's mashing it out or not. He can do the average stuff: jump-in kick > sweep, anti-air kick, etc.

I see that he knows the proper spacing with Fuerte. When I'm close enough to hit him, he's jumping...and not in leg throw range. I can't do too many psychic leg throws or I get punished for them.

It's not like he's getting perfect or anything (if he ever does, I will probably hang myself :lol) but every time I adapt to his adapting (and try out other strategies, he seems to be able to adapt to that and I lose the advantage. For example: I've started doing back run > wall jump > HP. After he noticed that I started doing that, all he does is do a jumping HK and it trades. I get a tortilla like once every 3 matches because he knows when to jump. He doesn't jump in anymore after I started using c.HP. He knows when I'm running in for a slide, so he jumps up and punishes me when he gets to the ground.

Maybe I need to record the matches and analyze them.

But when I play as Guile or Blanka, it's not even close. I beat the shit out of him every single time. Even when I pick random characters (like get Ryu, Ken, Zangief...and other n00b-friendly characters), I kick the crap out of him and I rarely use them.

I'm a sad panda



after playing online with my hdtv a living room apart from my couch, i went home to nyc again for the connected cabs, sitting up close to a no-lag monitor. felt like i was playing in slow-motion, like neo in the matrix or some shit. everything developed slowly and tight links felt different in that i knew in advance i could hit them every time so i was free to auto-pilot 1-2 frame stuff and think of my follow-ups as i started combos. i was surprising myself with how easy things felt.

i play on crts here all the time tho. might've been the dim sum working that day or just the height/feel of the cabs and the monitor size overwhelming my senses but i'd say it's worth seeking out if you haven't gotten to try the arcade sf4.

AZ Greg

Played and won my first tournament tonight. Nothing really serious, only 8 people and I live in a small town right in the center of San Diego and Phoenix. The people were a little flowchart-y, but a couple showed some potential (and were doing some crazy ass things for being pad players). It was fun though and making a little money is always nice. Best thing is that the dudes seem serious about getting better and getting some stuff organized and maybe setting up some carpools to bigger tournaments in SoCal/Phoenix.


MIMIC said:
Over-analyzing matches when you are using your main, i know the feeling all too well. (scroll up for my rant) Since you know your char so well everything takes longer to process since you have to mull over more situations that can be played out instead of FUCK IT IMA JUMP IN AND DO SOME SHIT AND GET AN ULTRA

Doing random bullshit with "better" characters that have safer moves just works out better. Such is the curse of the low tier.

Speaking of tiers i really don't think Bison is B tier. He seems lower than that. He is obviously NOT the best charge char (Chun and Rog are obviously better, Guile has worse matchups but is better against Bison)

I guess its due to the few bison players being really damn good :lol


MIMIC said:

Maybe your brother has your El downloaded yo!

Even more so if you pulverize him with other characters. Try using the same n00b friendly character everytime, let him learn the match up. Switch it back to El, then see what happens :lol
Threi said:
I guess its due to the few bison players being really damn good :lol

That's it right there really. Bison when played right dominates the ground. When you play against a mean bison, you question your manhood. The thing about Bison is that you have to be REALLY good at footsies, which very few players in america are proficient at.

A lot of top players put him at right below A tier, same category as rog/chun/viper.


Threi said:
Over-analyzing matches when you are using your main, i know the feeling all too well. (scroll up for my rant) Since you know your char so well everything takes longer to process since you have to mull over more situations that can be played out instead of FUCK IT IMA JUMP IN AND DO SOME SHIT AND GET AN ULTRA

I guess this is true.
He jumps back. And I think

1. Run in with a slide?
2. Am I close enough to leg throw?
3. Do I run back, hop off of the wall with a
a) splash
b) HP
c) HK
4. Feint?

Ugh. -_-

Doing random bullshit with "better" characters that have safer moves just works out better. Such is the curse of the low tier.


TofuEater said:
Maybe your brother has your El downloaded yo!

Even more so if you pulverize him with other characters. Try using the same n00b friendly character everytime, let him learn the match up. Switch it back to El, then see what happens :lol

Guile is my 2nd best character and I play with him a lot and he never even comes close to beating me (unless I do something stupid, like fucking around and instead of perfecting him, I try to let him build up my Ultra meter :lol).

But yeah, I'll try to stay away from Elf for a while and then go back.

EDIT: Maybe I just need to go back go basics: splash the shit out of him and when he starts button mashing (inevitably leading to a wake-up rising fire kick): FA > RSF (slide).....and repeat. He doesn't know how to block a splash and as soon as he does, I'm gonna start fajita bustering his ass or sliding. He definitely needs to feel the wrath of the guessing game.


so i'm reading through shoryuken and they are using abbreviations on words that i can't figure out, can anyone direct to a link with a legend that tells me all the abbreviations for teh SF language.

for example fpTK and lpTK
imtehman said:
so i'm reading through shoryuken and they are using abbreviations on words that i can't figure out, can anyone direct to a link with a legend that tells me all the abbreviations for teh SF language.

for example fpTK and lpTK

Fierce punch thunder knuckle, light punch thunder knuckle

lp, mp, fp - light, medium, and fierce punch

lk, mk, fk - same thing w/ kicks

bk - burning kick
SJC - super jump cancel
FFF - Fierce feint fierce

those are her more popular ones


FindMyFarms said:
Fierce punch thunder knuckle, light punch thunder knuckle

lp, mp, fp - light, medium, and fierce punch

lk, mk, fk - same thing w/ kicks

bk - burning kick
SJC - super jump cancel
FFF - Fierce feint fierce

those are her more popular ones

ty this helps a lot


Unconfirmed Member
Guys, I just have to say, borrowing a friend's 360 copy recently has felt like playing an entirely different game.

I've had the game on PS3 since release and loved it, but often the online would leave me soured out. Mainly because most days it would take me a good 5mins to find a decent lobby/connection, and often the match would lag up half-way through anyway.

But on Live, it's a totally different story. Sometimes I create a room and a challenger finds it so quick it seems like they were in there before me! I get plenty of 4-5bar connections, and even a 2bar is playable as opposed to on PS3. It's amazing when you can take online play for granted and just have fun!

Streaming music from my PC has added a nice fresh feel to SFIV as well =) Watching Viper strut in and dish out a beatdown to some chilled hip-hop never gets old!

My buddy also lent me his MadCatz fightpad, which is a joy to handle.
I'm still unlocking characters and such, but do look me up if you fancy a match (EU mainly). Gamertag is BGenius.


Bacon of Hope
B-Genius said:
But on Live, it's a totally different story. Sometimes I create a room and a challenger finds it so quick it seems like they were in there before me! I get plenty of 4-5bar connections, and even a 2bar is playable as opposed to on PS3. It's amazing when you can take online play for granted and just have fun!

Streaming music from my PC has added a nice fresh feel to SFIV as well =) Watching Viper strut in and dish out a beatdown to some chilled hip-hop never gets old!

I agree. I only play PSN with local people or here and there. XBL just seems much more consistent although ive run into some real monsters on PSN. lol

I started streaming with Connect360 like a couple weeks ago and it makes a huge difference. Much easier to get into the game with good music. lol
Grifter said:
after playing online with my hdtv a living room apart from my couch, i went home to nyc again for the connected cabs, sitting up close to a no-lag monitor. felt like i was playing in slow-motion, like neo in the matrix or some shit. everything developed slowly and tight links felt different in that i knew in advance i could hit them every time so i was free to auto-pilot 1-2 frame stuff and think of my follow-ups as i started combos. i was surprising myself with how easy things felt.

i play on crts here all the time tho. might've been the dim sum working that day or just the height/feel of the cabs and the monitor size overwhelming my senses but i'd say it's worth seeking out if you haven't gotten to try the arcade sf4.

You should let me know when you go to CTF so you can beat my ass in person. :lol


B-Genius said:
Guys, I just have to say, borrowing a friend's 360 copy recently has felt like playing an entirely different game.

I've had the game on PS3 since release and loved it, but often the online would leave me soured out. Mainly because most days it would take me a good 5mins to find a decent lobby/connection, and often the match would lag up half-way through anyway.

But on Live, it's a totally different story. Sometimes I create a room and a challenger finds it so quick it seems like they were in there before me! I get plenty of 4-5bar connections, and even a 2bar is playable as opposed to on PS3. It's amazing when you can take online play for granted and just have fun!
It's no contest as to which is better online IMO. PSN is slower overeall and I can feel the input lag more in same bar connections between the two.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
B-Genius said:
I'm still unlocking characters and such, but do look me up if you fancy a match (EU mainly). Gamertag is BGenius.

I've sent you a request from GafEurobrawlers xbox tag. add that and you can use the friends of friends to get other like minded EU players.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
PhatSaqs said:
It's no contest as to which is better online IMO. PSN is slower overeall and I can feel the input lag more in same bar connections between the two.

Same here. It's not bad on PS3 by any means, but definitely better overall on 360. If only we could get FindMyFarms to get a 360! :lol

qcf x2

MIMIC said:

I picked Fuerte consistently two nights ago and not only did I lose 5 in a row to my friend who's never won more than 2 in a row against me, I lost against Dan for like the second time ever. For whatever reason, it seems like using Fuerte has thrown me off my game completely. Actually, I've yet to recover. Feels like I'm playing in slow-mo.
Lyte Edge said:
Same here. It's not bad on PS3 by any means, but definitely better overall on 360. If only we could get FindMyFarms to get a 360! :lol

I totally agree. Not to say, I'm a major online player because the first online game I played was HD Remix but with HD Remix, SFIV, KOFXII, etc, the online experience has been better on Live.

I do like the chatrooms on PSN. Can you do this on Live?


Spiderjericho said:
I do like the chatrooms on PSN. Can you do this on Live?
Nope. I guess the closest thing would be for everyone on the gaf sfiv list to join a giant party...but then again i think both of the gaf sfiv lists are xbl silver anyways.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Spiderjericho said:
I totally agree. Not to say, I'm a major online player because the first online game I played was HD Remix but with HD Remix, SFIV, KOFXII, etc, the online experience has been better on Live.

I do like the chatrooms on PSN. Can you do this on Live?

No chat rooms on PSN, but there's always partying up.


viewtiful_dru said:
You should let me know when you go to CTF so you can beat my ass in person. :lol

Stopped playing much SF4 but I'll be going soon for BB if you play that!

Have the rules for the anti-crossup DP been uncovered? Is it specifically for reversals?
PhatSaqs said:
It's no contest as to which is better online IMO. PSN is slower overeall and I can feel the input lag more in same bar connections between the two.

I tried playing on the PSN for a few weeks. Lag was definitely worse, and I can never find any player or championship matches most of the time. So I'm just sticking with Xbox version for now.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
BotoxAgent said:
I tried playing on the PSN for a few weeks. Lag was definitely worse, and I can never find any player or championship matches most of the time. So I'm just sticking with Xbox version for now.

I never have a problem getting matches; in both versions of the game I just set the fight request to on and play arcade mode. Usually get people to fight before the first match has even started.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Do any of you think the PC netcode is superior to the consoles netcode? I'm noticing a lot more 4-5 bar matches on PC, as well as fewer flowcharters in G2.

I generally play PC Tue-Fri, PSN Sat-Mon when I go online.

I really hope SSFIV makes it to PC, with fixes of the problems of the SF4 port (graphics changing options need to be tested better- it crashes a lot of comps unless you change the file manually)


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
arstal said:
graphics changing options need to be tested better- it crashes a lot of comps unless you change the file manually.

First I heard of that and I play the PC version exclusively. Care to elaborate?

While on the topic, what does parallel rendering do?
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