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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


arstal said:
Do any of you think the PC netcode is superior to the consoles netcode? I'm noticing a lot more 4-5 bar matches on PC, as well as fewer flowcharters in G2.

I generally play PC Tue-Fri, PSN Sat-Mon when I go online.

I really hope SSFIV makes it to PC, with fixes of the problems of the SF4 port (graphics changing options need to be tested better- it crashes a lot of comps unless you change the file manually)

I dunno if it's changed in the past couple of weeks, but every time I've gone to play I've had probably just a few 4/5-bar matches when playing regular matches per hundred or so players. I've probably spent at least as much (twice as much?) time looking for players as I have actually spent playing.


Unconfirmed Member
catfish said:
I've sent you a request from GafEurobrawlers xbox tag. add that and you can use the friends of friends to get other like minded EU players.
Accepted! Cheers man, look forward to some friendlies with you Euro peeps soon.

Now, Viper is great fun, but I gotta get my Gouken back...


Does anyone have any good tips for me as a Cammy player? I just started to seriously train with her. Any links to good videos would be appreciated as I don't really know any names of people in the Street Fighter community.


ciD_Vain said:
Does anyone have any good tips for me as a Cammy player? I just started to seriously train with her. Any links to good videos would be appreciated as I don't really know any names of people in the Street Fighter community.

Check out DJ-B13's youtube channel, he's got some great tutorials and combo vids for Cammy.


Stick update: I am kind of getting it, I think. Sometimes things just click and what I want to do gets done, other times every single movement is just completely wrong (including me actually missing the buttons - one match I missed a reversal ultra because my hands hit the panel instead of the buttons themselves :lol )

The more worrying part is I am getting worse by the second with the pad. Execution has fallen off big time. I'm not sure what to think of that.

Currently the transition has been like this for my chars:

Bison: Gotten worse in movement/teching/reactions, links are just as good.
Fuerte: Around the same, AA Ultra activates a lot less
Chun: Quite a bit worse. Don't use her as much anymore
Honda: Completely destroyed. Can't use him at all anymore.
Balrog: Surprisingly Better.... :O
Ryu: Worse, can't do stuff on reaction anymore
Akuma: Worse, demons on reaction (or even in general) just aren't happening.
Guile: Not much of a change, im not really good with him to begin with.
Abel: lol

wow...actually reading that over is kind of depressing...:(


BotoxAgent said:
I tried playing on the PSN for a few weeks. Lag was definitely worse, and I can never find any player or championship matches most of the time. So I'm just sticking with Xbox version for now.

Nah they're both the same exact game online. I know this for sure, as I was just tinkering around with X360 SFIV a week or so. And I mainly play on PS3. The only difference was X360 pad, mother of Christ was that awful, motion characters I can see being playable, but charge characters were out of the question.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
haunts said:
I agree. I only play PSN with local people or here and there. XBL just seems much more consistent although ive run into some real monsters on PSN. lol

I started streaming with Connect360 like a couple weeks ago and it makes a huge difference. Much easier to get into the game with good music. lol

Switching consoles- I've noticed a difference on the matchmaking- but 3 bars is 3 bars, 4 bars is 4 bars, and 5 bars is 5 bars 90% of the time, the other 10% I blame the other guy being on wireless.

The PC version is by far the best for connections, if your rig can handle SFIV. Seriously.
I prefer to play on PC now- I only use my PS3 on the weekends. Also in terms of skill level, G3 is G2, and G2 is G1. The downside is that there are a few idiots who run the game on systems that can't handle it. Fewer ragequitters also.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
arstal said:
Do any of you think the PC netcode is superior to the consoles netcode? I'm noticing a lot more 4-5 bar matches on PC, as well as fewer flowcharters in G2.

I generally play PC Tue-Fri, PSN Sat-Mon when I go online.

I really hope SSFIV makes it to PC, with fixes of the problems of the SF4 port (graphics changing options need to be tested better- it crashes a lot of comps unless you change the file manually)

I haven't played the PC version (mine can't run the game), but you seem to be missing the Xbox 360 version, which has better online play than the PS3 version. I was interested in getting the PC version whenever I do get a new PC, but now with Super being months away, it doesn't matter anymore.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
DR2K said:
Nah they're both the same exact game online. I know this for sure, as I was just tinkering around with X360 SFIV a week or so. And I mainly play on PS3. The only difference was X360 pad, mother of Christ was that awful, motion characters I can see being playable, but charge characters were out of the question.

Have to disagree with there. I have always found that there are better connections on XBL overall compared to PSN. SF4 is pretty good on both platforms, but 360 is still better.


Lyte Edge said:
Have to disagree with there. I have always found that there are better connections on XBL overall compared to PSN. SF4 is pretty good on both platforms, but 360 is still better.

Having extensively played both, with the same people on both consoles, I can definitely tell you that it's the exact same.

You're seeing better connections overall on XBL because of 2 things:

1- The 360 does not have integrated wireless, which a lot of people use on the PS3
2- There are more 360 users than PS3 users


Whine Whine FADC Troll
DaCocoBrova said:
First I heard of that and I play the PC version exclusively. Care to elaborate?

While on the topic, what does parallel rendering do?

Some computers when you change the graphics options it crashes. Doing it manually in config.ini works fine though, so it's not a power issue.

Lyte Edge said:
I haven't played the PC version (mine can't run the game), but you seem to be missing the Xbox 360 version, which has better online play than the PS3 version. I was interested in getting the PC version whenever I do get a new PC, but now with Super being months away, it doesn't matter anymore.

I've played both versions against the same person with an identical experience. Most of the PSN non-matchmaking problems I blame the other guy using wireless, not actual PSN.


Majestros said:
Nice! Approved both. Thank you sir.

Kinda funny that the first response went straight to Seth. I was trying to bait people with Gief, haha.

On the flipside, Gief is the character to use if you want to get high numerical damage combos because his lifebar-based damage reduction kicks in latest.

Went with Seth because he has the lowest stun =]

There's probably a fair few ways to do this, it'll be interesting to see what people come up with.


Setec Astronomer
TimeKillr said:
Having extensively played both, with the same people on both consoles, I can definitely tell you that it's the exact same.

You're seeing better connections overall on XBL because of 2 things:

1- The 360 does not have integrated wireless, which a lot of people use on the PS3
2- There are more 360 users than PS3 users
This. While wireless networking is awesome for general internet and file transfer, it can be problematic for online gaming.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey to WiseBlade (not sure if that's your nick on here),

Those were some nice matches! Your Fuerte is tres dangerous - Guessing wrong or slipping a couple of times meant I'd eat a nice healthy dose of mixup goodness. Some real tense moments, and some surprising revelations! You taught me a few new things to look out for ;)

This Eurobrawlers business was a great idea =)


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
A little off-topic again, but man, I sent back the last Hauppauge HD PVR that wouldn't show any video input, promptly got a new one shipped back to me, but this one even had an older model version (last one was a D2, this one is a D1) and it also didn't show any video input)...

Guess I'll just get a refund, and try again sometime next year - so much for recording my matches in HD for the time being... :(


facing a bright new dawn
arstal said:
Do any of you think the PC netcode is superior to the consoles netcode? I'm noticing a lot more 4-5 bar matches on PC, as well as fewer flowcharters in G2.

I generally play PC Tue-Fri, PSN Sat-Mon when I go online.

I really hope SSFIV makes it to PC, with fixes of the problems of the SF4 port (graphics changing options need to be tested better- it crashes a lot of comps unless you change the file manually)
I have a dreadful time finding good matches on PC. It's such a gamble if the match will be playable, regardless of bar color. I use PC for practicing or when I dont wanna bother my roommate and 360 for getting down to business. I'm about to ship my TE off to akuma001 to see if he can right my botched attempt at a dual pcb mod, but i'm a little bummed to see people complaining about ps3 match quality.


he's Virgin Tight™
Threi said:
my gimped bison got matches off you though ;)

I just wanted to make you feel good....

Anyway, if you need practice with the stick just tell me, I can pull out a secondary to practice so you get used faster to it. Trust me, it's the only way. I played hundredths of player matches with friends, jumped to Championship, got my ass kicked a few times, but you slowly get around it.

Hell, I even remember in the transition process there was the GAF tournement and I played I think it was against eva01, who has a fantastic Ken, and I decided to go with the pad. Like you my skills were absolutely dull with it, but with the stick I also sucked. No wonder I got my ass kicked :lol

So yeah, if you need practice just lemme know =P


Whoo! My latest replay is me getting a double perfect on a Zangief! I beat a near 70k Rose on my way up so I knew I was likely to get a replay, so I was aware and wanted to do something fancy :lol


Mrs. Harvey
Majestros said:
This is pretty entertaining:

Street Fighter 4 Ken Ultra Glitch by Error1

Dhalsim one is the best.



Unconfirmed Member
Hitokage said:
This. While wireless networking is awesome for general internet and file transfer, it can be problematic for online gaming.
I use both the PS3's integrated wireless and the 360 wireless adapter - the router is in my housemate's room just below mine. I for one can say that I am much more successful in finding (stable) matches on Live.

You're probably right though, more peeps on Live these days. More of the serious folk anyway.
Welp, had a tourney at Central Canada Comic Con and I took 3rd with Ms. White. I came extremely close to taking down the number one player on our scene (ShinAkuma204), but I choked on my Hard Trial 5 combo (I don't know when I've EVER missed that in a tourney/ranbat). I had a hype match with a Rog before that as well, but after I lost to the Akuma, I was all out of magic juice and I fell pretty quickly to a Sagat. Good enough for 50 bucks though (entrance overall cost 22). Our tourney scene will have videos up soon, there were a ton of great matches today. I'm super choked that I dropped that combo, but the nest time I won't.

There is nothing like tourney play at all :D The added pressure and people behind you make it so much fun. Even after I choked hard, it was still great, especially doing it with a character I like as opposed to just having to whore top tier.

This game is so much fun

I'm salty though that I lost; I could've won a bad ass smart phone instead of just 50 bucks :/


Killa Sasa said:
Welp, had a tourney at Central Canada Comic Con and I took 3rd with Ms. White. I came extremely close to taking down the number one player on our scene (ShinAkuma204), but I choked on my Hard Trial 5 combo (I don't know when I've EVER missed that in a tourney/ranbat). I had a hype match with a Rog before that as well, but after I lost to the Akuma, I was all out of magic juice and I fell pretty quickly to a Sagat. Good enough for 50 bucks though (entrance overall cost 22). Our tourney scene will have videos up soon, there were a ton of great matches today. I'm super choked that I dropped that combo, but the nest time I won't.

There is nothing like tourney play at all :D The added pressure and people behind you make it so much fun. Even after I choked hard, it was still great, especially doing it with a character I like as opposed to just having to whore top tier.

This game is so much fun

I'm salty though that I lost; I could've won a bad ass smart phone instead of just 50 bucks :/

What area are you in? Did you guys go to the Toronto tourneys?
Killa Sasa said:
Welp, had a tourney at Central Canada Comic Con and I took 3rd with Ms. White. I came extremely close to taking down the number one player on our scene (ShinAkuma204), but I choked on my Hard Trial 5 combo (I don't know when I've EVER missed that in a tourney/ranbat). I had a hype match with a Rog before that as well, but after I lost to the Akuma, I was all out of magic juice and I fell pretty quickly to a Sagat. Good enough for 50 bucks though (entrance overall cost 22). Our tourney scene will have videos up soon, there were a ton of great matches today. I'm super choked that I dropped that combo, but the nest time I won't.

There is nothing like tourney play at all :D The added pressure and people behind you make it so much fun. Even after I choked hard, it was still great, especially doing it with a character I like as opposed to just having to whore top tier.

This game is so much fun

I'm salty though that I lost; I could've won a bad ass smart phone instead of just 50 bucks :/

Yo good shit killa!


You can't handle the truth!
LakeEarth said:
Yeah, it doesn't say "reversal" when he quick stands to ultra so he didn't do it as fast as he could have.
Thing is, you can't do it as a reversal because the super FB is still on the screen when Ryu gets up. If you try to do a reversal you'll get DP instead. Daigo knew what he was doing but his timing was a little off.


Majestros said:
Thing is, you can't do it as a reversal because the super FB is still on the screen when Ryu gets up. If you try to do a reversal you'll get DP instead. Daigo knew what he was doing but his timing was a little off.
Ahh I see, so you have to activate right after the last hit of the super. That's good to know.
TimeKillr said:
What area are you in? Did you guys go to the Toronto tourneys?

I'm in Winnipeg. We were going to go the Toronto tourneys but decided against it (and I heard that the setups weren't great in the end anyway? Who knows).

FindMyFarms said:
Yo good shit killa!

Thanks man. But it looks like I need more time in the training dungeon. And I've started to be extremely shitty against Sagat again for some reason.

Anyway, here's a couple of vids. I'll just copy/paste my post from SRK:

Had a winner's finals against the best player in our scene. The moral of the story is PRACTICE YOUR SHIT UNDER PRESSURE


It's an amazing match though, but hard to watch for myself. I still took 3rd though (was outta juice, got beat down by a Sagat immediately after this - that vid's not up yet).

Comments are welcome, but I know what lost me the match. Please don't just rub it in for shits and giggles, lol.

But on the good side, here's another awesome match in Winner's Semi against a Balrog. This one had me going nuts, and I did get a little lucky in the end, but sometimes even the best need some help The camera can't capture how loud it got (or how much I was mashing my stick - I damn near dropped the thing )


Give that one a bit, HD will be up soon. It just got uploaded.

Hope you like it
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