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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

bistromathics said:
but how can you tell its safe to do...its like the hitconfirm for ken is cr.s cr.s and you have to input them so quickly, its like I already make my mind up before knowing whether or not they're blocking to do the super.

If you can't hit confirm off cr. short x 2, you can also do cr. short, cr. jab, cr. short. Just start buffering the input after the jab and you'll be good to go.

Also with cr. short x2, you don't necessarily have to link it, you can just press short twice really fast and start buffering.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
bistromathics said:
I can see the annoyance with that, but it just seems like getting used to using option selects. I know it took me a while to start my combos with them in sf4. The notions of parries is fun and i like the faster atmosphere of 3s, but i really hate the way I play it.

Option selects are the single thing I hate the most in fighters, just behind infinites.


There's nothing wrong with option selects if they're beatable.

I mean fuck, SF4 is FILLED with option selects.

Even one button throws are actually option selects.


I play 3s on GGPO occasionally and yeah i just can't get into it.

Playing against Hito and his whore Chun don't help either.

I just prefer the pacing, battle system, hit and blockstun in 4. It just feels right.

3s has FAR superior presentation though.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
kensk said:
There's nothing wrong with option selects if they're beatable.

I mean fuck, SF4 is FILLED with option selects.

Even one button throws are actually option selects.

They have to be beatable by reasonable options, not ultra-risky 5% on damage options.

Generally, option selects only come into play with knowledgable players though.

VF has option selects like crazy, but they're beatable. They Fuzzy, you delay or you low throw. They ETEG, you circular them. SF they tend to be less beatable due to less offensive variety.


arstal said:
They have to be beatable by reasonable options, not ultra-risky 5% on damage options.

Generally, option selects only come into play with knowledgable players though.

VF has option selects like crazy, but they're beatable. They Fuzzy, you delay or you low throw. They ETEG, you circular them. SF they tend to be less beatable due to less offensive variety.
Every option select in 3S is really easily beatable except like, Chun's SGGK and SGGK is only really strong after you get knocked down.
FindMyFarms said:
Clay Fighter 63 1/2 > Third Strike

War Gods > everything else


Getting my groove back on after a few days of practicing. Even beat up a few Giefs on G1. Granted they all suck, but still if you make one mistake it's over. At least I'm getting better at wake-ups against Gief. Also dash punch timing on fucking lariats. Actually the lower rush upper work pretty well against Giefs you like to spam lariats in the other end of the screen. It also creates some room for me when they are knocked back in to the corner.


Any reason why Guile can't do his air throw immediately after jumping? Initially, I thought I just wasn't hitting LP+LK simultaneously so I made the throw a 1-button command....and he just kicks (or punches...can't remember). Seems like he needs a little more airtime before he'll grab. :(


MIMIC said:
Any reason why Guile can't do his air throw immediately after jumping? Initially, I thought I just wasn't hitting LP+LK simultaneously so I made the throw a 1-button command....and he just kicks (or punches...can't remember). Seems like he needs a little more airtime before he'll grab. :(

It could be that way to prevent guile from always punishing someone who empty jumps in on him on reaction.
arstal said:
Tekken drew some players away, reducing the playerbase, which reduces the number of potential green bars.

The casuals have largely already left SFIV, and most will only come back for SSFIV, until they owned too hard again.

Hey man, I come back every now and then :D


Passing metallic gas
bleh..if i had sf4 for ps3 and a stick i would..i just got off of sf4 too..ran into arturo in G1 and got seth'ed..i did get a round though...sigh..

def sim

Random select was hells of fucked up/hilarious last night. Kept giving me and the dude I was playing with either Dan or Sagat for 3 games straight.

Dan vs Sagat is so bad but so good at the same time. Pretty much Dan knee block strings vs TK block strings with the former losing so, so badly.


Finally got a 3-hit combo with Fuerte's c.MK (with the 360 controller no less). And I can do it at will now. I had to change the A button to MK....and then I realized that I can't throw with X+A anymore :lol Sooooo.....now my left bumper is throw (which will totally fuck up my Blanka) but now I figured out that I'll have an easier time teching throws.

I hope it's worth it.
MIMIC said:
Finally got a 3-hit combo with Fuerte's c.MK (with the 360 controller no less). And I can do it at will now.

Oh jeez, just wait until you find out it's character specific. GL gettin 3 hits on balrog T_T

bwahaha i love it


Rocky_Balboa said:
MIMIC, that sounds confusing as hell :D Why don't you just get a stick?

Can't betray my pad-playing brethren!

FindMyFarms said:
Oh jeez, just wait until you find out it's character specific. GL gettin 3 hits on balrog T_T

bwahaha i love it


I'll try test it out tomorrow...I need some sleep.
Lost Fragment said:
Added: saqs, az greg.

GGs BotoxAgent. I needed some Chun practice.
GGs man, it was a lot of fun. I definitely needed the viper practice too :) Wasnt a good night for me, too much uncharted online this week. I can't believe how rusty I was.

let's do it again sometime (more cammy mirrors! Lol)

def sim

Rog's hitbox is super annoying if only for the fact that Dictator is unable to do cr.lkx4 unless after a crumple dash forward which makes it pointless. I have to always stick to three and I'm usually hells of uncertain about my charge time when doing a dash in cr.lkx3 xx sk.
rance said:
Rog's hitbox is super annoying if only for the fact that Dictator is unable to do cr.lkx4 unless after a crumple dash forward which makes it pointless. I have to always stick to three and I'm usually hells of uncertain about my charge time when doing a dash in cr.lkx3 xx sk.

Yep, and when next to rog rufus' instant air dive kicks whiff since rog has no feet lol.

*sigh* the things I take for granted


FindMyFarms said:
You can get 3 on block, but not on hit vs. rog.

I can get 3 hits consistently on Rog but I see what you mean. A couple of times I got 2 hits and the 3rd hit completely missed. Seems like the timing is less strict than with the RSF (since the timing of the 2nd hit determines your rate of success with the 3rd and thereafter). With the c.MK, I just blow through it since the block stun (did I use this term right?) is so short.


Hey I'm just an average sf player my friend recently borrow sf4.

I need help my friend picks akuma and spamS hadokens all day and I can't get past them. I swear he'll do his 3-hit hadokens, Junp do his ex hadokens and all around spam spam.

I use sagat and ryu and can't get past the spam to beat him any help?


BlacKMaRK said:
Hey I'm just an average sf player my friend recently borrow sf4.

I need help my friend picks akuma and spamS hadokens all day and I can't get past them. I swear he'll do his 3-hit hadokens, Junp do his ex hadokens and all around spam spam.

I use sagat and ryu and can't get past the spam to beat him any help?

The first and simple thing you should try is dashing forward like crazy as soon as he jumps, and you sould be able to slip under the air-hadoken and put pressure on him.


BlacKMaRK said:
Hey I'm just an average sf player my friend recently borrow sf4.

I need help my friend picks akuma and spamS hadokens all day and I can't get past them. I swear he'll do his 3-hit hadokens, Junp do his ex hadokens and all around spam spam.

I use sagat and ryu and can't get past the spam to beat him any help?
If you are not familiar with the focus dash yet, you can jump strait up when he does the fireball. He can't do another fireball until the previous one leave the screen, so you have time to dash near him.


Dizzy-4U said:
If you are not familiar with the focus dash yet, you can jump strait up when he does the fireball. He can't do another fireball until the previous one leave the screen, so you have time to dash near him.
I am familair with the focus dash. As as he does his 3hit hadokens he'll jump and use his ex hadokens in the air. Then he'll usually do his spinning kick in the air to fly to the other aide of the screen to start spamming some more. It's beyond annoying and I haven't figured out how to counter it.

When I do manage to ge close I can take him. It's just that he's usually flying all over the place =\
Threi, Good games. The connection wasn't the best, but it didn't bother me that much. One of the better two bar connections that I've had. Although I noticed that timing Rog's ultra and Vega's moves were more difficult than normally. Usually 2 bar connections for me means that my moves come 1 second after I press the button.

Sorry about the bail out, like I said it's getting late.


good games man.

On a related note though I am regretting getting this stick. It is increasingly getting to me how difficult it is to block things as simple as crossup attacks with a stick. I don't dash when I need to, which ruins many chances to punish. It feels so cumbersome.

When I am continually losing due to input mistakes (which I thought a stick was supposed to help with) and thinking "it's better, it has to be better, everyone says its better"

Is it? I'm not seeing it.

All sticking to using it has done for me is broken some of my alts, and slowed my playstyle down considerably.


I've never teched so many times before. Then again, I've never used the throw command so unnecessarily before :lol My new set up is definitely going to take some getting used to. "In Training" will be my title for a while.

And sorry for not respond so you guys' game invites. As soon as I started one game, I got another invite.
I dunno why you'd think you would have the same (or better) proficiency with a control scheme that is foreign to you immediately compared to one you've used for many years.


Threi said:
good games man.

On a related note though I am regretting getting this stick. It is increasingly getting to me how difficult it is to block things as simple as crossup attacks with a stick. I don't dash when I need to, which ruins many chances to punish. It feels so cumbersome.

When I am continually losing due to input mistakes (which I thought a stick was supposed to help with) and thinking "it's better, it has to be better, everyone says its better"

Is it? I'm not seeing it.

All sticking to using it has done for me is broken some of my alts, and slowed my playstyle down considerably.

You're not going to get better immediately, even in a few days. Don't kid yourself. It took me a month + to feel comfortable with the stick, for some people it will be more/less.

However, there is no denying it, that when you DO feel comfortable with the stick, you WILL be a better player that you would have before.

I've been a pad player all my life, and decided to switch to stick in SF4. Now, I don't even know how I used to play it before. I just feel that it's so much more fun to use stick.


Teknopathetic said:
I dunno why you'd think you would have the same (or better) proficiency with a control scheme that is foreign to you immediately compared to one you've used for many years.
Well that is the issue...why should I bother changing? It has been simply "stick is better because everyone says so"

I am just frustrated that simply trying out the stick has had nothing but negative results, both with a stick and with a pad.

Besides, I adapted from 4 face buttons + 2 shoulders to 6 face buttons pretty quickly :lol
"Well that is the issue...why should I bother changing? It has been simply "stick is better because everyone says so"

I am just frustrated that simply trying out the stick has had nothing but negative results, both with a stick and with a pad."

You won't get comfortable using a stick if you swap back to a pad any time you start to feel bitter
because you lose due to execution errors. That said, when I first switched to stick, the most immediate advantage I noticed was that I could do the same motions as fast as I could on pad, but with less strain. A pretty obvious observation, considering your anatomy, but still one that made me realize that I would be better served playing more on stick, even if I was dropping supers, getting random jumps, etc. If you want to get up to scratch, you're gonna have to make a concerted effort towards it (training mode and playing it in every game possible).

That said, if you feel completely comfortable with pad and don't think you'd see any benefit from playing on a stick then that's that.


i try to keep using it, but as you said im a salty dude :lol

the worst is the random scrubs on xbl that get all cocky because of it. I hate giving them the satisfaction. Its like a small scrawny guy talking shit to you and you can't do shit because you have a broken arm and leg. Just have to bite your lip and move on.
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