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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Timedog said:
Does his shitty slide have some weird properties where it "catches" the opponent before it looks like it should with the animation? I try to DP that slide and I get hit with it most of the time despite doing it really early.
DP beats slide. So no it shouldnt unless you DP so damn early that he slides after?

Ill assume after since you probably are being baited.. If you are waking up with DP everytime they will just run stop slide.


I played a backdashing-happy Rose a few minutes ago. The run+slide never worked against her backdash. Invincible whore :lol The regular slide works, though. It's also good to leave some distance between you and your opponent to give the illusion that you're too far to connect the slide.
MIMIC said:
I played a backdashing-happy Rose a few minutes ago. The run+slide never worked against her backdash. Invincible whore :lol The regular slide works, though. It's also good to leave some distance between you and your opponent to give the illusion that you're too far to connect the slide.
Of course Run+Slide doesnt work agst back dashers.. only neutral does.. Hence why you just either slide.. or Run+Stop+Slide.


good credit (by proxy)
TurtleSnatcher said:
DP beats slide. So no it shouldnt unless you DP so damn early that he slides after?

Ill assume after since you probably are being baited.. If you are waking up with DP everytime they will just run stop slide.

I mean like I'll input the motion (very very short pause) still get hit with slide. It seems like it "grabs" me before his character should be close enough for it to hit. I'm terrible at explaining things, but it's kind of like how Cammy's AA hits an opponent in the air after it seems like it should, except fuerte's slide is hitting me before it seems like it should, based on when I input the DP. It's probably just lag, though!


Timedog said:
Yeah, but that's not really what I'm talking about. Maybe the Cammy example was a bad one.
Well I'm not sure what you are talking about then. However sometimes I'm suprised that a slide still will hit, when I am almost sure that fuerte was in recovery frames.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
FindMyFarms said:
Cydonian is on gaf right? GG's to you.

GG British woman who's name shall not be mentioned

with my new stick i've been exploring some charge characters, leaning more on Dic and Chun


good credit (by proxy)
Threi said:
Well I'm not sure what you are talking about then. However sometimes I'm suprised that a slide still will hit, when I am almost sure that fuerte was in recovery frames.

I'm talking about the beginning of a slide. I'll DP before the slide hits and it still hits. As if there are a few frames where the slide isn't quite touching you, but it will freeze your character until it does touch you. So it looks like the DP should have come out, but instead your guy just sits there doing nothing for those few frames until the slide actually does hit.

I'll try to think of another way of explaning it. Think of if El Fuertes damaging hitbox on the slide was longer than it is, so that his slide could hit you despite not coming close to touching you. But the new extended part of his slide hitbox had a different property that a normal hitbox. Instead of actually damaging the opponent when it comes into contact with them, it freezes the opponent from being able to move, and as fuerte slides forward toward the opponent a little more, the real hitbox finally comes into contact with the opponent, and a hit is registered. So if you do a DP early enough, you still might get hit by the "freeze" hitbox, making your character not move for a tiny bit until the slide gets a bit closer and finally hits you.

Now, this could just be an affect of lag--I input a DP motion, but do to input lag it does not register until his slide is already hitting me, whereas it would have registered fine offline. OR this could be an affect of weird animation and deceptive hitboxes, which there are plenty of examples of in this game already. I don't play enough offline to tell which of these is causing the problem.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Have I mentioned lately how amazingly awesome Cammy's ex cannon strike into ultra is? Landing that shit is one of the most satisfying things ever :lol
Threi said:
Fuerte's slide is active for a very long time, part of why its so useful.

I think that's the issue TimeDog.. It stays active for a long time like Cammy's Canon Spike so that even if you think you are home free it can still clip you.


good credit (by proxy)
TurtleSnatcher said:

I think that's the issue TimeDog.. It stays active for a long time like Cammy's Canon Spike so that even if you think you are home free it can still clip you.

That's not what I'm talking about.


he's Virgin Tight™
What the hell. I am trying to open the game from the launcher and it syas StreetFighterIVLauncher has stopped working.

Won't boot from binary, steam.. anywhere. Da hell?
EDIT: Oh shit D3D Overrider is making the game crash.
EDIT2: Oh double shit I am running an old version of D3D


black_vegeta said:
I'm sorry, but I don't understand that question.
Sorry for the engrish, after a(n untechable) knockdown/throw, is the time that takes to a given character to get up on his/her feet the same for every character? In 3rd Strike it wasn't(i.e. Chun took the longest) and i was having some troubles safe jumping so that's why I was asking.

Leunam said:
Wake-up speed, he means. I don't know the answer, but I know some people have wonky hitboxes when they do rise, like Blanka.
What he said. Sorry, I'm used to think "wake up" is like waking up from a dream, and "get up" to stand up. Am I wrong?

Also black_vegeta, I'll be able to game in a while, you wanna go for a first of 5 or 10? ;)


anyone up for some matches (in about an hour-2 hours from this post)
XBL: Threi

played a really nice ken/ryu user just now, i missed about 7 attempts at an ultra because my hands literally missed the buttons :lol The matches ended at even though because I have to go out.

Im getting more comfortable with the stick though, blocking is still a bit of a pain. (Forward > Down-Forward is actually pretty tough believe it or not :lol)


gutabo said:
Sorry for the engrish, after a(n untechable) knockdown/throw, is the time that takes to a given character to get up on his/her feet the same for every character? In 3rd Strike it wasn't(i.e. Chun took the longest) and i was having some troubles safe jumping so that's why I was asking.

gutabo said:
Also black_vegeta, I'll be able to game in a while, you wanna go for a first of 5 or 10? ;)
Are you game?

Leunam said:
Nah, but most people call it wake up. :)
Oh ok then :D

Threi said:
anyone up for some matches (in about an hour-2 hours from this post)
XBL: Threi
Wanna play some kinda laggy matches? If so, I'm game!

AZ Greg

I should be around for some games around then Threi. I'm gonna go ahead and send you (if you don't mind/have the space) and some of the other people I play from the SF4 GAF tags a friend request since those are starting to die out and I'd rather cut out the middle man and just add the people who are still playing regularly.


gutabo said:

For the most part, everybody has the same wakeup timings besides for a few people

The norm for most characters is 29 frames. Sagat and Cammy though, get up in 30 frames, and Blanka gets up in 31 frames.

Its not a huge difference, but in the heat of battle it can REALLY throw you off. A couple characters with safe jump set ups have them ruined because of this.
This week I had a couple of funny matches where I really should have lost but didn't because my opponent got too cocky.

The first was against a Bison, it was the 3rd round and he was destroying me. He must have had about 80% of his life with me having about 10% left. Instead of trying to finish me he kept spamming devils reverse and taunting. I decided to go on the offensive and managed to stun him and finished him with a FA into Ultra.

The 2nd was against a Abel player. He was obliterating me in the 2nd round with about as much of a life lead as the Bison player because I refused to block LOL. He stunned me and and instead of finishing me he stand there for a second and then does a taunt. I'm thinking "I can get out of this", so I start spamming SRK and got it out in time as his attack started. I managed to land a couple of combos and got 2 bars. I decided to try the FADC combo and landed it and finished him. I beat him by a decent amount in the 3rd round to win the set.

I messaged both guys, not taunting though, just a friendly message. The Bison guy said he learned his lesson while the Abel guy didn't respond. Funny stuff though, I guess the lesson is "don't fuck around too much".
FindMyFarms said:
I'm going to go ahead and say Poongko is the most overrated player on the planet. When it comes to sf4 at least, can't comment on KoF

The problem is we were seeing footage of him against Korean players. His execution/combos are great but as far as fundamentals/footsies he's okay. He was definitely exposed by the Gamestop Tournament. Everyone was saying they beat him. It was like the Tiger hoe insanity. I think that Korean show should fly out the top five U.S. players for their second season and have them beast on the Koreans.



Now everyone is going to want one.

Mr Jared

FindMyFarms said:
I'm going to go ahead and say Poongko is the most overrated player on the planet. When it comes to sf4 at least

Yep. He's essentially a mindless, execution robot and the poster boy for why competition is so important. Hell, considering the extremely low bar for what constitutes as top play in Korea, I could probably go over there and look like a national hero.

He's not challenged at all so when he goes overseas and has to play people like Justin Wong, Daigo ... or even Haunts ... Haunts got a perfect on his sorry butt :lol When it comes to legit top players, he crumbles; he's pringles in the truest sense of the word.

There are other wildly overrated players, but yeah, Poongko is the king. Brilliant execution, a living combo machine.. but there's no brain to go along with it.


Rice-Eater said:
This week I had a couple of funny matches where I really should have lost but didn't because my opponent got too cocky.

The first was against a Bison, it was the 3rd round and he was destroying me. He must have had about 80% of his life with me having about 10% left. Instead of trying to finish me he kept spamming devils reverse and taunting. I decided to go on the offensive and managed to stun him and finished him with a FA into Ultra.

The 2nd was against a Abel player. He was obliterating me in the 2nd round with about as much of a life lead as the Bison player because I refused to block LOL. He stunned me and and instead of finishing me he stand there for a second and then does a taunt. I'm thinking "I can get out of this", so I start spamming SRK and got it out in time as his attack started. I managed to land a couple of combos and got 2 bars. I decided to try the FADC combo and landed it and finished him. I beat him by a decent amount in the 3rd round to win the set.

I messaged both guys, not taunting though, just a friendly message. The Bison guy said he learned his lesson while the Abel guy didn't respond. Funny stuff though, I guess the lesson is "don't fuck around too much".

Yeah, every once in a while people will screw around too much and let you mash out of being stunned. Especially when they have a long taunt. Always keep mashing when stunned.

Playing as Dan if I have a big life lead when the opponent is stunned I like faking a level 3 FA into backdash and then taunt, just to rub it in. :p
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