The Oily, Gentlemanly Super Spin Fighter 4 Reveal Thread of Kunoichis and Karatekas

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Yea, but knowing Capcom, the "bonus" is probably going to be some stupid DLC voucher for alternate costumes for the new characters.


Sascha23 said:
Wait, I have to buy another game to play these two characters?

Why not make it a DLC for existing SF4 owners?

Reading is fundamental.

Juri's style looks sweet! Perfect plan by Capcom IMO. Overhaul the game significantly, put it out on disc at a discounted price and add an incentive for all of us to keep our SFIV disc. (as if any of us were going to get rid of it!) Spring 2010.

Now just give us more stages and music, Capcom!

I'd say that this game could be a year off. They're going to keep it exclusives to arcades for at least 6 months. Add 4-6 months of location tests on to that and it's a pretty long time,



Arpharmd B said:
This is just the tip of the iceberg.

8 more characters incoming. New online. New balance.

Spring 2010 is alot sooner than I expected. That means this will probably be a simultaneous arcade/console release.

Unless there is no arcade release at all. Which would not be good.

I would imagine loke tests for arcade would start pretty soon.


Is anyone seriously going to forgo SFIV for 4-5 months just to get ~$13 trade-in? Even if you wait until next year you'll probably get <$10. Seems worth hanging onto.
I think Juri looks pretty awesome. Her hairs a little goofy but other than that I'll definitely try her out. She reminds me of Kim from KoF and his kids in Garou. Especially Kim Dong Hwan.


Considering all the online outlets seem to be only confirming and showing two characters and only the magazine scans showing Deejay, there may be hope for more characters being announced later!

Or so I wish...
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
I'd say that this game could be a year off. They're going to keep it exclusives to arcades for at least 6 months. Add 4-6 months of location tests on to that and it's a pretty long time,

That's a good point. But what worries me is, there is no mention of an arcade release at all. Without an arcade release, proper location testing and the like, this is troublesome.
so looking at the famitsu description of Juri. She is an agent of SIN, her nickname is "Spider", likes to taunt opponents, her eye is artificial and is called the "Feng Shui Engine" which is a "spirit" booster.


Felium Defensor
Ono basically confirmed online lobbies + extra stages. He also mentioned that the SF team has been working and tweaking the game even when they're off work. They take this shit seriously people. SF <3 for everyone.


shit blew up.

I'm so excited. loving the look of Juri in motion. Loving non full price, non dlc. Loving gameplay tweaks. Loving the tongue.
I wonder what the vanilla SFIV disc bonus is

stats export? but why would that require a disc?

Character unlocks after a disc swap maybe? Who knows.


tagged by Blackace
h3ro said:
Reading is fundamental.

Juri's style looks sweet! Perfect plan by Capcom IMO. Overhaul the game significantly, put it out on disc at a discounted price and add an incentive for all of us to keep our SFIV disc. (as if any of us were going to get rid of it!) Spring 2010.

Now just give us more stages and music, Capcom!

Ono confirmed in the interview that there will be new stages. Where's this confirmation of new costumes though? Anyway's I agree with the latter half of your post...




Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
I'd say that this game could be a year off. They're going to keep it exclusives to arcades for at least 6 months. Add 4-6 months of location tests on to that and it's a pretty long time,
Well, I can see it going to consoles middle to end of spring 2010.

They'll probably start releasing the game in arcades way before the end of this year for loketests.
Man I love how all TKD characters in fighting games are really over the top compared to real taekwondo, say in the Olympics. Juri is looking awesome and I'm definitely going to consider her as a sub. Man, she's so fucking fast. Reminds me of Kim more than anything.

Thank you Ono!

Wonder who the "8" will be. I would love to see Karin in there; perfect time for a Karin/Sakura rematch.
GekigangerV said:
so looking at the famitsu description of Juri. She is an agent of SIN, her nickname is "Spider", likes to taunt opponents, her eye is artificial and is called the "Feng Shui Engine" which is a "spirit" booster.
I hope that means her Ultra is just a damage boosting install instead of a CC activator.
GekigangerV said:
so looking at the famitsu description of Juri. She is an agent of SIN, her nickname is "Spider", likes to taunt opponents, her eye is artificial and is called the "Feng Shui Engine" which is a "spirit" booster.

Weird, I swear that there was a rumor about this character months. I remember that "Spider" name and something about an artificial eye.


fuck. yes.

only have sf4 for pc, but i plan on getting ssf4 for my brothers ps3, so i guess ill jsut rent sf4 for it week before so i can get the goodies.

also... is it expected in spring 2010 for US? what was the JP to US release like?
Arpharmd B said:
That's a good point. But what worries me is, there is no mention of an arcade release at all. Without an arcade release, proper location testing and the like, this is troublesome.

That big list of rumors that's been correct about everything so far says something like "The console characters are going to be included in the arcade version this time around" which would imply that it's going to arcades first. Vanilla SF4 did pretty well in arcades so I don't see why Capcom wouldn't do it.


GekigangerV said:
so looking at the famitsu description of Juri. She is an agent of SIN, her nickname is "Spider", likes to taunt opponents, her eye is artificial and is called the "Feng Shui Engine" which is a "spirit" booster.
boosts from taunts returns?

NinajHeartless said:
Nah son, I got dibs ;P

sorry to disappoint but I called Juri main first.

better luck next time.
No_Style said:
Yeah... I just watched until the end of the video. Hmm... Honestly wonder how they'll do that. Save file detection I can understand, but insert disc?

I'd care to bet that you are right, detecting a save file or something. I can't imagine it beinga anything else.

Still. Why sell the game? By the time this gets released SF4 will be selling for 20$ and trading for 5. What the hell would be the point? Who would want to trade it now when the new game is still 6+ months away?
Arde5643 said:
Well, I can see it going to consoles middle to end of spring 2010.

They'll probably start releasing the game in arcades way before the end of this year for loketests.

SF 4 was announced in October, had the first loke test in Feb (maybe Jan?) and came out in arcades July so I expect Super to follow that. They HAVE to keep it arcade exclusive for at least 6 months in order to keep the arcade owners at bay. Namco got a pretty nasty black eye a few years ago for releasing the console version of Tekken 5 really soon after the arcade version.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
SF 4 was announced in October, had the first loke test in Feb (maybe Jan?) and came out in arcades July so I expect Super to follow that. They HAVE to keep it arcade exclusive for at least 6 months in order to keep the arcade owners at bay. Namco got a pretty nasty black eye a few years ago for releasing the console version of Tekken 5 really soon after the arcade version.
Famitsu and Gamespot say spring 2010 for the console release, which is pretty cool
Sucks for arcade operators I guess

but then again, that's how it was in the Dreamcast days!

NinajHeartless said:
If Necro somehow gets in SSF4 will you change your avatar back to his little comrade?
Effie? For sure!
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
SF 4 was announced in October, had the first loke test in Feb (maybe Jan?) and came out in arcades July so I expect Super to follow that. They HAVE to keep it arcade exclusive for at least 6 months in order to keep the arcade owners at bay. Namco got a pretty nasty black eye a few years ago for releasing the console version of Tekken 5 really soon after the arcade version.

If the game is going to be arcade exclusive for six months, then if Ono's promise of Spring 2010 for SSFIV on consoles is true, the arcade version would have to be released today.

This is not computing in my brain.


Arpharmd B said:
I'd care to bet that you are right, detecting a save file or something. I can't imagine it beinga anything else.

Still. Why sell the game? By the time this gets released SF4 will be selling for 20$ and trading for 5. What the hell would be the point? Who would want to trade it now when the new game is still 6+ months away?

I'd trade it in to EB Games now with the $36 TIV and just wait. But then I realized I dropped like $14 or so those alternate costumes. Yeah... probably holding onto this one.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Also, Ono talked about bringing back bonus stages, yet another thing that was stated before...

So maybe the roster will be 10 after all, and saying 8 is just playing it safe/under-promising-over-delivering?
Ono said he watches the message boards for SF4 characters to add. Considering they're probably gunna add Dudley already, time to start a massive Rolento campaign.


I'm going to guess that the 2 Ultras per character was initially intended for SFIV, but was cut.

What other reason the have the Ultra meter fill beyond the point where you can activate it. It really seemed like there was two sections in SFIV for no reason.

Now, my guess is you can use 1 ultra at any point past the first fill, and the second ultra only if both sections are full.

As a Guile player, this will be nice, because it is so rare to find a spot to use my Ultra, that I almost always hit the both sections full mark if I'm losing a round. I just have to hope the second Ultra is decent.


Arpharmd B said:
If the game is going to be arcade exclusive for six months, then if Ono's promise of Spring 2010 for SSFIV on consoles is true, the arcade version would have to be released today.

This is not computing in my brain.

I think it will be an early December release for arcades, and probably late April for consoles. That's a good exclusive window (4-5 months)
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