The Oily, Gentlemanly Super Spin Fighter 4 Reveal Thread of Kunoichis and Karatekas

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KuroNeeko said:

I would like to thank you for all of the warm support and love you've showered on me over the news of my glorious Bloody High Claw. Of course, when you're as beautiful as I am, such love is to be expected. A beautiful new era rises before us, it's delicate petals quivering with the anticipation of MY touch.

Fear not, for you too shall play a part in its blossoming! For locked within that hideous shell that you've been cursed with since birth lies of scrap of beauty - warm, wet, and crimson. All you need to do is show yourself before me - you need not hide your deformed faces - and with a snick snick and a ecstatic scream of anguish, your ruby-red lifeblood will paint the world a magnificent shade of crimson. And the second most beautiful rose will drink, and grow, and blossom into a pulsing, living testament to MY greatness. Ah, the anticipation!

Come to me, and add your blood to those who have fallen before you...


:lol Lovely.
B-Genius said:
Why the FUCK not?


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Shito said:
GAF, was this posted?

Looks like Juri's fireball start-up animation can stuff fireballs, leading to an interesting way to deal with hado battles with her. Or am I misunderstanding what is happening at the beginning of this video?

Yeah, it's like Double Reppuken for Geese in some games. The first part is considered a projectile for absorbing fireballs. I wonder if Rose can reflect the first part of that now, or what would happen?
Akuma's Dragon Punch damage has been nerfed. In Street Fighter 4 they did 190-160-120 for the Hard, Medium and Light versions respectively. Now it's down to 150-130-100.

\o/ always thought that his FDP was way too strong, well, it always was in SFII :p


BitchTits said:
:lol It's like the SF2/3 endings. Why even bother? This goes for the bonus stages too - they're something most people won't even see beyond unlocking stuff and achievements. Put that time and money into making more stages or something.

I like the Bonus Stages :(

But these are really bad :lol


Motion Picture Soundtrack said:
Some intros:
T Hawk

:lol No effort Capcom, no effort.

Actually, I think those are pretty good.

Because the "animation" for the intros/endings for IV were terrible. When it started moving, that's when it looked it's worse.

So I don't mind these, mainly because the art direction is a lot sharper, and there's at least more detail/mood/shadow in each one, over vanilla.


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Adon stuff said:
15) Hard Jaguar Tooth, Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Medium Punch, Super (Kick variation)
17) Toward + Medium Punch, Crouching Light Kick, Crouching Medium Punch, Super (Hard Punch variation)
AWESOME! He can link cr LK after the overhead ! And after the Jaguar Tooth too!

cross-posting my Cammy SSFIV thoughts from SRK...

aight, since there's videos everywhere and most info is out there, here's my cammy take from the ~8hrs i played over GDC. I played most of my matches against a really strong Dhalsim, Guy, Cody & Honda. We were actually playing matches, not testing the game, so a lot of this is just info i remember rather than things i actively tested.

- still felt totally unsafe. I tend to be ok w/ spacing so i didn't get into to many bad situations, but even a poorly spaced mk drill got punished hard. I personally didnt notice any real changes... put out a bad hk drill and you will get smashed.
- really, if this was changed at all, it was completely unnoticeable to the likes of me.

- still doesnt hit crouching opponents.
- mp fellt like it had a higher arc. might just have been me... i honestly cant recall if mp went over fireballs in vanilla, but it does in super when timed correctly (got this over yoga fire & sonic boom).

- really noticed the reduced dmg on Spike FADC Spike. dont have data but it felt like its around 2/3s of vanilla (booo).
- lk spike felt safer on block. hk spike felt just as unsafe.


- didnt notice any changes. seems identical.

- felt faster. EX version felt much speedier (maybe EX remotely useful now?).

- might just be me, but it felt like her range got nerfed a bit. idk. i tried watching the poongko vid and i *think* it corroborates my claim. could easily be wrong.

- still insane, but gets beaten by Guys Flip Throw unless you catch it very early. however, always beats his command air throw(!) Still grabs Honda from most of butt stomp.

- active for a very, very long time. any fireball character should punish the living crap out of you if you toss it out at the wrong time.
- i found it to be extremely good AA
- didnt think of testing it via armor break moves.
- its a different type of ultra. perhaps the best part of it is the fact that it makes your opponent think twice when you have it. it's a wildcard. used correctly it can throw your opponent off his/her strategy.

In general, Cammy felt very similar. Nothing stood out as SIGNIFICANT. Since Cammy's Spike FADC Ultra1 apparently got dmg nerfed, i think you might see some people switch over to CQC just to scare people off their tactics.
Here's some more info on the characters i played against... again, these are all gleamed from actually playing matches rather than testing (and there were a few beers involved) so I reserve the right to remember slightly incorrectly:

- I think Guy is much better than people think he is.
- He has some great target combo's that do really solid damage (i think it was something like j.fp, mp, >> EX shoulder for one version). Some other versions too.
- his Flip Throw has great priority and can be canceled into elbow drop that acts as a great tool to change spacing or pressure on different levels.
- Flip Throw beats regular air throws once active, but his command air throw doesnt(!)
- has great block strings/corner pressure. setups remind me of akumas "vortex" in a way.
- not sure if his hurricane kick has combo potential. seemed sorta useless.
- His super is great AA, but he needs EX for shoulder... some balance there...
- Ultras cover a lot of distance. I think you could EX shoulder FADC U1. My opponent tried but missed it....
- His shoulder check is only worthwhile in EX flavor. the others feel pretty useless/weak.
- My opponent had been playing Super for a while, so he had 2-3 weeks of experience with Guy, and was just starting to get comfortable. I think Guy will be seen as one of the more technical/complex characters added to Super.
- I think Guy has lottttts of potential to be a sleeper great char.

My experience w/ Sim is limited, but my opponent was *extremely* good with him. We did not note a single significant change for Sim, aside from his new Ultra...
- U2 has a crazy small hitbox. Even my very skilled opponent had trouble finding the correct spacing for (it's veryyyyy finicky methinks). He hit it once out of 10+ tries. I have no idea why people would use this over catastrophe.
- the super finnicky-ness makes me believe that IAT>>Shangrila will be extremely hard to pull off, if even possible
- knee is still amazing AA, might have gotten better (but its always been amazing... so i cant really tell).

- Butt Slam felt even less safe. Not a real change cause it already wasnt very safe, but i felt like it was even easier to punish... like i took a step towards and still had time to punish.
- Headbutts overall somehow felt better. EX felt like it was even more invulnerable. Other non-EX versions hit AA without trading when i thought they might. Could just be me though.
- U2 grab is a regular grab ultra, not much to say.

- only played once, but love her new Ultra... tons of combo possibilities. I think I accidentally did U2 (first satalite hit) > s.rh > (second satellite) > s.rh or the something similar.
Shito said:
GAF, was this posted?

Looks like Juri's fireball start-up animation can stuff fireballs, leading to an interesting way to deal with hado battles with her. Or am I misunderstanding what is happening at the beginning of this video?

finally got to see Ryu FADCing his Ultra 2, nice...does shit damage though...and it doesn't always connect

Juri looks beast <3

Cromulent - that really sucks to hear about Cammy's spiral arrow :-(


I wish there was a

'I played Dudley since sf3' badge I can wear, because I know everyone and their mother are going to pick him up :((


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rocK` said:
I wish there was a

'I played Dudley since sf3' badge I can wear, because I know everyone and their mother are going to pick him up :((
Im probably going to pick him just to listen his song.


Sketchbook Picasso
Motion Picture Soundtrack said:
Some intros:
T Hawk

:lol No effort Capcom, no effort.

35 Characters. Dual Language Voicework. Solid artwork from a quality studio. And it's for single player in a fighter. I think it all looks very solid.

The only think that's funny is very much the same as IV; there's so many styles at use in this game. CG filter-heavy, In Game Cinematics, Anime style... just seems a little disjointed. But I guess it's not horrible... for example, I don't think the pencil/ink styles are really made for more dramatic, subdued cinematics, would be funny to see such a style over, say, Guile returning to his family...


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
God's Beard said:
There should be a "I played Ken since SF4" badge.

"I played Adon since SF1 " badge owners represent! :lol
noneofexion said:
this is a reformat of the previous meritstation findings, outlined in previous posts,
nicely formatted though

A little late but loving what I'm reading. Guy and Cody look to be solid (hopefully going to change my main to one of them), Claw's improved Ultra and new overhead should help him out a ton. Plus Hakan and Juri both sound great, really digging how unique they both seem.

I know he's not the most popular character in the world and this is pure theory fighter obviously, but T.Hawk is sounding pretty beastly. I'm picturing Zangief with more range and harder hitting normals, plus more mobility due to his specials. Scary.


Sir Garbageman said:
A little late but loving what I'm reading. Guy and Cody look to be solid (hopefully going to change my main to one of them), Claw's improved Ultra and new overhead should help him out a ton. Plus Hakan and Juri both sound great, really digging how unique they both seem.

I know he's not the most popular character in the world and this is pure theory fighter obviously, but T.Hawk is sounding pretty beastly. I'm picturing Zangief with more range and harder hitting normals, plus more mobility due to his specials. Scary.

And probably not as stupid to play. It's weird, me hating Gief in a game, especially considering my avatar, but lol SF4 there ya go.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Take Out Bandit said:
HELL YEAH MAN! I want to see you in the hype thread!

BTW, i like the 'new' TTOB. No SFIV trolling just fighting games love.
Huge improvement. ^__^-d


As in "Heathcliff"

It is pretty amazing to see how much characters from USA and Japan, and that map made me wish that next iteration would add new/old characters from countries that haven't represent yet.

Old characters -

Elena - Africa
Hugo - Germany

Also I don't mind to see new characters that represent Canadian, Australian, Irish and several more.

I can imagine stereotypical casts for those.

Canadian can be lumberjack or red jacket and canadian hat police.
Australian can be crocodile hunter. (see Crocodile Dundee)
Irish can be drunken fighter
Egypt - I don't really care whatever they come up with. (they kinda started boxing in ancient)
Mid-East - Iran, Iraq, etc.

I can imagine their fight style.
Tibet - Boabom (iirc)
Greece - Pankration


IntelliHeath said:
Irish can be drunken fighter
A barman who developed his fighting style from constantly having to throw out drunks. More original that way.

IntelliHeath said:
Egypt - I don't really care whatever they come up with. (they kinda started boxing in ancient)
Sure as hell wouldn't have anything to do with how Egypt and its people are now. You'll sooner see a mummy or something... And that's Darkstalkers territory, and they have an ancient Egyptian already.

IntelliHeath said:
I can imagine their fight style.
Tibet - Boabom (iirc)
Mid-East - Iran, Iraq, etc.
Greece - Pankration
Iran and Iraq are fighting styles now? What are you actually imagining there? IED specials for the Iraqi and someone from the Iranian religious police who beats you with a stick? (Double damage against the entire female cast, because they don't dress properly.)


As in "Heathcliff"
Rufus said:
Sure as hell wouldn't have anything to do with how Egypt and its people are now. You'll sooner see a mummy or something... And that's Darkstalkers territory, and they have an ancient Egyptian already.

Iran and Iraq are fighting styles now? What are you actually imagining there? IED specials for the Iraqi and someone from the Iranian religious police who beats you with a stick? (Double damage against the entire female cast, because they don't dress properly.)

I haven't really play Darkstalkers. Only chance I would play as Darkstalker characters is from Marvel vs Capcom 2 and TvC

Iran and Iraq as fighting style was a mistake but I edited and fixed my own mistake. Actually I was thinking of'a


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Eagle coulda been retro-fitted to be Irish and Urien is from Egypt, I don't give a hoot what 3s sez.
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