MoxManiac said:Didn't Sim's U1 already do shit damage?
it's gotta be the timezones!Skilotonn said:Finally the US sites are putting up vids as well...
_dementia said:it's gotta be the timezones!
I want to see dudes like Sanford and Justin demoing SSFIV.
If Korea got Poongko, it's only fair!
So where does that come from? That 'son' thingy. Ive seen it a lot here.Myomoto said:I really hope the music that plays in the Gametrailers bonus stage video is the real bonus stage music, because that shit is off the hook, son!
Fersis said:So where does that come from? That 'son' thingy. Ive seen it a lot here.
:lolMoxManiac said:Myomoto is your dad, Fersis. Bet you didn't think your dad posted here!
Oh i see, like the 'dood' i use so much. (Dude + Prinny == Dood)Teknopathetic said:"So where does that come from? That 'son' thingy. Ive seen it a lot here."
It's just like "Bro," "Man," etc.
_dementia said:my memory might be shady, but I recall the CPU focus cancelling in vanilla too, TurtleSnatcher
Ahoyhoy Daniel! (your post is totally gonna get cross-posted to srk...)boutrosinit said:Hey man. That was me.
Is that you Nathan?
FYI to all Sim players, here's what I noticed:
1. His Yoga Destruction is weaker. Full hits take off a quarter of energy, maybe less. Can't remember for sure. Just remember that it seemed neutered.
2. His new ultra is a long distance grab from the air, which if you land, is awesome, but the conditions for landing it seem really weird and non-obvious. Fucking pisses me off.
3. The timing on his Yoga Fire now means it's easier to combo into two in ones.
4. Yoga Spears are still bloody useless - i.e, if you hit someone with them, they can recover in time to counter you, unless you just clip their toenails with the edge of it.
5. Yoga Spears did seem slightly stronger. Could've imagined that, but not sure.
6. Sakura FUCKS UP Dhalsim. Her jumping medium kick can fuck up his jumping fierce punch easily. If he teleports backward on wake-up and she does her dragon punch, she'll land hits upon him appearing. She is BUILT to dry-bugger Sim.
7. You can grab Sim's, via his fierce punch arms from a distance with the right timing. Kinda cool skill reward for grab players, but shitty for Sim.
So in short, he felt slightly gimped and slightly buffed. All depends on your strategy I guess. I still enjoy playing him.
I rated that video a 5TurtleSnatcher said:
Watch around 1:30..
Rose vs Balrog who is CPU controlled.. the Balrog actually FADC's a TAP... WTF I'm impressed!
Daigo(Guy) confirmBotoxAgent said:UK event to have official SSF4 arcade machine
he's pretty much the same with a more useful Ultra, from what i've read so farTurtleSnatcher said:Where is more detailed Fuerte info![]()
Cromulent_Word said:Ahoyhoy Daniel! (your post is totally gonna get cross-posted to srk...)
Daniel here has a super, super good Sim (amongst other chars). He beat me up real good. That tip about tapping jab/strong against IAT teleports helped my game vs. Sim a lot (been practicing)
Lets do that again soon.
BotoxAgent said:UK event to have official SSF4 arcade machine
gutter_trash said:I rated that video a 5
too much Guile and too much Rose in it... two wawa zzzzz characters
bistromathics said:but i get the impression the ssf4 team thinks it's super hardcore badass.
Buffed guacamole.TurtleSnatcher said:Where is more detailed Fuerte info![]()
Teknopathetic said:"So where does that come from? That 'son' thingy. Ive seen it a lot here."
It's just like "Bro," "Man," etc.
I wish they were as high rez as this one,Threi said::lol @ Hakan's rival intro
The in-game rival cutscenes are so good, although I understand why it's not like that for the intros and endings though.
Goddamn Juri vs Bison battle of the purple :O
the_log_ride said:April 27, 2010. 35 more days. If it were any sooner, I'd bust a nut from the joy.
i am not near londonWiseblade said:Then you may want to grab a tissue because...
Capcom with Hosting a Super Street Fighter IV tournament and on April 17th and giving away copies of the game to the top 3 that same day!
...oh, Did I happen to mention that this is in London?
_dementia said:it's gotta be the timezones!
I want to see dudes like Sanford and Justin demoing SSFIV.
If Korea got Poongko, it's only fair!
Arde5643 said:Buffed guacamole.
All other normals and specials the same.
Some say RSF is harder to do now.
Ultra Spark is way fuk'n awesome but Giga buster still has uses against some opponents.
Since you also main Vega, big thing is BHC actually hitting opponent on way to the wall now and doing ultra if that hits.
Plus he has overhead now.
Need more info on ultra spark.. how situational is it..Arde5643 said:Buffed guacamole.
All other normals and specials the same.
Some say RSF is harder to do now.
Ultra Spark is way fuk'n awesome but Giga buster still has uses against some opponents.
Since you also main Vega, big thing is BHC actually hitting opponent on way to the wall now and doing ultra if that hits.
Plus he has overhead now.
I'm willing to bet that most big sites don't know any names in the fighting game community aside from "Daigo" and "Justin Wong".Skilotonn said:If some big sites were smart, they would have done this and gotten loads of hits, after GameTrailers did it with Justin...
You know any top US player would do that for FREE just to get a few hours of alone time with SSFIV...
TurtleSnatcher said:Need more info on ultra spark.. how situational is it..
Also buffed guac? Wtf that shit already had tons of priority.. :lol
BTW: New GameStop Natl's this year.. Pretty sure it will happen
XenoRaven said:I'm willing to bet that most big sites don't know any names in the fighting game community aside from "Daigo" and "Justin Wong".
I disagree.. If it is stuffed both characters would still be knocked down.. so it was like a double reset.. Fuerte would take dmg but it wasn't like common like no other.Wiseblade said:Only on EX. Regular versions get stuffed by far more than they should.
More common than it should have been. And it's not exactly like Fuerte has health to spare. I wouldn't say no to increased horizontal movement, either.TurtleSnatcher said:I disagree.. If it is stuffed both characters would still be knocked down.. so it was like a double reset.. Fuerte would take dmg but it wasn't like common like no other.
so loop is kinda sorta still there but stricker/max possible reps?Lost Fragment said:
Guac does more damage now.TurtleSnatcher said:Need more info on ultra spark.. how situational is it..
Also buffed guac? Wtf that shit already had tons of priority.. :lol
BTW: New GameStop Natl's this year.. Pretty sure it will happen
TurtleSnatcher said:Need more info on ultra spark.. how situational is it..
Arde5643 said:Guac does more damage now.
Ultra spark start-up is about 3 frames so as fast as a normal grab - that alone should tell you how useful it is.
It can still be jumped on reaction though if you just do it instantly while they're not doing anything.
Other things - due to the start-up speed and how far the thing moves, it's a free ultra on blocked cr.MK -> hadouken (ultra will pass through hadouken), Rog's cr.HK is also a free ultra.
Basically, anywhere in the game where an opponent does a move that has a 3+ frame recovery and in range for ultra spark, it's a free ultra on block provided you have the reaction time.
Don't be surprised if EX run to ultra spark becomes one of the many set-ups for Fuerte players since even right now it's very easy to nail grab after EX run.
Train someone to tech grab after EX run and land a nice ultra spark instead.