Can't watch the stream right now, how does the unlock mechanic work?Enk said:Sweet, you can unlock colors and taunts without having to go through the challenge mode.
Play a character in versus mode, color/taunt unlocks when you back out of versus.black_vegeta said:Can't watch the stream right now, how does the unlock mechanic work?
Pandaman said:"the strongest fighter always wins, its as easy to understand as a flowchart"
Hitokage said:Play a character in versus mode, color/taunt unlocks when you back out of versus.
You never did... >_>Enk said:Sweet, you can unlock colors and taunts without having to go through the challenge mode.
Fuck, so even the new set we have to pay for?! Fucking hell man..Skilotonn said:Capcom JPN blog already confirmed about a month ago that you have to buy all costumes, the ones you bought in SFIV will carry over to Super as well, and "they will follow the same setup as SFIV", which I assume it means they'll have packs again, with spaced time releases per packs, which would be kinda silly to do again if that's what it means...
OMFG LOL S-KILLHitokage said:
Ignore me. >_>Darkman M said:
That's also Dudley's in-game theme, btw.~Devil Trigger~ said:
Hitokage said:Play a character in versus mode, color/taunt unlocks when you back out of versus.
Dudley's remix is unbelievably good. God damn.~Devil Trigger~ said:
~Devil Trigger~ said:
yeah you did.dragonballjoseph said:You never did... >_>
he could do that in vanilla tooSAB CA said:Was Ken's target combo able to be special cancelled in Vanilla SFIV? I'm not a Ken player, but I remember hearing for calls to "fix Ken's target combo", and in that GT Preview, I believe they cancel his Target into fierce SRK. Around the 2:28 mark.
_dementia said:he could do that in vanilla too
jman2050 said:Juri is definitely one psycho bitch
jman2050 said:Dudley's SSF4 theme is so badass :lol
Rocwell said:The complaint about ken's target combo is that the hp portion of it would miss on crouching opponents at times.
lol crazy korean girl with all eyebrows plucked out! those are drawn in!_dementia said:WTF is up w/ her eyebrows
Dat hawtness!!SUPARSTARX said:lol crazy korean girl with all eyebrows plucked out! those are drawn in!
But remixed and with "get on the dance floor."henhowc said:The one in the Gametrailers preview just sounds like Third Strike...
Juri's original design was to be a chola, complete with flanel shirt, sharpie eyebrows, and baggy pants....but then capcom realized that they hadn't even had a representative for taekwon do, and the rest is history.SUPARSTARX said:lol crazy korean girl with all eyebrows plucked out! those are drawn in!
No it wasn't.Pop On Arrival said:Juri kicking seth while he was down was hilarious. :lol
Caj814 said:Hey Haunts
During the game night stream next week make sure you have Arrange music enabled before you start so we can get a good listen of all the new character themes included. :lol
God's Beard said:Dudley's remix is unbelievably good. God damn.
tbh, i think it's already gotten oldthe_log_ride said:No fucking way @ Ken's win quote
I know I'm late but :lol :lol :lolPandaman said:"the strongest fighter always wins, its as easy to understand as a flowchart"