henhowc said:Zangief vs. Fuerte Match
It almost looks like Ultra Spark sucks Gief out of the air. o_o
Dah damage!
henhowc said:Zangief vs. Fuerte Match
It almost looks like Ultra Spark sucks Gief out of the air. o_o
GrayFoxPL said:I know animation is technicaly "moving pictures" but :lol .
At least now it's clear how capcom could affort putting "hours of videos" in super SFIV.
Some more option selects with ultra spark, all from Dawgtanian in SRK:TurtleSnatcher said:holy fuck at that Fuerte 2nd ultra..
Im so stoked.
Dawgtanian from SRK said:You can also option select it via a jump in Fierce Elbow (buffer ultra spark, hit all 3 kicks when elbow would normally connect) if opponent does a backdash they get sparked, if they block ultra doesnt activate.
Ultra spark can be used to punish crouch tech option select. Link 3 close jabs and instead of a throw at the end, walk backwards and buffer ultra spark, people who option select will whiff a crouching short, hit all 3 kicks when you see this. (strict timing against most chrs).
This is an awesome option select that I managed to find and test and it works like a charm.
You simply buffer the two backwards quarter circle motions, and hit two punches followed very quickly by all 3 kicks. (Kara motion). If your opponent hits you (whether it be a jump in or on the floor), you will absorb the hit (as long as its not armour breaking) and instantly punish with the Ultra Spark. If the opponent doesn't hit you, you will flash yellow and Piccadilllo jump to safety!
You simply buffer the two backwards quarter circle motions, and hit two punches followed very quickly by all 3 kicks. (Kara motion). If your opponent hits you (whether it be a jump in or on the floor), you will absorb the hit (as long as its not armour breaking) and instantly punish with the Ultra Spark. If the opponent doesn't hit you, you will flash yellow and Piccadilllo jump to safety!
Opponent: WTF?! Fuerte's new Ultra is a parry?!
LegatoB said:Yeah, posting photos of a magazine is a great idea, Devid.
They didn't nerf Akuma though, although ultra 2 will go a long way to help Fuerte in this nightmarish match-up.Wiseblade said:I'm calling it: El Fuerte comes higher than Dudley in the first Super tier list. Between his buffs and the nerfs to his worst matchups, the Hurricane of the Gulf of Mexico is going to rock Super.
heads-up you guys, we're gonna be busting out a Super Street Fighter IV live stream on shortly. tell your friends!!!!!
Devid905 said:And it's gone. I broke the forum policy, didn't I? :lol
SnowWolf said:Looks like the live stream will be up shortly
Arde5643 said:
Brandon F said:Is the Indestructible song completely gone now?
They usually record these right?Skilotonn said:Was about to post the link to the stream but decided to refresh first - it was a good call!
Why am I the first to post this: next week there'll be a live stream courtesy of 1up with iplaywinner & friends, including S-Kill...
So it looks like one of the US sites got the picture finally, too bad we have to wait till next week...![]()
Heavy's Sandvich said:When the stream started it was at the character select screen, so it could still be there.
henhowc said:Its gone. Because of all the whiners. Indestructible > dudebro wallpaper of Ryuken
_dementia said:They usually record these right?
I'll be in class![]()
enzo_gt said:And yet still no one has addressed the whole costumes feature, whether we're gonna be whored out for it or if its included.
MrBeggar said:is there any confirmation on the music rival or arranged being selectable or not?
was it low tigers? or high tigersMyomoto said:Honda seems to do headbutts through Sagat's tigershots all day long, not sure which strength headbutt.
gutter_trash said:was it low tigers? or high tigers
in SF2, he flies over low tigers
in SFA3, he flies under high tigers
in vanilla SF4, he eats tigers
gutter_trash said:was it low tigers? or high tigers
in SF2, he flies over low tigers
in SFA3, he flies under high tigers
in vanilla SF4, he eats tigers
You'll have to wait till next week when Iplaywinner does a live stream.Frank "Trashman" Reynolds said:This giantbomb stream is kind of brutal. Why couldn't they bring in some people who know what they are doing.