Hey guys,
Really getting pumped about playing SSFIV in less than a month. As someone who was never really good at fighters (outside of Killer Instinct), SFIV was the first one I really put an effort into. While I'm still rocking G3-E, my win percentage and BP are steadily rising and I can feel myself getting better. (Thanks to advice from a lot of you.)
I mostly play Chun, followed by Claw, but am looking to try some of the new cast in SSFIV. I really have my heart set on Ibuki, but after watching Wong say she's basically a mix between Viper & Akuma (with a super jump to boot :/) I'm getting the impression that she's going to require more skill to play than what I've got.
In your (theory fighter) impressions, which of the new cast look more noob friendly? I usually don't play shotos, but I guess I'll try anyone. Usually prefer faster, mobile characters. Here's my current list of the new characters ranked by how much I want to play them.
1) Ibuki
(big gap)
2) Guy
3) Juri
4) Makoto
5) Adon
6) Hakan
10) Dudley (just not feeling him. I know he's good but I'm passing.)
I probably won't drop Chun, but am looking for a possible replacement or pleasant company I can 'sleep around' with for a bit.