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The Oily, Gentlemanly Super Spin Fighter 4 Reveal Thread of Kunoichis and Karatekas

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Any cool videos of Guy yet? I know people are just messing around right now, but I really want to know if he can do basic versions of his old alpha combos where he knocks people into the air and then chases them down with the bunshin flip. That shit was the bee's knees. It just seems like his moves are too slow for that now.

haunts said:
Ok, I get it. Pandaman is trolling me. It's not nice to treat an old man that way.

To be fair, when you say something like " As I get older and the more I learn about the game I would rather see more methodical, solid play rather than just crazy "i dont know what I am doing but I hope it works" game play", it kinda sounds like the old Jeff Schaefer excuse, "the machine-like precision just isn't there anymore", so you just choose a relaxing zoning character like Sagat because you don't have the reaction time to keep up with rushdown mixup characters anymore.

Just what it seems like, anyway.
LeMaximilian said:
I know it works in the corner on an older build. But midscreen, the CPU just blocked.

Considering that this only works because of the block stun from Ryu's fireball, I'd say this should work anywhere as long as Ryu is close enough to his opponent. Otherwise I guess it'll hit for partial damage or whiff.
XenoRaven said:
So I know it's been talked about before, but what exactly is Ultra Spark? I hear it's a command throw but it looks like he slides like Vega's U2. I also hear it starts up in 3 frames and you can't jump on reaction after the freeze because jumping takes 4 frames to get airborne.

You can jump it on reaction, people in start up frames of their jump animation can't be grabbed. Gief's ultra and akuma's super demon are the only grabs that can't be jumped since they're 0 frame startup.

Fuerte's new ultra is mainly used as a punisher. Obvious example would be if chun does ex sbk and fuerte blocks it, he gets punish.

Rice-Eater said:
That was Poongko, the same guy your boy FMF calls one of the most overrated players :p

That's right! And I stand by it!

If Poongko goes to evo, I'm gonna money match him for however much he can afford.


FindMyFarms said:
You can jump it on reaction, people in start up frames of their jump animation can't be grabbed. Gief's ultra and akuma's super demon are the only grabs that can't be jumped since they're 0 frame startup.

Fuerte's new ultra is mainly used as a punisher. Obvious example would be if chun does ex sbk and fuerte blocks it, he gets punish.
Thanks Farms. I thought as long as you were still technically "grounded" it would hit you. That clears everything up for me. I have no issue with that.


XenoRaven said:
Ok. Again, I don't know much about Fuerte. The only times I ever played against him was like maybe 2 or 3 months after the game came out. Anyway, it's properties to me make it sound like it doesn't matter if you're playing recklessly anyway. If Fuerte gets into his mix up and you're trying to figure out if you need to block high, low, cross-up, or backdash, etc etc to get the pressure off and you guess wrong he can just hit you. Also, someone listed various normals from other characters that Fuerte can punish on block. Chun's cr. HK is one of them. Ok, so don't use it. I get that. All Ultras shut down some aspect of a character's game. But 500 damage? Look. I'm all for buffing characters that aren't currently tournament viable. I want this game to be as balanced as possible. But I don't think tacking on a ridiculous Ultra is the solution. Everything I've heard about this Ultra makes me feel like I will get hit by it every single round. It's like a foregone conclusion. I'm ok with that if it's like Ryu's U1 where it doesn't do a massive amount of damage. But 500 is a lot, especially since it seems a lot of the Ultras have been toned down.

And there's obviously the chance I could be totally wrong here. All I know is I see a Gief-esque Ultra with more grab range on a character with 100 times the mobility.

EDIT: Forgot to add that his U1 is actually difficult to get to hit. It has to be under certain circumstances. U2 doesn't seem like it would be that hard to pull off.

Ultra spark requires more of a reaction/anticipation time than Giga buster though.
For example, ultra spark can actually be used to punish Ryu's cr.MK, however, to do so requires you to input the ultra in 0 frames.

Which is pretty much impossible on reaction, however what's possible is buffering it in anticipation of Ryu's cr.MK.

And it will be the same way with Chun's cr.HK, when you see Fuerte start buffering QCBx2, do not throw out cr.HK or st.HK since on block your ass is toast.

Ultra 2 is sorely needed for Fuerte since ultra 1 and all of his tools do jack squat in making people scared of rushing him. Ultra 2 does.


Mrs. Harvey
FindMyFarms said:
That's right! And I stand by it!

If Poongko goes to evo, I'm gonna money match him for however much he can afford.

I'll make it a contest or whatever. Anybody on GAF if they ever meet him in a tourney and beats him, I'll give that person $100. One entry per person. :lol Most impressive win gets it and I'll have two other people help me judge. It has to be caught on video for me to see of course.


loves Arcade Sticks
LeMaximilian said:
I know it works in the corner on an older build. But midscreen, the CPU just blocked.

It works midscreen. It's actually a trial combo this time around too...

Edit: Hi Kadey <3 Did you miss me?


Mrs. Harvey
OMG OMG OMG. It's Marky. I want your baby! Let's go half and half. We'll have a son and name him Marky Jr. then we'll raise him to be a non-scrub SF player unlike his father. :lol


loves Arcade Sticks
Kadey said:
OMG OMG OMG. It's Marky. I want your baby! Let's go half and half. We'll have a son and name him Marky Jr. then we'll raise him to be a non-scrub SF player unlike his father. :lol


I'm hurt.

I had a hard on... but I'm hurt.


Real talk now, Super is a lot of fun. Rufus is gonna be tops no doubt. And Chun is so fun!!!! <3

Kadey I think you're going to like one of the Ryu trial combos they added... ;) ;)


BTW everyone. Yes. Kadey wants to have my baby.

I'm done here.
MarkMan said:

I'm hurt.

I had a hard on... but I'm hurt.


Real talk now, Super is a lot of fun. Rufus is gonna be tops no doubt. And Chun is so fun!!!! <3

Kadey I think you're going to like one of the Ryu trial combos they added... ;) ;)


BTW everyone. Yes. Kadey wants to have my baby.

I'm done here.

Rufus? Why? I've only seen nerfs for him so far.


loves Arcade Sticks
biosnake20 said:
Rufus? Why?

Because he really didn't get nerf'd otherwise... EX messiah is still there and only his EX snake strikes (which isn't vital at all to his winning/gameplay) is the only nerf IMO.
MarkMan said:
Because he really didn't get nerf'd otherwise... EX messiah is still there and only his EX snake strikes (which isn't vital at all to his winning/gameplay) is the only nerf IMO.

You could say the same for characters like ryu and akuma who only got slight nerfs.
biosnake20 said:
You could say the same for characters like ryu and akuma who only got slight nerfs.

Nerfing Sagat and Ryu is the biggest buff a Rufus player could have ever wished for.

I'm hoping the matchups are 6-4 now instead of 7-3 (I know I know opinion yadda yadda but IMO they are 7-3's).

I still think Ryu and Sagat will still be better, just more even now, and some of the new characters have potential to be top tier.

haunts said:
Characters I dont respect

  • akuma
  • gief
  • abel
  • makoto
  • seth
  • el fuerte
  • rufus

No respect for Abel? Why?

I disagree with the whole thing (I respect good players regardless who they use) obviously, but I'm curious why you think Abel. He's not an easy character to win with by any stretch, and takes a lot of dedication and a lot of matchup knowledge to be good with.

I respect anyone who is good and dedicates much time and masters a character. To think otherwise is a very poor attitude to have.


Bacon of Hope
I cant believe you guys are taking that list I made seriously. :lol The only character I dont truly dont respect is Seth. I just think the whole sonic boom / ultra trap is so retarded. also, as a character design I think he is wack....buuut.. they took out the sonic boom / ultra trap in super so he might be a little better now.

anyone else, if you get wins in a tournament using your character, good shit. *fist bump*
With that said though I definitely reserve perhaps more respect, or I guess you could say a higher level of respect, for those who use characters with difficult execution (Viper) or low tier (Rose).

We have a Rose/Chun player down here in Pittsburgh, Jesse, who I swear is the best guy here even though he might not win our ranbats, his level is amazing and he gives plenty of the guys here trouble, even if the matchup is heavily against him.
haunts said:
I cant believe you guys are taking that list I made seriously. :lol The only character I dont truly dont respect is Seth. I just think the whole sonic boom / ultra trap is so retarded. also, as a character design I think he is wack....buuut.. they took out the sonic boom / ultra trap in super so he might be a little better now.

anyone else, if you get wins in a tournament using your character, good shit. *fist bump*

Well you had to be half serious... a quarter serious though. Answer my question, why Abel? I understand Rufus, he's a cheap mofo who is easy to use and is just free wins, but Abel...?
I have the most respect for people who use bottom tier characters and win like it's nothing. Kuroda is the greatest player in the history of Street Fighter.


I want to feel proud for playing with Dudley but I probably won't be. It'll still be fun though. Surprisingly, all the characters I enjoy playing with are also pretty good.

Except Ken.


Bacon of Hope
Arpharmd B said:
He's not an easy character to win with by any stretch, and takes a lot of dedication and a lot of matchup knowledge to be good with.

Sure he is. You just roll around and fish for F+MK into Birthday Sex.

and uhh, every character in the game requires extensive match up knowledge if you want to play competitively.


just got back from work.

regarding the bison nerfs from a couple pages ago: doesn't really bother me that much, I actually think that his standing roundhouse should be nerfed (most other bison players disagree with me though). At the same time though I think his crouching fierce should be sped up.

It doesn't matter though because psycho crusher has a fixed hitbox, that's good enough for me :D


Setec Astronomer
That Makoto discussion earlier made me wonder what we're missing while getting too caught up in preserving her 3S tactics. Now that she's in the SF4 world, she has a Focus Attack(which appears to be good) and thus FADC, including Hayate FADC.

My first thought is that a focus with crumple is functionally similar to her ex karakusa, except one adds more scaling while the other uses meter.



Looks like this guy is happy about the Ryu and Sagat Nerfs

image taken from the cosplay thread
haunts said:
Sure he is. You just roll around and fish for F+MK into Birthday Sex.

and uhh, every character in the game requires extensive match up knowledge if you want to play competitively.

I know. Just making my point. Don't "uhhh" me.


Everything is moe to me
KuroNeeko said:
You got sumthing against Ibuki?
Don't turn this into a schoolgirl b!tchslap fight!
Ibuki travels the world to meet a whole bunch of 'cute' guys for reasons left unsaid.
sakura travels for the love of fighting.

there is no real comparison to be made here and only one 'b!tch' will be slapped and stunned by the mak and sak connection.


Pandaman said:
Ibuki travels the world to meet a whole bunch of 'cute' guys for reasons left unsaid.
sakura travels for the love of fighting.

there is no real comparison to be made here and only one 'b!tch' will be slapped and stunned by the mak and sak connection.

Dood, Sakura’&#65363; traveling and 'love of fighting' is just an excuse covering up her attempts to get a piece of Ryu's "sak." I got no beef with Makoto so long as she spends SSIV beating down Ryus, Sagats, and Cammys.

It's all cool though, I think there are enough characters out there for all the schoolgirls to get their smackdown going without you dropping loads on Ibuki's doormat, especially since she's got the moe.


Arpharmd B said:
Ken's SRK has invulnerability now so technically it would beat FAB too, or is there no invincibility at startup (sorry haven't been following Ken but last I heard)?

As for the second part, yeah, no range at all, that sucks donkey shlong.

The 2nd part--isn't Ken technically airborne and that's why it whiffs? Like Gigas whiffing on Elena's little hop....


Sorry if posted before

• Damage has been decreased overall in order to prevent 2-combo knock outs. More mind games involved as a result. According to the Japanese development team, usually if you predict your opponent's move correctly and land a combo twice, it's nearly as good as saying you won, because the opponent would likely have near or less than half of their life, along with away-from-one-hit stun accumulation. Overall damage nerfing took place, simply, in order to increase a number of times you'll have to guess correctly in order to win.

• In a Shoryuken trade scenario, the person performing a Dragon Punch will get airborne damage now. It was grounded damage before.

• Ryu can't Super anymore when a normal Fireball is out.

• Ken has an improved Thunder Kick (Toward + Hard Kick).

• Ken's Light Dragon Punch is easier to utilize now, such as in combos.

• Chun-Li has an improved Far Standing Medium Punch.

• Chun's Down-Towards + Light Kick will knockdown airborne opponents when hit.

• E. Honda's Super will go through Sagat's Low Tiger Shot.

• Blanka's Surprise Forward (Towards Hop) now has less recovery.

• Blanka's Light Punch Rolling Attack goes less distance.

• Zangief's Punch Lariat will whiff crouched characters from 2nd hit onward.

• Gief's grabs didn't get nerfed, but his non-grabbing skills did (like Banishing Flat, Lariat).

• Changed something about Zangief's jump, not in a good way, to encourage less jumping.

Copied from EventHubs

Ryu's change is utter bullshit. I love to bait people, jumping over my fireball then super them lol


Everything is moe to me
KuroNeeko said:
Dood, Sakura traveling and 'love of fighting' is just an excuse covering up her attempts to get a piece of Ryu's "sak."
atleast its love! it might just be a teenage[lol] crush, but she means well and is doing it for the right reasons. ibuki on the otherhand openly admits to desiring multiple worldy 'sparring' partners over a single summer! shes playing with peoples hearts!

I got no beef with Makoto so long as she spends SSIV beating down Ryus, Sagats, and Cammys.
agreed. who would have a beef with makoto? thats a good way to get mangled.

It's all cool though, I think there are enough characters out there for all the schoolgirls to get their smackdown going without you dropping loads on Ibuki's doormat, especially since she's got the moe.
Ibukis moe is of the 'daughter, i loves you, but i am disappoint' variety. she is misguided! she lies about going to summer camp!


Pandaman said:
atleast its love! it might just be a teenage[lol] crush, but she means well and is doing it for the right reasons. ibuki on the otherhand openly admits to desiring multiple worldy 'sparring' partners over a single summer! shes playing with peoples hearts!

Wouldn't Sakura be in her 20's by now? :lol

agreed. who would have a beef with makoto? thats a good way to get mangled.

Damn straight.
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