I wouldn't put The Last of Us in a linear category. The story and the progression is linear, but the way you play it is not. But according to the question i think that the market is big enough for different kind of games. I don't want every game to be open world games, but again i want even the linear games to give me choices to tackle the situation in a different manner. Games like The Walking Dead is super scripted but they give me the illusion that it is me that makes the decision.
It certainly is, and I think a lot of games have spoken for themselves. Shit, Telltale is working on four separate linear/dialog focused games at once, in different IPs and brands nonetheless. David Cage is probably working on something, indie games are still incredibly varied and linear storytelling is still very much a thing. Life is Strange has gotten a lot of hype.
Really don't get why The Order is the poster boy for linear, cinematic games, when other games are doing those aspects better and are successful to boot.