Jesus, that hurt your feelings?
No, it just makes me depressed of what gaming culture has become.
Jesus, that hurt your feelings?
As far as I know, the game wasn't exactly cheap to make. "Diversity" would be quite obviously much better served by making five smaller games with lower costs instead of a single expensive one.
And in general, big budget, AAA, extreme focus tested games whose marketing budget is as much (or even twice as much) as their development budget are probably the worst thing for diversity.
At least 50 million were spent making this game. These money could be spent making one or two real games instead of this "cinematic experience". For every single game made, there are games that got denied the chance. And you do know that big budget games like The Order are detrimental to the diversity of the video game industry in the first place, right? So there is a good chance that not having The Order made would actually inject more diversity into the industry.
No, it just makes me depressed of what gaming culture has become.
in all this 114 pages bashing the game, is there anyone here that already, you know, actually played the game?
in all this 114 pages bashing the game, is there anyone here that already, you know, actually played the game?
Yes, I finished it a couple of days ago.
What has it become?
The amount of people who have warped the narrative to say that RAD and The Order are being punished for being innovative is mind-boggling. This is the most bland, riskless, straightforward game you could possibly design. It is so devoid of risk as to make me wonder whether there's actually been a portal opened to another dimension where a paint-by-numbers cover corridor shooter is a brave new voice in gaming. NeoGAF is the center of some singularity puncturing through to that other world and we're seeing this bizarroGAF's discussion about the innovative "Wait here and shoot the guys who walk back and forth for no reason other than to give you a better shot" rooms.
All technology and game development was done entirely in-house at RAD, they own the engine.
So yeah, you're right. Sony will have to decide whether to gamble again or walk away. I am sure MS would take them if they wanted to go that route.
A breeding ground for cyncisim and hate, where being excited or happy is actively discourage.
I feel bad for these guys, this has to be a heartbreaker for them. The game clearly had a ton of care and attention to detail put into it. Unfortunately, this vision apparently is not what people wanted and the gameplay suffered because of their attention to everything else.
This game does not look to be that good if the consensus is right, and I feel bad for them because it doesn't seem to be because they didn't work really hard on it.
1- As always, surprised by people surprised, we know there is something wrong with the gameplay since we first saw it in action.
2- As always, surprised by people claiming the youtube guy was a liar, while right now many players (and reviewers) ended the game in 6 hours or less.
3- As always, surprised by people defending a game or a studio as if they were playing their lives here- they should rather defend this industry from sharks, because it truly needs help right now.
4- Common, we are talking of $10 an hour or more
The very one thing that has to be said about The Order, and we could have said it a long time ago, is that the devs made a big mistake choosing that very very very cinematic experience, that frustrate you in a way we've never seen before.
They also probably lacked of times and chose to focus on visuals from the start.
Mistakes everywhere.
At least from a quality perspective.
in all this 114 pages bashing the game, is there anyone here that already, you know, actually played the game?
Is that bad?
in all this 114 pages bashing the game, is there anyone here that already, you know, actually played the game?
Are you shitting me?A breeding ground for cyncisim and hate, where being excited or happy is actively discourage.
Reviews are irrelevant really, and I'm willing to bet this game gets a large group of fans even if it's is by the numbersWell, the reviews are in. That salvo is fired, and the game took a beating. The question now is, how will consumers respond? Do the masses care, or have they even noticed? GAF may well have a lot of cancelled pre-orders, but poor reviews didn't stop Destiny. Pachter may be in the clouds with five million sales, but I feel it'll be unwise to rule commercial success out at this stage. NPD will be interesting next month.
Think about it. 5 years including salary, hardware, software, marketing, etc. There was a delay so that means thier expense was more then expected. Making a game with these kinds of graphics is far more expensive than making a game with unique and interesting gameplay.
Even if this doesnt sink them, I really hope not, it will sting hard for sure.
A breeding ground for cyncisim and hate, where being excited or happy is actively discourage.
That's why The Last of Us was praised to high heaven, PC games such as Gone Home and the Stanley Parable have been praised, Journey and The Walking Dead being GOTY winners and contenders.
Its understandable if people forget that these games existed, but to speak like critics have all of a sudden performed some sort of heel turn? That's bullshit. Linear experiences aren't being trashed, bad games are.
in all this 114 pages bashing the game, is there anyone here that already, you know, actually played the game?
Everything that people voiced as fears and hated from the first reveal? Sticking with all of those was a risk. They didn't tone down QTE, they didn't eliminate black bars, they didn't tone back cut scene usage, etc.
Though I feel like it's important to point out that Insomniac was pushed into FUSE. It never seemed like the game they wanted to make.
In three years, are we going to see RAD saying The Order was shitty and forced upon them and they wanted to stick to their original vision? I doubt it, but even if it does happen, I suspect it will be Molyneux-like in sincerity when he does the exact same thing.
Things have changed over the last 3 years in the console space.
Yup. I had to stop reading the thread because of that crap, and this is from someone that's actually enjoying the game. I can tell a segment of the game's audience is going to end up souring me on it if I keep reading through their posts, which is what happened with Driveclub.OT complaining about lack of "professionalism" from reviewers.
I dunno, while I guess some of the mocking in tweets may cross the line a bit, I far FAR prefer that over just handing out a minimum of 8s for being a AAA game.
Well, the reviews are in. That salvo is fired, and the game took a beating. The question now is, how will consumers respond? Do the masses care, or have they even noticed? GAF may well have a lot of cancelled pre-orders, but poor reviews didn't stop Destiny. Pachter may be in the clouds with five million sales, but I feel it'll be unwise to rule commercial success out at this stage. NPD will be interesting next month.
That's why The Last of Us was praised to high heaven, PC games such as Gone Home and the Stanley Parable have been praised, Journey and The Walking Dead being GOTY winners and contenders.
Its understandable if people forget that these games existed, but to speak like critics have all of a sudden performed some sort of heel turn? That's bullshit. Linear experiences aren't being trashed, bad games are.
I made the mistake of watching this at the office and could not stop laughing.
Best thing that came out of this thread
I hope he stays off twitter/doesn't talk to the press for a while, TB gave some good advice IMO
TB also arrogantly assumes that everyone has the same idea of value as him. He's mostly ok but sometimes can be pretty annoying with stuff like this.Yours didnt, you arrogantly assumed that 5 hours was enough for a $60 videogame and that 2 hours of those being cutscenes was totally ok because MUH CINEMATIC VISION. It's astonishingly disrespectful to the millions of consumers with very limited entertainment budgets and they will remember it. I hope they didnt preorder.
There should be space in the video game business to make products which are targeted to excel in the visual presentation so they can be judged on those merits alone. Why should such visual masterpieces be tied down by expectation of people who do not understand the true goals of the product. I read many fans wanting to pick this game up based on how it looks so is there no rating system that protects the desires of said fans to be able to take pride in their purchases and know they're receiving a top-rated visual experience without it being dirtied by the expectation of people who don't appreciate the goes of presentation the product has set for itself? I don't know man... I just feel for people who are getting bummed out by these reviews and treated like what they want from the product is a mediocre gaming experience when what they want is in fact an excellent visual experience. If a game says its a platformer then we shouldn't attack it for not being a RTS and in the same right, if a game says its visually stunning then we shouldn't attack it for gameplay. People are even recommending not to purchase this game hence victimizing people who pre-ordered it. Its rather insensitive to come out and tell people not to buy something they've put money towards... AFTER THE FACT. No one likes to be judged for their purchasing decisions so this judgmental atmosphere at the very least seems rather anti-consumer. Aren't media supposed to be on the consumer's side? Finally on the idea that the product is too short... a good product should leave you wanting more. Like when people say you've overeaten when you feel bloated and you should stop eating when you feel you are about to get full.. in essence, you should be wanting more before you stop eating; this is the proper way. Overeating will make you obese and there's nothing good about that so why are we trying to promote over-gaming like its something healthy. The Order should be commended for not piling on the fat with unnecessary content, variety, game length and extra modes and collectable. It cares about the consumer's gaming health. Judged based on its visual fidelity and respect for consumer health, I'd give the order a 9.7 out of 10 but Metacritic won't carry my review on the "reviewer" section so I'll leave it here and I ask journalist to be kinder with their review. We need more products like the order. Dare I say it... I'd like to The Order another one of these!
The question I'd ask is: Is The Evil Within a better game than The Order?
That "First reveal" was 80% of the way through development. Aside from the black bars, none of those things were evident until the last year (and the last few months) when they were showing gameplay videos. This game has been in development for 5 years, there was no way for them to change direction by the time the negative reactions started hitting unless they wanted to slap on another few years of development time. At that point you may as well release what you have and not sink more money into trying to chase what people wanted 3 years ago when they were complaining.
I wouldn't put The Last of Us in a linear category. The story and the progression is linear, but the way you play it is not. But according to the question i think that the market is big enough for different kind of games. I don't want every game to be open world games, but again i want even the linear games to give me choices to tackle the situation in a different manner. Games like The Walking Dead is super scripted but they give me the illusion that it is me that makes the decision.
No, Sony will own the engine.
Well, the reviews are in. That salvo is fired, and the game took a beating. The question now is, how will consumers respond? Do the masses care, or have they even noticed? GAF may well have a lot of cancelled pre-orders, but poor reviews didn't stop Destiny. Pachter may be in the clouds with five million sales, but I feel it'll be unwise to rule commercial success out at this stage. NPD will be interesting next month.
I struggle with that, because it very much seems like the hole they dug for themselves.
The Order: 1886 doesn't seem to be the victim of circumstance. It just seems like core game design that isn't up to par with the production quality of everything else. I don't even think it's a case of "Well, that's not technically feasible". The encounter design just seems poor. Enemy variety, AI, things like that. Those are things that are paramount in good game design. "How do I make this combat encounter interesting", "How do I make the enemies feel varied". If feels like these are discussions that RAD didn't take seriously enough, and are now suffering for it.
It's not "not quite right", like perhaps an Uncharted 3. It's poorly designed from a gameplay perspective where even glacing at the last 5 years of shooter games would have shown them that they were woefully off base.
Are you shitting me?
Every OT out there is free PR.
Doesn't seem that way to me. Hype for games like Bloodborne seem to be continuing unabated.'
The OT for each game is basically positivity-central. Previews are almost always glowing, and you can't go through one impressions thread without tripping over a "Hype Train" post.
OT complaining about lack of "professionalism" from reviewers.
I dunno, while I guess some of the mocking in tweets may cross the line a bit, I far FAR prefer that over just handing out a minimum of 8s for being a AAA game.
That's because you and I aren't forced to play all the bad ones on top of the good ones. I can see how reviewers can get burnt out. The Order may be one of the bad ones, I don't know, I haven't played it, yet. I was just making a general statement about how game reviewers handle shooters.
How so? It seemed entirely linear to me.
I think AW was just crazy and zany enough story-wise to be pardoned. Plus, I don't think unrealistic expectations were being placed on it.remember Asura's Wrath though? These games can be great and there should be a place for them... maybe it just shouldn't be where you need to sell millions at a 60$ price tag to make it profitable.
Uhm. Brother I am a reviewer and have been for 2 years and do play the good ones and the bad ones. But I get your drift in general.