116 pages!?
What would happen if Uncharted 4 gets an 87 on Metacritic?
The world will end and the age of Sony will be done
116 pages!?
What would happen if Uncharted 4 gets an 87 on Metacritic?
Except this is complete bullshit. There are plenty of threads on this forum right now full of people being enthused by video games. You picked out one thread for a game that had a lot of hype and is looking to be a big let down and are acting like it's representative of how people here always act.A breeding ground for cyncisim and hate, where being excited or happy is actively discourage.
116 pages!?
What would happen if Uncharted 4 gets an 87 on Metacritic?
Having a wall of media with a positive tone is basically a free ad on a highly frequented forum.PR? What the fuck does being excited and happy have to do with giving companies PR?
The only bioshock that get 9,5 or 10s for everybody was the first one.
The Metascore difference between Bioshock 1 and Bioshock Infinite is 2 points.The only bioshock that get 9,5 or 10s for everybody was the first one.
Are they? More and more ignore the campaign of CoD and BF and jump into MP right away.
Uncharted and Wolf have replayability. TLoU was fun on the hardest mode, but had a reasonably strong MP too. Bioshock Infinite was fun to me to replay in 1999 mode. But it had little filler anyway, most of it was gameplay. These games simply offer more bang for your buck than The Order seems to do, and are less linear to begin with.
116 pages!?
What would happen if Uncharted 4 gets an 87 on Metacritic?
116 pages!?
What would happen if Uncharted 4 gets an 87 on Metacritic?
Just because you didn't like AW doesn't mean the majority of people may have liked it. I think it's great and I am naturally a fan of cod. Great technical achievement for these consoles
Of course there is a demand, i would be very surprised if it sells less than 2 million.Likewise, The Order is actually #1 in the PC & Video Games category on Amazon.co.uk. Similarly meaningless, but interesting.
Good point. Multiplayer is an effective way of selling copies. I still think there's a lot of demand for this game, though how much it will meet those expectations is indeed questionable.
116 pages!?
What would happen if Uncharted 4 gets an 87 on Metacritic?
TLOU was like a bunch of boxes stuck together with little holes that lead to the next box, if that made sense...
Somewhat. Solid gunplay, spectacular graphics, great voice acting. That's about it.
There's absolutely zero replay value. Like, there nothing to do after you beat it. Literally. There's also way to much hand holding and it's super linear.
1. Weapons, like the Arc rifle will force fire into things that you may not even be aiming at...but that were supposed to further the story. It's understandable that this type of weapon is looking for a ground, and would favor people/creatures in some instances, but it will ignore any sense of grounding/arcing towards things if it's not what should happen to move along at that point.
For instance...I've seen the Arc gun fire at a Lycan that's on a wall, arc down and hit a metal gate that your'e supposed to go through. 30 seconds later...you fire a shot from the ELECTRIC Arc gun and it passes right over perfect grounding objects like a fence (within inches) and hits the Lycan.
That's just silly.
2. Enemy AI is just downright stupid during gun fights. There's no other better way to put it. Standing out in the open. Strafing across open areas with cover nearby. Popping out of cover while being fired at and not hiding...even while being repeatedly hit or spray fired. AI runs towards the player where there is no cover leaving tons of cover...even if there is the player and 2-3 AI partners firing at it.
3. The partner AI can be as dumb or dumber. I saw multiple instances where the Partner AI is shooting boxes, walls, columns, etc...directly in front of them. Just standing there...not moving...just shooting something anywhere from 6 inches in front of them to 10 feet away.
The Metascore difference between Bioshock 1 and Bioshock Infinite is 2 points.
A standalone $15 companion game like First Light that has a short story, some challenge rooms, and can easily be given away on Plus down the line might be a good route for them to go.
Honestly if they just made a horde mode and multiplayer expansion that would help out a ton. Small price as DLC ($15-20) and package it into the box in the future.
seriously where do these threads get made jesus 116 pages???
Anyway I peep the metacritic and DAMN
Bioshock was a massive seller, everybody give it 10s, and still is single player without MP, and very little replay value.
Somewhat. Solid gunplay, spectacular graphics, great voice acting. That's about it.
There's absolutely zero replay value. Like, there nothing to do after you beat it. Literally. There's also way to much hand holding and it's super linear.
Damn, i forgot the score of infinite lol.
Well, still talking about the first one, single player only-game
Some people loved it, some people hated it. I loved it. Was always sad to see people hating on it, but I can see how people would've been pissed considering what they had showed of the game prior to release.
Damn, i forgot the score of infinite lol.
Well, still talking about the first one, single player only-game
I can deal with SHORT
I can deal with LINEAR
I can deal with CUTSCENES
I can deal with NO MP
I can not deal with QTEs
Has ANYONE ever liked them? Almost every review lists it as a "CON" or "-".
You never see "Awesome QTEs", "Tension Filled QTEs", "Good Use Of QTEs"
Why in the world does any developer still include them, let alone make it a huge part of the game?
I honestly think most of the 4,5,6 scores would be 6,7,8 if just the QTEs were gone.
Is everyone OK?
If Uncharted 4 averages under a 90 on metcritic, and somehow less than Tomb Raider, the entire front page will be Uncharted threads asking various different questions
"Where did Naughty Dog go wrong?"
"Sony is following the same spiral down as Microsoft..."
"Is the PS4 doomed?"
I won't go into details but this is pretty much my line of thinking as well. I LOVE Driveclub despite it's horrid critical reception (admittedly some of which was likely due to the servers being on fire at launch).
I personally have no idea if The Order is a steaming pile of dung or if it'll be a contender for my GOTY 2015, but I do know that after considering the impressions I've read here (from those who have, ya know, actually played it), my expectations for the game (a heavily cinematic 3rd person shooter with gorgeous visuals), and the pros/cons from professional reviews, I'm still down to give The Order a spin.
Your $60 purchase does not need to be validated by others. Judge a game based on your own personal tastes as only you truly know what you do and do not like. Hell my 2014 GOTY, The Evil WIthin, is currently sitting at a 75 on metacritic. Fuck it, bring on The Order.
Should have been a Vita game instead of ps4
That's not how it works.No, Sony will own the engine.
Best thing that came out of this thread
Like I said before it being linear is not a bad thing and doesn't even seem to be the problem here with any of the reviewers. If it were, we would be hearing doom and gloom stories on RotTR, UC4, Quantum Break, Ori, Bloodborn and whatever linear-structured games there are. That's not the problem.It certainly is, and I think a lot of games have spoken for themselves. Shit, Telltale is working on four separate linear/dialog focused games at once, in different IPs and brands nonetheless. David Cage is probably working on something, indie games are still incredibly varied and linear storytelling is still very much a thing. Life is Strange has gotten a lot of hype.
Really don't get why The Order is the poster boy for linear, cinematic games, when other games are doing those aspects better and are successful to boot.
It's not even 64. It's 65.?????
Eh I think this style of game would lend itself terribly to handheld but that's just me.Should have been a Vita game instead of ps4
I always want bad games to fail. If bad games don't fail, it means they're probably succeeding. And if they're succeeding, there is a good chance that it's going to influence other games and possibly make them bad as well. You should want bad games to fail.
I'm not saying people should be jumping up and down the aisles with joy, but I find it hard to get mad at someone for being enthused that a terribly short game with very little to offer in the way of game play is in fact being called out for what it is. That's the last place I want video games to go and if it's a bad game, I want people to be as ruthless to it as possible.
It's a lot better then the alternative, where we all pretend like something isn't bad just so the feelings of the people making it won't get hurt.
Is this what we have become?
Gaming Trend gave it a 95, thinks that the Order should be Sony's new flagship IP, and concluded:
Literally no game has ever looked this good. It’s strange to even write that, but The Order: 1886 raises the bar so far above its contemporaries that it stands in a class by itself. Joined by a soundtrack that perfects the mood, The Order is a cinematic masterpiece. If you want to show off your PlayStation 4 to your friends, this is the title to showcase.
Honestly this really does remind me of Ryse, which got shat on for being a short and shallow experience as well, although it was also visually stunning. However, I'm one of those who enjoyed Ryse anyways while completely understanding why it was received the way it was.
Although reviews aren't what some hoped they'd be, people buying know full well now what kind of experience they'll be getting when they play it tomorrow. Hopefully most of those people are happy with what The Order has to give, as I was with Ryse. And if RaD are given another shot, hopefully now that the groundwork has been set from a technical perspective they'll be able to deliver a more fleshed out sequel.
And that was his point, I think. It was 8 years ago. Then fine, but now?
Should have been a Vita game instead of ps4
OT complaining about lack of "professionalism" from reviewers.
I dunno, while I guess some of the mocking in tweets may cross the line a bit, I far FAR prefer that over just handing out a minimum of 8s for being a AAA game.