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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Maybe there's no other good device that would work, but either way, I'm just tired of the scenario, but maybe more so with a weird, underwhelming reveal.

The underwhelming part of it all was that we never got to fight said surprise..... hopefully in the sequel of it gets the green light


Just finished it and its a 8/10 for me

Fleshed out sequel would be amazing

I cant believe a shit game like destiny gets a higher metacritic, i genuinely felt cheated by bungie unlike here where everything is finished. Campaign in Destiny might have been 10 hours longer but it was nowhere near as good as this.


Neo Member
After being super hyped for the game and then having my own impressions from an early play test my expectations were then dashed by some reviews. Having just finished the game i can honestly say I loved it.

If i was to put a score on it i would put it at 8/10.

I feel like I want more and I hope RAD hasnt been crushed by all the negativity surrounding the release. It saddens me that they could be crushed by all this and go on to make something else or close.

At the moment it has all signs it could have a real cult following and i firmly place myself withing that cacatagory.

Loved it.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I'm not sure how a Gears of War clone screams "classic PS2".

People calling The Order: 1886 "old-school" baffle me. It's the exact same type of game we saw with Uncharted and Gears of War The Last of Us and Tomb Raider and God knows how many other games last gen.
What does the type of game it is has do with it? And Tomb Raider? WTF?
And Gears of War was a clone of a PS2 game
What does the type of game it is has do with it? And Tomb Raider? WTF?
And Gears of War was a clone of a PS2 game

Neither you nor the writer for The Verge make a good case for the game being "old school" though, perhaps it would help if you gave examples of games from the past which are similar. From the outside looking in, The Order is only "old school" if you started playing games when Sony entered the market.
A super linear super basic hand holding cover based regen health shooter is old school now?

Aight we have officially reached max intellectual dishonesty. I remember when people were telling me I need to play the game when I said it's going to be exactly what the fuck it ended up being. Are these the same people now trying to move the goal post cuz that's what it feels like.


Junior Member
So, does anyone have any predictions for sales?

I hope the title does well, just so a sequel can at least be possible and improvements can be made.

I haven't played The Order: 1886 yet but I intend picking it up next week.
People celebrating coats fluttering and good graphics.. I really cannot understand how that is in any way relevant. To me it's like saying Jupiter Ascending is a tolerable movie because it looks nice.

The game is disappointing just like the movie was disappointing. Nice graphics is irrelevant.

But I guess I have to tolerate other opinions, even if this game, and those opinions, pisses me off?


Jesus fuck.

First when the rebel leader goes to convince you the people you work for are corrupt (which wow that's pretty original to begin with). Second from the bad lycan at the end.

The character writing is so bad. I can't get past the fact this woman that you're super buddy buddy believes the main character the least. It makes no sense.

Also the trial where the accused doesn't get to say a damn thing...

This by far was the best

First when the rebel leader goes to convince you the people you work for are corrupt (which wow that's pretty original to begin with). Second from the bad lycan at the end.

When I got to that scene I cringed hard. It's hilarious how they push this as a story driven game and it's a story with such basic badly written characters with so little going on. If it was a book or movie I guarantee it would bomb.

But nah guys just not my "genre" or w/e too old school for me.


From some of the reviews I've read/watched and walkthroughs on YouTube, it seems like this game had an absolutely ridiculous amount of potential. RAD could have designed it to way more fun from the very beginning. I mean for TPS's, weaponry, gun play, enemy AI, and enemy variety is key. I think they got the weapon handling fine, but failed miserably on enemy AI and the types you encounter.

And speaking of encounters that's something that must carefully designed in these kinds of linear games. TLoU was absolutely brilliant in both pacing and encounters.

I also kept reading and hearing about how RAD didn't include enough use of the awesome weapony. That to me, it just doesn't make sense why they wouldn't focus on that more and implement that into well thought encounters.

If 65 metacritic is the average for this, then Killzone SF should probably be ~80 because seemed like more of shooter game play wise, the campaign wasn't entirely boring, and it has a good muiltiplayer.
I don't ever want to see another "I can't tell you what's really going on, follow me and all will be revealed, only a little farther to go, almost there, keep following me and you'll see, ah here we are, I could have just told you the truth upfront, but made you do all this" section in a game again. Infuriating.

I don't think there's anything here that would make it must-experience regardless of price. If you were really interested, but put off by the playtime for the price, sure. Otherwise, you're missing out on nothing by never touching it.

I think the best visuals to ever be seen on a console game make it worth playing at least once.


Wow just saw the ending.
Straight up MGS3 ending, without any of the emotional impact.

I got a good name for the sequel. The Boreder 1887.
Over halfway through and I'm enjoying it. There are indeed a lot of Cutscenes especially in the beginning, but that's something that can be changed in the sequel. The gunplay is also fun. I've always been a single player story mode guy, and if you love SP then you'll probably enjoy The Order.

People shouldn't let reviews dictate their purchases.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Over halfway through and I'm enjoying it. There are indeed a lot of Cutscenes especially in the beginning, but that's something that can be changed in the sequel. The gunplay is also fun. I've always been a single player story mode guy, and if you love SP then you'll probably enjoy The Order.

People shouldn't let reviews dictate their purchases.

Eh maybe not. The pacing in this game is a big issue, especially in the beginning. I don't think it's that cut and dry to be "if you like SP then you'll like this".


Well I just platinumed the game about an hour ago. Beautiful game, so so much potential and it just lacked content and variety. I would have been okay with the short length if it also came with a fleshed out multiplayer mode and cooperative mode. Using the same quicktime event for major battles was a bummer. Too much control was taken away from the player far too often. The black bars didn't bother me much until I was taking cover and looking around for enemies and realized that yeah, I could totally have a great view of that enemy if it was in 16:9. All in all it's a rental and not a purchase, at least that is what I did.

+best looking game I've ever played
+sound was great as well
+story was good
+weapons had great punch
+glitch free for me
-too short
-no co-op
-no multiplayer
-QTE's get old
-aspect ratio makes it hard to see and identify targets while in cover
-cover system needs refinement
-can't switch shoulders
-very little replayability
was looking forward to slaying a lot more lycans
Lycan battles were stale, attack/retreat from the same area each time? really.
Naming a main character Lucan gave away the twist way too early

I hope RAD makes another, I really do. There just needs to be more content the next time around.
Hmm. I feel like this is one of the worst cases of user reviews falling back on a free pass "in futuro" because of the apparent potential of a well done sequel.

Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against hype and anticipation, but I get the impression that many reviews are being influenced by the fondness of this idea.


So, I just finished it. I agree with the reviews for the most part. Good but shallow combat, beautiful graphics, brilliant world building and atmosphere.

Buuuut, there is too little of it, the story starts out completely generic then falls off a cliff and
all of the lycan encounters are completely and utterly shit.

I'm probably going to write up a full review but if I had to attach an arbitrary number to it a 6 or 7 sounds about right. It's incrediby flawed but still a lot of fun while it lasts. I do hope RAD get a chance to make a sequel, it's an incredibly promising first entry if nothing else.

Major spoilers, just in case
Lucan the Lycan? Are they serious with this?
Like everyone else in the game, he is named after a real person from British History. And if you know about the mystery of Lucan...it also gave it away completely.

Wow just saw the ending.
Straight up MGS3 ending, without any of the emotional impact.

Mechanically MGS3s ending. Writing wise, ripped straight from Blade Runner.


5 hours and 28 min in and I am on Chapter 9 or 10. The part where
you burn the cargo.
Anyone who said this game is 6 hours should be considered a speed run or was lying.


5 hours and 28 min in and I am on Chapter 9 or 10. The part where
you burn the cargo.
Anyone who said this game is 6 hours should be considered a speed run or was lying.
You don't understand what a speed run is. Just playing through a game at a decent pace does not make a speedrun.

There are video playthroughs of people beating the game in six hours. No lying there.
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