and lack of any kind of gameplay variety, {/quote]
What does this even mean? It has shooting, it has stealth, it has some brutal knife fights, it has some qtes. For a third person shooter that seems pretty varied to me. What exactly were you expecting? In all honesty I think the game wouldve been better off just sticking to shooting and minimizing the other aspects but thats neither here nor there.
the misleading advertising since we spend not even 5% of the fights fighting lycans,
What misleading advertising? They never claimed the game was mostly werewolf fights. They showed werewolf gameplay in response to the clamoring for it online. Aside from their initial reveal trailer which was a reveal trailer and is meant to introduce the setting and general concept of the game they havent shown or talked up werewolf fights as being the main crux of the game. Certainly they have talked about half breeds being the main crux of the story which is why they were featured in the reveal trailer. If there is anything RAD is not guilty of it is misleading advertising.
This is again personal preference. I am personally on my second playthrough and I plan on having friends over to play the game as well. I will likely pick up and replay the game again when photomode comes out. Replay value does not rely solely on added game modes, padding, or collectables for some. To insist that the game has absolutely 0 replay value is to insist that your ideals of what replayable means are absolute. They are not. But hey dont tak emy word for it look at this guy
Man this thread. It's all about personal perspective. Speaking on AC Unity for example, I was one of the few that really enjoyed it, warts and all. I've not finished The Order 1886 yet, but for me it's already more replayable to me then AC Unity or most AC games for that matter. That gunplay is just too good for me. AC Unity was another typical AC story/playground with open world checklists that mostly sticks out due to its location. I've not even bothered playing the DLC yet and I know another AC game is another 8 months or so away. I probably won't be bothered to replay it either due to its length. The Order 1886 I see myself going through a few more times this year due to its shorter length and cinematic presentation. It's all about what we're looking for out of our gaming experiences.
Is he wrong to enjoy replaying the game? Would you maintain that the game has 0 replay value for him?
the awful instafail stealth where the guards can apparently easily overpower an ancient order of knights extremely easily until the story deems that it's not necessary anymore,
Oh you mean the infiltration mission? Honestly that was one of my favorite parts of the entire game. The only complaint I have there is the necessity of killing all the guards to progress. That is a dumb design decision but having a stealth mission wherein discovery or ill timed takedowns spells game over is not a flaw. Some people dont like insta fail stealth missions that's perfectly fine but they arent bad just because you don't like them.
the overabundance of cutscenes for every menial action
The use of intermediate and uneccesary cutscenes is a flaw and obviously a hallmark of inexperience on the part of RAD. It's actually something I commented on in my review
here but while a bit disorienting and frustrating at times it never got to the point of ruining the game for me.
no way of tracking collectibles, no way to turn off tutorials with the game even somehow thinking that you forgot how to sprint at some points and teaching you the same mechanics over and over again,
These are both valid points but hardly major complaints. One is a quality of life issue for people who wish to treasure hunt everything or get the platinum trophy the other is a minor immersion breaking annoyance that I also commented on my review as being amateurish in design. Their affect on the game as whole is quite minimal.
baffling design decisions like not being able to take cover while holding a lantern
I cant remember needing to take cover while holding a lantern. In the one section where you fight whist holding one there is plentiful standing cover to maneuver behind. Certainly its a puzzling design decision but again this is not something that "broke" the game for me.
All in all the complaints and criticisms levied at this game seem completely overblown. especially since, unlike yourself, the most prolific and avid detractors appear to have never actually laid hands on the game and frankly it's infuriating. I'm getting sick of it and you bore the brunt of that so apologies for the overreaction it's just really depressing seeing the debut console title of such a promising developer get invariably shit on by people who speak with such absolute authority on the matter but have never actually played the game.