Open-world games aren't going anywhere, and I don't want them to, but The Order is proof that there's still a place for linear, cinematic gaming experiences. It may look like a modern game, but The Order is a throwback to some of the best releases from the PlayStation 2: games that didnt need a massive world to tell a cool story. It turns out I really missed that.
Yup, just what everyone expected. Actually I said 76 metacritic, but this seems like a legit bad game at 67 metacritic right now.
Something was in the soup of this game from the get go, which is why previews were so dour all the time. Visually stunning game, maybe decent foundation going forward, so let's hope RAD gets a second chance to maybe improve their craft. Merely trying to poorly emulate being a movie with mediocre third person mechanics shoved in there is not the way to go.
How about we just don't make another GOW. It's done tbh
Exactly, sounds like the made the basing of a fantastic world. They have the engine built now just create a good story around that world and fill it with content
Sony could probably buy them at a nice price after this game.
Lol same shit.
So add 1.0 for being sony exclusive. 7.7 not bad at all
will eventually get
KingFire said:Uhm...Are you sure you are talking about the correct forums?
Lol. It's getting battered. Not quite what I would have expected based on the 30+ GAFer impressions, but it could just be DriveClub all over again. Sales of this game should be interesting.
Yup they need to make a lot of money back.
They are still 3rd party right?
65 on Metacritic right now, almost approaching Ryse. Seems the games media hate the whole 'cinematic' 'qte' 'linear' thing anymore.
If I was a reviewer there is a great pun opportunity in there...
Anyone who pre ordered the Order should... 86 their order.
Dude, lighten this is some serious fanboy gamefaqs esque BS.
It's equally ridiculous though to look at these reviews and make the "no integrity" claim.What? There's a world of difference between saying "No integrity" and "conspiracy".
How about keep making the best franchise ever existed. It´s nowhere near done.
Feel sorry for RAD - there's obviously a lot of talent over there. Wouldn't be surprised if the studio doesn't survive this.
That's a really tough question.
I still buy and play a LOT of retro games and many of those games are quite short yet I'm stilling paying pretty good money for them. I also have very fond memories of various single player PS2 games that were equally short. I mean, stuff like Mark of Kri, The Bouncer, Silent Hill 3, Onimusha, etc are all of similar length but I really enjoyed them and, outside of Kri, they really don't PLAY that well. The Order feels like one of those games.
I appreciate those types of experiences before leveling up, multiplayer, and other modern features were forced into the game. It feels simple and pure in a way.
I also realize that it's kind of just me and most people DO like those modern flourishes and features that I feel just pad out games and keep me from finishing them. It's a weird situation indeed.
See, I told you they should have just made a God of War game for Vita.
its one disappointment after another for these tentpole games of next generation yikes
How about keep making the best franchise ever existed. It´s nowhere near done.
I see 63Currently 65 on Metacritic.
I always wonder why so many developer's aspirations amount to little more than how closely they can emulate being a movie while tangentially being mildly interactive. Like, why not be a director or something? Gameplay mechanics are kind of important, and it just seemed like the plot was some C movie affair to begin with. Had potential but only if the action gameplay tied it together nicely.
I'll be honest, while I see its flaws clearly, I really enjoyed The Order. It was a brief but satisfying experience. After failing to get more than 20% of the way through various sandbox games in the past few months it was actually refreshing.