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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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The Verge:

Open-world games aren't going anywhere, and I don't want them to, but The Order is proof that there's still a place for linear, cinematic gaming experiences. It may look like a modern game, but The Order is a throwback to some of the best releases from the PlayStation 2: games that didn’t need a massive world to tell a cool story. It turns out I really missed that.


Yup, just what everyone expected. Actually I said 76 metacritic, but this seems like a legit bad game at 67 metacritic right now.

Something was in the soup of this game from the get go, which is why previews were so dour all the time. Visually stunning game, maybe decent foundation going forward, so let's hope RAD gets a second chance to maybe improve their craft. Merely trying to poorly emulate being a movie with mediocre third person mechanics shoved in there is not the way to go.

Uhm...Are you sure you are talking about the correct forums?


Wow, I didn't expect this. I just managed to cancel my pre-order at the last minute. Not going to take a risk and pay 60€ for this. I learned my lesson with Destiny. Will get a used copy eventually if only because of the graphics (and of course, the game might turn out to be decent too...).

So reviewers are saying basically the same things as naysayers from day 1? :(

Actual current-gen PS4 exclusives have not fully delivered, it seems. (Well, there's Second Son, so there's that.)


I always wonder why so many developer's aspirations amount to little more than how closely they can emulate being a movie while tangentially being mildly interactive. Like, why not be a director or something? Gameplay mechanics are kind of important, and it just seemed like the plot was some C movie affair to begin with. Had potential but only if the action gameplay tied it together nicely.

KingFire said:
Uhm...Are you sure you are talking about the correct forums?

Yes. It's pretty broad consensus behavior for this entire year regarding The Order: 1886, in which mediocre showing after mediocre showing led people to believe something was wrong with the game development. That's why Order threads have consistently been unusually extra negative. Because something was probably a little wrong.
Lol. It's getting battered. Not quite what I would have expected based on the 30+ GAFer impressions, but it could just be DriveClub all over again. Sales of this game should be interesting.

30+ GAFers who were blinded by hype.

This is a perfect example of why hype trains are dumb.


I've yet to play it, but from what I've read in the impressions thread from people who have finished anything sub 5/10 seems ridiculous. That should be reserved for broken piece of shit games, which again this one is not.


the metro review really tears it a new one

Feel sorry for RAD - there's obviously a lot of talent over there. Wouldn't be surprised if the studio doesn't survive this.

Sales will determine their fate, not scores. Although they do have some correlation.

How did Santa Monica let this happen? Weren't they supposed to be providing some guidance or structure? What a waste of a great concept. I really hope they get another chance.
That's a really tough question.

I still buy and play a LOT of retro games and many of those games are quite short yet I'm stilling paying pretty good money for them. I also have very fond memories of various single player PS2 games that were equally short. I mean, stuff like Mark of Kri, The Bouncer, Silent Hill 3, Onimusha, etc are all of similar length but I really enjoyed them and, outside of Kri, they really don't PLAY that well. The Order feels like one of those games.

I appreciate those types of experiences before leveling up, multiplayer, and other modern features were forced into the game. It feels simple and pure in a way.

I also realize that it's kind of just me and most people DO like those modern flourishes and features that I feel just pad out games and keep me from finishing them. It's a weird situation indeed.

Your thoughts and feelings echo mine heavily (levelling up, multiplayer, over expansive UIs). Looks like I'll have to be a bit more open minded towards this game than I was being before dismissing it completely.


This game could get all 2's and I would still buy it, only opinion that matters is my own, only thing stopping me from picking it up is if those 'new' 3ds magically appear back on shelves


Getting quite hammered there. My copy is in transit already so too late to cancel it, but I think I knew what I was getting myself into, so doubt I'll end up too disappointed. Still, too bad RaD didn't manage to nail it the first time around.


I expected 7s and 8s based on my playthrough, maybe some 6s. Didn't expect it to be this bad, but hopefully RAD takes the criticism to heart and learns from this.

Although the combat in terms of gun play and creative weapons were a highlight, I noted that combat encounters were fairly standard.

I dropped my play session at the beginning of chapter 10 and now I'm really curious to see how the story was resolved because I was engaged up until that point.

Best of luck to rad moving forward.


Well, I've been playing for 2 days now and It's definitely my cup of tea; I don't see why a game would need online and upgrades and collectibles to get good scores. But then again, big budget old-school titles don't have their place anymore since that kind of reviews have been happening before with Knack & Driveclub (two games I truly enjoy).

Or am I getting too old?


i stil think this will do well sales wise. even if it critically will not. i'm still excited to play it personally. but then the common complaint i'm reading of it being more of the same uncharted style cinematic entertainment is about as far from a nagative as you could get for me. i know what i'm getting into, it's the reason i'm excited.


I always wonder why so many developer's aspirations amount to little more than how closely they can emulate being a movie while tangentially being mildly interactive. Like, why not be a director or something? Gameplay mechanics are kind of important, and it just seemed like the plot was some C movie affair to begin with. Had potential but only if the action gameplay tied it together nicely.

I don't get it either. People like that always seem to be in the wrong industry.


No matter how beautifully you wrap your game in graphics, it wont matter if the gameplay isn't there.. I know it's obvious but I guess some developers need to be reminded again. Hoping RAD will learn from this.
So what I thought, a pretty but dull game,was expecting it to score a little higher though. I hope they get a second chance, I really like the idea of the universe they've built.


Kind of expected that. Third-person cover-shooter with no multiplayer despite having constant AI partners? That's really, really bad game design. That's not even acceptable for 2006 standards. And the campaign length? Toppest kek of all keks. 5.5 hours singleplayer only and they want 60 dollars? Not from my wallet at least. Will not pay more than $10 for this game.


It's a shame but I was some what expecting it but definitely not that low. Maybe they should've made it man against beast like the way the very first trailer made it look like it would be. What a shame.
I'll be honest, while I see its flaws clearly, I really enjoyed The Order. It was a brief but satisfying experience. After failing to get more than 20% of the way through various sandbox games in the past few months it was actually refreshing.

I agree with this. I don't see why people take it so personally when the game isn't designed for them. Do people really feel that entitled? I think the Transformer films are utter crap, but I don't assert that they shouldnt be made...
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