Gears of War was one of the best games of last generation.
However, The Order obviously isn't worthy of the comparison.
What? Thats an incredibly bizarre way of thinking.
65 on Metacritic right now, almost approaching Ryse. Seems the games media hate the whole 'cinematic' 'qte' 'linear' thing anymore.
I understand that they hated it and all...... but this is not the way to go.
Very unprofessional but knowing their history, I am not surprised.
Sony exclusives are straight asscheeks. They're lucky people are buying it for third party games and naughty dog cuz this is getting fucking embarrassing
I always wonder why so many developer's aspirations amount to little more than how closely they can emulate being a movie while tangentially being mildly interactive. Like, why not be a director or something? Gameplay mechanics are kind of important, and it just seemed like the plot was some C movie affair to begin with. Had potential but only if the action gameplay tied it together nicely.
The reviews this generation aren't as generous as last.
People are desperate to be the 'owners' of legendary threads, I guess.
It's equally ridiculous though to look at these reviews and make the "no integrity" claim.
What about all those people on GAF taking over 12 hours to finish the game.
*Shenmue and Indigo Prophecy, and it should've stopped there.Another lesson to be learned- use quicktime events fucking sparingly if at all. They were a cool little gimmick when God of War* and RE4* did it a decade ago. Now they've overstayed their welcome.
That's a weird reasoning if I ever saw one.So add 1.0 for being sony exclusive. 7.7 not bad at all
will eventually get
Feel sorry for RAD - there's obviously a lot of talent over there. Wouldn't be surprised if the studio doesn't survive this.
Seriously I love my PS4 but I'm dissapointed in Sony first party games released right now..
6's? I expected more 7's tbh.
This generation of reviews are getting better.
Disappointment? Tentpole game? This game has had mixed press and reactions since its very first unveil.
Well now this in hindsight makes for entertaining reading.
Eurogamer - Why you might not want to pre-order The Order: 1886
Kudos once again to Eurogamer.
If it does have to be eviscerated, I hope that's how it happens lol. I can definitely live with that.Expected.
RAD isn't part of Sony (officially anyway), but i guess this will make any future acquisitions hard to justify.
Now it's bloodborne's turn next to get eviscerated. Even though that i think will be a great game, it will be destroyed just for the sake of being too similar to the other souls games i think
30+ GAFers who were blinded by hype.
This is a perfect example of why hype trains are dumb.
Poor reviews haven't stopped other games. Look at Drive Club - if they bundle it, it will sell in huge numbers,
Until Dawn will get 1's and 2's then.![]()
Holly damn!! Avarage 63? I wasnt expecting that low.
I bet the lack of efforts to give it any replay value is one of the main reasons though.
65 on Metacritic right now, almost approaching Ryse. Seems the games media hate the whole 'cinematic' 'qte' 'linear' thing anymore.
I would be interested in hearing what separates this game from Uncharted in the minds of reviewers. Like, not that I don't believe the game isn't great, but a lot of these criticisms sound a lot like something I could levy towards Uncharted. I'd be curious to hear what people feel like the difference is, or what line between the two The Order crossed that made it take a trip to suck town.
30+ GAFers who were blinded by hype.
This is a perfect example of why hype trains are dumb.
All it needed was Multiplayer and everyone would of shut up.
Hopefully there working on that now the game is done and add it as stand alone DLC.
So add 1.0 for being sony exclusive. 7.7 not bad at all
will eventually get
Until Dawn will get 1's and 2's then.![]()
What gameplay does cut it then?Gears of War was a product of it's time - that kind of gameplay just won't cut it anymore.
Well, I've been playing for 2 days now and It's definitely my cup of tea; I don't see why a game would need online and upgrades and collectibles to get good scores. But then again, big budget old-school titles don't have their place anymore since that kind of reviews have been happening before with Knack & Driveclub (two games I truly enjoy).
Or am I getting too old?