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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Welp, at least I only paid $3 for it. The question now is, does Sony go totally radio silent like it did with Driveclub after those reviews hit? Will we only get updates from Ready at Dawn's facebook page?


PS4's ryse? Was hoping for something good before bloodborne. I'll pick it up when its cheaper.

Ah well at least mosnter hunters keeping me busy.


Holly damn!! Avarage 63? I wasnt expecting that low.

I bet the lack of efforts to give it any replay value is one of the main reasons though.


Junior Member
I understand that they hated it and all...... but this is not the way to go.

Very unprofessional but knowing their history, I am not surprised.

The Videogamer.com guys aren't exactly professional...and that's a good thing. They're not pretending to be anything they're not, and that image is amusing even if you like the game or not.


I always wonder why so many developer's aspirations amount to little more than how closely they can emulate being a movie while tangentially being mildly interactive. Like, why not be a director or something? Gameplay mechanics are kind of important, and it just seemed like the plot was some C movie affair to begin with. Had potential but only if the action gameplay tied it together nicely.

Because there's room in video games for all sorts of stuff.

It just sounds like they whiffed hard.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.





Unconfirmed Member
It's equally ridiculous though to look at these reviews and make the "no integrity" claim.

No it fucking isn't given the history of game reviews. So you're going to tell me now that all of a sudden there are no issues with the way reviewers flip flop what are important issues in one game but not another, and that all of a sudden they're the gold standard?


What about all those people on GAF taking over 12 hours to finish the game.

You mean those guys deeply invested in the game ever since the first reveal?

Another lesson to be learned- use quicktime events fucking sparingly if at all. They were a cool little gimmick when God of War* and RE4* did it a decade ago. Now they've overstayed their welcome.
*Shenmue and Indigo Prophecy, and it should've stopped there.

So add 1.0 for being sony exclusive. 7.7 not bad at all

will eventually get
That's a weird reasoning if I ever saw one.
Disappointment? Tentpole game? This game has had mixed press and reactions since its very first unveil.

Doesn't mean that Sony wasn't pushing it as much as possible.

That this is all happening after it got delayed by several months only makes it look worse. I can't imagine how it would've turned out had they actually forced the game out last Christmas.

RAD isn't part of Sony (officially anyway), but i guess this will make any future acquisitions hard to justify.

Now it's bloodborne's turn next to get eviscerated. Even though that i think will be a great game, it will be destroyed just for the sake of being too similar to the other souls games i think
If it does have to be eviscerated, I hope that's how it happens lol. I can definitely live with that.

I wonder if these bad scores will translate into bad sales?

E92 M3

Unfortunately, I am not surprised. Mentioned this in the very first thread for the gameplay reveal. It was obvious this game had no substance. I truly appreciate single player experiences, but they need to be done right. Graphics should be the last focus.


30+ GAFers who were blinded by hype.

This is a perfect example of why hype trains are dumb.

Bollocks they all were. This is like those posts claiming they were all lying about or wrong about their play times. Maybe the truth is many of us just have different tastes?


Unconfirmed Member
I'm still looking forward to it. Got it super cheap which obviously softens the blow of being such a short game, but in any case I'm a sucker for tight, linear action games.
Man, this game is taking a beating. I'm still getting it tomorrow, and I'm excited for it too. I'm going to form my own opinion on it once I play it.


Wow, 4/10 from Metro is damning. That's one of the most reliable outlets out there.

65 on Metacritic right now, almost approaching Ryse. Seems the games media hate the whole 'cinematic' 'qte' 'linear' thing anymore.

Don't try to cynically write their opinions off. It's a shoddy gears clone with unskippable cutscenes taking up 40% of the game. It wasn't exactly going to get showered in love.


I have to say some review scores do seem to be harsher than usual compared to some of the more broken and buggy games from previous years . Some of them do have a feeling to trying to prove a point.


4/10's? Huh? Guess I need to read those reviews because that score makes it sound like it's pretty broken. That's the scores AC Unity and The Master Chief Collection should have received.


Not surprised by these scores at all. Every glimpse of the game that we got leading up to release showcased nothing but boring mediocrity. I hope that this game doesn't sell well. Poor sales would send a clear message that this is not the type of experience that people want from games.
I would be interested in hearing what separates this game from Uncharted in the minds of reviewers. Like, not that I don't believe the game isn't great, but a lot of these criticisms sound a lot like something I could levy towards Uncharted. I'd be curious to hear what people feel like the difference is, or what line between the two The Order crossed that made it take a trip to suck town.

What I love about Uncharted is that it has a lot of set pieces, but you get to actually play out through those set pieces, and it is more than just button prompts here and there.

There is a lot of platforming, and using your wits to solve puzzles.
Now I haven't played The Order yet, but from what I have read, and seen, there doesn't seem to be a lot of platforming at all, it has way more cut scenes than Uncharted, and a lot more QTEs to do stuff than UC as well, so I guess that is the difference there.


30+ GAFers who were blinded by hype.

This is a perfect example of why hype trains are dumb.

I wonder if people even realise their gigantic confirmation bias when it comes to this. I've already seen a few posters in the impressions thread who were getting hyped from GAF impressions come in here and basically say "reviews don't matter", heh.


Well, I've been playing for 2 days now and It's definitely my cup of tea; I don't see why a game would need online and upgrades and collectibles to get good scores. But then again, big budget old-school titles don't have their place anymore since that kind of reviews have been happening before with Knack & Driveclub (two games I truly enjoy).

Or am I getting too old?

What is old school about The Order? Modern AAA tropes encompass the design entirely.
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