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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Kinda lower than what I expected. Curious to play it tomorrow and see for myself. Getting it with a discount, so it's not so bad.

Wondering where RaD go from now... They got the engine and maybe could make some great things with it, but after this I don't think Sony will give them much choice.


Metascore update


Score keeps jumping, but 63 seems to be most recent going by amount of reviews.


With rumblings of The Order being an anthology franchise, changing setting and characters each game, I think RAD should just scrap it and comeback with something fresh using their incredibly gorgeous engine and all the feedback they're getting.
65 on Metacritic right now, almost approaching Ryse. Seems the games media hate the whole 'cinematic' 'qte' 'linear' thing anymore.

No, I think you're not quite hitting the mark there.
The media loves cinematic stuff, and it is a good thing - the media are hating on shitty, derivative gameplay. A game that has a cinematic focus, and even QTE, with non-linear, inventive gameplay would fair much better.
The cinematic angle isn't the issue, it's the rest.


Bollocks they all were. This is like those posts claiming they were all lying about or wrong about their play times. Maybe the truth is many of us just have different tastes?
There's is a hype/self-selecion bias. That's why OTs are generally positive.


Well, I've been playing for 2 days now and It's definitely my cup of tea; I don't see why a game would need online and upgrades and collectibles to get good scores. But then again, big budget old-school titles don't have their place anymore since that kind of reviews have been happening before with Knack & Driveclub (two games I truly enjoy).

Or am I getting too old?

i think you're enjoying games for what they are and not critisizing them for what they're not. i think it's a good way to be tbh.
30+ GAFers who were blinded by hype.

This is a perfect example of why hype trains are dumb.

It can go either way some games that gaf dislike go on to sell millions .
Not saying this is one of them but gaf sometimes has a huge disconnect from the gaming world in the whole.
People will always hype stuff no matter how it turns out .
Pretty much what I expected.

It would be a good game for $25, but definately not $60.

These QTE games need to stop or at least be reclassified so developers don't get away with what amounts to false advertising/ bait and switch.
Didnt a ton of people on GAf claim 12+ hours easily and now reviews indicate the opposite?

What happened there?

Something like 7-8 hours doesnt sound bad if the story is good. Id love a cinematic game with a great story in this style. But from what ive been reading all morning....it isnt a good story at all


so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...
Haven't played it, nor do I really care about The Order.

Although I really like that more and more review sites tend to use the entire scale of their rating system I don't really understand how this apparently "functioning" game can still get lower scores than broken ones.

Is it that bad that a broken game is still more fun than this?
From Sterling's review (which is another great piece, best in the business):

The Order is a somewhat fitting name for the game – its sense of order is strict and unyielding, while the player is expected to follow its commands to the letter. Like so many games these days, it’s more interested in playing you than allowing you to play it.

That might be the most important point to anyone on the fence.


Lol. It's getting battered. Not quite what I would have expected based on the 30+ GAFer impressions, but it could just be DriveClub all over again. Sales of this game should be interesting.

It is Driveclub all over again and it was predictable. If you have any faith in gaf, give this game a shot. My personal rating, for what is worth, is a solid 80: the game knows its goal and it does a good job to achieve it. As often happens, especially with Sony exclusives, we have sparse numbers in a wide range like 5 - 9 which tells me the absolute nothing.


Wow...I feel sorry for RAD, just tuned in to these reviews. I was expecting higher

Im sure they will learn from this experience and improve


Yes. It's pretty broad consensus behavior for this entire year regarding The Order: 1886, in which mediocre showing after mediocre showing led people to believe something was wrong with the game development. That's why Order threads have consistently been unusually extra negative. Because something was probably a little wrong.

Except a lot of recent marketing and impressions had people doing a 180 in recent threads and become more interested and positive. It wasn't until the impressions and early reviews that hope sank. The original mediocre views largely stopped in the past 3 or so months though.

Early previews left me unimpressed, recently I dug the concept more. Disappointed it's turned out as it has, but I'm still getting it. Hope to enjoy it, we shall see!

4/10 used to mean a game that was fundamentally broken.

Yeah, this is what I have issues with the most. Not liking it is fine, but if it's functional and well optimized that seems low. Shows why number scores are largely irrelevant.


Predictable, but still disappointing.

No way I'll pick this up at full price. And I was actually looking forward to a good single player campaign. Maybe I'll buy Tomb Raider (on sale) instead.


Looks like I'll pick this up when it's a free PS+ title. Really glad my hype waned rather quickly after the reveal trailer.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
even though I have the Vita, I think this game would sell more than that
But more people would have been happy and Ready At Dawn would still be looked at fondly. Their reputation has taken a serious hit here. Another good portable GOW would have been better for them and more importantly us.


I agree with this. I don't see why people take it so personally when the game isn't designed for them. Do people really feel that entitled? I think the Transformer films are utter crap, but I don't assert that they shouldnt be made...

It doesn't cost $60 to get into a Transformers movie.

It sounds like this is worth a rental or waiting for the inevitable PS+ free copy in a year, but what content is there isn't great enough to justify the price.


The Videogamer.com guys aren't exactly professional...and that's a good thing. They're not pretending to be anything they're not, and that image is amusing even if you like the game or not.

The VG guys are professional, their approach is simply tongue in cheek which I love.

You can taste the sale coming from the person moaning about the gif. I bet they wouldn't moan if it was a 6 reversing into a 9:)
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