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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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RAD isn't part of Sony (officially anyway), but i guess this will make any future acquisitions hard to justify.

Now it's bloodborne's turn next to get eviscerated. Even though that i think will be a great game, it will be destroyed just for the sake of being too similar to the other souls games i think

People are in danial. But honestly, I could not expect a 63 avarage in MC, but I as expcecting something between 7 and 8 at least. Its too linear, 0 (zero) replay value, and quite a short of a campaing.

Remember Uncharted 1? It was a SP only TPS game, but it has unlockable difficulties and much more gameplay. Still, Uncharted 2 and 3 both had online modes and unlockables (I'm not sure if U1 had unlockables).

Gears of War also had more replay value. And it had co-op, and competitive multiplayer mode aswell.

So I don't think this game is suffering from a big injustice. It just clearly doesnt offer the same as the top AAA TPSs out there... I'm sure Uncharted 4 will NOT suffer the same destiny if they keep the series qualities.

Bloodborne also may have good scores.
Seriously I love my PS4 but I'm dissapointed in Sony first party games released right now..

The Order isn't 1st party, but yeah, not a great start this gen.
I am sure they will get things rolling though once games like UC4, Tearaway, and GoW start to roll out....

1st Party
-Knack [54]
-Driveclub [71]
-Infamous SS [80]
-MLB [83]
-Killzone SF [73]

( 72 average metacritic score)

2nd Party
-LBP 3 [79]
-The Order 1886 [63]
-Bloodborne (coming soon)

(71 average metacritic score)


Can't unsee now
Bull's dick is an actual delicacy in many part of Asia
Why do people think Bloodborne is gonna make up for this steaming shit? That game could suck also.

With Miyazaki on board? With all of that pre-release stuffs we've seen today?

Even DS2, the worst Souls game in my opinion, is still a very solid and good game


The Order isn't 1st party, but yeah, not a great start this gen.
I am sure they will get things rolling though once games like UC4, Tearaway, and GoW start to roll out....

1st Party
-Knack [54]
-Driveclub [71]
-Infamous SS [80]
-MLB [83]
-Killzone SF [73]

( 72 average metacritic score)

2nd Party
-LBP 3 [79]
-The Order 1886 [63]
-Bloodborne (coming soon)

(71 average metacritic score)

All of those are Sony ip's.
I loved the QTEs in RE4. I think it's all about how you implement them. You can do QTEs while still making the game feel responsive.
Though I agree that some devs use them too much, and don't even seem to think about how the sequence could be made actually playable.

Yeah totally agree, everything depends on how it's implemented. I see it more like a reward than a central gameplay mechanic. In RE4 (and God of War) it was absolutely great but in a game like The Order from what I saw, it was almost outrageous.


Still, as funny as it is making fun of fanboys , it's critics laughing at the expense of creators.

RAD is getting lambasted for a misguided although artistically brilliant game, having their efforts antagonized (4/10) while lesser games get comparatively given a free pass.

It doesn't seem fair.

You wut m8?
I can deal with SHORT
I can deal with LINEAR
I can deal with CUTSCENES
I can deal with NO MP

I can not deal with QTEs

Has ANYONE ever liked them? Almost every review lists it as a "CON" or "-".
You never see "Awesome QTEs", "Tension Filled QTEs", "Good Use Of QTEs"
lol this is so true. QTEs are always fucking garbage and I have never seen anyone long for them.


Damn, the setting had so much promise. I might rent the game out sometime down the line. I just can't justify spending 60 dollars on such a short game.

Demon Ice

Damn, getting wrecked :/ still getting it but I really hope RAD focuses more on gameplay and story for the next one now that the graphics engine is up and running. The setting and lore seem like they have so much potential.


I mean this generation just seems like one big disappointment after another.

I know that's a generalization but it's still really sad.
RYSE is bigger, longer, has less repetitive sections, better story, better story telling and not filled to the brim with cutscenes... Don't bring RYSE down to this games level.

Oh it also had Multiplayer and was a launch title.

Ryse better storytelling and longer? Come on I finished Ryse in 5 hours in one sitting less then a month ago and can't even remember what happened.

The Order isn't 1st party, but yeah, not a great start this gen.
I am sure they will get things rolling though once games like UC4, Tearaway, and GoW start to roll out....

1st Party
-Knack [54]
-Driveclub [71]
-Infamous SS [80]
-MLB [83]
-Killzone SF [73]

( 72 average metacritic score)

2nd Party
-LBP 3 [79]
-The Order 1886 [63]
-Bloodborne (coming soon)

(71 average metacritic score)

Yeah, Yoshida doesn't seem to know how to manage Sony's studio, ND is making great game because they basically do what they want. He also closed Liverpool Studio and Zipper Interactive...


Ryse got shat on by reviewers and I loved it. I'm sure many people will enjoy this game regardless of what some sites decide to score it. Probably best to wait for some impressions from gaffers if people are very cautious.

I wouldn't trust game reviewers to tell me the time of day. I'll wait for things to die down a bit and see what info I can glean from players on here. I could see myself getting this on the strength of graphics alone. It's not like there's much choice going around if you're looking for a new gen showpiece.


I really feel for Ready at Dawn, I'm hoping for at least enough sales to allow them another shot. Sadly I will not be one of those sales because I can forgive a lot of the weaknesses that this game supposedly has (I actually prefer shorter games) but after reading multiple reviews the story just doesn't sound engaging.


Still, as funny as it is making fun of fanboys , it's critics laughing at the expense of creators.

RAD is getting lambasted for a misguided although artistically brilliant game, having their efforts antagonized (4/10) while lesser games get comparatively given a free pass.

It doesn't seem fair.
I'll take a technically flawed but fun game over a technically perfect, but dull game anyday.


It served a purpose in RE4. You were always on edge, even when you were watching a scene play.

In The Order: 1886, from what I've seen, it's much more "I guess we have to let the player do something. Fuck, alright, tap this button player. Well done. Ok, keep watching".
True, it can certainly get annoying when they're overused. I always greatly appreciate when devs can make a "cinematic" scene while still giving the player control. Like when the house in Uncharted 2 collapses for example.

Why do people think Bloodborne is gonna make up for this steaming shit? That game could suck also.
I believe at worst Bloodborne is going to be "just" good. From Software has the Souls gameplay down by now. I can't really imagine them messing it up.
Why do people think Bloodborne is gonna make up for this steaming shit? That game could suck also.

I'm doubting it. It has enough roots in souls that it would be hard for it to fail. They're more open to showing the game and haven't plugged cinematic gaming at all, people have positive hands on of the game as well.
Expected results in my opinion. Gorgeous game with little to no depth. Doesn't mean I won't at least give it a try when the price drops. I love the setting and I can at least enjoy the eye candy while it lasts.

Some here are making it their mission to either live or die by this game. I feel like it constantly needs to be said that gaming is a hobby and the fact that people are this fervent and mean over a simple game is really appalling.

Shame on a lot of you.
I'm still really curious about the game, so I'll eventually get around to playing it. But what's going on with Sony's first party games? It's unfortunate.


my biggest concern is that the developers unashamedly said they were focusing on story first - and I'm fine with that (unlike many but I don't care). But the reviews have often said that even the story is dull.

So while I hope RaD get the chance to make a follow up, taking advantage of having the engine etc in place so they can put more effort into the gameplay etc - I am wary if they'll be able to deliver when they appear to have not done that well on the area they've focused

Still looking forward to playing it though. Never really understood why levelling up your gun made sense.


Still, as funny as it is making fun of fanboys , it's critics laughing at the expense of creators.

RAD is getting lambasted for a misguided although artistically brilliant game, having their efforts antagonized (4/10) while lesser games get comparatively given a free pass.

It doesn't seem fair.

The Order hype man himself. No ones efforts are being "anatagonised", come on the game is what it is and the scores are very conclusive and all reviews have the same problems with it.


Everything has to be fetch quests and open world, throw in a half assed rpg system and you got this gens AAA game.
I don't know why this argument keeps being brought up. Read the actual text of the reviews that bring up the uninspired level and combat design and barely functional AI. None of that has to do with modern progression systems, just being a bad game.



It has been stated by Ready at Dawn CEO Ru Weerasuriya that The Order: 1886 has been in active development since 2010

5 fucking years for this?

greatness? what greatness? for being such a high profile game, this is misery.

Like someone has mentioned ITT, Sony needs to reevaluate how they greenlight games.

Shame on you RAD.

And no, I'm not an Internet bully. Your game is shit. As simple as that.

So you've played the game?


Driveclub is actually a phenomenal game, one of the best racing titles of the last decade, and many critics just outright got it wrong and I could articulate why that was point by point. They were mad lazy reviewing Driveclub. It deserved to be critiqued for the online functionality issues, but other than that the foundation and content in-game was amazing for the simcade genre.

This doesn't seem to be a similar issue. There really does just seem to be like a profoundly mediocre product underneath all that pomp. Naughty Dog definitely has a competitor for most technically competent developer now, but at what cost did that come? Maybe the next Order will be as great a leap in quality as Uncharted 2 was to Uncharted 1.

The mediocrity in this instance though, very similar to the things DriveClub was criticised for, focuses a lot on the lack of player control, linearity, lack of upgrades etc. In that sense, your opinion might differ greatly to some of these reviews, in the same way it did for DriveClub.


Unfortunately, both DriveClub and The Order actually hearken back to older times. They feel like experiences one might have had on the PS2 with cutting edge visuals. I actually really like that about them and have enjoyed them quite a bit. They actually almost feel out of place in 2014/2015 in that sense.

I feel kind of sad knowing that these games will be viewed as failures and will likely put a dead stop to this type of design.

Interestingly, I also lump Alien Isolation and The Evil Within in with these games. These are types of experiences I want these days. The Evil Within was shredded as well and suffered from annoying technical faults while Alien has a pretty limited fan base as well. It has occurred to me that I'm not really in line with what's popular these days. :\

What are these sub-10 hour PS2 games with over two hours of cutscenes that you were playing? I can't think of anything like that besides MGS.

There are a lot of things you could call The Order, but a throwback is one of the last things I'd think of. The design decisions are very much based on mid-late gen PS3 titles like Uncharted 2 taken in an even more cinematic direction.


If you have the money then your choice but you have been warned now that the game is not very good.

But how does he know if it is good or not until he has played it? people have different opinions don't they? It's what I don't get with some people (not on about the people that were on the fence or disliked the game in the first place), they are all up for it one minute then just because some random reviews it low they cancel it. I get why the review scores are low as this game won't be for every one, but I am still getting this.


sparkle this bitch
Why do people think Bloodborne is gonna make up for this steaming shit? That game could suck also.

One comes from a proven team with original ideas and have show the ability to execute them for years. Between Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Armoured Core, Otogi, Lost Kingdoms, Chromehounds, and more. What they lacked was funding.

The other comes from a team who has never done an original and been given creative freedom for the first time with an obscenely large budget.

What we have right now is PS4's Heavenly Sword.
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