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The Return of the King - Official Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Thread


kobashi100 said:
anybody who thinks PES 2009 has better overall graphics than FIFA 09 needs there head testing. Yeah some of the faces are better, thats about it though. The overall graphics in FIFA are way better. Also I play with high camera view so faces not such a big deal for me. EA are improving though in that department. FIFA 09 faces look much better than FIFA 08.


dermannmitdemcolt said:
But they're known for their shitty reviews. This review in particular is a joke.

so far every review rates PES2009 better than FIFA2009... I guess many mags have agendas, eh?

why dont you and few others tell us what reviews to read, so we dont get confused.



kobashi100 said:
anybody who thinks PES 2009 has better overall graphics than FIFA 09 needs there head testing. Yeah some of the faces are better, thats about it though. The overall graphics in FIFA are way better. Also I play with high camera view so faces not such a big deal for me. EA are improving though in that department. FIFA 09 faces look much better than FIFA 08.
I dunno about better graphics but I most defiantly prefer Pes's graphics to Fifa's. On Fifa all the stadiums are way too dark the grass looks like velvet carpet and the players all look like Cavemen with saggy jerseys and tiny ass numbers.


mauaus said:
whats the best place to import this gem?

I would like to know as well. I know that HMV has international shipping, but if there are cheaper/better alternatives, please share by all means. Thanks.


spwolf said:
so far every review rates PES2009 better than FIFA2009... I guess many mags have agendas, eh?

why dont you and few others tell us what reviews to read, so we dont get confused.


I wouldn't trust em' as far as I could throw them, especially when most of these piss-poor publications rated PES2008 highly and look how that piece of shit turned out.

It seems everyone is still content with the same old shit, not me though, in anycase a decent set of impressions from TSH over at RLLMUK's initial thoughts;
Ok, here it goes.

I played PES 2009 (review copy, top player difficulty) for about 4 hours today on PS3. What follows are the initial impressions of the game, mainly about the gameplay because I didn't have much time to play with the various modes and competitions.

First and foremost: PES09 runs like a dream on PS3. I can't remember the last PES I enjoyed with no slowdown at all (I think it was FE on the Cube) but this one certainly runs like it should. There was no drop in the frame rate in any situation I encountered. No slowdown in areas when too many players are gathered, no slowdown in the midfield, no hiccups when the ball crosses the line, etc. There is no noticeable slowdown in replays either. I tested it in wide camera and in traditionally "slowdown" stadiums, with one and two players co-op and vs, with bad and good weather, day and night. The game is rock solid in that department.

Graphics: There are some improvements but nothing too great and certainly nothing that matches FIFA09. Some players seem better designed than others (like always) and pitch textures are a little improved. Rain effects are very well done and the lighting changes convincingly in the various stadiums and conditions. It's all very subtle but distinguishable. Animation is more organic than PES08 but the players still seem stiff when they run, again not in par with FIFA09. There are some new animations like players intercepting the ball by stretching their legs or controlling it with a small header but all in all nothing major. If you don't have many expectations (and frankly who has with PES) you will not be disappointed or blown away either.

Sound: Still shit. Commentary and general atmosphere are still shit with the same old chants and fx. There are some new pain sounds when a player is tackled too hard and the crowd seems a little more alive but nothing major. There is also a small delay when you score before the crowd goes wild (which is idiotic) but I'll have to test it more to be sure.

Licensing: Same old shit. Very few teams are licensed. Some stadiums have their right names and there is the inclusion of the Wembley which is impressive.

Champions League: The music and the flag waving is there. All matches are done at night and it starts at the group phase. There are home and away games (you can change that if you want to) but I didn't have time to play past the groups to see if the rules apply properly (hopefully I will know more tomorrow). The game has no concept of seeding and it randomly places teams on groups. My impression was that it picks amongst the ones which are licensed (hence the "CL with 32 licensed teams" Konami tagline) because Arsenal or Chelsea were not automatically picked. You can create your own groups of course but the mechanism for doing so is cumbersome (when you pick a team to be replaced it brings a rotating menu in front of you to pick the team you want to enter but there is no way of knowing if the team is already picked. Lots of looking to the groups to see if the team you want is there or not. Also, there are no names under the teams at this phase, just logos, which makes it more time consuming). As far as the rest it plays like any other competition with stats, rankings, etc. I did not have time to verify if it is integrated in the ML but it has been confirmed by the OPM that it's not.

Master League: I didn't have the time to see it but with CL not being integrated it remains pretty much the same boring stuff.

Gameplay: Now this is where things get interesting.

First and foremost: Konami has integrated the stupid mechanism of having to press L1 to change to the player who receives the ball. If you do not press L1 then the player who receives the pass is controlled by the AI until you press L1. This was done in order for us to be able to control the player w/o the ball s and make runs. Unfortunately I didn't understand what is the use of it since the AI does not do anything special by itself. There were few times that managed to pass me a good ball while most of the times it failed. In order for it to do something I had to initiate it before hand (like a 1-2 pass) which mainly makes this mechanism useless. Also, it is irritating and breaks the flow of play having to press L1 after each pass you make. True, this needs more testing in order for its usefulness to be revealed (if it has any) but to me it seemed like a stupid implementation. In addition, I hate not having control over my players and I feel it would be much more sensible to use the FIFA mechanism to create runs. Fortunately this can be turned off by using "semi-assist" in the cursor settings, thus returning the game to the state we all know.

The pace of the game is slower. Its speed seems to strike a balance between PES6 and PES08. This initially feels perfect but after a while players with great pace could not be distinguished very clearly. Still, extraordinary players like Messi or Ronaldo seemed to outpace others (though not with the expected ease). I fear for the appearance of the "catching up defenders" which I hoped Konami was smart enough to get rid of. Another area that needs more testing.

Dribbling is more difficult (but certainly not impossible) than last year which is a good thing. Passes are the same and crossing seems a little more random. Crossing in the box remains satisfying but shooting still feels out of the player's control in some cases, mostly in long shots. Still, there is power there and some beautiful shots were made. The slower pace makes the build up play more realistic (and important) and collision detection had more hits than misses. Defenders have more weight but I believe they need a little more to reach PES6 levels. Keepers have been slightly improved but they are not steady enough yet, not catching the ball in some easy shots. Last but not least the referees: they are strict and hard challenges automatically get a yellow. There were also two reds for a last defender foul. I am hoping this proves useful in online matches.

Initial impressions suggest that gameplay feels much improved than last year's but it is mainly more of the same old PES since the fundamental mechanics remain unchanged. This feels like an evolution from PES6 than a continuation from PES08.

And for those who care, the AI is still laughable.


Konami has integrated the stupid mechanism of having to press L1 to change to the player who receives the ball. If you do not press L1 then the player who receives the pass is controlled by the AI until you press L1. This was done in order for us to be able to control the player w/o the ball s and make runs.

Christ, at least make the right analogue stick make the second player controllable ala Fifa04, thank god this isn't integrated into Semi-auto. it would have drove me nuts.
Bleeders said:
I wouldn't trust em' as far as I could throw them, especially when most of these piss-poor publications rated PES2008 highly and look how that piece of shit turned out.

That could be said for a number of games throughout history. How many times do reviewers fall all over a game only to say it sucks months later? If people were to go back and review Pro Evo 2008, the scores would be much lower.


First and foremost: Konami has integrated the stupid mechanism of having to press L1 to change to the player who receives the ball. If you do not press L1 then the player who receives the pass is controlled by the AI until you press L1. This was done in order for us to be able to control the player w/o the ball s and make runs. Unfortunately I didn't understand what is the use of it since the AI does not do anything special by itself. There were few times that managed to pass me a good ball while most of the times it failed. In order for it to do something I had to initiate it before hand (like a 1-2 pass) which mainly makes this mechanism useless. Also, it is irritating and breaks the flow of play having to press L1 after each pass you make. True, this needs more testing in order for its usefulness to be revealed (if it has any) but to me it seemed like a stupid implementation. In addition, I hate not having control over my players and I feel it would be much more sensible to use the FIFA mechanism to create runs. Fortunately this can be turned off by using "semi-assist" in the cursor settings, thus returning the game to the state we all know.

What? That was there in PES2008. It's nothing new...


Bleeders said:
I wouldn't trust em' as far as I could throw them, especially when most of these piss-poor publications rated PES2008 highly and look how that piece of shit turned out.

It seems everyone is still content with the same old shit, not me though, in anycase a decent set of impressions from TSH over at RLLMUK's initial thoughts;

yeah, so we should listen to fifa fanboy shit instead of magazine shit



not to mention that he has been playing with assisted settings for changing players, and then complaining about it? lol.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Tried the demo. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have a looooong unskippable cutscene after playing a match??? Forcing us to watch it isn't going to sell us copies, and we already know more or less what's going to be in it. I hope to god it's skippable on the PS3. If not, this demo will not get much play.

Is Semi-assisted the same as manual player switching in the earlier PES? I always put the game on completely manual switch, but manual switch in this game is a very different beast, having to switch even when I recieve the ball. And what's the point of letting the computer controlling the player with the ball, when you can't even tell him to shoot/pass/forward/cross/etc? Am I missing something here? I really hope you can call for the ball and give him commands like in Be A Pro (or even Become A Legend).
Are we still restricted to 8 directions? Downloading the demo now, and I guess I'll use my Saturn pad if that's the case, screw using the 360 D-pad.


The Amiga Brotherhood
brain_stew said:
Are we still restricted to 8 directions? Downloading the demo now, and I guess I'll use my Saturn pad if that's the case, screw using the 360 D-pad.

When will people realize that even FIFA is restricted to 8 directions???


brain_stew said:
Are we still restricted to 8 directions? Downloading the demo now, and I guess I'll use my Saturn pad if that's the case, screw using the 360 D-pad.
Does the PS2 version of PES 2008 feature 8 way directions? Because it doesn't seem like it.


If you go to the settings.exe and tick "nullify movie playback". You don't have to worry about the movies anymore.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Yeah, I found out that eventually. Still a bit stupid to make the video unskippable though. I really hope you can turn off this video in the PS3 version as well.


shaft said:
Is there a possibility to track all the games you played with your friends and get stats from that? I remember the ps2 version last year had such a mode..

well it wasnt in PES08 for PS3... I wish they did that... that would be so full of win. We would not have to bicker around the office who won more anymore...
Blablurn said:
tomorrow is THE day! looking forward to the demo. hopefully it's not based on the old GC build.

Looking forward to it, also. Luckily I made a Euro PSN account a few weeks ago specifically for the PES demo, because I knew it wouldn't make it to the US store for who knows how long.


Gamecocks625 said:
Looking forward to it, also. Luckily I made a Euro PSN account a few weeks ago specifically for the PES demo, because I knew it wouldn't make it to the US store for who knows how long.

This will be a glorious day! Fuck Fuck Fuck! Need Demo now!!


Graf Nudu said:
Where's my 360-demo?

Talk about some breaking news, the PES 2009 Xbox360 demo has just hit the Marketplace a few seconds ago! Go over there and download it now!

Just about to leave the house and there was still no PES 2009 demo. Being the PES addict that I am, I thought I would check it one last time before dashing out, and there it was! Must have been the first person to download it!
The text accompanying the demo says:
“In PES 2009, linking up with your team-mates is the key. Watch for their moves as they make runs and call for the ball! It’s down to you to pick out the best option and end the attack with a great team goal! This demo can be played with upto 4 people.”

So head over there and download it now!


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, only for people with gold accounts. *rips hair out*

Edit: Ha, found my 1 month gold card. Downloading now.
So, played 2 matches. Quite nice so far. I doesn't feel as intuitive as FIFA09, but the movements, the ball and the shots feel way more natural in PES.

I definitely like it, but I guess I'll have to play a few more matches to decide if I'll buy it.


MINI Member
Warren Ellis said:
? i throght for an europen the euro store was updated sooner that the usa one..

Not lately :/

I'm in Australia so I always get it confused. I wake up at 530 am and check and sometimes it hasn't updated.
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