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The Return of the King - Official Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Thread


ourumov said:
I think this year I will go again with the PS2 version... The game feels too clumsy for me...

That's my plan...it'll be almost half the price of the next gen versions anyway, won't look much worse, and versus 360 it'll be far easier to update the game with edited option files.

I'm downloading the 360 version at the moment...gonna have a bit of cereal while that's going on. Too bad the Tottenham ROLFSpurs game is at half time at the moment.
The game feels too clunky and laggish. Also, I'm a fan of the flash and pizazz of FIFA. To me, FIFA just feels more fun this year and the online is looking great to boot. There was a time when both PES and FIFA were trash on next gen systems and it's good to have such a tight rivalry.

This year it's FIFA for me, I look forward to what Konami brings to the table next season.


Played a couple more games, dribbling is tougher now, but definitely feels more realistic with the way the players handle the ball when running. Love how the shooting feels, the ball physics in general are sex.

striKeVillain! said:
The game feels too clunky and laggish. Also, I'm a fan of the flash and pizazz of FIFA. To me, FIFA just feels more fun this year and the online is looking great to boot. There was a time when both PES and FIFA were trash on next gen systems and it's good to have such a tight rivalry.

This year it's FIFA for me, I look forward to what Konami brings to the table next season.
Complaining about PES controls feeling "too clunky and laggish" and announcing to buy FIFA in the next sentence is like complaining about FIFA PS360's visuals and then saying "that's why I'll buy the PS2 version", no offense. :p

fake edit: oh noez, they removed the diving option? Italy got gimped.


Played two games, I'm not sure what to think.

The game still looks and animates like a goddamn PS2 game. The overall "feel" of the game seems to be a little improved from last year but I don't think it even comes close to what Winning Eleven felt like on the PS2. In fact, it feels a little sluggish.

Also, what the hell is up with the roster? How much time or effort does it even take to do a quick roster update before release? I mean, if I don't see Berbatov at United, it's just barely excusable (since that transfer came really late) but when I still see Louis Saha and Chris Eagles in the United squad, something's obviously wrong.

There are some positives though. For once, the presentation is actually good *gasp*. The in-game menus are really pleasing to the eye and is a HUGE step up from all the previous PES. That's a step in the right direction.

In addition, the Legend mode certainly looks interesting. I might just give it a shot if I do end up buying the game.


cjelly said:
Definitely not willing to spend full price on this, not after doing the same for the last God knows how many years and seeing very little improvement.

I guess there'll be the classic 'Oh, but this is a shit build' arguments again, but Konami can shove it this year.

I know what you mean because I'm in the exact same boat. I've been buying the game religiously since Winning Eleven 6 and have been playing since Winning Eleven 3.

The last couple of years (especially last year) were a real slap in the face for me. What exactly am I paying for now? My biggest beef with the game is the shitty commentary which has not been fixed or even improved since WE6 and I heard it's the same old shit again this year.

I'm really not sure what to think. I don't think Konami deserves my money even though I do need my yearly football gaming fix and FIFA doesn't appeal to me at all. Goddamnit.


Gamecocks625 said:
I'm so tempted to leave work at lunch to go boot this bad boy up.

Blablurn and spwolf, how does it compare to the PS3 FIFA demo?

we just played them back to back here in the office... We played 3 games of PES09, then 1 game of PES08, then 3 games of PES09.

PES09 rocks ass. It is much better even with being very different. You got to get used to it (we also changed mode to normal long, which looks and feels better now than wide). Your AI team mates are much better now... they run into the ball, they defend much better, they are aware of opposition better so new strategies are needed for scoring (old work, but much harder). Overall, PES09 is really good. Slower but still responsive (cant hold run as much anymore). After playing 08, and moving to 09 we said - WOW!

Now after 09 we went to FIFA 09 demo... let me say what my collegue says: "terrible. I cant get used to it. Has nothing to do with football. Physics are bad. Players and ball feel floating, like we play on some other gravity - moon?". This is guy that played Fifa all his life before started working here and playing PES08.


Gamecocks625 said:
I'm so tempted to leave work at lunch to go boot this bad boy up.

Blablurn and spwolf, how does it compare to the PS3 FIFA demo?

I'm starting to love this game. I'm playing on the highest difficulty level and it's really challenging. but not like FIFA. Passing works pretty fine and i like that. And the ball physics are sooooo damn awesome. I wonder if the demo is based on the current build.

Can anyone compare the demo with the GC version?

EDIT: I agree 100% with spwolf.


my big issues with PES08 were:
- ball sometimes passing next to the player without player getting it (defending) - Fixed
- your full backs standing, looking how Ronaldo runs next to them, and do nothing, because you are running after him. Now they run after him if there is nobody else to cover. - Fixed.

everyones issues with PES08 (not mine)
- too fast - FIXED
- one player being able to dribble around and score - FIXED. Defenders are able to tackle a lot better.
- slowdowns - FIXED. Not an single slowdown, while looking better than PES08. When playing actual game, Fifa does not look awesomly better, it looks better but not by much.

When we started just PES09, for 3 games, it felt a bit wrong... something you have to work to get used to... but playing PES08 again after that and then another 3 games of PES09 made all the difference. Yes. It is a lot better game (even though I loved PES08 as well, for all its faults, we play at least 3 games per day on weekdays).


if they improved online, there is simply nothing that FIFA will do better than PES09, IMHO.
Play both of them back to back, and you know which one is football and which one is moonball.


spwolf said:
my big issues with PES08 were:
- ball sometimes passing next to the player without player getting it (defending) - Fixed
- your full backs standing, looking how Ronaldo runs next to them, and do nothing, because you are running after him. Now they run after him if there is nobody else to cover. - Fixed.

everyones issues with PES08 (not mine)
- too fast - FIXED
- one player being able to dribble around and score - FIXED. Defenders are able to tackle a lot better.
- slowdowns - FIXED. Not an single slowdown, while looking better than PES08. When playing actual game, Fifa does not look awesomly better, it looks better but not by much.

When we started just PES09, for 3 games, it felt a bit wrong... something you have to work to get used to... but playing PES08 again after that and then another 3 games of PES09 made all the difference. Yes. It is a lot better game (even though I loved PES08 as well, for all its faults, we play at least 3 games per day on weekdays).

Some good points there. I had forgotten how annoying your "big issues" with PES2008 were. It's too long since I last played that piece of crap. And you're right, I did notice my defenders were a lot smarter this time around.


Jesus Christ Konami could spend some time to put Riera in the fucking roster, so it doesn't feel like playing a shitty Liverpool without width like previous seasons (Kewell LOL).

And it's nice to know the goalkeepers are as retarded as ever.

Looks like i'll have to grow some balls and start using the slide tackle, these bastards are getting away with too much shit.


Steroyd said:
Jesus Christ Konami could spend some time to put Riera in the fucking roster, so it doesn't feel like playing a shitty Liverpool without width like previous seasons (Kewell LOL).

I didn't look at the Liverpool roster but I assume it's just as fucked as the United one?

At least you guys got Robbie Keane in there. :lol

And I assume Robinho is still at Real?
I just played the demo and thought it was fucking awful..

I don't even know where to begin.. next-gen pes is a joke, the year on year 'improvements' since they started with pes 6 on xbox 360 are nothing short of pathetic

The worst thing is, while fifa 09 is the better game this year, it still fails to match pes of the PS2 era

edit: also in the first game of the demo I played, I conceded a penalty thanks to puyol (who I wasn't even controlling) slide tackling someone in the box, and was also denied a penalty after being tripped by a sliding tackle - the opponent not touching the ball whatsoever


Yeah Robinho is still at Real, hopefully it's fully updated in the final game or:

a)They're lazy bastards
b)They got ripped off paying for the CL liscence.


Steroyd said:
Yeah Robinho is still at Real, hopefully it's fully updated in the final game or:

a)They're lazy bastards
b)They got ripped off paying for the CL liscence.

Is it possible that the demo is an older build? I've seen screens where he's on City. Maybe it was an edited file though......


TheIroning said:
edit: also in the first game of the demo I played, I conceded a penalty thanks to puyol (who I wasn't even controlling) slide tackling someone in the box, and was also denied a penalty after being tripped by a sliding tackle - the opponent not touching the ball whatsoever

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. The refereeing in this game is extremely wonky.

In my first game, Aurelio got sent off (instant-red) after tackling Ronaldo from behind even though it seemed like he got the ball. Even if it was a foul, it looked more like a yellow than a red. Few minutes later, one of my player totally hacks the legs off of another Liverpool player from behind (should have been instant-red). No card, not even a whistle. And then, a few more minutes later, I went for a sliding tackle, missed the ball by a few miles and brought another Liverpool player down. No card, no whistle once again.

I thought they fixed this shit in PES2008?
the visuals took a hit to fix the framerate, the game looks worse than pes 08 - and do i detect a hint of fogging at the top of the screen?

shocking player models, blurry and jaggy.

top player ai mode is a joke, carlos tevez will slice through any of the club teams like a hot knife through butter and rifle the ball in the top corner. i scored 4 goals against liverpool in the first half, the keepers are piss poor and it's like the ball is on a wire when you shoot.




Maybe it's because I played a lot of the Euro 2008 and FIFA09 demos in the past months, but man this game feels so clunky. Also it's more apparent than ever how low the production values of this series are compared to FIFA.

I don't know though, it still has some of that PES magic: scoring a goal just feels more rewarding than in FIFA, where you always seem to score the same types of goals.

I need to play some more to get used to PES again, but so far:
- Menus look better, they finally did something different.
- Saw no framerate problems, so that's an improvement, I guess.
- Music is terrible as ever though. The couple of licensed songs I heard were atrocious.
- Sound overall is very poor. The audience keeps chanting unintelligible shit for like half a minute, it reminds me of FIFA94.
- And demo-specific, the trailer between the matches is too long and annoying. It takes less time to quit and restart the demo.

But yeah, no way I would spent money on this. The way Konami is handling this series is getting kinda insulting.


Gamecocks625 said:
Blablurn and spwolf, how does it compare to the PS3 FIFA demo?

were you really looking for an objective opinion? :lol

i'm surprised spwolf was even able to answer with Seabass's cock in his mouth


Scotch said:
- Sound overall is very poor. The audience keeps chanting unintelligible shit for like half a minute, it reminds me of FIFA94.

Yeah, the whole crowd chant thing doesn't feel authentic or life-like at all. Does FIFA09 do it better?

I also thought the ball-kicking sound effects are way off what they should really sound like. It sounds terrible, to be honest, and was one of the first thing I noticed immediately when I started a match.


Wow, I think this is pretty poor, I guess I'm not the market for them anymore (I think this is far too arcadey still)

Is the game ignoring my Attack/Defence setting at manual? I'm increasing it (L2 + R1 right?) but I'm seeing it flash up then revert to the middle again. Sometimes it moves and sticks, but then it'll automatically change again.

Anyway, my first thoughts were "Awesome, the pace is closer to PES 5" but I have a lot of complaints with how the game controls and feels. On the attack side of things, the players can control and change direction far too quickly and it doesn't seem to matter who you have, they can turn you inside out.

With the passing, besides the players having supernatural control, it plays a nice passing game but it doesn't feel fluid like in the FIFA 09 demo. That's probably down to the animations and getting used to 09, but the game feels really "clunky" My biggest problem was when you're trying to pass a ball into the box, it sometimes seems like it randomly picks a person! I'm watching all the movement in the box (e.g. Looking for Rooney to get in front of the defender), tap the pass button but Ronaldo decides to blast it all the way across to Nani? Never had this problem in 2008, felt like a bug to me.

I played 5 matches and I'm not feeling the shooting at all, does the game require the controlled shot all the time now? It seems that either I tap it and they automatically smash it into the bottom corner or I put "half" power and they blast it over. I can't seem to get a shot into the top area of the goal at all. (Hit a few shots into the keeper because of it)

The defensive side is okay in terms of controls but I think FIFA 09's is far more dynamic, I hate the "running along a railroad track" thing when a defender is putting pressure on you, they don't seem to be jostling for the ball at all. Had some pretty bad experiences with the AI though, there were times where a player would beat e.g. Evra and Rio would run all the way to the wing and challenge the player. The player would obviously deliver a cross way before he reaches him and Vidic is on his own to stop the cross.

I loved the Be A Pro in FIFA 08 and Legends looks great, I'll pick this up when it's cheaper.

[EDIT] Also what's up with the difficulty? I scored at least 2 goals each game on Top Player, I remember having a much tougher time with the older games.

TL;DR - Didn't like, buying FIFA 09 :p
MrPing1000 said:
I'll be buying the pc version for the very first time. £18 is a great deal and I don't have a 360 or ps3 anyway.

I did that last year. I thought it was a bargain at £18 at release (compared to ps2 + ng) but I remember getting annoyed cos play.com and others slashed the price to ~ £10 within just a few weeks.

This year I'll bite only at £10 or lower.


Got used to the dribbling a bit more, definitely takes some time to master it. I like it, more than PES 08, more than FIFA 08/09. Just tried playing another game of the FIFA 09 demo and the players feel so unresponsive in comparison, add the ball physics to that and two of the most important gameplay areas got to PES.

woodchuck said:
were you really looking for an objective opinion? :lol

i'm surprised spwolf was even able to answer with Seabass's cock in his mouth

Not agreeing or denying, just thought this was funny.


Hmm... some of these comments sound very disappointing. I'll try the game tomorrow, but I am quite sad to hear that people are disappointed with the demo.

FIFA is a load of crap and if PES really does feel clunky and sluggish, then I think I'll cry; It seems like I might be without a football game AGAIN for the whole year.

PES has always been a very responsive game with great controls on the PS2. I'm shocked at how the game isn't better than the PS2 versions.


Based on the Gamersyde video, the sound effects are fucking terrible and are bringing cancer to my ears. Even the ball kick sound is rubbish.

They need to get some good sound artists ASAP.
FeedTheYak said:
The music is terrible, I think it makes me want "go for the goal" to come back

Music won't be an issue because you can import your own MP3's and even crowd chants.

ElyrionX said:
And I assume Robinho is still at Real?

Oddly enough, Robinho is in the City roster in the final version.
Played the demo...man, I can't believe that I used to love this series. It's just horrible. Still scripted as hell, the Ai and Animations ar a disgrace - this is just a very simple arcade game, where the same moves work almost everytime.

Return of the King...lolz. Accept it or not, we have an new king in this genre. Fifa is superior in every possible way.


TheIroning said:
So I boot up the demo for a second session, trying out different camera angles and teams

I'm greeted by this in my first game


After playing it again I can confirm, that this is an absolute turd of a game


I just downloaded the FIFA09 demo. While I love the presentation and the overall look of the game (the animation is leaps and bounds beyond what PES2009 has), I hate the actual gameplay. While PES2009 feels sluggish, FIFA09 feels clunky. It's so hard to dribble and time your passes well. Maybe I'm just not used to the controls.
Haunted said:

Not agreeing or denying, just thought this was funny.

:lol indeed

While I haven't played the demo yet (4 more hours to go!), I do agree that next-gen PES or FIFA have not lived up to the thrilling gameplay of the PS2 versions of Winning Eleven/Pro Evo.


BTW, just to confirm, I already have a Konami ID from MGS4. Do I need another game-specific Konami ID if I want to play multiplayer PES on the PS3?
ElyrionX said:

I just downloaded the FIFA09 demo. While I love the presentation and the overall look of the game (the animation is leaps and bounds beyond what PES2009 has), I hate the actual gameplay. While PES2009 feels sluggish, FIFA09 feels clunky. It's so hard to dribble and time your passes well. Maybe I'm just not used to the controls.

I found changing to pes controls, that means choosing new alternative, switching movement to D pad, and sprint to R1 made it feel a lot better, especially when it comes to dribbling with the d pad


TheIroning said:
I found changing to pes controls, that means choosing new alternative, switching movement to D pad, and sprint to R1 made it feel a lot better, especially when it comes to dribbling with the d pad


That's EXACTLY what I did in my first match. Didn't help at all. My players still feel clunky and unresponsive.


A2D said:
Is the game ignoring my Attack/Defence setting at manual? I'm increasing it (L2 + R1 right?) but I'm seeing it flash up then revert to the middle again. Sometimes it moves and sticks, but then it'll automatically change again.

The automation can be changed to manual in the options before you start the match, it's been like that in every PES.


ElyrionX said:

I just downloaded the FIFA09 demo. While I love the presentation and the overall look of the game (the animation is leaps and bounds beyond what PES2009 has), I hate the actual gameplay. While PES2009 feels sluggish, FIFA09 feels clunky. It's so hard to dribble and time your passes well. Maybe I'm just not used to the controls.

Dont hold run while you dribble..lol.

Also turn off all the options that are Auto...like shooting & passing. Makes it 100x better.
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