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The Return of the King - Official Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Thread


Some of the responses to this demo on forums are so dramatic. It's same old PES to me, and that means it plays a better game of football than Fifa.


Ok as a Liverpool fan, I just finished the demo:
- AI is much better, on old PES games I could usually burst down the wing and manage to whip a cross off. This year it really takes alot of work to get in a good crossing position unless you are attempting an early cross.​
-Secondly the UI looks much improved and I really thought the formation settings screen was a vast improvment over previous years.​
-Shooting this year seems to me (after 3 games) well balanced. I managed to score a blaster with Robbie Keane from just outside the box as I was not under pressure and had the ball under control. When I attempted a shot with Xabi Alonso later in the game, it screwed wide as i was under pressure and sprinting.​

-The animations really seem archaic. They were brilliant on the PS2 but now they have transitioned to Now Gen consoles they feel severly outdated. Combined with the player detail and stadium, it really feels aesthetically ugly to me.​
-The rosters are broken, I can only ussume this is a problem with the build not the final game. As somebody previously mentioned, when playing as Liverpool I want a true left winger, so when I see Riera is absent from my team sheet I start to worry. As previously stated I assume this will be corrected in the final game.​
-Finally I don't really think the familiar PES gameplay holds up on the Now Gen consoles. I immediately went onto the FIFA demo afterwards and the quality increase to me was immediate. The animations on everything are vastly more realistic, combined with the detailed character modelling show that PES still needs alot of work. Granted it isn't the graphics that make a football game great, but they sure do add to the immersion of the game.​

To summarise I believe that this years PES is a quality improvement over last year, although I still feel it personally falls behind FIFA 09 in terms of realism. This is not to say I don't feel the game is good either. I am confident it will deliver me many hours of sweet online action in the ensuing months, although I doubt it will give me the same sense of playing football as i get through FIFA 09.

Bring on PES 9 Konami, hopefully you will decide to create a game for the PS360/PC only.
Kweh said:
Some of the responses to this demo on forums are so dramatic. It's same old PES to me, and that means it plays a better game of football than Fifa.

My feelings exactly. I'm thrilled that they scaled the pace back to PES 5/6 levels - barely played 2008 because it was so obscenely fast. This one is just right.

Did they take the dribbling controls off the right analog last year or is that new? I was trying to tap up twice on it for a quick diagonal cut and instead whalloped it out of bounds. :D


Haunted said:
Got used to the dribbling a bit more, definitely takes some time to master it. I like it, more than PES 08, more than FIFA 08/09. Just tried playing another game of the FIFA 09 demo and the players feel so unresponsive in comparison, add the ball physics to that and two of the most important gameplay areas got to PES.


Not agreeing or denying, just thought this was funny.

well what do you expect from Fifa fanboys invading the thread? I wonder how many people actually even tried PES09...

Playing both demos - FIFA09 and PES09, back to back, i very much doubt that >90% of people wont conclude that PES is simply much better game of football.

Fifa09 does play better game of moonball...


BigKaboom2 said:
My feelings exactly. I'm thrilled that they scaled the pace back to PES 5/6 levels - barely played 2008 because it was so obscenely fast. This one is just right.

Did they take the dribbling controls off the right analog last year or is that new? I was trying to tap up twice on it for a quick diagonal cut and instead whalloped it out of bounds. :D

yes, now it is on d-pad (with combination of shoulder buttons).

additional stuff noticed - through ball is not much, much, much better and actually passes the ball properly to the player you want.

We also played 2 games 2vsCpu and that was actually playable - a lot more than before, because AI is so much better and players respond better to you changing them around... It is actually quite fun (and 08 was not).


Reading some of the criticisms here from the non usual crowd makes it painfully obvious that most of them do not know how to play PES correctly.

Why even bother coming in here and talk about the game if you simply prefer the way FIFA is played?


Some people here are overly negative. You always have to let a new PES sink in over a few days, everything is changed and you need to adjust to it.

I like the visuals, they are not candy but clean and sufficient. I love the rock stable frame rate, it makes you feel your input is always handled instantly.

The judge is really annoying when playing with Barcelona. He looks way too much like an ordinary player.

And thanks for including the annoying footage you can not skip. What idiot came up with that?

Henry Volley (Outside the box, hits the post)


ElyrionX said:

I just downloaded the FIFA09 demo. While I love the presentation and the overall look of the game (the animation is leaps and bounds beyond what PES2009 has), I hate the actual gameplay. While PES2009 feels sluggish, FIFA09 feels clunky. It's so hard to dribble and time your passes well. Maybe I'm just not used to the controls.

I think lot of the "clunkiness" comes from the players actually having weight and momentum.

for example, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE_5GvVFCYg

Gerrard's turn might be considered clunky, but that's just because he actually has weight and isn't going to just turn on a dime. and the goal itself is hilarious.

Reading some of the criticisms here from the non usual crowd makes it painfully obvious that most of them do not know how to play PES correctly.

Why even bother coming in here and talk about the game if you simply prefer the way FIFA is played?

i don't want to get into all this fanboy nonsense, but don't know how to play pes correctly? most of the fifa players were avid winning eleven players (me included) who decided to jump ship.


formerly cjelly
spwolf said:
well what do you expect from Fifa fanboys invading the thread?
You have the nerve to call someone else a fanboy? :lol I knew your impressions of the demo before you'd even typed them up. Same old shit every year, just like Pro Evo.

Srider said:
Reading some of the criticisms here from the non usual crowd makes it painfully obvious that most of them do not know how to play PES correctly.
Non-usual crowd? Like who exactly? Start naming names if you're going to be like that. And 'don't know how to play PES correctly'? GTFO, seriously. What elitest bullshit, 'Wah, wah, someone said my game is shit, so they're shit.

Like the person above me said, alot of the people in this thread loved PES but have since grown tired of the same old game every single year with the most minimal of improvements.

I've been buying PES every single year since 3, and I'm pissed off with Konami now. When 6 came out it was like 'Oh, next years will be the proper version because we're doing it on PS3, too!', then 2008 came out and it was utter tripe. I'm just fed up of their constant arrogance towards their fanbase. They assume that PES fans will buy whatever shit they put out, and I for one have had enough of it. I'm not spending £40 on the same game again.

And on a lighter note:

I saw the PES 2009 TV ad tonight. It's a 360 ad with the £129.99 price at the end. Sony get FIFA, MS get PES. Only fair, I guess. :lol


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Well I think Konami's masterplan may have worked, while I was set to buy FIFA tomorrow, I'm now a little apathetic towards it, I may skip it. I am still curious how FIFA would play after say a month of getting used to it and playing it like some kind of hardcore sim - but part of me just KNOWS that it can never top PES. Online and real teams also intrigues me but ultimately its about how close the sport feels to the real thing.

In just two games on PES I have achieved more than weeks of playing the FIFA demo. Strung together better moves, attempted and failed dribbles and long shots and long passes in equal measure - but at no time did I not feel like I wasn't in control of exactly what my player did and where I would put the ball. Its not a constant struggle just to stay facing the right direction or keep my balance.

Anyone who says FIFA FEELS more realistic needs their head examined (it may very well look more realistic). I hate when people say slower is more realistic - wrong. Super speed is wrong, but super slow is also wrong! Football is played at what feels like 100mph, you'll find the lower down the skill levels you go, the more frantic and fast paced the games are - and its only the particularly skillful or superior teams who can slow it down and dictate the pace of the game.

Anyone who has run with a ball at their feet will know it feels nothing like how it feels in FIFA (though I suppose I should remain open about the possibility that some people might run like that....?) Turns, shimmies, trapping the ball, all the physics feel better, tighter and more responsive. When I screw a shot wide, I feel like I screwed up, not that I pressed the button before I reached the right shooting zone/angle/velocity etc which is how I feel in FIFA.

FIFA feels like it takes a look at all the variables like position, speed, angle etc and plays a canned move when you press the button. in PES it feels like YOU can have a look at all the variables and determine the best thing to do. You get to manipulate the environment and the physics as opposed to being a slave to them.

Yep I am fucking hardcore about my football.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
kaizoku said:
Well I think Konami's masterplan may have worked, while I was set to buy FIFA tomorrow, I'm now a little apathetic towards it, I may skip it. I am still curious how FIFA would play after say a month of getting used to it and playing it like some kind of hardcore sim - but part of me just KNOWS that it can never top PES. Online and real teams also intrigues me but ultimately its about how close the sport feels to the real thing.

In just two games on PES I have achieved more than weeks of playing the FIFA demo. Strung together better moves, attempted and failed dribbles and long shots and long passes in equal measure - but at no time did I not feel like I wasn't in control of exactly what my player did and where I would put the ball. Its not a constant struggle just to stay facing the right direction or keep my balance.

Anyone who says FIFA FEELS more realistic needs their head examined (it may very well look more realistic). I hate when people say slower is more realistic - wrong. Super speed is wrong, but super slow is also wrong! Football is played at what feels like 100mph, you'll find the lower down the skill levels you go, the more frantic and fast paced the games are - and its only the particularly skillful or superior teams who can slow it down and dictate the pace of the game.

Anyone who has run with a ball at their feet will know it feels nothing like how it feels in FIFA (though I suppose I should remain open about the possibility that some people might run like that....?) Turns, shimmies, trapping the ball, all the physics feel better, tighter and more responsive. When I screw a shot wide, I feel like I screwed up, not that I pressed the button before I reached the right shooting zone/angle/velocity etc which is how I feel in FIFA.

FIFA feels like it takes a look at all the variables like position, speed, angle etc and plays a canned move when you press the button. in PES it feels like YOU can have a look at all the variables and determine the best thing to do. You get to manipulate the environment and the physics as opposed to being a slave to them.

Yep I am fucking hardcore about my football.
Exactly this.


woodchuck said:
i don't want to get into all this fanboy nonsense, but don't know how to play pes correctly? most of the fifa players were avid winning eleven players (me included) who decided to jump ship.

If you aren't one of the group that I'm describing, why get so defensive about it?

I'm not saying PES is perfect at all, but are you reading some of the criticisms? Some one actually said the game is shit cause it's ignoring the attack/defensive tactics setting. Anyone who knows how PES work would know that it's on semi-auto setting if that's the case.

It's the same as people who complained about defense in PES2008. Sure it might have been different from older PES, or even among the worst change of the series, but blowing it out of proportion like the way some of the people are doing/did is ridiculous. I'll bet these people don't know what defensive line means, or the importance of positioning your defenders.

Even though I love the series, I have a ton of complaints about it. As much as I wish the game will get good graphics, better set plays, better AI, etc. etc. etc. It doesn't change the fact that it still does many things right.

People are picking the slightest little thing and writing the game off, which I think is a complete waste of time. Not like I really give a shit cause people will still play/buy this game even if FIFA camp shits all over the thread. I just wanted to say still that some of the criticisms are laughable, and it's too bad that people are missing out on a great game cause they simply don't know how it's played.

Like wise, I moved from FIFA as well. Been playing FIFA ever since SNES, then 3D0, and on and on. It makes perfect sense to me why these unfounded criticism are in this thread. But by all means, keep on shitting the thread, enjoy.


Have the PS3 demo and WTF at the graphics! Players look like rubbish when in actual play mode, when taking a corner, the player name on the back of the shirt is all pixelated etc. I had 2008 on 360 and don't remember anything looking that bad. Was 2008 on PS3 as bas at this is now? Because it looks so bad its actually laughable. Hoping it's only like that because its a demo but if it is this bad in the final game this will be the last straw and i'm sticking with the Wii version till they manage to sort this out.


Srider said:
If you aren't one of the group that I'm describing, why get so defensive about it?

I'm not saying PES is perfect at all, but are you reading some of the criticisms? Some one actually said the game is shit cause it's ignoring the attack/defensive tactics setting. Anyone who knows how PES work would know that it's on semi-auto setting if that's the case.

not sure how this is any different from the criticisms said when the fifa demo was released by people who were still trying to play it like pro evo.

People are picking the slightest little thing and writing the game off, which I think is a complete waste of time. Not like I really give a shit cause people will still play/buy this game even if FIFA camp shits all over the thread. I just wanted to say still that some of the criticisms are laughable, and it's too bad that people are missing out on a great game cause they simply don't know how it's played.

this isn't any different than the fifa demo thread. i guess deal with it or ignore it?

Like wise, I moved from FIFA as well. Been playing FIFA ever since SNES, then 3D0, and on and on. It makes perfect sense to me why these unfounded criticism are in this thread. But by all means, keep on shitting the thread, enjoy.

3d0 :lol

seriously dude. like you said, you're going to get the game anyway so who gives a shit if people come in here and say a bunch of bullshit. if they have their facts wrong like the offensive/defensive strategies, then just correct them and move on. you don't need to make a general statement like "people that think this game is bad doesn't know how to play pes".


Wow at some of the comments from the elitist crowd in this thread. This years version of PES has major flaws. So does this year of FIFA. All things considered I feel much better about spending £40 on FIFA 09 than on PES 2009.

Honest question I want you to answer PES 2009 fans, and bear in mind I have played PES since 4, I jumped to FIFA this year for a reason.

Consider the difference between FIFA 07 and 09. Then contrast that with the progress from Pes 6 to Pes 8. Honestly the game is great, it plays like PES has for the last 4 years, which frankly doesn't justify a full priced purchase. Is the experience of PES 8 achievable on last gen systems - YES. Is the experience of FIFA 09 - NO. This is why me, and many of the people I know have not "returned to the king".
Okay so been playing the PES 2009 demo. Better than PES 2008 and it is good they slowed it down and you gave to pass more. But it does not feel that much different, not enough new animations and more like PES 2008.5.

GK's are still pretty rubbish. They still parry the ball straight out way too much. The sound when you kick the ball is terrible. The crowd sound horrible also. The game is still too automatic, passing is so easy. Just press a button and it goes to my players feet. Still feels like the CPU is doing most of the work. Why are my defender doing slide tackles without me pressing the button?

oh and why have konami included the auto feints. It is annoying and looks silly when my defenders are doing it for no good reason. Running animations are awful..

Animations on a whole are poor. players still feel robotic compared to FIFA. This is not bad and it is better than PES 2008 but EA have raised the bar with FIFA 09. FIFA 09 is the much better game.

Cant see myself buying PES 2009 so that two years in a row I have not bought a Winning Eleven game on PS2/360. 3 years ago I never thought this would happen.


kobashi100 said:
Okay so been playing the PES 2009 demo. Better than PES 2008 and it is good they slowed it down and you gave to pass more. But it does not feel that much different, not enough new animations and more like PES 2008.5.

GK's are still pretty rubbish. They still parry the ball straight out way too much. The sound when you kick the ball is terrible. The crowd sound horrible also. The game is still too automatic, passing is so easy. Just press a button and it goes to my players feet. Still feels like the CPU is doing most of the work. Why are my defender doing slide tackles without me pressing the button?

oh and why have konami included the auto feints. It is annoying and looks silly when my defenders are doing it for no good reason. Running animations are awful..

Animations on a whole are poor. players still feel robotic compared to FIFA. This is not bad and it is better than PES 2008 but EA have raised the bar with FIFA 09. FIFA 09 is the much better game.

Cant see myself buying PES 2009 so that two years in a row I have not bought a Winning Eleven game on PS2/360. 3 years ago I never thought this would happen.
Well, I've played a few games of the demo, and.....I miss the old PS2 versions. The animations looked and felt much more natural in Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 for the PS2. But the thing is, I'm still not sure about FIFA 09 either. I'll just have to keep plugging away at Pro Evo and see if it clicks because the player movement is definitely more "clunky" than it was on Pro Evo 2007 for PS2.

With all of that said, I'm very happy with the rock solid framerate, the incredible ball physics, and the lighting of the night games. I'm just very disappointed in the player movement and animations. That should be the MAIN focus of next year's version.

I thought that playing both demos would help with my decision as to which soccer game to buy, but I'm still unsure. I just need to give them both more time, I guess.


Gamecocks625 said:
Well, I've played a few games of the demo, and.....I miss the old PS2 versions. The animations looked and felt much more natural in Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 for the PS2. But the thing is, I'm still not sure about FIFA 09 either. I'll just have to keep plugging away at Pro Evo and see if it clicks because the player movement is definitely more "clunky" than it was on Pro Evo 2007 for PS2.

With all of that said, I'm very happy with the rock solid framerate, the incredible ball physics, and the lighting of the night games. I'm just very disappointed in the player movement and animations. That should be the MAIN focus of next year's version.

I thought that playing both demos would help with my decision as to which soccer game to buy, but I'm still unsure. I just need to give them both more time, I guess.

play them back to back and answer will be made for you...


kaizoku said:
Well I think Konami's masterplan may have worked, while I was set to buy FIFA tomorrow, I'm now a little apathetic towards it, I may skip it. I am still curious how FIFA would play after say a month of getting used to it and playing it like some kind of hardcore sim - but part of me just KNOWS that it can never top PES. Online and real teams also intrigues me but ultimately its about how close the sport feels to the real thing.

In just two games on PES I have achieved more than weeks of playing the FIFA demo. Strung together better moves, attempted and failed dribbles and long shots and long passes in equal measure - but at no time did I not feel like I wasn't in control of exactly what my player did and where I would put the ball. Its not a constant struggle just to stay facing the right direction or keep my balance.

Anyone who says FIFA FEELS more realistic needs their head examined (it may very well look more realistic). I hate when people say slower is more realistic - wrong. Super speed is wrong, but super slow is also wrong! Football is played at what feels like 100mph, you'll find the lower down the skill levels you go, the more frantic and fast paced the games are - and its only the particularly skillful or superior teams who can slow it down and dictate the pace of the game.

Anyone who has run with a ball at their feet will know it feels nothing like how it feels in FIFA (though I suppose I should remain open about the possibility that some people might run like that....?) Turns, shimmies, trapping the ball, all the physics feel better, tighter and more responsive. When I screw a shot wide, I feel like I screwed up, not that I pressed the button before I reached the right shooting zone/angle/velocity etc which is how I feel in FIFA.

FIFA feels like it takes a look at all the variables like position, speed, angle etc and plays a canned move when you press the button. in PES it feels like YOU can have a look at all the variables and determine the best thing to do. You get to manipulate the environment and the physics as opposed to being a slave to them.

Yep I am fucking hardcore about my football.

QFT... and I expect final build to be better btw...


Hail to the KING baby
kaizoku said:
Well I think Konami's masterplan may have worked, while I was set to buy FIFA tomorrow, I'm now a little apathetic towards it, I may skip it. I am still curious how FIFA would play after say a month of getting used to it and playing it like some kind of hardcore sim - but part of me just KNOWS that it can never top PES. Online and real teams also intrigues me but ultimately its about how close the sport feels to the real thing.

In just two games on PES I have achieved more than weeks of playing the FIFA demo. Strung together better moves, attempted and failed dribbles and long shots and long passes in equal measure - but at no time did I not feel like I wasn't in control of exactly what my player did and where I would put the ball. Its not a constant struggle just to stay facing the right direction or keep my balance.

Anyone who says FIFA FEELS more realistic needs their head examined (it may very well look more realistic). I hate when people say slower is more realistic - wrong. Super speed is wrong, but super slow is also wrong! Football is played at what feels like 100mph, you'll find the lower down the skill levels you go, the more frantic and fast paced the games are - and its only the particularly skillful or superior teams who can slow it down and dictate the pace of the game.

Anyone who has run with a ball at their feet will know it feels nothing like how it feels in FIFA (though I suppose I should remain open about the possibility that some people might run like that....?) Turns, shimmies, trapping the ball, all the physics feel better, tighter and more responsive. When I screw a shot wide, I feel like I screwed up, not that I pressed the button before I reached the right shooting zone/angle/velocity etc which is how I feel in FIFA.

FIFA feels like it takes a look at all the variables like position, speed, angle etc and plays a canned move when you press the button. in PES it feels like YOU can have a look at all the variables and determine the best thing to do. You get to manipulate the environment and the physics as opposed to being a slave to them.

Yep I am fucking hardcore about my football.

wow man sounds amazing. thanks for the impressions the (other) king is back yes.
I think Konami's best soccer game is now found on the Wii. I was absolutely addicted to the Wii version of 2008 and 2009 is sure to push the series forward.

spwolf said:
play them back to back and answer will be made for you...

Hopefully. I just need to give the Pro Evo demo some more time I think.


Excuse me but WHERE THE FUCK are those weird noises coming from? Creepy.

Anyway...holy crap this game looks like shit.


-The animations really seem archaic. They were brilliant on the PS2 but now they have transitioned to Now Gen consoles they feel severly outdated. Combined with the player detail and stadium, it really feels aesthetically ugly to me.

It's not just a matter of aesthetics but also gameplay. PES PS2 felt more "fluid" than this... I don't know what's going on at Konami.


woodchuck said:
most of the fifa players were avid winning eleven players (me included) who decided to jump ship.

Yep, I jumped off this ship yesterday, and so far Fifa has been a pretty good swim to land...(what a shitty analogy:lol )
Anyway, have not downloaded the demo yet but will tonight. Don't really know of what to expect after reading all the impressions. It sounds both promising and disappointing at the same time...


kaizoku said:
Well I think Konami's masterplan may have worked, while I was set to buy FIFA tomorrow, I'm now a little apathetic towards it, I may skip it. I am still curious how FIFA would play after say a month of getting used to it and playing it like some kind of hardcore sim - but part of me just KNOWS that it can never top PES. Online and real teams also intrigues me but ultimately its about how close the sport feels to the real thing.

In just two games on PES I have achieved more than weeks of playing the FIFA demo. Strung together better moves, attempted and failed dribbles and long shots and long passes in equal measure - but at no time did I not feel like I wasn't in control of exactly what my player did and where I would put the ball. Its not a constant struggle just to stay facing the right direction or keep my balance.

Anyone who says FIFA FEELS more realistic needs their head examined (it may very well look more realistic). I hate when people say slower is more realistic - wrong. Super speed is wrong, but super slow is also wrong! Football is played at what feels like 100mph, you'll find the lower down the skill levels you go, the more frantic and fast paced the games are - and its only the particularly skillful or superior teams who can slow it down and dictate the pace of the game.

Anyone who has run with a ball at their feet will know it feels nothing like how it feels in FIFA (though I suppose I should remain open about the possibility that some people might run like that....?) Turns, shimmies, trapping the ball, all the physics feel better, tighter and more responsive. When I screw a shot wide, I feel like I screwed up, not that I pressed the button before I reached the right shooting zone/angle/velocity etc which is how I feel in FIFA.

FIFA feels like it takes a look at all the variables like position, speed, angle etc and plays a canned move when you press the button. in PES it feels like YOU can have a look at all the variables and determine the best thing to do. You get to manipulate the environment and the physics as opposed to being a slave to them.

Yep I am fucking hardcore about my football.
Get the fuck out of my head.

Although I wouldn't be quite as harsh against FIFA there, because the strides EA has done with that franchise in the last two years are absolutely commendable, much better than what PES has done to improve their game. But there's still a noticable gap between the two. And PES is on the upper side of that gulf.

This is my opinion after playing about 10 games of the PES 09 demo and roughly 15 in the FIFA 09 demo.


-ARNiE- said:
Consider the difference between FIFA 07 and 09. Then contrast that with the progress from Pes 6 to Pes 8. Honestly the game is great, it plays like PES has for the last 4 years, which frankly doesn't justify a full priced purchase. Is the experience of PES 8 achievable on last gen systems - YES. Is the experience of FIFA 09 - NO. This is why me, and many of the people I know have not "returned to the king".

You make it sound like people are buying Fifa on the merits of it's improvements rather than the game itself.
Just like the Conservatives winning the polls because people are pissed off at Labour.

I commend Fifa's improvements since hopping on next gen, but despite Fifa's improvements of looking realistic etc, it's gameplay isn't at why I like PES it's been the case during PS2 days and it's still the case today with the excrption of Fifa not being absolute drivel.


Why those refs use yellow card for every single foul ? I was playing vs. Liverpool... They made 9-10 fouls and ref gave at least 6 yellows + 1 red ...I was running with Messi , just got into the box from right side , at least 3 defenders was in front of me , first defender fouled me , ref gave him a red card and penalty :lol ... Penalty kick was right decision but wtf was that red card ?.. Reminded of Kazuki Ito :D ...

Btw nobody irritated by the noise of the ball ?.. Sounds like wood chopping ...

East Lake

There any option to skip this damn montage that plays after every game, other than quitting the demo entirely?

I'd also agree with that criticism that mentions the players and animations feeling a bit rigid and unnatural. It just doesn't feel right. It's not a huge problem or anything, just takes the realism down a notch.


EnthusiasTech said:
Btw nobody irritated by the noise of the ball ?.. Sounds like wood chopping ...

Like I mentioned earlier, it was one of the very first thing I noticed with the game. It's horrible and I don't know how Konami can get something so basic so wrong.


After playing 2 games, the difference was VERY noticeable, even coming from the FIFA 09 demo.

The game feels much more responsive and is not a freaking muddy mess on the PS3.
Another note, the replays AREN'T slideshows anymore, which is one thing i couldn't let it go in 08.

Noticed a lot more animations and player's responses to missed shots etc.

Definitely a huge improvement over 08 in my book.


Has problems recognising girls
Gave a few rounds as Man Utd and Barca and here's what I think:

- Game is light years ahead of what PES '08 was. We all know that under the surface the game was utter shit, as if Konami had taken a step back in the series we all know and love, so it's welcome relief for me to say that it is much better. Any exclusive PES fans are going to enjoy coming back home.

- AI is better than it usually is in the series. I lost my Man Utd game against Liverpool so it was nice to cop a defeat.

- Why are Konami still using PS2 textures for the grass during non-controlled replays and corner kicks? It looks embarrassing, especially when you compare them to replays that are controlled.

- Passing game is pathetic after I've been playing FIFA '09 solidly for 3 days now. There needs to be much more control in the passes and on-the-ball situations with players, especially through-balls which are probably the best thing about FIFA since you can control what angle and how powerful the kick is on every pass rather than have it constricted to a set path determined by the game on PES.

- I've been spoiled by the amount of control a player does get during high ball situations in FIFA '09; allowing you to scuffle with the opposing player, pushing and shoving, moving forward a bit or running from behind and trying to time your jump correctly to get that header off. Konami needs to copy this idea.

- Menus are much quicker to get through than FIFA, and the night games shit all over what FIFA can do. The lighting is practically perfect.

Ultimately it's a demo and I can't judge it honestly until the full game gets released. When the PES '08 demo hit, I stated that we'll go through the same thing that PES went through on the PS2 whereby the staple game of the series won't be for another 3-4 years away: PES 4 and 5 are widely regarded as the best games in the series, and I am assuming that it'll be the same situation with PES '10 & '11.


Played several games last night.

- Up close it looks apalling in my opinion, the stills of Ronaldo et al might look good but certainly in the demo night game they look awful, lifeless and waxy with strange lighting. From normal playing view looks totally PES bog standard.

- Physics seem a bit wierd, ball feels slightly too heavy, shots feel good but short passes feel too heavy for want of a better word.
EDIT - The sound isn't helping on this one I have to say!

- Players are making much better runs, through ball is better as are the one-two passes.

- Animations still look poor in many cases, the sprinting doesn't look as ridiculous as 2008 but they still look like they're running slightly too fast for the speed they are actually moving at.

- Dribbling toned down, but they feel a bit more like boats again on initial play, though this may change on further games.

Overall I'm still not satisfied that they've even equalled the PS2 versions (which I play more than the next-gen ones) yet. The graphics might be a little less clear on the PS2 but the game FEELS better, more responsive and more FUN, so that is once again where I'll rely on the PES fix...

EDIT2 - Also, the menus might be clear, but they look like they were designed by a year 1 fashion student


If there's any justice, this will fail at retail forcing 'Seabass' to actually put together a game that isn't the same shit churned out 3 years ago; this is an embarrassing, rigid shambles of a game bearing the PES brand.

I noticed some things never change, like an invisible 10-yard barrier during opposition throw-in's, laser-guided through-balls using R1+Y or whatever, not to mention that new little animation, which looks like a player has been pushed off the edge of a cliff when being turned. Oh, and my favourite, the 'AI' trying to help you by making tackles you didn't want them too. Plays a better game my arse.

Whether fans like FIFA or not, it's by far and away leagues ahead of this shit in terms of offering a next-gen experience. I don't even think the PES demo particularly plays a good game of football, tbh. Far too rigid, robotic, ball 'physics' are a complete joke, the ball thud sound is laughable, not to mention the garish presentation too. Notice how the ball travels the exact same distance when at your feet? Is there a button to poke it out in-front and try and beat a defender with pace? A mechanic to initiate a run from a player who doesn't have the ball?

Its actually quite sad to see Konami's footballing franchise fall from grace, because I loved it back in the day.


Just on this:

Bleeders said:
Is there a button to poke it out in-front and try and beat a defender with pace?

R1+R2 with a direction will do this (and double tapping a direction used to do it as well but didn't seem to be doing much in the 09 demo)


EnthusiasTech said:
Btw nobody irritated by the noise of the ball ?.. Sounds like wood chopping ...

That and the "crowd chants" are pissing me off.

Oh when the saints.
Go Marching in.
Oh when the saints go marchi--



Steroyd said:
That and the "crowd chants" are pissing me off.

Oh when the saints.
Go Marching in.
Oh when the saints go marchi--


Will you buy the game, stero? I see you always bitching about it :p don't dissappoint me :p


kaizoku said:
Well I think Konami's masterplan may have worked, while I was set to buy FIFA tomorrow, I'm now a little apathetic towards it, I may skip it. I am still curious how FIFA would play after say a month of getting used to it and playing it like some kind of hardcore sim - but part of me just KNOWS that it can never top PES. Online and real teams also intrigues me but ultimately its about how close the sport feels to the real thing.

In just two games on PES I have achieved more than weeks of playing the FIFA demo. Strung together better moves, attempted and failed dribbles and long shots and long passes in equal measure - but at no time did I not feel like I wasn't in control of exactly what my player did and where I would put the ball. Its not a constant struggle just to stay facing the right direction or keep my balance.

Anyone who says FIFA FEELS more realistic needs their head examined (it may very well look more realistic). I hate when people say slower is more realistic - wrong. Super speed is wrong, but super slow is also wrong! Football is played at what feels like 100mph, you'll find the lower down the skill levels you go, the more frantic and fast paced the games are - and its only the particularly skillful or superior teams who can slow it down and dictate the pace of the game.

Anyone who has run with a ball at their feet will know it feels nothing like how it feels in FIFA (though I suppose I should remain open about the possibility that some people might run like that....?) Turns, shimmies, trapping the ball, all the physics feel better, tighter and more responsive. When I screw a shot wide, I feel like I screwed up, not that I pressed the button before I reached the right shooting zone/angle/velocity etc which is how I feel in FIFA.

FIFA feels like it takes a look at all the variables like position, speed, angle etc and plays a canned move when you press the button. in PES it feels like YOU can have a look at all the variables and determine the best thing to do. You get to manipulate the environment and the physics as opposed to being a slave to them.

Yep I am fucking hardcore about my football.

This is exactly how I feel


Beatbox said:
Way better than FIFA's sound of a volleyball bouncing on concrete.

No. FIFA09's sound is a lot better than what we've got in PES09. You're deaf if you believe otherwise. It's not even an opinion. It's a fact. PES09's ball sound effects are horrendous and no way in hell FIFA's ones are worse.


Blablurn said:
Will you buy the game, stero? I see you always bitching about it :p don't dissappoint me :p

I bitched alot when Liverpool was 2-0 up to PSV inside half an hour, of course i'm getting Pro Evo my console is useless without a footy game. :p

My PES08 still hasn't come back to me. ;_;


Damn you Xbox live why do you have to treat the silver users so harshly. Its a demo.....

... wait i'll just make a new account and get 1 free month. Success!!!!
Well, PES has given up the ghost completely on trying to be 'realistic', that's for sure. It's arcade, hugely exaggerated stuff through and through - last year was obviously no fluke. The silly, stilted animation is immediate evidence of them paying little heed to providing a realistic experience and that becomes clearer. The ridiculous ball physics take that further and then the fact that build up play is absent and a hyper-exaggerated 'Fantasy Brazil' approach is needed.

I think it's pretty playable for what it is, but personally I miss the PES which used to progress year-on-year towards becoming the most authentic football experience possible. Now it's simply arcade, highlight reel fluff.

I think if it's what you're used to or you want a fast, arcadey approximation of football you'll favour PES, but then there's still a small but dedicated base of people who consider Sensible Soccer the purest, most enjoyable video game representation of the sport.


it is better than 08 but it is saying not much. This should have been the 1st PES for next gen. Now Konami is 2 years/seasons behind.

As said in this thread, the gameplay feels clunky. at times, it can feel a little too fast.

Last season, i chose PES08 over fifa08, big mistake. this season it will be fifa09. For those with problems with Fifa moves, make sure u set everything to assisted, which will give u PES like "on-rail" gameplay.
I don't know which game I should buy. I always tended to PES, because FIFA always seemed to pay attention to not that important parts of the game (tricks, different ways of cheering..). PES always looked more fluid with better ball physics and those are the important parts.
But this time PES doesn't feel that much better, than it did a few years ago. :/
longdi said:
For those with problems with Fifa moves, make sure u set everything to assisted, which will give u PES like "on-rail" gameplay.

Yeah, tell me about it. And for those who want a completely free, massively expansive experience put everything to manual - The breadth of control is staggering. It's a bit much for me (I play with shooting and passing on semi and long passing to manual - through balls depend on my mood) but if you can nail it you simply have a wonderful amount of direct control.
JBuccCP said:
I think I kinda like it. Why does everyone just stand still when you're throwing the ball in?

I believe you just need to move the player who is taking the throw in.

But it feels great indeed, can't talk too much on it as work calls. But better than the FIFA demo, especially in terms of passing, weight of the ball and manual feel of the game. That's something I NEVER liked about FIFA in comparison to PES, FIFA felt to automated to me..:(
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