Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is a Canadian journalist, filmmaker and activist known for her work in films that highlight the inequality for women.
It's not the Hollywood version of it though, I think she did a lot of pakistani films about women, which is a good thing. It's not like the American thing where you got some man-hating beast that hides behind inequality as an excuse.Disney gonna be Disney ...
She won two Oscars for those.It's not the Hollywood version of it though, I think she did a lot of pakistani films about women, which is a good thing. It's not like the American thing where you got some man-hating beast that hides behind inequality as an excuse.
Damon Lindelof is an instant "no" for me.Variety says this was the movie Damon Lindelof was writing.
Daisy Ridley to Reprise Role as Rey in New ‘Star Wars’ Film
Daisy Ridley's Rey will be the central focus of a new 'Star Wars' movie, Disney revealed at Star Wars Celebration in
They just didI still have to see the last one. Why can't they just give us Thrawn?
What was it?They had a built-in mechanism to retcon the entire ST, and didn't use it.
Who the fuck cares anymore?
Saw it already. Thanks anyway. But as a series sadly. We got many books that expanded the universe and most of it is better than what we got on cinema. Hope that it will change soon.
The 'World Between Worlds' at the end of Rebels where Ezra created a new timeline by saving Ahsoka from her duel with Anakin at the end of Season 2. In the last movie there was a part where Rey heard a bunch of dead Jedi voices, Ahsoka being one of them. The theory goes that the ST could have been relegated to the timeline where Ahsoka died at the end of S2 of Rebels, and the 'Mandoverse' was the real timeline where Grogu was Luke's first pupil instead of Ben Solo. They even set it up for Grogu to choose to go with Luke.What was it?
Filoni is making a Heir to the Empire movie that ties up all the series.Saw it already. Thanks anyway. But as a series sadly. We got many books that expanded the universe and most of it is better than what we got on cinema. Hope that it will change soon.
At least Lucas had competent world-building. All the man needed was a few people around him willing to respectfully call him out on his bullshit. For Christ's sake even Attack of the Clones gave us a bunch of decent lore and memes.The sequel trilogy was awful. Easily the worst Star Wars has ever been. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the prequel trilogy was far superior to the nonsensical sequel trilogy.
Disney should just scrap this idea and move onto to something completely different. Not many people are desperate to see more Ray, Poe or any other of those characters shat out of this Disney era.
After LOST and Prometheus? Never again.Damon Lindelof is an instant "no" for me.
Finn was the most interesting character coming out of Force Awakens and they turned him into a goofy, illogical, needy, worthless character.I wonder if they'll fulfill the potential Finn had at being a Jedi or someone who's Force sensitive.
I do like Daisy Ridley, her character is likeable and she's a decent actor.Daisey Ridley is hot so im in