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The Son - Pierce Brosnan in an epic multi-generational western - Saturdays on AMC

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Action packed episode. Pete with that lever-action..



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Finally got around to watching Episode 3 right now. Slower episode but I really liked all the character building with Eli, flashbacks and present day.

Episode 4 had some more action. And that little campfire scene was tense as fuck. Whew.


Hunky Nostradamus
Great episode tonight - lots of action. The stuff with young Eli was pretty interesting too. The smallpox blanket shit was so fucked up.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The one thing I'm confused about with this show is the age of Eli. He must be 75 or 80 as Old Eli.

I think about this at least once an episode. I think in Episode 3 or 4 someone even makes a comment about him not looking a day over 60.


Great episode tonight - lots of action. The stuff with young Eli was pretty interesting too. The smallpox blanket shit was so fucked up.

Yeah the young Eli portions this episode had me pulled in, wondering if he was going to try to infect the tribe or not.

The one thing I'm confused about with this show is the age of Eli. He must be 75 or 80 as Old Eli.

At his birthday party he says he was born the year Texas declared its independence, which would be 1836, making old Eli ~79 years old.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The pacing has picked up quite a bit in the last two episodes. Got the big shootout at the end of episode 4, and then a good chunk of episode 5 was the McCullough family trying to hold off the attack. The grandson getting shot was super telegraphed though. Still sad to see a nice kid get caught up in all this. The flashbacks are getting really good too.


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight!

The Buffalo Hunter

Young Eli makes a choice with dangerous consequences in 1849. In 1915, the McCulloughs deal with a tragedy, while Jeannie seeks to save the family.


Thought tonight's episode was really good. Learned some backstory on what happened to Eli's wife and other son. I'm betting the girl the Comanches took as a slave in 1850 ends up being Eli's wife.


Hunky Nostradamus
Yeah, that one was pretty good. I'm curious to see what Pete's son does now that he's in thick with the proto-kkk. Also, I'm looking forward to seeing what Eli does to get the piece of land with oil on it away from his neighbor (Pedro?).


The pacing has picked up quite a bit in the last two episodes. Got the big shootout at the end of episode 4, and then a good chunk of episode 5 was the McCullough family trying to hold off the attack. The grandson getting shot was super telegraphed though. Still sad to see a nice kid get caught up in all this. The flashbacks are getting really good too.

I wish it was the other grandson that was shot since he's a dickhead.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm glad Pete got his son out of there and away from the Law and Order League. Hopefully he stays in the city for good.

Wow, good news. I hope it stays a summer show. I was expecting this to be a one and done thing.

They've got multiple seasons planned!

So is it good?

I haven't been able to catch up with any of the shows I want to see right now.

Pretty solid so far, I'd say.

Yooo, Ratsky you seeing these Turn commercials? Counting on that OT. One last time...

I skip commercials :]

But I'm definitely looking forward to the final season of Turn!


Ingrid is going to end up the Colonel's wife, right?

That's what I'm thinking. Curious to see how 1850 plays out. I was thinking Eli would end up sabotaging the Comanche, but after he spared them from the small pox infection, and how he had the dream about talking to Hanzee (Zahn McClarnon, can't remember the character's name and he will always be Hanzee to me from Fargo S2) I don't think he's going to try to kill them all. Though he might kill Charges the Enemy.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm two episodes behind! I need to watch 6 & 7 before the Sunday barrage of shows hits.


Hunky Nostradamus
The penultimate episode is tonight!

The Prophecy

Young Eli is forced to trust a strange ally to survive in 1849. In 1915, Eli's past guides him to a choice that puts him at odds with Phineas.


Good episode. The woman young Eli met was pretty strange, but I kind of liked how all her prophecies were coming true. Will be interesting to see what goes down in the finale.


Hunky Nostradamus
The finale is tonight!


In the Season 1 finale, the tribe faces an unexpected return in 1849. In 1915, Eli's plan for the future forces Pete into a life-or-death decision about his loyalties.


Pretty tough episode, but a great end to the season. Maria's entire family dead because of Eli's lie. Pete will never forgive him. Phineas executing Louis just as Louis is wising up. And young Eli scalping the white man.


Hunky Nostradamus
I mean, I knew something bad was going to happen to the Garcias once Eli found oil on their land (the logline of the show outright states that the McCullough family builds a large oil dynasty) but it was still shocking to see all of them gunned down like that (baby included!).


I mean, I knew something bad was going to happen to the Garcias once Eli found oil on their land (the logline of the show outright states that the McCullough family builds a large oil dynasty) but it was still shocking to see all of them gunned down like that (baby included!).

I know! That was some traumatic stuff. Maria in the closet there holding what she didn't know was a dead baby. Pretty dark. Pete's daughter was putting flowers on graves there at the end, I'm guessing the McCulloughs took care of the burials?


No bald cap? Lies!
Just finished watching the last two episodes after putting it off for far too long, thanks summer Fridays for an empty office. Shit was good and depressing. That final scene was fantastic too. Very haunting and just sad, encapsulating so much of the early western conflict. For so long natives were used to settlers just passing through on to California and very few actually settling the midwest. But after the gold rush things changed, far more so after the civil war and the expansion of the railroads.

Will be interesting to see where things go. 1850 is pretty straight forward with the settlers becoming more in conflict with the Comanches, but with the Garcias gone 1915 is a bit up in the air. Pete is definitely not gone for good, but in what way he'll return is unclear. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought in an established oil tycoon to try and muscle Eli around. And no doubt the ghost of the Garcias and the finale will hang over the whole thing.

Overall I think this was a really solid season, nothing amazing but a good watch. There's not too much I would complain about how things were handled or done. The cast was all good and solid. Some of the storylines and events were a bit too straightforward, but there's a lot of promise. Already better than Hell on Wheels which itself was a very competent and entertaining watch throughout its run.
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