Just got around to seeing it. Huge Sopranos fan, and I'm originally from North Jersey so I get all giddy when Imperoli says shit like "I met death on Route 23."
Very underwhelming, and for one very big reason: The acting.
The acting is what made The Sopranos, for me. And while Gandolfini was at the center of it, the supporting cast were all NJ/NY natives and/or had previous experience working in mob films, so all of it was believable. With Saints, however, none of the top brass actors are actually from the area nor had much experience in mob roles. Even the over-usage of Italian American slang was a bit cringe to the point where it was like watching people pretend to play caricatures of these people.
And where was the silver-lining in acting? From the characters who are Jersey natives: Vera Farminga, Ray Liotta and Joey Diaz. In fact, Vera's portrayal of Livia was spot on. Nancy Marchand would have been proud.