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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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And the horrible cunts you speak of feel emboldened by the fact it appears the majority agree with them. I say appears because no it is not fair to say everyone voting leave is a bigot. It simply isn't. Even if a fair few are. It's the perception that helps and enables those that are though. They'll be taking this a mental win that the majority of the country thinks fuck foreigners and brown skinned people.
It would not be a accurate to say that everyone voting leave is a bigot but it would be entirely accurate to say that everyone voting leave has emboldened bigots. You are all disgusting cunts. Absolute cunts.
Unless people have already started chasing you up the street threatening to throw you out I think you are being a bit knee-jerky and silly.
I'm sure both of you will find your friends will still be your friends and I'm sure your colleagues will still work with you.

Can you see the irony of calling a whole nation closed minded twats?

So what happens when a victorious campaign led by xenophobia doesn't decrease the amount of "immigrants" on the street? Do people who supported it for xenophobic reasons actually educate themselves on what's actually been causing their problems and how they can resolve them or do they continue to take the simple rout and get even angrier at the scapegoated minorities they're targeting?

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
You just willingly backed yourselves into a negotiating position where you don't have leverage. You will be operating under extreme time constraints and your opponent has a vested interest in hurting you. You have no clear leadership and your country is hopelessly fractured on the issue.

It's not about bruised egos, it's your new reality. Good luck!

This is the reality for Britain. I hope we all understand this.


This says more about the market being caught off guard rather than the merits (or lack thereof) of UK leaving. Everyone expected Remain to win

No, it clearly shows the financial difference the market has set between remain and leave. Being caught off-guard actually gives us a better figure because the market was as you said almost certain we'd remain.


So what's the voting situation now? I'm sure once the UK starts the article 50 proceedings they'll lose their vote but what about now until October? Also reading art. 49 now the UK could come back at some point, but that would be a very difficult road for them.


UK doesn't really offer stuff we can't find else where in the EU though. Especially considering the UK's economy is based on services. That we can't export to them is what hurts us.

Most of the morons have yet to grasp this. The U.K. has relatively little comparative advantage.
Yeah we saw all that high minded protection of the EU at work in Greece. Really edifying stuff.

That was clearly a motivated political misguided and shotsighted effort. True. Left-wing parties couldn't gain more traction in Europe, so they chooked Greece to avoid that. They could have easily took the economic hit, but the political german move was given priority.

This is a more rational political and economic deal. EU needs to protect the union or otherwise the continent will be thrown into an socialeconomic chaos. If that means giving the UK a very bad deal, so be it.

They were the ones that voted against reason and common sense.


I highly doubt this voting is real. Although tbh I really don't see what the problem is with leaving the EU. Maybe England should focus on their own problems first like the shitty health system, the housing crisis and pissing benefit money on foreigners. Never mind that there are so many foreigners working for a pittance of the cost. Also, get all that tax owed from the likes of Starbucks, Google, Cameron etc.

England lost its identity decades ago. The great British Empire is a shadow of its former self.

Joke post?
Driving into work this morning listening to NPR I literally yelled "WHAT?!" twice. What a time we live in. Will be interesting to see what happens over the next year. Ultimately, I don't think it will be a good thing but also won't be nearly as bad as some folks think.


It would not be a accurate to say that everyone voting leave is a bigot but it would be entirely accurate to say that everyone voting leave has emboldened bigots. You are all disgusting cunts. Absolute cunts.

Hopefully that last two sentences of yours are aimed at the bigots. While I am empathising with you and agreeing I can't get behind totally smearing someone who isn't a bigot or racist for voting leave. I might be able to argue they are careless or voting without good merit but I can't justify just calling them all cunts.

Just saying I'm not trying to rile you up. Really just don't want everyone hating everyone, blindly. That's how the bigots behave :(


Which is exactly my point.
the French population DID NOT care.
More than 31% of the voting population didn't even bother going to vote for that dumb referendum.
All the leading parties went into the next election without giving a shit about the result (and publicly shat on the result too) AND weren't punished by the voting base.
If the referendum was THAT important the 2 leading candidates would have been crushed like Jospin was 5 years before.
That didn't happen, french people voted for candidates who would go against the result knowingly.
Take the L and move on Melenchon.

So we didn't have any choice basically. Do you want more Europe or more Europe?
69% participation is quite good actually.
Moreover, Europe isn't the main and only topic for Presidential elections. You know how it is.
He must have been very poorly advised. Pretty much everyone that I spoke to were of the opinion "Who the fuck is this guy to threaten us". That combined with Osborne threatening to tax the arsehole off of everyone probably tipped quite a few on-the-fencers towards leave. Lets not forget, as recently as last week, there was a 4 ish point gap but 10 percent undecided. You're playing with fire when theres that many undecided people looking for a reason to vote one way or the other.

This has been about a lot more than just immigration.
There has been a complete fracture between our politicians and vast swathes of the populace.
Could we negotiate having Scotland, Northern Ireland and everyone who voted remain to be given lifelong EU passport rights?
and everyone born in the UK during the EEC/EU membership period.. we were born in the EU, we should be entitled to keep an EU passport. Leave voters should be exempt though :)


David Allen Green, who writes about law for the Financial Times, wrote this interesting article that might give some hope


His tweets:


I don't see how they can possibly get away with not triggering Article 50, though. The UK government is now facing pressure from both the majority of their country and the EU to do so. Is the hope that everyone just forgets Leave won?


This has been about a lot more than just immigration.
There has been a complete fracture between our politicians and vast swathes of the populace.

You mistook threats for analysis and cold rationality.

That's on you.

You assume the people in charge of the EU want what's best for the EU.

The debacle with Greece made it clear that that couldn't be further from the truth.

Do elaborate. What's the people in charge of the EU's objective function, and how does it impact the incentives to punish the UK?
The EU lovers here have apparently no problem with how Greece is treated and how it's basically the EU that is condemning an entire generation to misery but hey they're in the EU after all.

Portugal is next but hey they have the membership card after all...

An organization threatening you with the harshest sanctions and retaliations if you want to leave it : Some would rightfully call it a sect.

2016 People : If you want your soveireignity and the control of your borders you're the reincarnation of the nazis, talk about some hyperbole...


Gemüsepizza;208266193 said:
This will not happen. The EU will not accept this in any way.
The EU don't have a say in when we do this. Article 50 is a method for countries to leave the EU, there is no such method to force a country out.

(Someone correct me if wrong, I'm regurgitating from earlier in the thread)
That was clearly a motivated political misguided and shotsighted effort. True. Left-wing parties couldn't gain more traction in Europe, so they chooked Greece to avoid that. They could have easily took the economic hit, but the political german move was given priority.

This is a more rational political and economic deal. EU needs to protect the union or otherwise the continent will be thrown into an socialeconomic chaos. If that means giving the UK a very bad deal, so be it.

They were the ones that voted against reason and common sense.

Deciding not to have good relations with the UK in order to apply a sticking plaster to a short term political problem is not short sighted?


That was clearly a motivated political misguided and shotsighted effort. True. Left-wing parties couldn't gain more traction in Europe, so they chooked Greece to avoid that. They could have easily took the economic hit, but the political german move was given priority.

This is a more rational political and economic deal. EU needs to protect the union or otherwise the continent will be thrown into an socialeconomic chaos. If that means giving the UK a very bad deal, so be it.

They were the ones that voted against reason and common sense.

The EU treatment of Greece was a warning to the European Left. The EU treatment of the UK will be a warning to the European Right.
It won't be protecting the EU if we stop buying German cars and French wine because the EU behave like the Remainers (sulky and pissy).

It's in the best interests of both parties to remain cordial for business.

People are voting against the EU having so much reach into our laws etc.
They aren't saying they hate the French and the Germans and won't buy any more of their products.

It'll be cordial business. Just one where the UK pays more than before, to offset the extra hassle of having to deal with a non-EU nation.


Yup. threaten with the stick always works better than encourage with the peace offering...

Oh wait.....!
I hope you do realize you are basing your reactions on emotions instead of logic, right?
Do you really think the EU is ruled by emotions instead of logic?
Most of the morons have yet to grasp this. The U.K. has relatively little comparative advantage.

Honestly, it's this sentiment that people who voted Leave are all morons that paints people like you as arrogant twats. The UK is the fifth biggest economy in the world, is one of only 2 countries in Europe with a strong military and is a member of NATO. Get out of here with your ill informed condescending shit.


We didn't have any choice basically. Do you want more Europe or more Europe?

It is known that French people are for more Europe (the issue in 2004 was not for more or less but what kind).
If the French people wanted less Europe they could have gone Villier, Lepen, Laguiller or one of the other jokers.
In 2012 they could have gone with Lepen, Melenchon, Poutou, Dupont Aignan, Arthaud.
they had the choice they just preferred staying.
The no movement from 2004 died and lost in the end, deal with it and move on Melenchon.

and why Melenchon? Because that fucker is STILL raising the corpse of that referendum like it means something today.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
The EU lovers here have apparently no problem with how Greece is treated and how it's basically the EU that is condemning an entire generation to misery but hey they're in the EU after all.

Portugal is next but hey they have the membership card after all...

An organization threatening you with the harshest sanctions and retaliations if you want to leave it : Some would rightfully call it a sect.

2016 People : If you want your soveireignity and the control of your borders you're the reincarnation of the nazis, talk about some hyperbole...

No one can force the UK to do business with the EU.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Maybe Scotland will finally get it's independence after centuries.

But otherwise this is going to cause issues globally. Any global company heavy in USD is going to lose quite a bit of earnings in the currency exchange.
Yup. threaten with the stick always works better than encourage with the peace offering...

Oh wait.....!

Sorry, but I don't get it.

You want to be out of the EU while having the same benefits as being in the UE. Obviously UE won't allow that, and they will send that message to other countries.

Is not a threat, is a reality that EU will protect the market and interest of it's members (and those of the union) rather than of countries that aren't members.

In the same way you voted with the intention of protecting your own interests rather that those of the EU.

Double standards much?.


Honestly, it's this sentiment that people who voted Leave are all morons that paints people like you as arrogant twats. The UK is the fifth biggest economy in the world, is one of only 2 countries in Europe with a strong military and is a member of NATO. Get out of here with your ill informed condescending shit.

France overtook the UK today apparently.
This is a great day for Europe. Finally, we will return to the roots of what a European Union was always supposed to be - not a centralized political dictatorship.


Sorry, but I don't get it.

You want to be out of the EU while having the same benefits as being in the UE. Obviously UE won't allow that, and they will send that message to other countries.

Is not a threat, is a reality that EU will protect the market and interest of it's members rather than of people that aren't members.

In the same way you voted with the intention of protecting your own interests rather that those of the EU.

Double standards much?.

He seems to be of the opinion that the UK has more negotiating leverage than the United States. No point entertaining such a person.


Taking a harsh stance with the UK won't be good for the EU.
We buy a lot of stuff off them.

I suppose it might help the bruised ego of the petty Remainers for a few days.
What is it about authoritarian lefties that they always have to punish everyone that doesn't agree with them?

lol, it's not everything about the UK, you know.

I, for one, as a citizen of another EU member state, do sincerely hope that the EU takes sufficient measures and actions in what regards this issue. I'm not saying "we should isolate the UK blah blah", because it's unrealistic and undesirable for all, but there certainly needs to be some consequences. If in the end it happens that Germany also wants its "special" trade treaties with the UK and eventually nothing changes and the UK finds itself in the exact same position or even better (in detriment of the 27 other members), then the EU is a complete farce and I would start supporting my country to leave as well.

I know plenty of people who feel this way too, so what the EU decides to do in the following months/years is very important and will likely determine the future of the Union as a whole.
Honestly, it's this sentiment that people who voted Leave are all morons that paints people like you as arrogant twats. The UK is the fifth biggest economy in the world, is one of only 2 countries in Europe with a strong military and is a member of NATO. Get out of here with your ill informed condescending shit.

Not that I wish to condone the condescension, but the point of this is that Leaving changes the context in which Britain is at work. It could no longer be the 5th largest, for instance.

We do not have some innate power and right to be successful.


Sorry, but I don't get it.

You want to be out of the EU while having the same benefits as being in the UE. Obviously UE won't allow that, and they will send that message to other countries.

Is not a threat, is a reality that EU will protect the market and interest of it's members (and those of the union) rather than of countries that aren't members.

In the same way you voted with the intention of protecting your own interests rather that those of the EU.

Double standards much?.


He honestly believes he can have his cake and eat it, too.

It reminds me of those people that really, really wish they could buy car insurance only precisely when they crash.

You called the EU's bluff. Pray that they are weak and acquiesce.


Maybe England should focus on their own problems first like the shitty health system
'Shitty health system'? Have you been to England? Clearly not if you regard it as 'shitty'. It's one of the best in the world and we're proud of it, we just want to make it better and not see it dismantled.


69% participation is quite good actually.
Moreover, Europe isn't the main and only topic for Presidential elections. You know how it is.

Inline with Maastricht but nothing spectacular either.
Europe IS absolutely the main topic of the Presidential elections, if the media and the politicians don't want to talk about it, it's on them.
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