[The Verge] Microsoft and Google are fighting over the future of Xbox


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A legal battle could sway Microsoft’s mobile Xbox plans

In October, it became very clear that Microsoft and Google were at war again. After a six-year truce on legal battles ended in 2021, Google has, in recent months, been voicing its concerns about Microsoft’s cloud business. That particular dispute is at the “lobbying regulators” stage, but another disagreement between the two tech giants has slipped into the courts and the public sphere and could sway the very future of Xbox.

Microsoft revealed last week that it built a new Xbox game store for Android but has been unable to launch it. The store relies on a key court ruling that would force sweeping changes to Google’s Play Store, opening it up to competition and ending the requirement for apps to use Google Play Billing. Microsoft has been desperate for regulators to act and pave the way for its ambitious Xbox mobile efforts. But after the court ruling offered a brief moment of hope, Google won a temporary administrative stay blocking the changes from coming into effect in November.

Microsoft had planned to sell games directly in its Xbox app for Android and allow customers to immediately stream those games directly to their phones and tablets. These two features combined aren’t possible right now, unless Microsoft is willing to sacrifice 30 percent of Xbox game purchases on Android to Google.

“Due to a temporary administrative stay recently granted by the courts, we are currently unable to launch these features as planned,” said Xbox president Sarah Bond in a Bluesky post last week on the eve of Thanksgiving. “Our team has the functionality built and ready to go live as soon as the court makes a final decision.”

Google’s reaction was different, though. “Microsoft has always been able to offer their Android users the ability to play and purchase Xbox games directly from their app – they’ve simply chosen not to,” said Google spokesperson Dan Jackson in response to Microsoft’s public complaint.

As always, the reality between Microsoft’s and Google’s statements here is somewhere in the middle. Microsoft used to allow you to buy games in the Xbox mobile app on Android, but it removed the functionality in 2020 when it decided to add remote console streaming to the app. Google’s Play Store policies mean Microsoft would have to give up a 30 percent cut if it wanted to allow Xbox players to buy games in an Android app and then also play them.

Google “allows customers to purchase digital content using non-Google commerce systems in a native app — but only if the content is not consumed in the app, e.g.,

Rest of the article is paywalled.

Here are the posts on bluesky from Sarah Bond

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Neo Member
Why does Xbox feel the need to self-victimize and limit itself by bundling in Remote Play to its core app?

Just do what Steam and PS already do and split it out. Store, Profile, Social, Storage Management in the core app, Remote Play as its own dedicated app. So stupid, nothing is stopping them from doing that while still fighting this legal battle


While not ideal, what's stopping Xbox from hosting an APK on Xbox.com? Seems like the obvious solution, until this mess can be sorted out. It's absolutely better than having nothing. Make it a great experience and word will travel through the gaming circles that it's worth popping over to the website, for a quick download.


It's just a smokescreen for MS suits to hide the failure of xcloud and gamepass.

It's going to be the same as Windows Phone, it's not MS's fault for the bankruptcy of Windows Phone, which fragmented the platform that already had only 3% of the market, it's Google's fault for not making YouTube for Windows Phone.

Phil Spencer and his trained clowns, all xbox yes men, have already realized that Xcloud and Gamepass are bankrupt, nobody wants them and nobody will sign up.

Google is once again, after Windows Phone, the scapegoat of suited idiots at MS.
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It's just a smokescreen for MS suits to hide the failure of xcloud and gamepass.
If you have seen the "Xbox year in review" threads here and in other forums the cloud share amounts for nearly 1 hour on average. Most people didn't even try it and those who did noped out right away. It's embarrassing.
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Why does Xbox feel the need to self-victimize and limit itself by bundling in Remote Play to its core app?

Just do what Steam and PS already do and split it out. Store, Profile, Social, Storage Management in the core app, Remote Play as its own dedicated app. So stupid, nothing is stopping them from doing that while still fighting this legal battle
The entire idea is to "crack open" Android via regulatory and judicial intervention.

While not ideal, what's stopping Xbox from hosting an APK on Xbox.com? Seems like the obvious solution, until this mess can be sorted out. It's absolutely better than having nothing. Make it a great experience and word will travel through the gaming circles that it's worth popping over to the website, for a quick download.
This would be an amenable solution for savvy users who know about installing apks, but Google does things that scare normies away from doing so, like flashing THIS IS POTENTIALLY UNSAFE when you want to install an apk.


Imagine if your Windows PC could only make purchases through the Windows Store. You had to jump through hoops to get Steam or Epic on it.

It seems silly, phones are just computers now. Windows isn't allowed to do this, I like that should be precedent enough.

But also this is mobile so I don't super care, really only on principle.


It would be kind of cool if Google, after besting Oracle saying they had the right to duplicate Java's API, now claimed that Microsoft doesn't have the right to duplicate Android's API.


Microsoft fighting tooth and nail for this third party launcher store thing. No one wants it. They just want Minecraft available natively on the Apple Store and Play Store natively as it is now and at a push 1 app they can download from those stores that has the xCloud library ready to go.

Time and time again when there is a choice people demonstrate that they don’t want their software.
I don't think the court will grant them this because Sony, Nintendo, Valve etc have apps which have the ability to purchase games from your phone and play them on console or pc but MS is trying to have games here play on your phone, via cloud streaming, which is a direct violation of Google and Apple's ToS.


30% fee to MS, Sony, or Nintendo just means 30% fee to the user in one way or another. I'd rather it be dropped or significantly reduced. It seems like a riding amount just for being in the store.


It took them how many years to make a unified app that can't be released natively on the Play Store? Guessing at least another 12 months for the crude oil tanker Xbox to turn direction and release a separate xcloud app.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Imagine if your Windows PC could only make purchases through the Windows Store. You had to jump through hoops to get Steam or Epic on it.

It seems silly, phones are just computers now. Windows isn't allowed to do this, I like that should be precedent enough.

But also this is mobile so I don't super care, really only on principle.
On Windows I have to download a file to install Steam.

On Android they could let you download a file to install their store.

Boss Mog

Fuck cloud gaming, fuck subscriptions, fuck all digital. All this shit is the communist version of gaming meant to take all power away from gamers and give it all to the platform holders. You'll pay the same or more except you'll own nothing and have a worse experience.
"If we are to survive, a new balance must be found. In normal times, evil would be fought by good. But in times like these, well, it should be fought by another kind of evil."

- The Chronicles of Riddick

Google always standing in Microsoft's way has saved us multiple times already, most notably when they stood together with Apple and prevented MS from monopolizing phones with Windows Phone
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