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The Very Worst Movies of the Decade (holy crap I need to see all of these)

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I thought this was a good writeup and got me thinking.


AICN said:
After much deliberation, sifting through old reviews and compiling a list of the hundreds and hundreds of painful hours I’ve spent over the last decade seeing the very worst Hollywood had to offer, this is what boiled down to the bottom most 10…and one Honorable mention.

Honorable Mention: THE ROOM. Unlike every other film on this list, THE ROOM only opened in Los Angeles, nowhere else; but in truth, Tommy Wiseau’s brutally awkward film may go on to outlast them all in terms of infamy. Now a cult film in LA, going so far as having been an April Fool’s Day prank played on unsuspecting Adult Swim viewers, this is slowly gaining on some of the worst movies in history as worthy to be among them. While the writer/director/star/producer/executive producer Wiseau currently continues to claim that his film was intentionally bad and meant to be funny, no one is buying that – not even his cast who claim otherwise. Easily the most well known self-distributed failure in modern history, this is a film so bad that neglecting it would preclude this from being a complete list, but also failed to convince actual theaters that this was somehow an actual movie. It’s not. Although it is also not the worst thing on this list. But it’s close.

10) ALONE IN THE DARK. It wouldn’t be a Worst of the Decade list without an Uwe Boll movie. The man who was hailed for most of the decade as the reigning king of all things awful, only to embrace the title and turned our interaction with him as some sort of wrestling spectacle. Interviews with him felt more like they were being conducted by Mean Gene Okerlund and that Uwe couldn’t wait until Wrestlemania in order to kick the snot out of AICN’s own Quint. HOUSE OF THE DEAD was awful, but this film took everything awful about HOUSE OF THE DEAD and made it three times as boring. Easily the worst theatrically released video game adaptation of the decade, this unrepentantly terrible movie squeaks in mostly due to the reputation and track record of Boll himself. I’m certain some of you may find worse movies than this one, but it’s hard to find more notorious directors.

9) BATTLEFIELD EARTH. HAHAHAHA! PUNY RATBRAIN! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Few of this top ten are actually big, epic sized, expensive attempts at blockbusters. Chalk it up to studio oversight or the glory of expensive spectacle, but pound for pound these cheaper, leaner films tend to take the cake in terms of sheer, unwatchable awfulness. Except this one. Of all of this decades big expensive misfires, this is the absolute worst and most painful. Devoid of logic and beset with some of the very worst performances you’ve ever seen out of very talented people (I’m looking at you Forest Whitaker), even the spectacle of its tremendous special effects couldn’t keep people from wanting to gouge their eyes out with spoons rather witness another implausible frame. Truly the very worst big budget film of the decade.

8) DUMB AND DUMBERER: WHEN HARRY MET LLOYD. The only merciful thing about this film is that its plot was so unintelligible that it has become impossible to remember what it was actually about. What I do remember is how much I hated myself for even watching it all the way through and enduring its amazingly juvenile attempts to present even younger, more immature versions of the Farrelly Brother originals. I wish I could say that this was the worst sequel of the decade, but it’s not even close.

7) TIPTOES. Oh. Dear. God. When Matthew Bright sent his directors cut of this to Harry to show at Butt-Numb-A-Thon, it was to earn Harry’s support in saving his vision of his film: a raunchy, comic drama that promised to be the greatest “dwarfsploitation” film ever made. Harry, madly in love with Bright’s brilliant FREEWAY, showed it sight unseen, completely unaware of what he was about to do to us. It was brutal. On the surface it looked awesome. The film starred Matthew McConaughey and Kate Beckinsdale (back when those names on a film still meant something) as romantic leads opposite a digitally miniaturized Gary Oldman as McConaughey’s midget brother. But instead of exploitation, the film was a mess, a brain numbing drama about a normal sized man from a family of the vertically challenged, desperately afraid of having a child and passing on the genes to another generation. Just when the miserable movie seems to be ending, it moves into a terribly cloying and painful fourth act about having a kid, who does get the genes, and watching what it does to the marriage of McC and Mrs. Len Wiseman.

The crowd turned. What at first was polite suffering became the only movie ever openly, and allowably, heckled in the 11 year, 100+ movie history of Butt-Numb-A-Thon. Offensive and unfunny, even the sight of David Allen Grier plowing Bridget the Midget on a table at a party cannot bleach away the stain of this film from the backside of my eyeballs. I recently saw that this was available on Netflix Streaming, and was tempted to see if I could sit through it a third time (I watched the final theatrical edit on DVD just to see if the producers managed to save the film from Bright’s temporary insanity. They couldn’t.)

“When the going gets rough, it’s only the size of your heart that counts.”

6) BRATZ. Jon Voight was at one time one of our greatest living actors. Then came the 2000’s. The first of two appearances on the Bottom 10 list, he adds a certain level of class and importance to a really shitty movie. When people ask me what my own personal favorite review out of all the ones I’ve written is, I tell them this one . It’s not uncommon that kids films are pretty terrible, but it is uncommon to be this nonsensical, this kind of indeliberately racist (The Asian girl is the smart one, the white blond the ditzy, klutzy one, the Hispanic girl the singer who has mariachis inexplicably hanging around in her kitchen, the black girl the cheerleader and knife expert...wait I think I made that last part up – but ONLY the last part), and this obsessively consumptive. When people look at the world and talk about all the terrible messages we send to little girls, they are talking about everything this movie has to say. Sure, they try to pull it out of a tailspin by claiming that these girls are just being themselves - a group of girls that defies categorization, and share one thing in common, their passion for fashion – but it is a foul lie, trying to sell the same old Teen Beat crap to little girls and put a new label on it.

It is also 110 of the most unwatchable minutes set to film this decade. Just try to find a reason that Voight wears a terrible prosthetic nose throughout this drek - other than trying to disguise himself from audiences - I dare you.

5) DADDY DAY CAMP. If you ever wanted to take every last ounce of childhood nostalgia you have for actor Fred “The Wonder Years” Savage and watch it shit out the hemorrhoid-plagued, bloody ass end of his career - then lock up any firearms you have, empty your house of sharp objects and watch his theatrical directorial debut. The sequel to the relatively unwatchable but not particularly loathsome hit DADDY DAY CARE, this is the movie Eddie Murphy turned down flat. He reportedly said something akin to “I ain’t working with goddamned kids again” and so they found the next best thing: Cuba Gooding Jr.

This miserable excuse for a film takes every camp movie cliché you’ve ever seen, sucks the very joy and life out of each one of them, then lazily drops them in-between instances of exploding outhouse shitters and wild-eyed, goofy reaction shots from Cuba and his c-list cast. Completely unwatchable by anyone over the age of 8, the only thing that keeps me from wanting to punch Savage in the face is a daydream I have about him sitting at home unshaven, with a whiskey bottle in one hand and the remote in the other, rewinding and fast forwarding through the end of his directorial career.

4) MEET THE SPARTANS. This isn’t a movie. It is a 60 minute series of rejected MAD TV skits with a 10 minute long slow crawl credit sequence to pad it out to feature length. The jokes were terrible, the timing awful and occasionally the sequences went on minutes longer than even the semi-retarded audience this film was aiming for could find it funny. When the movie starts running long, it actually just ends by having the villain (Xerxes from 300 played by the fat guy from Borat – GET IT?) turning into a transformer, tripping over his own cord then falling and crushing all of the movie’s characters. The movie’s greatest failing, however - if one can even dream of there being just one – is that all of their material was months, if not over a year old. No one cared about LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE or how gay 300 was or about serving anyone anything let alone caring who got served to begin with, and the whole thing felt tired and weak, despite being released so close to all of these things.

3) DISASTER MOVIE. Highlighting the complete ineptitude of Seltzer/Friedberg, these two titans of comedic cinema - still licking their wounds after being critically brutalized for MEET THE SPARTANS - attempted to show us critics what for. If we called their jokes tired, they would get fresher jokes; jokes about movies still in the theaters. But since these were movies they weren’t able to watch beforehand, they had to try to write jokes about movies they had not seen, leading to a film loaded with REFERENCES to other movies. If their films had lacked any understanding of the films they were mocking to begin with, they outdid themselves with their inability to understand movies they had not seen. The effect was stunning. Simply stunning.

At the time of release I could not decide between which was worse, this or SPARTANS. Upon reflection I feel that this is. At least with SPARTANS they were trying to parody something. With DISASTER MOVIE they were simply spending the money that they had convinced the studios to give them. Fortunately that gravy train appears to be over.

2) SUPERBABIES: BABY GENIUS 2. Oh. Holy. Shit. Have you SEEN This? No. Have you ACTUALLY SEEN THIS? Fuck me, man. Fuck me. I know we’re supposed to revere Bob Clark because most of us weren’t old enough to revile the Porky’s movies like the critics of the time did, or because he made what is widely considered to be the first American slasher film BLACK CHRISTMAS, or because he had the brass balls to make an anti-war horror movie in the midst of Vietnam (DEATHDREAM); but fuck, man. This is one of the worst pieces of shit I have ever seen. And this is only the SECOND of a 2 part shit sandwich.

Oh yes. Jon Voight is back in the list as a mad doctor who needs to be stopped by a brood of talking babies gifted with terrible super powers. It is a film so tainted and miserable that it shaves years off of your life after simply watching it, and if the Buddhists are right, will mean Voight, Scott Baio and everyone else associated with this film will come back in the next life as extras in a German Shizer video…to learn how to make something infinitely more entertaining than this.

1) AFTER LAST SEASON. As I wrote in my worst of ’09, this movie simply defies reason. It should not exist. Not on film and certainly not in theaters. But it did. At least until theater owners were instructed to burn all the remaining film prints rather than incurring the expense of shipping it back. This film is unwatchable and pound for pound the very worst thing you have ever seen that wasn’t directed by a 13 year old on Youtube…and that’s being generous.

Oh. My. God.

You need to click the link, and watch those trailers. #1 looks soooooo bad it's unbelievable. So does The Room. Oh my god, The Room. I really need to see some of these.

Holy fucking shit, my jaw was on the floor looking at both The Room and After Last Season.

What're your worst movies of the decade?

(Try to be original, at least a bit. No SWI-III, SM3, Matrix Sequels etc)
Actually I think Postal and Farcry were worse Uwe Bole films than Alone in the Dark.

Yes I've seen them..... don't know why though.... fuck you netflix instant streaming!


why is the happening not on that list? that just doesn't make any sense.

atleast you can laugh when watching stuff like the room.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I love it how DB evolution is so bad. It didn't even make it on the list. hahahahaha!
Any list without this piece of shit...


...is incomplete. Granted, my expectations weren't high, but the first Legally Blonde film was at least watchable. This, on the other had, was torture.


Extreme Movie needs to be #1 and stay #1 for the rest of time. It makes the movies on that top 10 look like James Cameron's next blockbuster.


Elephant was probably my worst film of the decade. To be fair, I usually stay far away from bad movies and really research stuff before I decide to watch a movie.

I did catch Battlefield Earth and Son of Mask on HBO. Both were pretty horrific, but I had low expectations when I watched them.

You could pretty much build a "worst of list" based off what actors did this past decade. The Wayans Brothers, Jamie Kennedy, Michael Myers, Adam Sandler, Eddie Murphy, Nic Cage all made some real bad movies during this time.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Happy to say I haven't seen a single one of these.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I can't watch the trailers, but man... After Last Season... just looking at this is enough for me to not want to watch it.



Terminator Salvation... Its not the worst by far but in the past few years I haven't seen anything so boring and completely devoid of the original vision of the movies that came before it...


There was a thread about movie genres and I am ashamed to admit that movies in the bad parody genre like Meet the Spartans makes me laugh.

I am weak.

I agree it is one of the worst movies of the decade and yet I still chuckle. :(


Perfect Getaway is the worst movie of the decade. I can't remember what thread I first mentioned that in, but someone challenged me to watch Battlefield Earth.

Well, I did yesterday.

Perfect Getaway is the worst movie of the decade.
BattleMonkey said:
Actually I think Postal and Farcry were worse Uwe Bole films than Alone in the Dark.

Yes I've seen them..... don't know why though.... fuck you netflix instant streaming!
Far Cry is at least entertaining in how awful it is, and it looked like the actors were having a good time filming it. Alone in the Dark is just boring.


I'd heard of all those films except for After Last Season. I just checked out the trailer and wow :lol I cant believe that came out in 2009. It has the look of like a cheap sexploitation film from the late 70's/early 80's.

James Griggs

Neo Member
The Room is hilariously awful. It's going to take some time, but it's definitely in the running for worst movie ever. I still can't believe Tommy Wiseau was able to raise $6million for that "movie".


JCX said:
Seriously, how the eff is The Room not number one?

You NEED to see the trailer for #1.

The "MRI" is made out of paper and cardboard. NO JOKE.

Every scene is filmed in the SAME ROOM, with different cardboards used to build sets.

Outside scenes are just CGI...SNES-looking CGI.


Water is not wet!
i have to admit.. all this talk about After Last Season makes me want to watch it. SNES sfx for outside? All in the same room with different cardboard cutouts? Sounds awesome.


although my worst of the decade would go to the Sex and the city movie, i havn't seen hardly any on this list so i can't judge against them.

christ, the sex and the city movie brought my piss to a boil.
I've only seen Battlefield Earth on that list. Me and a friend saw it in theaters to make fun of it. Sadly, there was no laughter to be had. Just mountains of pity, for ourselves and everyone involved in the film.
Holy crap, After Last Season has to be some kind of sick joke. That made it to theaters? I don't believe it, seriously somebody is playing some kind of joke with that film, no f'in way.
Can't say I disagree with the list. Battlefield Earth is truly atrocious.

I look forward to people mentioning LOTR Trilogy, Dark Knight, Avatar, and so forth.


I am glad that I've only seen one of those movies: Alone in the Dark. truly deserving.

perhaps, when I was a teenager, I would feel compelled to watch the rest. but not anymore.
Danne-Danger said:
Far Cry is at least entertaining in how awful it is, and it looked like the actors were having a good time filming it. Alone in the Dark is just boring.

To me it was the exact opposite. Far Cry was just so boring and direct, it just felt like they didn't even try. AITD while awful was hillarious at times and Bole seemed to have actually tried which made it worse.

Bole is great to watch with buddies with commentary on especially since all he does is bitch about his actors, and the internet. In the AITD commentary it was so fucking amazing how he talks for a long while how he took one of the sponsor computers used in the movie that broke, and tricked someone into buying it.

Hari Seldon

Twilight was the worst movie I have seen this decade by far. I'd take any Uwe Boll flick over that abomination. At least Uwe Boll's flicks usually have titties.


ToxicAdam said:
Elephant was probably my worst film of the decade. To be fair, I usually stay far away from bad movies and really research stuff before I decide to watch a movie.

You joking right? You may not like it personally, but a film that won awards at Cannes considered as worst of the decade?
I just watched the trailer for The Last Season. I'm not even sure what I just watched. I don't believe this movie ever made it into a theater.


mosammey said:
I just watched the trailer for The Last Season. I'm not even sure what I just watched. I don't believe this movie ever made it into a theater.


The film was only released in 4 cities. Afterward distributors called each theatre individually and told them to burn the prints because it was cheaper than sending them back.

Holy shit when I read the OP and it said burn the copies, I thought it was a joke. Apparently not. :lol


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
There's even a homepage for After Last Season and it has a much shorter trailer but with an awesomely crappy trailer voice on. The page is also filled with box quotes making claims that the movie is the best thing ever.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
BattleMonkey said:
Actually I think Postal and Farcry were worse Uwe Bole films than Alone in the Dark.

Yes I've seen them..... don't know why though.... fuck you netflix instant streaming!

Didn't see Far Cry, but Postal was total trash. I did see Alone in the Dark, and man, that was horrific. I cannot recommend it to any human on the planet.

Watched Battlefield Earth with a couple friends. We sure did regret that. Man, that was bad. It really was so bad it was horrible but worth laughing at...well, maybe. I'm still on the fence. It was a bucket of shit to be sure.
I'm starting to definitely think that After Last Season is on purpose, there's no way a film can be that bad and is supposed to be an actual movie for people to enjoy. The Room I know the director has stated is a dark comedy but we all know for a fact the dude did not make the film funny intentionally, this film however I just refuse to believe was made for any other reason than as a joke.
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