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The Very Worst Movies of the Decade (holy crap I need to see all of these)

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After Last Season looks so bizarre and intriguing.

And yeah, the sets are all phony and made of cardboard, but it seems pretty obvious that they weren't really going for something realistic. Reading the IMDB comments the film has lots of fake-looking props standing in for even readily attainable objects. They want everything to be stark, minimalist, etc.

The excruciatingly bad CG stuff.....I have no idea why that was done though.
BattleMonkey said:
Postal, Blood Rayne II and Boles last movie 'Tunnel Rats' also went direct to video. He seems to be out of the theater circuit for good hopefully.

Just wait until you see Rampage.

I have a feeling you will change your tune. I did.

No joke, it is like Taxi Driver's steroidal nephew.
darkwings said:

the 7th film is seriously the worst in the series by far, and also a disgrace to the original films. What a pile of shit this was.

I also want to highlight superhero movie as another stinker.[/QUOTE]
I like how the cast changes every movie, and they have to struggle to explain Eugene Levy's character's continued appearance.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
After last season may be the best movie ever made! At least that's what a reviewer mentioned on the website supposedly said.

Mr. Sam

Applesauce said:
I don't know but I saved it on my Netflix waiting list. I couldn't resist!

My A-level Media film trailer looks ten times more professional than that - and I wrote and starred in the thing.
Baker said:
Perfect Getaway is the worst movie of the decade. I can't remember what thread I first mentioned that in, but someone challenged me to watch Battlefield Earth.

Well, I did yesterday.

Perfect Getaway is the worst movie of the decade.
What the fuck? You're not talking about "A Perfect Getaway" are you? The Milla Jovavich / Timothy Olyphant / Steve Zahn movie from last year.

I'm not even sure how someone could consider that a particularly bad movie. I could probably list a dozen movies from 2009 alone that were worse. I rather enjoyed it honestly, and I think it averaged up around 7/10 for most critics.


the budget for after last season is $5m. yes, you read that right: FIVE MILLION US DOLLARS.

from an interview with the creator:

Filmmaker: In an earlier interview you stated that the film’s budget was $5 million, which seems like a high number considering that you had a tiny shooting crew and only shot for five or six days. Is this number correct?

Region: It’s correct. When we shot, the budget was $30,000 to 40,000, but to do those special effects and the computer animation, the budget went to that number.

Filmmaker: To $5 million?

Region: Yeah. And that also includes a few other things — titles, lab costs.

Filmmaker: But it doesn’t include theater rentals and the cost of distribution


there's a comment on youtube about its budget, which is interesting (not sure if it's true, but i'm inclined to believe it):

This movie is an overbudget scam (like shown on "The Producers"). It cost 6 million, the same amount it cost to make "The Wrestler". Well, actually, the writer-director-producer hetre got the money to himself, and made something quickly with a few bucks, and fulfilled the contractual obligation with the sponsors to release it. He also added some crappy CGI shots to possibly attempt to justify the costs. It is easy to see through this scheme, but there is little to be done, he'll get away with it


BattleMonkey said:
Actually I think Postal and Farcry were worse Uwe Bole films than Alone in the Dark.

Yes I've seen them..... don't know why though.... fuck you netflix instant streaming!
Atleast Postal took the piss out of itself AND Uwe Boll. That was a fun movie.


darkwings said:

I also want to highlight superhero movie as another stinker.[/QUOTE]

Superhero Movie is nowhere near as offensive as Friedberg/Seltzer collaboration.

Don't get me wrong. It's bad. The effect it had on me however is that it made all three Spider-Man movies hilarious.

The two worst films I've ever seen are these:


Just bad taste here, terrible acting, ugh.


This one looks like they filmed a period piece in someone's backyard.


I cannot stop laughing. The trailer for After Last Season was so incomprehensible, then I saw the cardboard MRI, the ceiling fan next to the MRI, & then the "special" effects :lol :lol :lol .

I then go to the website to find some guy names Kevin really liked it.:lol

They cannot waste this movie. It really needs to be remade as Producers 2.
I can't believe nobody has mentioned this masterpiece yet.


Favorite line:

"My friends call me Kelly for short."

Short for what? Kellandria? Kellexis? Kellemberly?


I'm astonished "All About Steve" isn't listed. I haven't seen that many people walk out of the theater since "Popeye".
We all hate on Uwe Boll, but Dookake in this thread and AlternativeUlster in another thread have said that his film Rampage is actually really fucking good. I'm excited; I hope that I will be able to see it at some point.


Junior Member
bud said:
the budget for after last season is $5m. yes, you read that right: FIVE MILLION US DOLLARS.

from an interview with the creator:


there's a comment on youtube about its budget, which is interesting (not sure if it's true, but i'm inclined to believe it):

Yeah, I'm also inclined to believe that. 5 million bucks!! Insane...


Whoever made "After Last Season" is brilliant. Brilliant because they walked away with a ton of cash, lucky sob.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Mr. Sam said:
My A-level Media film trailer looks ten times more professional than that - and I wrote and starred in the thing.

Any movie with a cardboard MRI machine deserves a little of my attention.
BrandNew said:
The Room is by FAR the worst. But so so awesome.

oh hi mark
oh HI BrandNew. IIRC...the room's budget was $6 million, and according to wiki which cited an interview Tommy Wiseau said he raised the funds by selling imported Korean lether jackets.


Scythesurge said:
oh HI BrandNew. IIRC...the room's budget was $6 million, and according to wiki which cited an interview Tommy Wiseau said he raised the funds by selling imported Korean lether jackets.

Must've been used for those impressive CGI'd Rooftop scenes. :lol

After Last Season, I MUST SEE THIS!

Davey Cakes

The Goods. Argh!

I always have low expectations for comedies these days, because most of the time they are either completely sucky or mediocre-at-best. But...wow. The Goods, while probably not as gut-wrenchingly retarded as the Meet the Spartans-esque parody movies, was so bad I wanted to demand my money back after stupidly seeing it in theaters.


What about The Love Guru?

This movie was so painful to watch. I genuinely felt bad for Mike Meyers afterwards. It didn't even have that "it's so bad it's good" vibe going for it. It just plain sucked. The fact that Meyer's presence in Hollywood was absent for so long prior to its release contributed to the severe disappointment that lingered for the entire duration of the film. I went in expecting little and suprisingly came out with even less. I couldn't even believe Meyers was associated with this. I guess you can't strike gold with every swing, but damn, I bet he is going to feel the sting from this one for a long, long time.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Alone in the Dark has the distinction of being the only movie to make me feel bored during a sex scene. How in the hell does that happen.

I once caught Battlefield Earth on BBC2 a few years ago. Just a complete trainwreck of a movie - I don't think the guy who played the main character's career survived it.


Paul Blart Mall Cop should really be on this list. I can't believe my friend recommended this piece of shit movie to me. The plot is unbelievably boring and I didn't laugh once. Only redeemable part was that heather graham was in it.
BattleMonkey said:
Actually I think Postal and Farcry were worse Uwe Bole films than Alone in the Dark.

Yes I've seen them..... don't know why though.... fuck you netflix instant streaming!
Bloodrayne was far worse. Alone in the Dark isn't good by normal standards but compared to his other films it probably sits somewhere in the middle, right in the sweet spot of so bad it's good between irredeemable and just bad


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Ok, now that trailer for The Room was incredible. The After Last Season trailer is something else though. :lol
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