Where can i forge weapons? Willis can't do weapons i think...
What kind of merchant buys hides? These bear hides have a pretty high value but I don't know who to take them to.
Where can i forge weapons? Willis can't do weapons i think...
I found it really annoying that you don't get any XP for killing if it's outside a quest.
Yes, it is. Lots of good loot, and places of power..
Where can i forge weapons? Willis can't do weapons i think...
Gwent is erm....
Won the first round 9-7, drawed the 2nd and 3rd round (0-0), then I got a message my opponent won the game? WTF?![]()
I got my hopes up, but apparently that locks all the messages/UI stuff to gamepad controls instead of KB/M controls. I wish there were a way to lock it to KB/M instead. It's funny because I get the keyboard/mouse control scheme changed message every time and I don't even have a gamepad plugged in.
Where can i forge weapons? Willis can't do weapons i think...
He can
Stumbled upon my first place of power, white orchard cemetery?, I was still Lvl 1, and a nasty ghost came out who was Lvl 7, so I just legged it!!!, also, is there something under the cemetery?, there is another ? mark a few metres away from it........
Willis is an armorer, he can't.
Weapons are forged by the weaponsmith in the Nilfgaard garrison.
Where can I find an armorer in White orchard?
Probably my biggest gripe thus far. I've met two bosses with health regeneration, including one in the main quest. The one in the main quest also had minions spawning, so that's two of the worst boss cliches in the same boss battle. Good lord what an annoying boss battle that was.
afaik dlc is never cross-region.
holy shit my witcher jumped off from like 2.5 meters height and lost 3500 hp. He really is a freak.
Willis is the armorer. He's not too far from the notice board. Do his quick quest and his services are available to you.
Yeah I jumped from about 2 meters to a beach (with smooth sand!) and he lost 80% of his health bar. Don't know if it's because I played on Death March but I think it shouldn't affect drop damage.
Which quest is his on the notice board?
Other player probably had the leader card that turns every draw into a win.
holy shit my witcher jumped off from like 2.5 meters height and lost 3500 hp. He really is a freak.
Don´t forget to press B (jump button) just before impact - Geralt rolls, thus negating fall damage.
Gwent is erm....
Won the first round 9-7, drawed the 2nd and 3rd round (0-0), then I got a message my opponent won the game? WTF?![]()
I have no idea how to play Gwent and don't really want to learn. Why didn't they just rip off triple triad?
Oh man I'm happy they didn't change Dandelion's voice, it was spot on in The Witcher 2. The loading screen narrator sounds like some old man which made me scared that they changed his voice into... that.
What does the bar with a skull in the top left mean? I can't find an explanation for it in the tutorials.
Any reommendations on leveling up quickly? Also where the fuck is the barber?
Do main quests.
I have no idea how to play Gwent and don't really want to learn. Why didn't they just rip off triple triad?
It's your toxicity meter for when you're downing potions.
Nah, Hearthstone is pretty much Magic and I know how to play that very well. I had no idea what was going on in Gwent. Maybe I wasn't paying attention but it seemed stupid and annoying to me.It's pretty much Hearthstone, with less strategy.
Ok, thanks. So you get poisoned for eating too many potions quickly?
Ok, thanks. So you get poisoned for eating too many potions quickly?
How is Gwent on PS4 ? Heard it crashes very often so I haven't touched it because of that, is it true ?
The reddit reply said that 1 didn't work for precisely that situation, sadly. I haven't tried it myself yet.Did you try setting it to 1 instead of 2? Idk if that will actually work as I havent tried it, but if 0 means both, and 2 means controller only, then...just maybe 1 means keyboard only?
3 is a good idea, thanks.Try changing the value to 1 (or 3 if it doesn't work).