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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT| Gwent Player, Monster Slayer, EVEN RACISM

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Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Can someone explain upgrading gear and pots? Is it just a case of getting higher level and finding the tier 2/3/4 recipes? Or can it be done at any time?
I've got the Baron left to do in regards to the main quest of Velen and only done a few side quests and explored some of the map, around level 8, having spent around Twenty hours into this game so far. This game is blooody huge and I can't help but get engrossed and amazed at how beautiful this game is. I am really loving my journey with Geralt and his adventure in this crazy world full of lesser evils and monster slaying. My plan is to try and explore everything I can of this part of the world before I continue the main quest. The sheer quality of the writing and the design of the side quests in this game are of a quality I rarely see in a lot of video games and CDPR have set a new precedence for other RPG and open world designers to take note from.

There's a big part of me already thinking it's a crying shame that this is the last game playing as Geralt in this engrossing universe. I've really grown attached to this character a lot already and love the voice work and small details you come across when playing the game. The writing is sublime and there's something legendary about playing this experienced monster slayer and how destiny has put the fate of the world in his hands from a time where it seemed evolution and society would soon cast these bygone hunters out from the world. Man there's so much stuff left to see and do, the wait was so worth waiting for Wild Hunt <3

Exactly!!! I am loving it so much, it's like the perfect witcher game. I imagine how it could improve and honestly the only way to improve it with more advanced technology using something other than triangles to render 3d graphics.


Anyone using Pinnacle game controller software with this game...Id like to make left bumper + Y act as quicksave (F5) but cant figure out how.


I'd be in the dick
After playing a bit, I'm happy to see that the technical problems on PS4 were a bit overblown.

This game is so beautiful too!
Yeah, performance isn't perfect but it's certainly better than most open world games last gen while looking better and being many times the size. It's impressive, no matter the platform.


Things that don't make sense to me.
1) Why we need to be at a sign post in order to fast travel. Usually when i need to fast travel I'm in the middle of nowhere and traveling to a signpost imo defeats the purpose of "fast travel"

2) Why on the 2 hardest difficulties meditation doesn't refill your health. I don't see the logic behind this.
On the second question why not? Makes the game much more fun when you have to manage food. Makes not getting hit that much more crucial, don't just run in like a idiot get hit and walk off with regenerating health, getting hurt costs me gold and time.
The quality difference in sidequests and world design between Witcher 3 and Dragon Age 3 is ridiculous. CDPR puts Bioware to shame.

I have no idea how they both scored so similar in reviews.
I'd say yes. Although just calluing the games name isn't enough. Tell us about aspects of the games, maybe then we can give you are more definitve yes or a less definitve yes. The answer will always be yes though, because Witcher 3 is a great game.

Dragon age felt like a chore in every aspect...combat, going from quest to quest, exploring.

I found exploring in the fallouts/skyrim fun and engrossing. I also liked the combat as well in those games.

Story is not the most important aspect to me in a video game, but it always helps when its good!


Doing the Baron Blood questline at the moment and wow did not see that coming.
Miscarried baby demons plus domestic abuse all in one quest.
This game is certainly going places.

Keira Metz is awesome btw, I think I love nearly all the sorceresses in these games.

The first
Wild Hunt boss
is kicking my ass badly. Just keeps regenerating health.

Quicker you kill the spawns the less time he has to regen. Think I managed to kill him after two waves.


Need some advice. How much should I loot bushes for ingredients? I'm stopping every now and then to pick up stuff, but even early in the game's tutorial where there are fights that Geralt suggests building bombs, oils or potions, I go into the crafting menu and just think "wow... I have none of those components." I'm pretty early in the game so money is scarce and it just seems like I've got no money to buy anything nor am I looting any of the necessary ingredients for even the most basic alchemy stuff.

Think of every plant as $1 sitting there waiting to be sold. Those plants are all worth one crown each. You could theoretically earn 200+ crown by grinding herbs.

I'm about to run into the witches. Any advice on how to not get lied to/screwed over in conversation?
Some merchants will sell treasure maps that you can use and will start a quest that you can do. I think some of these are witcher-gear caches that give you materials, equipment or the plans to make witcher gear. I've got Viper and Cat quests, I think but none for bear yet.

I think i'll go for the cat armor,the buffs you get from that suit me the most. I just hope it looks as awesome as the bear armor.


How do I turn off the enemy and NPC names. I hate wondering through the forest and seeing text appear for a "hare" hat crosses paths with me.


Dragon age felt like a chore in every aspect...combat, going from quest to quest, exploring.

I found exploring in the fallouts/skyrim fun and engrossing. I also liked the combat as well in those games.

Story is not the most important aspect to me in a video game, but it always helps when its good!
Well, wait no more! Exploration is a lot of fun in W3 and you stumble from one interesting thing onto the other. Deactivate the showing of undiscovered POIs and you are good to go.

Combat is another thing, were people are in disharmony. If you use a controller you may find Geralt less responsive than with kb+m and some Souls veterans are not so happy with the combat in general. But I'd say its fun and most agree I presume.
The first
Wild Hunt boss
is kicking my ass badly. Just keeps regenerating health.

As you can probably guess you need to pound out the damage fast enough to counteract it. Try stamina potions to keep your spells regenerating fast and pick your poison. (I liked shield since it bought me more time to lay down the damage) Make sure you have the faster acting healing items equipped to both slots so you can get the most out of that rush at the start. Once his health hits just under halfway the regen effects seem to slow down significantly and will buy you the little time you need for some breathing space before finishing it off. Provided we're thinking of the same boss here anyway, so far in I've almost forgotten the order of them now.
Excuse my laziness-- probably already been answered-- but is it only possible to import a completed Witcher 2 save file? There were a billion too choose from on the list and all the times and dates were screwed up on them. I tried to pick the one with the latest time and date but now I'm not so sure.


There isn't a trophy/achievement for getting green checks for all steps for all quests is there? I just noticed I missed a step on a quest and its marked red, boo, only one Ive missed.

I'm really not liking the performance problems on the ps4 version. There's been a couple of instances where it felt like it was in the low teens frame rate, and one of those times it was against one monster, a foglet. The Towerful quest felt bad to inside the tower frame rate wise.
On the second question why not? Makes the game much more fun when you have to manage food. Makes not getting hit that much more crucial, don't just run in like a idiot get hit and walk off with regenerating health, getting hurt costs me gold and time.

But meditating is basically the witchers version of taking a nap, it would make sense that if Geralt takes a break he should recover at least some vitality. Otherwise the higher difficulty makes the act of meditation almost pointless.


i read earlier you can just drop shit en masse outside a sign post and that can essentially serve as your stash allowing you to fast travel there when you need to drop even more shit.


But meditating is basically the witchers version of taking a nap, it would make sense that if Geralt takes a break he should recover at least some vitality. Otherwise the higher difficulty makes the act of meditation almost pointless.
Meditation restores potions/oils those are crucial for for me on Death March, but yeah I can kinda see your point, sort of a artificial way to up the difficulty, I do really enjoy having to manage food tho.


So yeah, 22 hours in and a handful of crashes (PC, seems stable enough for me now) later and I' ready to move onto Novigrad. Well, I say ready. I mean I've done the main story stuff in Velen and some side stuff. Still got about a million ?'s to look at and a dozen (probably more as there are still notice boards to check) or so secondary quests and Witcher Contracts to do.

I'm level 10 and still not a fan of this skill system. I can kinda see what they were going for but I feel like it limits you experimenting due to the limited slots and point requirements. Like if it was any other game where you didn't slot abilities and just bought them then I could put a point into the shield one that pushes back just to have that ability while also keeping my improved fire (which seems kinda shit). Or if it was just slots and you got skills through level up then you could do more mixing and matching. I will definitely buy a respec potion when I find one though. I feel I won't be happy with a build until I have all the slots unlocked and I can settle on my 12 skills.

Playing on PC I'm using the "no" weight mod because I haaaaaaaate weight limits in games, especially in games where you are encouraged to loot everything for crafting/alchemy mats. This just makes me less stressed out about having to dump all my useless weapons every quest and being picky not to pick up every single item. Again, I know why they did it but I hate it. I used a no weight mod in The Witcher 2 and didn't feel my gameplay experience was being robbed.

Also, that Baron quest eh? (Super duper choice and consequence spoilers. Don't read until you finish the quest)
I freed that tree spirit because I didn't trust the Crones and it seemed reasonable enough, I took the killing innocents that got close as a self defence mechanism that it just used on any human and seeing as it gave Geralt a warning I assumed maybe they got the warning too. When it ended up actually saving the children I thought it'd be a good (well, good enough) spirit and just want to get revenge on the Crones before going off and doing whatever but NOPE, meet the Baron at the village and almost everyone is dead with huts burnt down. :(

And to top it off the Crone blamed Anna for it and cursed her and even if you break the curse she still dies and then the Baron hangs himself. I guess though, in the end only two people died from it Anna (who I think would have wanted the children safe) and the Baron (who took his own life due to the grief) and more than two children lived whereas the other way would have had the kids die (still don't know why the Crones wanted them) and only two people live (maybe?). Like Geralt said in the painty-cutscene thing, it was the lesser of two evils but I'd still rather not have to choose.

I even forgot to get my reward from the keep because I was shocked at the Baron's fate. He was a bad man but he genuinely regretted it and I believe he'd have been a better person going forward. Sadly it took him losing his wife and child to realise the error of his ways. I just hope the new people in charge of Crows Perch aren't dicks. That sergeant guy seemed kind of a dick.

With the difficulty I'm playing on the one up from the default and I don't really miss healing from meditation. Your potions restock so if you're on deaths door just down all the Swallow you have one after the other and rest an hour and you use any hard alcohol you have to refil them and any bombs or oils. It does seem a bit silly not to get any health back when a Witcher heals wounds fast but I get it. If you make it so you get like 5% an hour that would kinda fit the world but gameplay wise there is no difference from resting for 1 hour or 24 so it'd be a pointless thing.


This small text is killing my eyes on my TV. I don't have a very big one to begin with and it's a bit far away from my couch.

I mean, a lot of games nowadays have pretty small text, but this seems like a bit much.
But meditating is basically the witchers version of taking a nap, it would make sense that if Geralt takes a break he should recover at least some vitality. Otherwise the higher difficulty makes the act of meditation almost pointless.

Meditating refills potions/oils/items/bombs. I'm playing on the 2nd hardest difficultly and I use it all the time.

Now, I'm not sure if you meditate during the day with the Sun and Stars perk that your vitality regenerates. I should test that.
i read earlier you can just drop shit en masse outside a sign post and that can essentially serve as your stash allowing you to fast travel there when you need to drop even more shit.

That's pretty cool thanks for the info. If you're on pc there's a mod that increases carry capacity to like 9000 or something.
Around level 6 story spoilers in Velen:
Should i save the being in the tree
or kill it? What are the repercussions?
It's so much more fun when you make decisions for yourself as if you were in the game, with no guide and no way of knowing exactly what your decision will lead to, also makes it easier to live with the repercussions. Going online to look for the results of every decision ruins it.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Where can I obtain cursed oil? And any tips for the
botchling fight

This advice is for if you try to lift the curse and not fight the botchling. You dont need cursed oil, you need spectre oil. Wraiths will swarm you twice, I reccomend buffing your weapons and armor at the benches before talking to the Baron to activate the quest. Make sure you have plenty of the potion that lets your stamina recharge quicker and plenty of swallow.
Around level 6 story spoilers in Velen:
Should i save the being in the tree
or kill it? What are the repercussions?

Ohh boy is there a twist there. Go with your gut. I'll give you the answer, but I'm gonna recommend exhibiting some self-restraint and skipping over it.

here's the massive spoiler.

If you free the spirit, the spirit kills all the villagers but the 4 kids escape. The witches blame Gran, who you realize is the Anna, wife of Bloody Baron. The witches curse Anna and kill her. Bloody Baron finds out, and hangs himself.
how the fuck did they craft a game this large?

i'm not even in the double digits as far as levels go and i've already played for many, many hours

CDPR are a bunch of wizards indeed.

Totally digging this game, every little thing is interesting. It's definitely one of my favorite RPGs of all time so far, and I've only played for like 15 hours and reach the first big town Oxenfurt.


The Bloody Baron is.....not what I expected at all.

He's a totally okay guy!

So how does the game run on PS4? Do you need to know much about the previous games or can you jump into this one?

Runs very well. Minor issues only.

And no you don't. The box comes with a lore booklet if you want to read up. But it's so well written that the plot, characters and quests work fine with no previous knowledge.

game gets better and better. and roofles
two rabbits doing it in the background on a cutscene

and the crossbow is weak, and aiming is bad, I doubt I'll put any more points into it.

1. It'll save your bacon against any flying enemy in the game.

2. You'll find better ones.

3. You'll find better bolts for it.

4. It's very useful for hunting food.

Dragon age felt like a chore in every aspect...combat, going from quest to quest, exploring.

I found exploring in the fallouts/skyrim fun and engrossing. I also liked the combat as well in those games.

Story is not the most important aspect to me in a video game, but it always helps when its good!

TW3 has the most engrossing open world I've ever seen in a game. And i'm an open world fanatic.


The lore in the game is so awesome. Creature designs and backstories are so unique
, especially the Crones

I think a lot of that is thanks to the heavy influence Slavic mythology has on the game. It gives the designs a somewhat familiar feel, but with just enough of changes to make it feel like something "other" to make the designs trigger the uncanny feeling.

For instance, the gryphon has every feature we expect of a gryphon. But the black mane of hair and the way it moves makes it unfamiliar enough to unsettle the viewer. The feeling is even more pronounced in the humanoid creatures like drowners, and the ghosts. It makes me feel like CDPR could make a pretty effective horror game.


inventory tip from reddit:

Left stick moves the selection cursor by one square at a time.
Right stick moves the selection cursor by one section at a time.

For instance: flick the right stick to jump over to Geralt's equipped items or a merchant's inventory, or up into the different categories. You won't have to keep moving with the left stick one by one until you get where you want to go!

the fuck have i been doing all this time
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