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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT| Gwent Player, Monster Slayer, EVEN RACISM

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So I freed a barber from some bandits in Velen, he mentioned if I was ever in ___ to find him for a haircut. Anyone know or remember where that is? Don't think it's the same guy in Oxenfurt.

I can't remember but I know it is a village in or around water.
Okay, I'm really getting the hang of Gwent now that I have better cards.
Whenever I roam the countryside, merchants run into hiding because they know the Butcher of Blaviken has come to plough their decks.


In Velen at level 5 I feel like I'm just stuck 3+ levels below any of the quests I'm picking up

I'm level 4 and have spent a few hours exploring Velen. There's a few manageable quests/bandit camps/monster nests even though some of the enemies are around level 11. You just have to be patient when fighting tough enemies with the red skull.

Some of them are death wishes though. I've been one-shotted a few times now, I've also had my arse straight-up handed to me multiple times which I don't mind. It gives you a sense of trepidation when exploring somewhere unknown.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
So then what does accepting all those posts on the board do?

Other than the odd Witcher contracts that show up in the journal, I only assume they populate the map with question marks.

Edit: Ah.

Chitown B

The hand to hand combat in this game is utter shite. I love the sword play, using the signs etc. But when it comes to fists... I get hit with punches that don't even connect. When you dodge punches them home in on you and you get hit anyway, so zero point in try to outsmart left or right, you have to dodge back.

Feels like its an extension of the sword combat and it doesn't work.

yeah I don't like that dodging isn't invincible like Dark Souls. If you're going to make combat that heavy and slow, you need that.


Master Bear Geralt


Feel goddamn invincible in this, though the -stamina regen feels bad.


God I can't imagine dong that fight on Death March with no healing items.....
One hit from the boss and I die, but with quen it's easy enough to avoid taking any damage from him. The wolves though...

Also an update, I almost have half health now from standing in place. Yay health regen.


Question on the Baron Quest...After completing the secondary part of the Barons quest and you return
to find him hanged, is that it? Is there the reward somewhere in the keep or something?
Lol, was excited to get all that Temerian armor for 'free' and come to see it's about 1,000+ gold total for everything in game. Lame CDPR, lame!
Master Bear Geralt


Feel goddamn invincible in this, though the -stamina regen feels bad.

I want to see how ursine chest armor with feline boots, feline gloves, and feline pants. To combat the nasty stamina regen. If you ever have the time and armor do you mind showing how it looks.


This game is amazing but the technical problems are really starting to get to me. It's been running awfully for me today. A patch better come soon.
Yesterday I asked if you could increase the text size because it was killing my eyes, got no response. Looked online and apparently the ps4 has a zoom button in the OS now. Helpful for any game or menu.
Here's a video I found how to use it friends


What I'm liking most about this game so far is the sense of the unknown. When you start in Velen, there's what appears to be a small quarry nearby, but
it turns out to be a big bandit camp, the Devil's Pit, which is great fun to both take over, and then explore
. But more than that, it's the areas you can't instantly access - in
the Devil's pit, there are a number of locked doors, and you can see through the metal grid into the eponymous pit. But when I google it, nobody seems to know how to access it yet - maybe it'll be a DLC, or maybe there's a random key you get from a quest in the future, but as yet it's unsolved

It's stuff like that that makes it really fun.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm playing on normal, and I'm level 4. I just took out a level 14 camp, killing about 8 men.

I don't think the recommended quest levels really matter (at least on normal).

How did you do that? One of the things that is bothering me about this game is just how much your level seems to matter in combat.

I tried to fight some level 15 bog hag or whatever at level 5 yesterday, and I couldn't reduce her HP at all after whacking on her for a while. She, however, could easily one shot me. I'm playing on the second from highest difficulty.


Started on PS4 due to being able to play this on my 55" TV. But the small text size killed it for me and went back to the PC version. No way in hell could I go back to the PS4 for this game. 60 frames and looking beautiful. Can't beat that


Alright, as promised here are my thoughts on the main quest of the game now that I've finished it. I'll be as spoiler free as possible and won't be talking details just my feelings. To start with, HOLY SHIT what an amazing ride, this game just confirmed to me that it is GOAT tier. The main quest is spectacular and satisfying by the end with several different endings. As I mentioned earlier unlike many of you I haven't done everything in the game, I still took things slowly but when I got overlevelled for a main story point I usually went back and did the mission. The main thing I do in games like this is role play so if the main quest suddenly calls for urgency I try not to twiddle my thumbs exploring ruins when I should be doing X now. Thankfully, the main plot doesn't call for such immediate urgency most of the time.

Unlike say Inquisition's story, TW3's main plot justifies all your exploring since for a large chunk it is an investigation. You're looking for Ciri so traveling all around Velen and talking to a bunch of villagers in the middle of nowhere makes sense. You aren't immediately trying to stop the end of the world so that gathering 5 herbs for a villager seems out of place. I will say that things do pick up later but even then the story allowed justification for just screwing around.

Before I discuss my thoughts on the ending of this wild ride I thought I'd point some stuff out to fellow players who might want to know just when there are near the end. All I will say is that you will KNOW you are basically about to start the final quest. There are certain parts in the game where you think this must be the end only for the game's plot to keep going and open up once again, but you'll know once you're about to finally be near the end. Curiously, the game does not actually warn you about this as it does with an earlier main quest which leads you to think back then you are approaching the end.

Any who back to the main story, it truly is wonderful and emotional all the way to the end and your choices actually lead to several different ending outcomes and scenes. BioWare now you must take note on how to end a series and incorporate choices with actual consequences as TW3 just nailed it. That said, I will say that the choices you made in TW2 as well as TW1 don't really seem to matter much at all. For example, I'll just say this since it's not really a spoiler to say something is not in the game, as far as I know Iorveth is not in TW3 nor is he ever mentioned. Now, maybe I'm wrong and he's hiding somewhere I haven't looked but that seems unlikely, he's just not there. In addition, in my play time I never heard mention of Saskia, the free Pontar Valley, or most of what occurred in TW2. I'm kinda surprised that Geralt never once asks about any of this. Also, in TW1 I had Radovid marry Princess Adda yet there is no mention of her that I found in TW3. Basically, outside of a few short mentions and character pop ups here and there your choices in the previous games don't have much weight in TW3, the game was clearly designed to be sorta stand alone.

That said, the choices you do make in this game do affect the ending of the game. I won't spoil anything but the ending you get is not determined by some R/G/B choice or any other binary choice given at the near end of the game, instead your ending is based upon a culmination of choices (both minor and big) you made throughout the game, this includes certain side quests. I will say that the ending I got was very satisfying. My only complaint is that certain plot threads are not resolved at the end of the game and certain character fates not fully mentioned despite the game leading you to believe there would be some conclusion to some of them. I will also say that the story is very much a personal/emotional story and less so about "plot" or lore, which is frustrating at certain parts when characters start talking deep lore that even someone like me who has read the books and played the previous games doesn't fully understand what is going on.

All in all it was an unforgettable experience and I look forward to possible future Witcher games and anything else CDPR does. Closing thoughts:

-The action cutscenes are fucking insane in this game, whoever choreographed and animated that shit needs to stand up and take a bow. Wow.
-Boss fights are really great, it's nice to see an RPG do actual boss fights right.
-Charles Dance's performance is great, I love the Nilfgaardian accent he puts on.
-Yennefer all the way, sorry Triss you never stood a chance.
How did you do that? One of the things that is bothering me about this game is just how much your level seems to matter in combat.

I tried to fight some level 15 bog hag or whatever at level 5 yesterday, and I couldn't reduce her HP at all after whacking on her for a while. She, however, could easily one shot me. I'm playing on the second from highest difficulty.

yea, i'm playing on hardest and have to walk away from every red encounter. i'm doing like no damage on reds.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I made the whole Griffin set last night, swords included. Before that I made a level 16 piece of armor without looking at it, lol. I was only level 6 at the time.

Why the fuck did I just click on that spoiler?

I just looked at it, too, lol. I hadn't got to that part. Oh well.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I bought this on Amazon. It says that I should have gotten a World of Witcher Compendium with it? Is it digital? Or is it an actual book that comes with the game because I don't appear to have it?


Man, the soundtrack to this game is phenomenal I'm enjoying every second of it. Really love reading the entries for the bestiary for some strange reason lol.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Anybody else know how to level up, like I'm not sure if fast is the right word, but fast? Basically it seems to make the game extra difficult if you aren't the right level for a quest, and I find it slightly annoying that you don't level naturally with the main quest. I am just glad the overworked is so fun to explore otherwise I would be pissed.
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